Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-20

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-20-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
national flag キ,はた banner; compass; direction reclining; lying down; bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight
period キ; ゴ, bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
Go ゴ, go; bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight; stone; rock
fundamentals キ,もと; もとい bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight; soil; dirt; ground
tremendously ジン,はなは.だ; はなは.だしい bushel basket; hamper; equal; human legs
intuition カン, tremendously; bushel basket; hamper; equal; human legs; power; muscle; arnold
withstand カン; タン,た.える; たま.る; こ.らえる; こた.える soil; dirt; ground; tremendously; bushel basket; hamper; equal; human legs
precious キ,たっと.い; とうと.い; たっと.ぶ; とうと.ぶ Takanohana; purse; in; one; floor; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
bequeath イ; ユイ,のこ.す precious; Takanohana; purse; in; one; floor; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; road
dispatch ケン,つか.う; -つか.い; -づか.い; つか.わす; や.る purse; in; one; floor; maestro without baton; road
defile カイ; エ,つぶ.す; つぶ.れる; つい.える water; water droplets; water pistol; precious; Takanohana; purse; in; one; floor; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
dance ブ,ま.う; -ま.う; まい reclining; lying down; tub; sunglasses; dancing legs; ballerina; evening
nothingness ム; ブ,な.い reclining; lying down; tub; oven-fire; barbecue
association ソ,く.む; くみ; -ぐみ thread; spiderman; shelf; my bookshelves
coarse ソ,あら.い; あら- rice; shelf; my bookshelves
tariff ソ, wheat; cereal; shelf; my bookshelves
aim at ソ; ショ,ねら.う; ねら.い pack of wild dogs; shelf; my bookshelves
ancestor ソ, altar; shelf; my bookshelves
thwart ソ,はば.む pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; shelf; my bookshelves
investigate サ, tree; wood; shelf; my bookshelves
Characters Vocabulary-1-20-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
help ジョ,たす.ける; たす.かる; す.ける; すけ shelf; my bookshelves; power; muscle; arnold
best regards ギ,よろ.しい; よろ.しく house; shelf; my bookshelves
tatami mat ジョウ; チョウ,たた.む; たたみ; かさ.なる rice field; brains; crown; shelf; my bookshelves
row ヘイ; ホウ,な.み; なら.べる; なら.ぶ; なら.びに
universal フ,あまね.く; あまねし row; sun; day
musical score フ, say; words; keitai; mouth; universal; row; sun; day
damp 湿 シツ; シュウ,しめ.る; しめ.す; うるお.う; うるお.す water; water droplets; water pistol; sun; day; row
appear ケン,あきらか; あらわ.れる sun; day; row; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
slender セン, thread; spiderman; Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; row
spirits レイ; リョウ,たま rain; weather; two; row
profession ギョウ; ゴウ,わざ business; upside down in a row; not yet; tree; wood
slap ボク, finger; fingers; upside down in a row; husband
me ボク,しもべ person; upside down in a row; husband
together キョウ,とも; とも.に; -ども salad; animal legs; eight
submit キョウ; ク; クウ; グ,そな.える; とも; -ども person; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
uncommon イ,こと; こと.なる; け ri ce field; brains; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
wing ヨク,つばさ feathers; wings; uncommon; rice field; brains; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
accept humbly タイ,いただ.く Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; uncommon; rice field; brains; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
deluge コウ, water; water droplets; water pistol; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
harbor コウ,みなと deluge; water; water droplets; water pistol; scene; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; snake; self
Characters Vocabulary-1-20-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
outburst ボウ; バク,あば.く; あば.れる sun; day; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; grains of rice
bomb バク,は.ぜる fire; outburst; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; grains of rice
respect キョウ,うやうや.しい strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; valentine
elect セン,えら.ぶ southe ast; snake; self; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; road
Mr. 殿 デン; テン,との; -どの Mr; flag; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
