Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-18

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-18-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
Sino- カン, sino; water; water droplets; water pistol; scarecrow; flowers; mouth; husband
sigh タン,なげ.く; なげ.かわしい mouth; scarecrow; flowers; mouth; husband
difficult ナン,かた.い; -がた.い; むずか.しい; むづか.しい; むつか.しい; -にく.い scarecrow; flowers; mouth; husband; turkey
splendor カ; ケ,はな flowers; silage; ten; needle
droop スイ,た.れる; た.らす; た.れ; -た.れ; なんなんと.す drop; silage; walking cane; stick; one; floor
saliva ダ; タ,つば; つばき mouth; droop; drop; silage; one; floor
drowsy スイ, eye; droop; drop; silage; walking cane; stick; one; floor
spindle スイ,つむ; おもり metal; gold; droop; drop; silage; walking cane; stick; one; floor
ride ジョウ; ショウ,の.る; -の.り; の.せる wheat; cereal; silage
surplus ジョウ,あまつさえ; あま.り; あま.る ride; wheat; cereal; silage; sword; sabre; saber
now コン; キン,いま meeting; umbrella; one
include ガン,ふく.む; ふく.める now; clock; mouth
covet タン; トン,むさぼ.る
versify ギン, mouth; now; clock
wish ネン, now; clock; heart
wrench ネン; ジョウ,ね.じる; ねじ.る; ひね.くる; ひね.る finger; fingers; wish; wishbone; now; clock; heart
harp キン,こと kin g; jewel; ball; now; clock
shade イン,かげ; かげ.る pin nacle; parthenon; acropolis; now; clock; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
beforehand ヨ; シャ,あらかじ.め halberd with stroke missing
preface ジョ,つい.で; ついで cave; beforehand
Characters Vocabulary-1-18-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
deposit ヨ,あず.ける; あず.かる beforehand; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
plains ヤ; ショ,の; の- computer; beforehand
concurrently ケン,か.ねる; -か.ねる animal horns; rake; stick
dislike ケン; ゲン,きら.う; きら.い; いや woman; concurrently; animal horns; rake
sickle レン; ケン,かま metal; gold; concurrently; animal horns; rake
self-effacing ケン, say; words; keitai; mouth; concurrently; animal horns; rake
bargain レン, cave; concurren tly; animal horns; rake
west 西 セイ; サイ; ス,にし one; four
value カ; ケ,あたい person; old west
need ヨウ,い.る old west; woman
loins ヨウ,こし moon; month; flesh; part of the body; need; old west; woman
ballot ヒョウ, old west; altar; show; two; small
drift ヒョウ,ただよ.う water; water droplets; water pistol; ballot; old west; altar; show; two; small
signpost ヒョウ,しるべ; しるし tree; wood; ballot; old west; altar; show; two; small
chestnut リツ; リ,くり; おののく old west; tree; wood
shudder リツ,おそ.れる; おのの.く; ふる.える
transition セン,うつ.る; うつ.す; みやこがえ old west; large; St. Bernard; snake; self; road
capsize フク,おお.う; くつがえ.す; くつがえ.る old west; restore; Nelson; column; going; line; fold back; double back; reclining; lying down; sun; day; walking legs
smoke エン,けむ.る; けむり; けむ.い hearth fire; old west; soil; dirt; ground
south ナン; ナ,みなみ ten; needle; belt; happiness; ten; needle; stand up; vase
Characters Vocabulary-1-18-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
camphor tree ナン; ダン; ゼン; ネン,くす; くすのき tree; wood; south; ten; needle; belt; happiness; ten; needle; stand up; vase
offering ケン; コン,たてまつ.る south; ten; needle; belt; happiness; ten; needle; stand up; vase; chihuahua; dog; large; drop
gates モン,かど; と
question モン,と.う; と.い; とん gates; mouth
review エツ,けみ.する gates; devil; horns; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
clique バツ, gates; fell; person; fiesta
interval カン; ケン,あいだ; ま; あい gates; sun; day
pitch dark アン; オン,やみ; くら.い gates; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day
simplicity カン, bamboo; interval; gates; sun; day
open カイ,ひら.く; ひら.き; -びら.き; ひら.ける; あ.く; あ.ける ga tes; two hands
closed ヘイ,と.じる; と.ざす; し.める; し.まる; た.てる gates; genie
tower カク, gates; each; walking legs; mouth
leisure カン, gates; tree; wood
hear ブン; モン,き.く; き.こえる gates; ear
wet ジュン,うるお.う; うるお.す; うる.む water; water droplets; water pistol; intercalate; gates; king; jewel; ball
