Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-2

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-2-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
complete リョウ, child with arms wrapped up
woman ジョ; ニョ; ニョウ,おんな; め
fond コウ,この.む; す.く; よ.い; い.い woman; child
likeness ジョ; ニョ,ごと.し woman; mouth
mama ボ,はは; も mother; breasts
pierce カン,つらぬ.く; ぬ.く; ぬき mama; mother; breasts; oyster; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
elder brother ケイ; キョウ,あに teenager; mouth; human legs
curse ジュ; シュ; シュウ; ズ,まじな.う; のろ.い; まじな.い; のろ.う mouth; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
overcome コク,か.つ ten; needle; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
little ショウ,ちい.さい; こ-; お-; さ- small
few ショウ,すく.ない; すこ.し little; small; drop
large ダイ; タイ,おお-; おお.きい; -おお.いに St. Bernard
many タ,おお.い; まさ.に; まさ.る evening
evening セキ,ゆう
eventide セキ,しお; うしお; せい water; water droplets; water pistol; evening
outside ガイ; ゲ,そと; ほか; はず.す; はず.れる; と- evening; magic wand; augury
name メイ; ミョウ,な; -な evening; mouth
stone セキ; シャク; コク,いし cliff; mouth
resemblance ショウ,あやか.る spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
nitrate ショウ, stone; rock; resemblance; spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
Characters Vocabulary-1-2-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
smash サイ,くだ.く; くだ.ける stone; rock; ninety; nine; baseball; ten; needle
sand サ; シャ,すな stone; rock; few
jealous ト; ツ,ねた.む; そね.む; つも.る; ふさ.ぐ woman; stone; rock
plane サク,けず.る; はつ.る; そ.ぐ resemblance; spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sword; sabre; saber
ray コウ,ひか.る; ひかり small; little; human legs
plump タイ; タ,ふと.い; ふと.る large; St. Bernard; drop
utensil キ,うつわ mouth; large; St. Bernard
stinking シュウ,くさ.い; -くさ.い; にお.う; にお.い nose; drop; eye; large; St. Bernard
sniff キュウ,か.ぐ
exquisite ミョウ; ビョウ,たえ woman; few
focus セイ; ショウ,かえり.みる; はぶ.く few; eye
thick コウ,あつ.い; あか cliff; sun; day; child
strange キ,く.しき; あや.しい; くし; めずら.しい large; St. Bernard; can; mouth; street; nail; spike
stream セン,かわ flood
state シュウ; ス,す stream; flood; drops
obey ジュン, stream; flood; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
water スイ,みず; みず-
icicle ヒョウ,こおり; ひ; こお.る drop; water
eternity エイ,なが.い drop; water
spring セン,いずみ white; dove; water
Characters Vocabulary-1-2-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
gland セン, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; spring; white; dove; water
meadow ゲン,はら cliff; spring; white; dove; small; little
petition ガン,ねが.う; -ねがい meadow; cliff; white; dove; small; little; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
swim エイ,およ.ぐ water; water droplets; water pistol; eternity
marsh ショウ,ぬま water; water droplets; water pistol; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth
open sea チュウ,おき; おきつ; ちゅう.する; わく water; water droplets; water pistol; in; stick; mouth
pan- ハン; ブ; フウ; ホウ; ホン,ただよ.う; ひろ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; mediocre; wind; drop
creek コウ,え wate r; water droplets; water pistol; craft
cleanse タ; タイ,おご.る; にご.る; よな.げる water; water droplets; water pistol; plump; large; St. Bernard; drop
soup ジュウ,しる; -しる; つゆ water; water droplets; water pistol; ten; needle
grains of sand サ; シャ,すな; よなげる water; water droplets; water pistol; few
tide チョウ,しお; うしお water; water droplets; water pistol; morning; mist; ten; needle; early; sun; day; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
source ゲン,みなもと water; water droplets; water pistol; meadow; cliff; sun; day; small; little
lively カツ,い.きる; い.かす; い.ける water; water droplets; water pi stol; tongue; drop; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
extinguish ショウ,き.える; け.す water; water droplets; water pistol; resemblance; spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
but of course キョウ,まし.て; いわ.んや; おもむき water; water droplets; water pistol; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
river カ,かわ water; water droplets; water pistol; can; street; nail; spike; mouth
overnight ハク,と.まる; と.める water; water droplets; water pistol; white; dove
lake コ,みずうみ water; water droplets; water pistol; uncivilized; zombie; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
fathom ソク,はか.る water; water droplets; water pistol; rule; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; sword; sabre; saber
Characters Vocabulary-1-2-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
soil ド; ト,つち dirt; ground
spit ト,は.く; つ.く mouth; soil; dirt; ground
pressure アツ; エン; オウ,お.す; へ.す; おさ.える; お.さえる cliff; so il; dirt; ground
cape キ,さき; さい; みさき soil; dirt; ground; strange; large; St. Bernard; street; nail; spike; mouth
hedge エン,かき soil; dirt; ground; span; one; ceiling; sun; day; one; floor; one
inlay ,
squared jewel ケイ; ケ, square jewel; ivy; soil; dirt; ground
seal フウ; ホウ, ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground; glue
horizon ガイ,はて water; water droplets; water pistol; cliff; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground
Buddhist temple ジ,てら buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
time ジ,とき; -どき sun; day; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
level キン,なら.す soil; dirt; ground; ladle; drop
fire カ,ひ; -び; ほ-
inflammation エン,ほのお fire
anxiety ハン; ボン,わずら.う; わずら.わす fire; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
thin タン,あわ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; inflammation; fire
lamp トウ,ひ; ほ-; ともしび; とも.す; あかり fire; street; nail; spike
farm ,はた; はたけ; -ばたけ fire; rice field; brains
disaster サイ,わざわ.い stream; flood; fire
ashes カイ,はい cliff; fire
Characters Vocabulary-1-2-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
spot テン,つ.ける; つ.く; た.てる; さ.す; とぼ.す; とも.す; ぼち fortune-telling; magic wand; augury; mouth; oven-fire; barbecue
illuminate ショウ,て.る; て.らす; て.れる shining; sun; day; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth; oven-fire; barbecue
fish ギョ,うお; さかな; -ざかな bound up; rice field; brains; oven-fire; barbecue
fishing ギョ; リョウ,あさ.る water; water droplets; water pistol; fish; bound up; rice field; brains; oven-fire; barbecue
ri リ,さと computer; ri ce field; brains; soil; dirt; ground
black コク,くろ; くろ.ずむ; くろ.い computer; oven-fire; barbecue
black ink ボク,すみ black; computer; oven-fire; barbecue
carp リ,こい fish; bound up; rice field; brains; oven-fire; barbecue; computer
quantity リョウ,はか.る nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor; computer
rin リン, cliff; computer
bury マイ,う.める; う.まる; う.もれる; うず.める; うず.まる; い.ける soil; dirt; ground; computer
same ドウ,おな.じ monks; hood; one; mouth
den ドウ,ほら water; water droplets; water pistol; same; monks; hood; one; mouth
trunk ドウ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; same; monks; hood; one; mouth
yonder コウ,む.く; む.い; -む.き; む.ける; -む.け; む.かう; む.かい; む.こう; む.こう-; むこ; むか.い alien; drop; helmet; hood; mouth
esteem ショウ,なお small; little; alien; glass canopy; hood; mouth
character ジ,あざ; あざな; -な house; child
guard シュ; ス,まも.る; まも.り; もり; -もり; かみ house; glue
perfect カン, house; beginning; two; human legs
proclaim セン,のたま.う; のたま.わく house; span; one; ceiling; sun; day; one; floor; one
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