Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-5

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-5-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
undertake キ,くわだ.てる; たくら.む umbrella; stop; footprint
curriculum レキ; レッキ, cliff; grove; tree; wood; stop; footprint
warrior ブ; ム,たけ.し one; arrow; stop; footprint
levy フ; ブ, shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; warrior; one; stop; footprint; arrow
correct セイ; ショウ,ただ.しい; ただ.す; まさ; まさ.に one; ceiling; stop; footprint
evidence ショウ,あかし say; words; keitai; mouth; correct; one; ceiling; stop; footprint
politics セイ; ショウ,まつりごと; まん correct; one; ceiling; stop; footprint; taskmaster
determine テイ; ジョウ,さだ.める; さだ.まる; さだ.か house; mend
lock ジョウ, metal; gold; determine; determined; house; mend
run ソウ,はし.る soil; dirt; ground; mend
transcend チョウ,こ.える; こ.す run; soil; dirt; ground; mend; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth
proceed フ,おもむ.く run; soil; dirt; ground; mend; magic wand; augury
surpass エツ; オツ,こ.す; -こ.す; -ご.し; こ.える; -ご.え run; soil; dirt; ground; mend; parade
just so ゼ; シ,これ; この; ここ sun; day; mend
topic ダイ, just so; sun; day; mend; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
dike テイ,つつみ soil; dirt; ground; just so; sun; day; mend
build ケン; コン,た.てる; た.て; -だ.て; た.つ brush; stretch
key ケン,かぎ metal; gold; build; brush; stretch
prolong エン,の.びる; の.べる; の.べ; の.ばす drop; stop; footprint; stretch
nativity タン, say; words; keitai; mouth; prolonged; drop; stop; footprint; stretch
Characters Vocabulary-1-5-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
cornerstone ソ,いしずえ stone; rock; grove; tree; wood; zoo; critters
bridegroom 婿 セイ,むこ woman; zoo; critters; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
garment イ; エ,ころも; きぬ; -ぎ top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothi ng
tailor サイ,た.つ; さば.く Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
attire ソウ; ショウ,よそお.う; よそお.い turtle; samurai; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
back リ,うら top hat; scarf; computer
demolition カイ; エ,こわ.す; こわ.れる; やぶ.る soil; dirt; ground; poltergeist; BernaE; ten; needle; eye; cross-eyed; net; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
pathetic アイ,あわ.れ; あわ.れむ; かな.しい top hat; scarf; mouth
distant エン; オン,とお.い earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; scarf; road
monkey エン,さる pack of wild dogs; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; scarf
first time ショ,はじ.め; はじ.めて; はつ; はつ-; うい-; -そ.める; -ぞ.め cloak; sword; dagger
towel キン; フク,おお.い; ちきり; きれ; はば
linen フ,ぬの by one’s side; towel
sail ハン,ほ towel; mediocre; drop; wind
hanging scroll フク,はば towel; wealth; one; ceiling; mouth; rice field; brains
cap ボウ; モウ,ずきん; おお.う towel; risk; sun; day; eye
curtain マク; バク,とばり graveyard; flowers; sun; day; large; St. Bernard; towel
canopy コウ,ほろ; とばり towel; limpid; sun; day; ray; small; little; human legs
brocade キン,にしき metal; gold; napkin; white; dove; towel
market シ,いち top hat; towel
Characters Vocabulary-1-5-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
persimmon シ,かき; こけら tree; wood; market; top hat; towel
elder sister シ,あね; はは woman; market; top hat; towel
lungs ハイ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; market; top hat; towel
sash タイ,お.びる; おび buckle; apron; crown; towel
stagnate タイ; テイ,とどこお.る water; water droplets; water pistol; sash; buckle; apron; crown; towel
thorn シ,さ.す; さ.さる; さ.し; さし; とげ tree; wood; belt; sword; sa bre; saber
system セイ, cow; belt; sword; sabre; saber
made in... セイ, made in…; system; cow; belt; sword; sabre; saber; hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
revolve テン,ころ.がる; ころ.げる; ころ.がす; ころ.ぶ; まろ.ぶ; うたた; うつ.る; くる.めく car; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
technique ゲイ; ウン,う.える; のり; わざ flowers; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
rain ウ,あめ; あま-; -さめ weather
cloud ウン,くも; -ぐも rain; weather; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