well セイ; ショウ,い
donburi トン; タン; ショウ; セイ,どんぶり well; drop
surround イ,かこ.む; かこ.う; かこ.い pent in; well
till コウ,たがや.す christmas tree; well
Asia ア; アシア,つ.ぐ roma n two; mouth
bad アク; オ,わる.い; わる-; あ.し; にく.い; -にく.い; ああ; いずくに; いずくんぞ; にく.む Asia; roman two; mouth; heart
circle エン,まる.い; まる; まど; まど.か; まろ.やか yen
angle カク,かど; つの bound up; glass canopy; hood; walking cane; stick; two
contact ショク,ふ.れる; さわ.る; さわ angle; bound up; glass canopy; hood; walking cane; stick; two; insect
unravel カイ; ゲ,と.く; と.かす; と.ける; ほど.く; ほど.ける; わか.る; さと.る angle; bound up; glass canopy; hood; walking cane; stick; two; sword; dagge r; cow
again サイ; サ,ふたた.び king; jewel; ball; belt
lecture コウ, say; words; keitai; mouth; funnel; cone; celery; again
subscription コウ, shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; funnel; cone; celery; again
posture コウ,かま.える; かま.う tree; wood; funnel; cone; celery; again
gutter コウ,みぞ water; water droplets; water pistol; funnel; cone; celery; again
Characters Vocabulary-1-20-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
argument ロン, say; words; keitai; mouth; post-it note; meeting; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers
ethics リン, person; post-it note; meeting; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers
wheel リン,わ car; post-it note; meeting; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers
partial ヘン,かたよ.る person; fishfinger; door; one; ceiling; flag; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers
everywhere ヘン,あまね.く fishfinger; door; one; ceiling; flag; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers; road
compilation ヘン,あ.む; -あ.み threa d; spiderman; fishfinger; door; one; ceiling; flag; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers
tome サツ; サク,ふみ
palisade サク; サン,しがら.む; しがらみ; とりで; やらい tree; wood; tome
code テン; デン, bend; tool
family name シ,うじ; -うじ drop; fishhook
paper シ,かみ thread; spiderman; family name
marriage コン, woman; dusk; family name; day
lower テイ,ひく.い; ひく.める; ひく.まる person; calling card; family name; one; floor
resist テイ, finger; fingers; calling card; family name; one; floor
bottom テイ,そこ cave; calling card; family name; one; floor
people ミン,たみ mouth; family name
sleep ミン,ねむ.る; ねむ.い eye; people; mouth; family name
catch ホ,と.らえる; と.らわれる; と.る; とら.える; とら.われる; つか.まえる; つか.まる finger; fingers; dog-tag; arrowhead; screwdriver; utilize; utilise
suckle ホ,はぐく.む; ふく.む
bay ホ,うら water; water droplets; water pistol; dog-tag; arrowhead; screwdriver; utilize; utilise
Characters Vocabulary-1-20-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
bullrush ホ; ボ; フ; ブ,がま; かば; かま bulrush; flowers; bay; water; water droplets; water pistol; dog-tag; arrowhead; screwdriver; utilize; utilise
shop ホ, cottage; little-thatch; umbrella; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; dog-tag; arrowhead; screwdriver; utilize; utilise
supplement ホ,おぎな.う cloak; dog-tag; arrowhead; screwdriver; utilize; utilise
residence テイ,やしき calling card; family name; one; floor; city walls
enclosure カク,くるわ receive; tall; top hat; mouth; child; children; city walls
county グン,こうり old boy; mop; mouth; city walls
outskirts コウ, mingle; top hat; father; city walls
section ブ,-べ muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth; city walls
metropolis ト; ツ,みやこ someone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day; city walls
mail ユウ, droop; silage; city walls
home country ホウ,くに bushes; city walls
interrogative ナ; ダ,なに; なんぞ; いかん sword; dagger; two; city walls
hometown キョウ; ゴウ,さと home town; cocoon; silver; city walls
echo キョウ,ひび.く home town; cocoon; silver; city walls; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; tongue wagging
son ロウ; リョウ,おとこ halo; good; drop; silver; city walls
corridor ロウ, cave; son; halo; good; drop; silver; city walls
shield ジュン,たて drag; ten; needle; eye
sequential ジュン, Nelson; column; going; line; shield; drag; ten; needle; eye
faction ハ, wa ter; water droplets; water pistol; caveman; drag; person; rag
vein ミャク,すじ moon; month; flesh; part of the body; caveman; drag; person; rag
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