Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-6

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-6-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
beg コツ; キツ; キ; キケ; コチ,こ.う reclining; lying down; fishhook
drought カン; ケン,かわ.く; かわ.かす; ほ.す; ひ.る; いぬい mist; ten; needle; early; sun; day; beg; reclining; lying down; fishho ok
abdomen フク,はら moon; month; flesh; part of the body; fold back; double back; reclining; lying down; sun; day; walking legs
duplicate フク, cloak; fold back; double back; reclining; lying down; sun; day; walking legs
lack ケツ; ケン,か.ける; か.く; あくび yawn
blow スイ,ふ.く mouth; lack; yawn
cook スイ,た.く; -だ.き fire; lack; yawn
song カ,うた; うた.う cancan; can; mouth; street; nail; spike; lack; yawn
soft ナン,やわ.らか; やわ.らかい car; lack; yawn
next ジ; シ,つ.ぐ; つぎ ice; lack; yawn
briar シ; ジ,いばら; かや; くさぶき flowers; next; ice; lack; yawn
assets シ, next; ice; lack; yawn; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
figure 姿 シ,すがた next; ice; lack; yawn; woman
consult with シ,はか.る say; words; keitai; mouth; next; ice; lack; yawn; mouth
compensation バイ, shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth
cultivate バイ,つちか.う soil; dirt; ground; muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth
divide ボウ, muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth; sword; sabre; saber
sound オン; イン; ノン,おと; ね vase; stand up; sun; day; ton gue wagging
darkness アン,くら.い; くら.む; くれ.る sun; day; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day
rhyme イン, sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; employee; mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
Characters Vocabulary-1-6-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
discriminating シキ,し.る; しる.す say; words; keitai; mouth; kazoo; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; fiesta
mirror キョウ; ケイ,かがみ metal; gold; vase; stand up; sun; day; human legs
boundary キョウ; ケイ,さかい soil; dirt; ground; mirror; vase; stand up; sun; day; human legs
deceased ボウ; モウ,な.い; な.き-; ほろ.びる; ほろ.ぶ; ほろ.ぼす perish; top hat; fishhook
blind モウ,めくら deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook; eye
delusion モウ; ボウ,みだ.りに deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook; woman
laid waste コウ,あら.い; あら-; あ.れる; あ.らす; -あ.らし; すさ.む wreath; flowers; deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook; stream; flood
ambition ボウ; モウ,のぞ.む; もち deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; king; jewel; ball
direction ホウ,かた; -かた; -がた compass
disturb ボウ,さまた.げる compass; direction; woman
boy ボウ; ボッ, soil; dirt; ground; compass; direction
perfumed ホウ,かんば.しい perfume; flowers; compass; direction
obese ボウ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; compass; direction
call on ホウ,おとず.れる; たず.ねる; と.う say; words; keitai; mouth; compass; direction
set free ホウ,はな.す; -っぱな.し; はな.つ; はな.れる; こ.く; ほう.る compass; direction; taskma ster
violent ゲキ,はげ.しい water; water droplets; water pistol; white; dove; compass; direction; taskmaster
undress ダツ,ぬ.ぐ; ぬ.げる moon; month; flesh; part of the body; devil; horns; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
explanation セツ; ゼイ,と.く rumor; say; words; keitai; mouth; devil; horns; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
pointed エイ,するど.い metal; gold; devil; horns; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
formerly ソウ; ソ; ゾウ,かつ; かつて; すなわち increase; horns; rice field; brains; sun; day
Characters Vocabulary-1-6-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
increase ゾウ,ま.す; ま.し; ふ.える; ふ.やす soil; dirt; ground; formerly; horns; rice field; brains; sun; day
presents ゾウ; ソウ,おく.る shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; increase; formerly; horns; rice field; brains; sun; day