cloudy weather ドン,くも.る sun; day; cloud; rain; weather; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
thunder ライ,かみなり rai n; weather; rice field; brains
frost ソウ,しも rain; weather; inter; Inter Milan; tree; wood; eye
winter トウ,ふゆ walking legs; ice
heavens テン,あまつ; あめ; あま- one; ceiling; large
bewitched ヨウ,あや.しい; なま.めく; わざわ.い woman; sapling
irrigate ヨウ; ヨク; オク,そそ.ぐ water; water droplets; water pistol; sapling
bridge キョウ,はし tree; wood; angel; heavens; mouth; hood; mouth
Characters Vocabulary-1-5-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
attractive キョウ,なまめか.しい woman; angel; heavens; mouth; hood; mouth
stand up リツ; リュウ; リットル,た.つ; -た.つ; た.ち-; た.てる; -た.てる; た.て-; たて-; -た.て; -だ.て; -だ.てる vase
cry キュウ,な.く water; water droplets; water pistol; vase; stand up
badge ショウ, vase; stand up; sunflower; early; sun; day; ten; needle
vie キョウ; ケイ,きそ.う; せ.る vase; stand up; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
sovereign テイ,みかど vase; stand up; apron; crown; towel
renunciation テイ; タイ,あき.らめる; あきら.める; つまびらか; まこと say; words; keitai; mouth; sovereign; vase; stand up; apron; crown; towel
juvenile ドウ,わらべ vase; stand up; computer
pupil ドウ; トウ,ひとみ eye; juvenile; vase; stand up; computer
bell ショウ,かね metal; gold; juvenile; vase; stand up; computer
make a deal ショウ,あきな.う vase; stand up; alien; hood; human legs; mouth
legitimate wife チャク; テキ, woman; antique; vase; stand up; hood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
suitable テキ,かな.う antique; vase; stand up; hood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth; road
drip テキ,しずく; したた.る water; water droplets; water pistol; antique; vase; stand up; hood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
enemy テキ,かたき; あだ; かな.う antique; vase; stand up; hood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth; taskmaster
spoon ヒ,さじ; さじのひ sitting on the ground
scold シツ; シチ,しか.る mouth; diced; seven; spoon; sitting on the ground
aroma ,にお.う; にお.い; にお.わせる bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
about that time ケイ; キョウ,ころ; ごろ; しばら.く spoon; sitting on the ground; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
north ホク,きた spoon; sitting on the ground
Characters Vocabulary-1-5-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
stature ハイ,せ; せい; そむ.く; そむ.ける north; spoon; sitting on the ground; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
compare ヒ,くら.べる spoon; sitting on the ground
descendants コン, sun; day; compare; spoon; sitting on the ground
all カイ,みな; みんな compare; spoon; sitting on the ground; white; dove
block letters カイ,
orderliness カイ,かな.う; やわ.らぐ
mix コン,ま.じる; -ま.じり; ま.ざる; ま.ぜる; こ.む water; water droplets; water pistol; descendants; sun; day; compare; spoon; sitting on the ground
thirst カツ,かわ.く water; water droplets; water pistol; mexican bandit; muchacho; siesta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
audience エツ, say; words; keitai; mouth; mexican bandit; muchacho; sies ta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
brown カツ, cloak; mexican bandit; muchacho; siesta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
hoarse カツ, mouth; mexican bandit; muchacho; siesta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
kudzu カツ; カチ,つづら; くず flowers; mexican bandit; muchacho; siesta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
delicious シ,むね; うま.い spoon; sitting on the ground; sun; day
fat シ,あぶら moon; month; flesh; part of the body; delicious; spoon; sun; day
visit a shrine ケイ; ゲイ,けい.する; まい.る; いた.る; もう.でる say; words; keitai; mouth; delicious; spoon; sitting on the ground; sun; day
I (one) イチ; イツ,ひとつ 1 (one); samurai; crown; spoon; sitting on the ground
every マイ,ごと; -ごと.に reclining; lying down; mother
cleverness ビン,さとい every; reclining; lying down; mother; breasts; taskmaster
plum バイ,うめ tree; wood; every; reclining; lying down; mother; breasts
sea カイ,うみ water; water droplets; water pistol; every; reclining; lying down; mother; breasts
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