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JTLanguage Videos for LDS Missionaries

This videos introduce JTLanguage using content imported from the lessons in chapter 3 of the church publication "Preach My Gospel" (and protected with a package code because of the copyright).

Note: Unfortunately, these videos are already a little bit out of date. Please see an enumerated list of key changes at the bottom.

JTLanguage Flyby for LDS Missionaries

Flyby introduction to JTLanguage in the context of the LDS “Preach My Gospel” content. (Length: 00:04:30) The script (comments enabled).

JTLanguage for LDS Missionaries

Detailed introduction to JTLanguage in the context of the “Preach My Gospel” content. This video demonstrates most of the key features, but doesn’t try to go into much depth except for those that are the most important, like the Text Study Tool and the Flash Tool. But this is the video that should really give you an idea of what JTLanguage is about, and might be enough to also serve as kind of a user’s guide, with references to some of the additional help files and videos that are available that are more how-to oriented. It has a table of contents in the YouTube description for jumping to specific parts. (Length: 01:24:33) The script (comments enabled).

Setting Up JTLanguage for LDS Missionaries

This video walks you through setting up a JTLanguage account, languages, user profiles, installing the phone apps, navigating the website and phone apps, and dealing with practical issues on the mobile app versions, such balancing the large media size and mobile device storage. (Length: 00:23:57) The script (comments enabled).

Key changes since the above videos were made

  • There is now a "Spanish Preach My Gospel" course. I've added a "Spanish" user profile, and made it the current profile in the "LDSMissionary" user account.
  • There is now a Spanish dictionary.
  • The "Resources" menu has a new item called "Inflect" which will conjugate verbs and possibly inflect other parts of speech, depending on the target language. The page shows options for the layout of the items, and you can select which types of conjugations to show by classification. The dictionary search results items have a new button that will take you to this page for the associated item, showing its conjugations.
  • The Flash Tool grading buttons operate a little differently for each card selection algorithm than before, and the number of buttons and their labels and tool tips have changed in many instances. For the first and initial card sides, only a "Show" button is displayed in the grading button area. Clicking it displays the answer or other card sides. Also, for algorithms that use staging or review scheduling, below the grading buttons a hint shows the new grading, stage number increment, and how long until the next review time, should you click that button.
  • A new "View" drop-down menu has been added to the study tool pages. "Study" shows the normal tool page. "Select" shows a page where you can select which study items will be used by the tools. "List" shows the sortable list of study items, with options for grading and filtering.
  • The "Source" drop-down menu on the study tool pages has new options for using the list of conjugations of conjugatable items in either the study list or vocabulary list as source for the study tools. This allows you to practice conjugations or possibly other inflections using the study tools. When one of these sources is set, the select view page will show an additional pane for specifying which conjugation classifications to show.
  • The tool profile has a number of new options for customizing the flash tool algorithms. By default in the Adaptive algorithm, the grades are not averaged any more, but this can be changed via the "Sample Size" option. Two new fields, "New Limit" and "Review" limit let you set limits on your study session. The "Review Level" option lets you apply a factor to the next review times. The table of review times now has more entries and can be edited to provide your own scheduling. New threshold and multiplier fields give you more control over the algorithm's stage advancing.
  • Two new card selection algorithms have been added, "Spanki" and "Manual". "Spanki" works a little like the "Anki" program algorithm, and "Manual" is for manually choosing amoung several next review scheduling times. On the "Edit Tool Profile" page, toggle the "Show field help" link in the help pane to see explanations of all the different algorithms.
  • The "Setting Up JTLanguage for LDS Missionaries" says that downloading the "Preach My Gospel" course with full media and vocabulary items takes about 45 minutes. Actually, on an iPad now it takes 10 minutes. I improved it a bit by changing the vocabulary download to group audio items together. But mostly, in the original test, I was using a very old Android tablet. I since got an iPad, which is much faster.

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