Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-21-3

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
leather カク,かわ flowers; car; mouth; ten; needle
shoes カ,くつ leather; flowers; car; mouth; ten; needle; change; person; spoon; sitting on the ground
hegemony ハ; ハク,はたがしら old west; leather; flowers; car; mouth; ten; needle; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
voice セイ; ショウ,こえ; こわ- samurai; flag; stick
eyebrow ビ; ミ,まゆ flag; stick; eye
give ゴ,く.れる; くれ mouth; chair; tool; animal legs
recreation ゴ, woman; give; mouth; chair; tool; animal legs
mistake ゴ,あやま.る; -あやま.る say; words; keitai; mouth; give; mouth; chair; tool; animal legs
steam ジョウ; セイ,む.す; む.れる; む.らす flowers; helping hand; complete; water; one; floor; oven-fire; barbecue
acquiesce ショウ; ジョウ,うけたまわ.る; う.ける; ささ.げる; とど.める; たす.ける; こ.らす; つい.で; すく.う water; complete; three
bin カン,はこ; い.れる snare; sparkler; shovel
poles キョク; ゴク,きわ.める; きわ.まる; きわ.まり; きわ.み; き.める; -ぎ.め; き.まる decay; tree; wood; snare; mouth; crotch; one; floor
tusk ガ; ゲ,きば; は; きばへん
bud ガ,め flowers; tusk
wicked ジャ,よこし.ま tusk; city walls
gracious ガ,みや.び tusk; turkey
interpretation シャク; セキ,とく; す.てる; ゆる.す animal tracks; drop; rice; shaku-hachi; flag; stick
turn バン,つが.い dice; animal tracks; drop; rice; rice field; brains
hearing シン,つまび.らか; つぶさ.に house; dice; animal tracks; drop; rice; rice field; brains
flip ホン; ハン,ひるがえ.る; ひるがえ.す dice; animal tracks; drop; rice; rice field; brains; feathers; wings
20 items.
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