Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-3-4

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
special トク, cow; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
revelation コク,つ.げる cow; mouth
before セン,さき; ま.ず cow; human legs
wash セン,あら.う water; water droplets; water pistol; before; cow; human legs
jammed in カイ, umbrella; stick; walking cane
world カイ, rice field; brains; jammed in; umbrella; stick; cane
tea チャ; サ, flowers; umbrella; wooden pole
spinal column セキ,せ; せい I Ching; Master Po; umbrella; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
fit ゴウ; ガッ; カッ,あ.う; -あ.う; あ.い; あい-; -あ.い; -あい; あ.わす; あ.わせる; -あ.わせる meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
pagoda トウ, soil; dirt; ground; flowers; fit; meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
king オウ; ノウ, jewel; ball
jewel ギョク,たま; たま-; -だま king; ball; earring; drop
treasure ホウ,たから house; king; jewel; ball; earring; drop
pearl シュ,たま king; jewel; ball; vermillion; drop; not yet; one; tree; wood
present ゲン,あらわ.れる; あらわ.す; うつつ; うつ.つ king; jewel; ball; see; telescope; eye; human legs
toy ガン,もちあそ.ぶ; もてあそ.ぶ king; jewel; ball; beginning; two; human legs
lunatic キョウ,くる.う; くる.おしい; くるお.しい pack of wild dogs; king; jewel; ball
effulgent オウ; キョウ; ゴウ,かがや.き; うつくし.い; さかん sun; day; king; jewel; ball
emperor コウ; オウ, white; dove; king; jewel; ball
display テイ, mouth; king; jewel; ball
20 items.
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