Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-8

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-8-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
criticism ヒ, finger; fingers; compare; spoon; sitting on the ground
beckon ショウ,まね.く finger; fingers; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth
clear the land タク,ひら.く finger; fingers; stone; rock
clap ハク; ヒョウ, finger; fingers; white; dove
strike ダ; ダアス,う.つ; う.ち-; ぶ.つ finger; fingers; street; nail; spike
arrest コウ,かか.わる finger; fingers; phrase; bound up; mouth
discard シャ,す.てる finger; fingers; cottage; little-thatch; umbrella; lidded crock; earthenware jar; soil; dirt; ground; mouth
kidnap カイ, finger; fingers; mouth; sword; dagger
pinch テキ,つ.む finger; fingers; antique; vase; stand up; hood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
challenge チョウ,いど.む finger; fingers; turtle; portent
finger シ,ゆび; さ.す; -さ.し fingers; delicious; spoon; sitting on the ground; sun; day
hold ジ,も.つ; -も.ち; も.てる finger; fingers; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
imminent サツ,せま.る finger; fingers; stream; flood; evening
fasten カツ,くく.る finger; fingers; tongue; thousand; mouth
brandish キ,ふる.う finger; fingers; army; chariot; crown; car; vehicle
conjecture スイ,お.す finger; fingers; turkey
hoist ヨウ,あ.げる; -あ.げ; あ.がる finger; fingers; piggy bank; sun; day; piglets
propose テイ; チョウ; ダイ,さ.げる finger; fingers; just so; sun; day; mend
damage ソン,そこ.なう; そこな.う; -そこ.なう; そこ.ねる; -そこ.ねる finger; fingers; employee; mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
pick up シュウ; ジュウ,ひろ.う finger; fingers; fit; meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
Characters Vocabulary-1-8-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
shouldering タン,かつ.ぐ; にな.う finger; fingers; nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor
foothold キョ; コ,よ.る finger; fingers; dispose; walking legs; wind
sketch ビョウ,えが.く; か.く finger; fingers; seedlings; flowers; rice field; brains
maneuver ソウ; サン,みさお; あやつ.る finger; fingers; wooden goods; furniture; goods; mouth; tree; wood
touch セツ; ショウ,つ.ぐ finger; fingers; concubine; vase; stand up; woman
put up a notice ケイ,かか.げる put up (a notice); finger; fingers; mexican bandit; muchacho; siesta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
hang カイ; ケイ,か.ける; -か.ける; か.け; -か.け; -が.け; か.かる; -か.かる; -が.かる; か.かり; -が.かり; かかり; -がかり finger; fingers; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground; magic wand; augury
make headway チョク; ホ,はかど.る finger; fingers; walk; stop; footprint; few
polish ケン,と.ぐ stone; rock; two hands
commandment カイ,いまし.める two hands; fiesta
tinker with ロウ; ル,いじく.る; ろう.する; いじ.る; ひねく.る; たわむ.れる; もてあそ.ぶ king; jewel; ball; two hands
contraption カイ,かせ tree; wood; commandments; two hands; fiesta
nose ビ,はな drop; eye; rice field; brains; two hands
punish ケイ, two hands; sword; sabre; saber
mould ケイ,かた; -がた punish; two hands; sword; sabre; saber; soil; dirt; ground
genius サイ, genie
property ザイ; サイ; ゾク,たから shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; genie
lumber ザイ, tree; wood; genie
suppose ソン; ゾン, genie; child
exist ザイ,あ.る genie; soil; dirt; ground
Characters Vocabulary-1-8-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
from ナイ; ダイ; ノ; アイ,の; すなわ.ち; なんじ fist
portable ケイ,たずさ.える; たずさ.わる finger; fingers; turkey; fist; from
reach out キュウ,およ.ぶ; およ.び; および; およ.ぼす fist; from; drop
suck キュウ,す.う mouth; reach out
handle ソウ; キュウ,あつか.い; あつか.う; あつか.る; こ.く finger; fingers; reach out
length ジョウ,たけ; だけ stick; tucked under the arm
history シ, mouth; tucked under the arm
officer リ, history; length; stick; one; mouth; tucked under the arm
grow late コウ,さら; さら.に; ふ.ける; ふ.かす Ameratasu; one; ceiling; sun; tucked under the arm
stiff コウ,かた.い stone; rock; grow late; Ameratasu; one; ceiling; sun; tucked under the arm