east トウ,ひがし sun; day; tree; wood
ridgepole トウ,むね; むな- tree; wood; east; tree; wood; sun; day
frozen トウ,こお.る; こご.える; こご.る; い.てる; し.みる ice; east; tree; wood; sun; day
pregnancy ニン; ジン,はら.む; みごも.る woman; porter; drop; samurai
courts テイ, porter; drop; samurai; stretch
dye セン,そ.める; -ぞ.め; -ぞめ; そ.まる; し.みる; -じ.みる; し.み; -し.める water; water droplets; water pistol; nine; baseball; tree; wood
burn ネン,も.える; も.やす; も.す fire; sort of thing; mo on; crescent moon; month; flesh; part of the body; chihuahua; dog; large; drop; oven-fire; barbecue
V.I.P. ヒン, house; one; ceiling; few; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
year-end サイ; セイ,とし; とせ; よわい year end; stop; footprint; one; little; small; march
prefecture ケン,か.ける eye; fishhook; small; little
horse chestnut ,とち tree; wood; Wimbledon; cliff; ten thousand; one; bound up
ground チ; ジ, soil; dirt; scorpion
pond チ,いけ water; water droplets; water pistol; scorpion
insect チュウ; キ,むし in; stick; mouth
lightning bug ケイ,ほたる lightning-bug; schoolhouse; owl; crown; insect
snake ジャ; ダ; イ; ヤ,へび insect; wind chimes; house; spoon; sitting on the ground
rainbow コウ,にじ insect; craft
butterfly チョウ, insect; Tarzan; generation; tree; wood
Characters Vocabulary-1-6-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
single ドク; トク,ひと.り pack of wild dogs; insect
silkworm サン; テン,かいこ; こ heavens; insect
wind フウ; フ,かぜ; かざ-; -かぜ gnats; drop; insect
self コ; キ,おのれ; つちのと; な sna ke
rouse キ,お.きる; お.こる; お.こす; おこ.す; た.つ run; soil; dirt; ground; mend; snake; self
queen ヒ,きさき woman; snake; self
reformation カイ,あらた.める; あらた.まる snake; self; taskmaster
scribe キ,しる.す say; words; keitai; mouth; snake; self
wrap ホウ,つつ.む; くる.む bound up; snake; self
placenta ホウ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; wrap; bound up; snake; self
cannon ホウ, stone; rock; wrap; bound up; snake; self
bubble ホウ,あわ water; water droplets; water pistol; wrap; bound up; snake; self
tortoise キ; キュウ; キン,かめ bound up; eels; sun; day
electricity デン, rain; weather; eel; sun; day
dragon リュウ; リョウ; ロウ,たつ; いせ vase; stand up; eel; sun; day
waterfall ロウ; ソウ,たき water; water droplets; water pistol; dragon; vase; stand up; eel; sun; day
pork トン,ぶた moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sow; pig
pursue チク, so w; pig; road
consummate スイ,と.げる; つい.に horns; sow; pig; road
house カ; ケ,いえ; や; うち sow; pig
Characters Vocabulary-1-6-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
marry into カ,よめ; とつ.ぐ; い.く; ゆ.く woman; house; sow; pig
overpowering ゴウ,えら.い tall; top hat; mouth; crown; sow; pig
intestines チョウ,はらわた moon; month; flesh; part of the body; piggy bank; sun; day; piglets
location ジョウ; チョウ,ば soil; dirt; ground; piggy ba nk; sun; day; piglets
hot water トウ,ゆ water; water droplets; water pistol; piggy bank; sun; day; piglets
sheep ヨウ,ひつじ horns
beauty ビ; ミ,うつく.しい sheep; large; St. Bernard
ocean ヨウ, water; water droplets; water pistol; sheep
detailed ショウ,くわ.しい; つまび.らか say; words; keitai; mouth; sheep
fresh セン,あざ.やか fish; bound up; rice field; brains; oven-fire; barbecue; sheep
accomplished タツ; ダ,-たち soil; dirt; ground; sheep; road
envious セン; エン,うらや.む; あまり sheep; water; water droplets; water pistol; lack; yawn
distinction サ,さ.す; さ.し wool; sheep; craft
don チャク; ジャク,き.る; -ぎ; き.せる; -き.せ; つ.く; つ.ける wool; sheep; eye
solely ユイ; イ,ただ mouth; turkey
piled high タイ; ツイ,うずたか.い soil; dirt; ground; turkey
sweet oak ツイ; スイ,つち; う.つ tree; wood; turkey
who? スイ,だれ; たれ; た who; say; words; keita i; mouth; turkey
char ショウ,こ.げる; こ.がす; こ.がれる; あせ.る turkey; oven-fire; barbecue
reef ショウ, stone; rock; char; turkey; oven-fire; barbecue
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