Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-9

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-9-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
broaden カク; コウ,ひろ.がる; ひろ.げる; ひろ.める finger; fingers; wide; cave; elbow
mineral コウ,あらがね metal; gold; wide; cave; elbow
valve ベン; ヘン,わきま.える; わ.ける; はなびら; あらそ.う elbow; two hands
male ユウ,お-; おす; おん Yamano te; by one’s side; elbow; turkey
pedestal ダイ; タイ,うてな; われ; つかさ elbow; mouth
neglect タイ,おこた.る; なま.ける pedestal; elbow; mouth; heart
reign ジ; チ,おさ.める; おさ.まる; なお.る; なお.す water; water droplets; water pistol; pedestal; elbow; mouth
metallurgy ヤ,い.る ice; pedestal; elbow; mouth
commence シ,はじ.める; -はじ.める; はじ.まる woman; pedestal; elbow; mouth
womb タイ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; pedestal; elbow; mouth
window ソウ; ス,まど; てんまど; けむだし hole; house; human legs; elbow; heart
gone キョ; コ,さ.る; -さ.る soi l; dirt; ground; elbow
method ホウ; ハッ; ホッ; フラン,のり water; water droplets; water pistol; gone; soil; dirt; ground; elbow
meeting カイ; エ,あ.う; あ.わせる; あつ.まる one; wall; umbrella; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
climax シ,いた.る wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground
room シツ,むろ house; climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground
arrival トウ,いた.る climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground; sword; sabre; saber
doth チ,いた.す climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground; taskmaster
mutually ゴ,たが.い; かたみ.に one; ceiling; one; floor
abandon キ,す.てる infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; buckle; tree; wood
Characters Vocabulary-1-9-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
bring up イク,そだ.つ; そだ.ち; そだ.てる; はぐく.む infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
remove テツ, finger; fingers; borstal; bring up; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; taskmaster
allot ジュウ,あ.てる; み.たす infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; human legs
gun ジュウ,つつ metal; gold; allot; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; human legs
sulfur リュウ, sulphur; stone; rock; lifebelt; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; stream; flood
current リュウ; ル,なが.れる; なが.れ; なが.す; -なが.す water; water droplets; water pistol; lifebelt; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; stream; flood
license イン,じょう; まこと.に; ゆるす elbow; human legs
tempt サ,そそのか.す mouth; streetwalker; Ministry of silly walks; John Cleese; license; elbow; human legs; walking legs
exit シュツ; スイ,で.る; -で; だ.す; -だ.す; い.でる; い.だす
mountain サン; セン,やま
bungling セツ,つたな.い finger; fingers; exit
boulder ガン,いわ mountain; stone; rock
charcoal タン,すみ mountain; ashes; cliff; fire
branch off キ; ギ, mountain; branch; ten; needle; crotch
mountain pass ,とうげ mountain; above; below
crumble ホウ,くず.れる; -くず.れ; くず.す mountain; companion; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
secrecy ミツ,ひそ.か house; invariably; heart; mountain
honey ミツ; ビツ, house; invariably; heart; insect
storm ラン,あらし mountain; wind; gnats; drop; insect
promontory キ,さき; さい; みさき mountain; strange; large; St. Bernard; can; street; nail; spike; mouth
Characters Vocabulary-1-9-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
bluffs ガイ; ゲ; ギ,がけ; きし; はて mountain; cliff; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground
enter ニュウ; ジュ,い.る; -い.る; -い.り; い.れる; -い.れ; はい.る
crowded ,こ.み; -こ.み; -こ.む; こ.む; こ.める enter; road
part ブン; フン; ブ,わ.ける; わ.け; わ.かれる; わ.かる; わ.かつ eight; sword; dagger
poverty ヒン; ビン,まず.しい part; eight; sword; dagger; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
partition ハン,わか.つ part; eight; sword; dagger; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
public コウ; ク,おおやけ eight; elbow
pine tree ショウ,まつ tree; wood; public; eight; elbows
venerable old man オウ,おきな public; eight; elbows; feathers; wings
sue ショウ, say; words; keitai; mouth; public; eight; elbows
valley コク,たに; きわ.まる eight; umbrella; mouth
bathe ヨク,あ.びる; あ.びせる water; water droplets; water pistol; valley; eight; umbrella; mouth
contain ヨウ,い.れる house; valley; eight; umbrella; mouth
melt ヨウ,と.ける; と.かす; と.く water; water droplets; water pisto l; contents; contain; house; valley; animal legs; eight; umbrella; mouth
