Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-19

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-19-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
saber ケン,つるぎ sabre; awl; fit; meeting; umbrella; mouth; person; sword; sabre
precipitous ケン,けわ.しい pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; awl; fit; meeting; umbrella; mouth; person
examination ケン,しら.べる tree; wood; awl; fit; meeting; umbrella; mouth; person
frugal ケン,つま.しい; つづまやか person; awl; fit; meeting; umbrella; mouth; person
heavy ジュウ; チョウ,え; おも.い; おも.り; おも.なう; かさ.ねる; かさ.なる; おも thousand; compute r; rice field; brains; soil; dirt; ground
move ドウ,うご.く; うご.かす heavy; thousand; ri; computer; power; muscle; arnold
tumor シュ; ショウ,は.れる; は.れ; は.らす; く.む; はれもの tumour; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; heavy; thousand; ri; computer
meritorious deed クン,いさお move; heavy; thousand; ri; computer; power; muscle; arnold; oven-fire; barbecue
work ドウ; リュク; リキ; ロク; リョク,はたら.く person; move; heavy; thousand; ri; computer; power; muscle; arnold
species シュ,たね; -ぐさ wheat; cereal; heavy; thousand; ri; computer
collide ショウ,つ.く boulevard; going; heavy; thousand; ri; computer
fragrant クン,かお.る flowers; heavy; thousand; ri; computer; oven-fire; barbecue
ill ビョウ; ヘイ,や.む; -や.み; やまい sickness; hospital; third class; one; ceiling; inside
stupid チ,し.れる; おろか sickness; hospital; know; dart; drop; heavens; mouth
pox トウ, sickness; hospital; beans; table; one; mouth
symptoms ショウ, sickness; hospital; correct; one; ceiling; stop; footprint
carbuncle ヨウ,かさ
lose weight ソウ; チュウ; シュウ; シュ,や.せる sickness; hospital; Buddha’s hand; monkey; sun; day; stick; crotch
rapidly シツ,はや.い sickness; hospital; dart; drop; heavens
envy シツ,そね.む; ねた.む; にく.む woman; rapidly; sickness; hospital; dart; drop; heavens
Characters Vocabulary-1-19-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
diarrhea リ, sickness; hospital; profit; wheat; cereal; sword; sabre; saber
scar コン,あと sickness; hospital; silver
tired ヒ,つか.れる; -づか.れ; つか.らす exhausted; sickness; hospital; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
epidemic エキ; ヤク, sickness; hospital; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
pain ツウ,いた.い; いた.む; いた.ましい; いた.める sickness; hospita l; pogo stick; chop-seal; hanko; utilise; utilize
mannerism ヘキ,くせ; くせ.に sickness; hospital; ketchup; flag; mouth; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle
hide トク,かくま.う box; young; flowers; right; by one’s side; mouth
artisan ショウ,たくみ box; axe
doctor イ,い.やす; い.する; くすし box; dart; drop; heavens
equal ヒツ,ひき box; human legs
ward ク; オウ; コウ, box; sheaf
hinge スウ; シュ,とぼそ; からくり tree; wood; ward; box; sheaf
assault オウ,なぐ.る ward; box; sheaf; missile; cruise missile; wind; crotch
Europe オウ,うた.う; は.く europe; ward; box; sheaf; lack; yawn
repress ヨク,おさ.える finger; fingers; stamp album; box; stamps
faceup ギョウ; コウ,あお.ぐ; おお.せ; お.っしゃる; おっしゃ.る face up; person; stamp album; box; stamps
welcome ゲイ,むか.える stamp album; box; stamps; road
ascend トウ; ト; ドウ; ショウ; チョウ,のぼ.る; あ.がる teepee; wigwam; beans; table; one; mouth
lucidity チョウ,す.む; す.ます; -す.ます water; water droplets; water pistol; ascend; teepee; wigwam; beans; table; one; mouth
discharge ハツ; ホツ,た.つ; あば.く; おこ.る; つか.わす; はな.つ teepee; wigwam; two; human legs
Characters Vocabulary-1-19-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
abolish ハイ,すた.れる; すた.る cave; dicharge; teepee; wigwam; two; human legs
colleague リョウ, person; pup tent; large; St. Bernard; sun; day; small; little
obvious リョウ,あきらか eye; pup tent; large; St. Bernard; sun; day; small; little
dormitory リョウ, house; pup tent; large; St. Bernard; sun; day; small; little
heal リョウ, sickness; hospital; pup tent; large; St. Bernard; sun; day; small; little
carve チョウ,ほ.る; -ぼ.り circumference; running track; glass ho od; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; shape
shape ケイ; ギョウ,かた; -がた; かたち; なり two hands
shadow エイ,かげ scenery; sun; day; capital; tall; top hat; mouth; small; little; shape
cedar サン,すぎ tree; wood; shape
coloring サイ,いろど.る claw; vulture; grab; tree; wood; shape
patent ショウ, badge; vase; stand up; sunflower; early; sun; day; ten; needle; shape
lad ゲン,ひこ vase; stand up; cliff; shape