column ラン,てすり tree; wood; gates; east; tree; wood; sun; day
fight トウ,たたか.う; あらそ.う gates; beans; table; one; mouth; glue
godown ソウ,くら meeting; single gate; umbrella; stable door; mouth
genesis ソウ; ショウ,つく.る; はじ.める; きず; けず.しける godown; meeting; single gate; umbrella; stable door; mouth; sword; sabre; saber
un- ヒ,あら.ず jail cell; prison bars
Characters Vocabulary-1-18-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
haiku ハイ, person; un-; jail cell; prison bars
repudiate ハイ, finger; fingers; un-; jail cell; prison bars
sad ヒ,かな.しい; かな.しむ un-; jail cell; prison bars; heart
guilt ザイ,つみ eye; cross-eyed; net; un-; jail cell; prison bars
comrade ハイ,ともがら; -ばら; やかい; やから un-; jail cell; prison bars; car
front door ヒ,とびら door; one; ceiling; flag; un-; jail cell; prison bars
marquis コウ, person; key; dart; drop; heavens
throat コウ,のど mouth; marquis; person; key; dart; drop; heavens
climate コウ,そうろう marquis; person; stick; fred astaire; key; dart; drop; heavens
decide ケツ,き.める; -ぎ.め; き.まる; さ.く water; water droplets; water pistol; guillotine; key; St. Bernard
cheerful カイ,こころよ.い Freud; state of mind; guillotine; key; St. Bernard
admirable イ,えら.い person; locket; sti ck; key; mouth; monocle; sunglasses with one lens missing
difference イ,ちが.う; ちが.い; ちが.える; -ちが.える; たが.う; たが.える locket; stick; key; mouth; monocle; sunglasses with one lens missing; road
horizontal イ,よこいと; ぬき thread; spi derman; locket; stick; key; mouth; monocle; sunglasses with one lens missing
defense エイ; エ, defence; boulevard; going; locket; stick; key; mouth; monocle; sunglasses with one lens missing
Korea カン,から; いげた korea; mist; ten; needle; early; sun; day; locket; stick; key; mouth; monocle; sunglasses with one lens missing
dry カン,ほ.す; ほ.し-; -ぼ.し; ひ.る clothesline
liver カン,きも moon; month; flesh; part of the body; dry; clothesline
publish カン, dry; clothesline; sword; sabre; saber
sweat カン,あせ water; water droplets; water pistol; dry; clothesline
Characters Vocabulary-1-18-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
flats ケン,のき car; dry; clothesline
beach ガン,きし mountain; cliff; dry; clothesline
tree trunk カン,みき mist; ten; needle; early; sun; day; umbrella; dry; clothesline
potato ウ,いも flowers
eaves ウ, hou se; potato
too much ヨ,あま.る; あま.り; あま.す; あんま.り umbrella; potato; small
exclude ジョ; ジ,のぞ.く; -よ.け pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; scales; too much; umbrella; potato; small
gradually ジョ,おもむ.ろに Nelson; column; going; line; scales; too much; umbrella; potato; small
confer ジョ,つい.ず; ついで scales; too much; umbrella; potato; small; crotch
route ト,みち scales; to o much; umbrella; potato; small; road
diagonal シャ,なな.め; はす scales; too much; umbrella; potato; small; mmeasuring cup; big dipper; The Plough; drop; ten; needle
paint ト,ぬ.る; ぬ.り; まみ.れる water; water droplets; water pistol; scales; too much; umbrella; potato; small; soil; dirt; ground
bundle ソク,たば; たば.ねる; つか; つか.ねる Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth
trust ライ,たの.む; たの.もしい; たよ.る bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
rapids ライ,せ water; water droplets; water pistol; trust; bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
imperial order チョク,いまし.める; みことのり bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth; power; muscle; arnold
alienate ソ; ショ,うと.い; うと.む; まば.ら zoo; critters; stop; footprint; bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth
bitter ラツ,から.い
quick ソク,はや.い; はや-; はや.める; すみ.やか bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth; road
organize セイ,ととの.える; ととの.う organise; bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth; taskmaster; correct; one; ceiling; stop; footprint
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