Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-18-1

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
Sino- カン, sino; water; water droplets; water pistol; scarecrow; flowers; mouth; husband
sigh タン,なげ.く; なげ.かわしい mouth; scarecrow; flowers; mouth; husband
difficult ナン,かた.い; -がた.い; むずか.しい; むづか.しい; むつか.しい; -にく.い scarecrow; flowers; mouth; husband; turkey
splendor カ; ケ,はな flowers; silage; ten; needle
droop スイ,た.れる; た.らす; た.れ; -た.れ; なんなんと.す drop; silage; walking cane; stick; one; floor
saliva ダ; タ,つば; つばき mouth; droop; drop; silage; one; floor
drowsy スイ, eye; droop; drop; silage; walking cane; stick; one; floor
spindle スイ,つむ; おもり metal; gold; droop; drop; silage; walking cane; stick; one; floor
ride ジョウ; ショウ,の.る; -の.り; の.せる wheat; cereal; silage
surplus ジョウ,あまつさえ; あま.り; あま.る ride; wheat; cereal; silage; sword; sabre; saber
now コン; キン,いま meeting; umbrella; one
include ガン,ふく.む; ふく.める now; clock; mouth
covet タン; トン,むさぼ.る
versify ギン, mouth; now; clock
wish ネン, now; clock; heart
wrench ネン; ジョウ,ね.じる; ねじ.る; ひね.くる; ひね.る finger; fingers; wish; wishbone; now; clock; heart
harp キン,こと kin g; jewel; ball; now; clock
shade イン,かげ; かげ.る pin nacle; parthenon; acropolis; now; clock; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
beforehand ヨ; シャ,あらかじ.め halberd with stroke missing
preface ジョ,つい.で; ついで cave; beforehand
20 items.
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