longing ヨク,ほっ.する; ほ.しい valley; eight; umbrella; mouth; lack; yawn
abundant ユウ, cloak; valley; eight; umbrella; mouth
lead (metal) エン,なまり lead; metal; gold; gully; eight; mouth
run alongside 沿 エン,そ.う; -ぞ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; gully; eight; mouth
prize ショウ,ほ.める outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
party トウ,なかま; むら outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; human legs
Characters Vocabulary-1-9-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
hall ドウ, outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; soil; dirt; ground
usual ジョウ,つね; とこ- outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; towel
skirt ショウ,も; もすそ outhouse; small; little; crown; mo uth; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
manipulate ショウ,てのひら; たなごころ outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; hand
pelt ヒ,かわ; けがわ branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
waves ハ,なみ water; water droplets; water pistol; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
old woman バ,ばば; ばあ wave; water; water droplets; water pistol; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook; woman
expose ヒ, finger; fingers; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
rend ハ,やぶ.る; やぶ.れる stone; rock; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
incur ヒ,こうむ.る; おお.う; かぶ.る; かぶ.せる cloak; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
remainder ザン; サン,のこ.る; のこ.す; そこな.う; のこ.り bones; one; ceiling; evening; float
martyrdom ジュン, bones; one; ceiling; evening; decameron; bound up; sun; day
particularly シュ,こと bones; one; ceiling; evening; vermilion; drop; not yet; one; tree; wood
augment ショク,ふ.える; ふ.やす bones; one; ceiling; evening; straightaway; ten; needle; eye; fishhook
file レツ; レ, bones; one; ceiling; evening; sword; sabre; saber
split レツ,さ.く; さ.ける; -ぎ.れ file; bones; one; ceiling; evening; sword; sa bre; saber; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
ardent レツ,はげ.しい file; bones; one; ceiling; evening; sword; sabre; saber; oven-fire; barbecue
death シ,し.ぬ; し.に- bones; one; ceiling; evening; spoon; sitting on the ground
interment ソウ,ほうむ.る flowers; death; bones; one; ceiling; evening; spoon; sitting on the ground; two hands
wink シュン,またた.く; まじろ.ぐ eye; Rose of Sharon; birdhouse; birdcage; claw; vulture; crown; sunglasses; dancing legs; ballerina; evening
Characters Vocabulary-1-9-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
ear ジ,みみ
take シュ,と.る; と.り; と.り-; とり; -ど.り ear; crotch
gist シュ,おもむき; おもむ.く run; soil; dirt; ground; mend; take; ear; crotch
utmost サイ; シュ,もっと.も; つま sun; day; take; ear; crotch
snapshot サツ,と.る; つま.む; -ど.り finger; fingers; utmost; sun; day; take; ear; crotch
shame チ,は.じる; はじ; は.じらう; は.ずかしい ear; heart
post ショク; ソク, ear; kazoo; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; fiesta
holy セイ; ショウ,ひじり ear; mouth; king; jewel; ball
daring カン,あ.えて; あ.えない; あ.えず street; nail; spike; ear; taskmaster
listen チョウ; テイ,き.く; ゆる.す ear; stethoscope; camel; ten; needle; eye; cross-eyed; net; heart
pocket カイ; エ,ふところ; なつ.かしい; なつ.かしむ; なつ.く; なつ.ける; なず.ける; いだ.く; おも.う Freud; state of mind; poltergeist; BernaE; ten; needle; eye; cross-eyed; net; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
ridicule マン, Freud; state of mind; mandala; sun; day; eye; cross-eyed; net; crotch
loose マン,みがりに water; water droplets; water pistol; mandala; sun; day; eye; cross-eyed; net; crotch
buy バイ,か.う eye; cross-eyed; net; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
placement チ,お.く; -お.き eye; cro ss-eyed; net; straightaway; ten; needle; eye; fishhook
penalty バツ; バチ; ハツ,ばっ.する eye; cross-eyed; net; say; words; keitai; mouth; sword; sabre; saber
rather ネイ,むし.ろ house; heart; eye; cross-eyed; net; street; nail; spike
voiced ダク; ジョク,にご.る; にご.す water; water droplets; water pistol; spider; eye; cross-eyed; net; bound up; insect
ring カン,わ king; jewel; ball; trampoline; eye; cross-eyed; net; one; ceiling; mouth; scarf
send back カン,かえ.る trampoline; eye; cross-eyed; net; one; ceiling; mouth; scarf; road
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