Lessons - Courses - Update

On this page you can update a course.

The course to update: Japanese Vocabulary

Check this to include media files.
Select media languages.
Set this to by include media files in package. Uncheck this if the total media size is very large, or the app might run out of memory and crash.
Set this to true to also download dictionary entries and audio for the vocabulary for text study tool. Uncheck this if the total media size is very large, or the app might run out of memory and crash.

Note: The remote media size is 88.8 MB.

If it's very big (i.e. greater than 30 mb), you might want to uncheck "Install media", and then download the group or lesson media you need at a time.

Likewise, if the total media size is very big, you might want to uncheck "Include media files in package", to prevent the app from running out of memory. The server won't let you download the media in a package if it's 100 mb or greater.

Note also that the download vocabulary option can be very slow if there is a lot of audio to download for the dictionary entries. The "Download media" page also has this option, which you can use to download the dictionary items and audio needed for the text study tool in smaller units of groups or lessons. Alternatively, you can not use the download vocabulary option and let the text study tool just download what it needs on the fly.

Total: 0 B
Used: 0 B
Free: 0 B

Click "Install" to do the install. Click "Cancel" to cancel and return.