face ガン,かお lad; vase; stand up; cliff; shape; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
ought ス; シュ,すべから.く; すべし; ひげ; まつ; もち.いる; もと.める shape; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
swell ボウ,ふく.らむ; ふく.れる moon; month; flesh; part of the body; drum; samurai; beans; table; one; mouth; shape
visit サン; シン,まい.る; まい-; まじわる; みつ nonplussed; elbow; large; St. Bernard; shape
wretched サン; ザン,みじ.め; いた.む; むご.い Freud; state of mind; nonplussed; visit; elbow; large; St. Bernard; shape
discipline シュウ; シュ,おさ.める; おさ.まる person; stick; fred astaire; taskmaster; shape
rare チン,めずら.しい; たから king; jewel; ball; parasol; umbrella; shape
checkup シン,み.る check up; say; words; keitai; mouth; parasol; umbrella; shape
Characters Vocabulary-1-19-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
sentence ブン; モン,ふみ; あや plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly
vis-a-vis タイ; ツイ,あいて; こた.える; そろ.い; つれあ.い; なら.ぶ; むか.う sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly; glue
family crest モン, thread; spiderman; sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly
mosquito ブン,か insect; sentence; sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly
speckled ハン,ふ; まだら king; jewel; ball; sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly
adjusted セイ; サイ,そろ.う; ひと.しい; ひと.しく; あたる; はやい sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly; two; fenceposts; cabers
dose ザイ; スイ; セイ,かる; けず.る adjust; adjusted; sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly; two; fenceposts; cabers; sword; sabre; saber
finish サイ; セイ,す.む; -ず.み; -ずみ; す.まない; す.ます; -す.ます; すく.う; な.す; わたし; わた.る water; water droplets; water pistol; adjust; adjusted; sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly; two; fenceposts; cabers
purification サイ,とき; つつし.む; ものいみ; い.む; いわ.う; いつ.く sentence; plai d; kilt; Billy Connolly; fenceposts; cabers; altar; show; two; small
solemn シュク; スク,つつし.む rake; fenceposts; cabers; rice
bases ルイ; ライ; スイ,とりで rice field; brains; sparkler; soil; dirt; ground
music ガク; ラク; ゴウ,たの.しい; たの.しむ; この.む white; dove; sparkler; tree; wood
medicine ヤク,くすり flowers; music; white; dove; sparkler; tree; wood
ratio ソツ; リツ; シュツ,ひき.いる mysterious; question mark; top hat; cocoon; sparkler; ten; needle
astringent ジュウ; シュウ,しぶ; しぶ.い; しぶ.る water; water droplets; water pistol; stop; footprint; sparkler
vicarious セツ; ショウ,おさ.める; かね.る; と.る finger; fingers; ear; sparkler
center オウ, large; St. Bernard; box body
England エイ,はなぶさ flowers; centre; center; large; St. Bernard
reflect エイ,うつ.る; うつ.す; は.える; -ば.え sun; day; centre; center; large; St. Bernard
red セキ; シャク,あか; あか-; あか.い; あか.らむ; あか.らめる soil; dirt; ground; sword; dagger; small
Characters Vocabulary-1-19-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
pardon シャ, red; taskmaster
unusual ヘン,か.わる; か.わり; か.える apple; walking legs
tracks セキ,あと wooden leg; mouth; stop; footprint; apple
barbarian バン,えびす apple; insect
romance レン,こ.う; こい; こい.しい apple; heart
gulf ワン,いりえ water; water droplets; water pistol; apple; bow
yellow コウ; オウ,き; こ- salad; sprout; shoot; animal legs; eight
sideways オウ,よこ tree; wood; yellow; salad; sprout; shoot; animal legs; eight
grasp ハ; ワ, finger; fingers; mosaic
color ショク; シキ,いろ bound up; mosaic
discontinue ゼツ,た.える; た.やす; た.つ thread; spiderman; colour; color; bound up; mosaic
glossy エン,つや; なま.めかしい; あで.やか; つや.めく; なま.めく bountiful; ben d; beans; table; one; mouth; colour; color; bound up; mosaic
fertilizer ヒ,こ.える; こえ; こ.やす; こ.やし; ふと.る moon; month; flesh; part of the body; mosaic
sweet カン,あま.い; あま.える; あま.やかす; うま.い wicker basket; picnic basket
navy blue コン, thread; spiderman; sweet; wicker basket; picnic basket
so-and-so ボウ,それがし; なにがし sweet; wicker basket; picnic basket; tree; wood
conspire ボウ; ム,はか.る; たばか.る; はかりごと say; words; keitai; mouth; so-and-so; sweet; wicker basket; picnic basket; tree; wood
mediator バイ,なこうど woman; so-and-so; sweet; wicker basket; picnic basket; tree; wood
deceit ギ,あざむ.く bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight; lack; yawn
chess piece キ,ご tree; wood; bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight
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