Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-5-2

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
cornerstone ソ,いしずえ stone; rock; grove; tree; wood; zoo; critters
bridegroom 婿 セイ,むこ woman; zoo; critters; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
garment イ; エ,ころも; きぬ; -ぎ top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothi ng
tailor サイ,た.つ; さば.く Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
attire ソウ; ショウ,よそお.う; よそお.い turtle; samurai; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
back リ,うら top hat; scarf; computer
demolition カイ; エ,こわ.す; こわ.れる; やぶ.る soil; dirt; ground; poltergeist; BernaE; ten; needle; eye; cross-eyed; net; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
pathetic アイ,あわ.れ; あわ.れむ; かな.しい top hat; scarf; mouth
distant エン; オン,とお.い earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; scarf; road
monkey エン,さる pack of wild dogs; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; scarf
first time ショ,はじ.め; はじ.めて; はつ; はつ-; うい-; -そ.める; -ぞ.め cloak; sword; dagger
towel キン; フク,おお.い; ちきり; きれ; はば
linen フ,ぬの by one’s side; towel
sail ハン,ほ towel; mediocre; drop; wind
hanging scroll フク,はば towel; wealth; one; ceiling; mouth; rice field; brains
cap ボウ; モウ,ずきん; おお.う towel; risk; sun; day; eye
curtain マク; バク,とばり graveyard; flowers; sun; day; large; St. Bernard; towel
canopy コウ,ほろ; とばり towel; limpid; sun; day; ray; small; little; human legs
brocade キン,にしき metal; gold; napkin; white; dove; towel
market シ,いち top hat; towel
20 items.
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