spiny コウ; キョウ,ふさぐ; やまにれ; おおむね tree; wood; grow late; Ameratasu; one; ceiling; sun; tucked under the arm
or again ユウ,また; また-; また.の- crotch
pair ソウ,ふた; たぐい; ならぶ; ふたつ crotch
mulberry ソウ,くわ crotch; tree; wood
vessels セキ, turkey; crotch
safeguard ゴ,まも.る say; words; keitai; mouth; radio caroline; flowers; vessels; turkey; crotch
seize カク,え.る pack of wild dogs; radio caroline; flowers; vessels; turkey; crotch
guy ド,やつ; やっこ woman; crotch
angry ド; ヌ,いか.る; おこ.る guy; woman; crotch; heart
friend ユウ,とも by one’s side; crotch
Characters Vocabulary-1-8-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
slip out バツ; ハツ; ハイ,ぬ.く; -ぬ.く; ぬ.き; ぬ.ける; ぬ.かす; ぬ.かる finger; fingers; friend; woman; crotch
throw トウ,な.げる; -な.げ finger; fingers; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
drown ボツ; モツ,おぼ.れる; しず.む; ない water; water droplets; water pi stol; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
thigh コ,また; もも moon; month; flesh; part of the body; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
establishment セツ,もう.ける say; words; keitai; mouth; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
beat ゲキ,う.つ tank; car; cru ise missile; missile; wind; crotch; hand
husk カク; コク; バイ,から; がら samurai; superfluous; crown; wind; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
branch シ,ささ.える; つか.える; か.う; しんよう; じゅうまた ten; needle; crotch
skill ギ,わざ finger; fingers; branch; ten; needle; crotch
bough シ,えだ tree; wood; branch; ten; needle; crotch
limb シ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; branch; ten; needle; crotch
stalk ケイ; キョウ,くき flowers; spool; clod; toilet paper; crotch; soil; dirt; ground
suspicious カイ; ケ,あや.しい; あや.しむ Freud; state of mind; spool; clod; toilet paper; crotch; soil; dirt; ground
lightly ケイ,かる.い; かろ.やか; かろ.んじる car; spool; clod; toilet paper; crotch; soil; dirt; ground
uncle シュク, above; small; little; crotch
coach トク, uncle; above; small; little; crotch; eye
loneliness ジャク; セキ,さび; さび.しい; さび.れる; さみ.しい house; uncle; above; small; little; crotch
graceful シュク,しと.やか water; water droplets; water pistol; uncle; above; small; little; crotch
anti- ハン; ホン; タン; ホ,そ.る; そ.らす; かえ.す; かえ.る; -かえ.る demonstation; cliff; crotch
slope ハン,さか soil; dirt; ground; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
Characters Vocabulary-1-8-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
plank ハン; バン,いた tree; wood; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
return ヘン,かえ.す; -かえ.す; かえ.る; -かえ.る anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch; road
marketing ハン, shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
claw ソウ,つめ; つま- vulture
gentle ダ, claw; vulture; woman
milk ニュウ,ちち; ち fledgling; claw; vulture; chi ld; fishhook
floating フ,う.く; う.かれる; う.かぶ; む; う.かべる water; water droplets; water pistol; fledgling; claw; vu lture; child
lewd イン,ひた.す; ほしいまま; みだ.ら; みだ.れる; みだり water; water droplets; water pistol; claw; vulture; porter; drop; samurai
leader ショウ; ソウ,まさ.に; はた; まさ; ひきい.る; もって turtle; claw; vulture; glue
exhort ショウ; ソウ,すす.める leader; turtle; claw; vulture; glue; large; St. Bernard
grab サイ,と.る; いろどり claw; vulture; tree; wood
pick サイ,と.る finger; fingers; grab; claw; vulture; tree; wood
vegetable サイ,な flowers; grab; claw; vulture; tree; wood
accept ジュ,う.ける; -う.け; う.かる birdhouse; birdcage; claw; vulture; crown; crotch
impart ジュ,さず.ける; さず.かる finger; fingers; accept; birdhouse; birdcage; claw; vulture; crown; crotch
love アイ,いと.しい birdhou se; birdcage; claw; vulture; crown; love birds; heart; walking legs
unclear アイ,くら.い sun; love; birdhouse; birdcage; claw; vulture; crown; love birds; heart; walking legs
pay フツ; ヒツ; ホツ,はら.う; -はら.い; -ばら.い finger; fingers; elbow
wide コウ,ひろ.い; ひろ.まる; ひろ.める; ひろ.がる; ひろ.げる cave; elbow
hooked コウ; ク,かぎ; ま.がる bound up; elbow
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