Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-2-2

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
smash サイ,くだ.く; くだ.ける stone; rock; ninety; nine; baseball; ten; needle
sand サ; シャ,すな stone; rock; few
jealous ト; ツ,ねた.む; そね.む; つも.る; ふさ.ぐ woman; stone; rock
plane サク,けず.る; はつ.る; そ.ぐ resemblance; spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sword; sabre; saber
ray コウ,ひか.る; ひかり small; little; human legs
plump タイ; タ,ふと.い; ふと.る large; St. Bernard; drop
utensil キ,うつわ mouth; large; St. Bernard
stinking シュウ,くさ.い; -くさ.い; にお.う; にお.い nose; drop; eye; large; St. Bernard
sniff キュウ,か.ぐ
exquisite ミョウ; ビョウ,たえ woman; few
focus セイ; ショウ,かえり.みる; はぶ.く few; eye
thick コウ,あつ.い; あか cliff; sun; day; child
strange キ,く.しき; あや.しい; くし; めずら.しい large; St. Bernard; can; mouth; street; nail; spike
stream セン,かわ flood
state シュウ; ス,す stream; flood; drops
obey ジュン, stream; flood; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
water スイ,みず; みず-
icicle ヒョウ,こおり; ひ; こお.る drop; water
eternity エイ,なが.い drop; water
spring セン,いずみ white; dove; water
20 items.
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