Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-17

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-17-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
moment セチ; セツ; サツ, sheaf; tree; wood; sword; sabre; saber
hope キ; ケ,まれ sheaf; linen; by one’s side; towel
villain キョウ, sheaf; shovel
bosom キョウ,むね; むな- moon; month; flesh; part of the body; bound up; villain; sheaf; shovel
detach リ,はな.れる; はな.す sheik; top hat; villain; sheaf; shovel; belt; elbow; turkey
crystal リ, king; jewel; ball; sheik; top hat; villain; sheaf; shovel; belt; elbow
kill サツ; サイ; セツ,ころ.す; -ごろ.し; そ.ぐ sheaf; tree; wood; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
bracing ソウ,あき.らか; さわ.やか; たがう large; St. Bernard; sheaf
genuine ジュン, thread; spiderman; earthworm; drop; shovel; fishhook
immediate トン; トツ,にわか.に; とん.と; つまず.く; とみ.に; ぬかずく earthworm; drop; shovel; fishhook; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
dull ドン,にぶ.い; にぶ.る; にぶ-; なま.る; なまく.ら metal; gold; earthworm; drop; shovel; fishhook
spicy シン,から.い; つら.い; -づら.い; かのと stand up; vase; ten; needle
resign ジ,や.める; いな.む tongue; thousand; mouth; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle
catalpa シ,あずさ tree; wood; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle
superintend サイ, house; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle
wall ヘキ,かべ ketchup; flag; mouth; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle; soil; dirt; ground
holed gem ヘキ,たま
evade ヒ,さ.ける; よ.ける ketchup; flag; mouth; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle; road
new シン,あたら.しい; あら.た; あら-; にい- red pepper; stand up; vase; tree; wood; axe
firewood シン,たきぎ; まき fuel; flowers; new; red pepper; stand up; vase; tree; wood; axe
Characters Vocabulary-1-17-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
parent シン,おや; おや-; した.しい; した.しむ red pepper; stand up; vase; tree; wood; see; telescope; eye; human legs
happiness コウ,さいわ.い; さち; しあわ.せ ten; needle; stand up; vase; ten; needle
tenacious シツ; シュウ,と.る happiness; ten; needle; stand up; vase; fat man; musashimaru; nine; baseball; drop
clasp シ,いた.る
report ホウ,むく.いる happiness; ten; needle; stand up; vase; underpants; stamp; crotch
shout キョウ,さけ.ぶ mouth; cornucopia
twist キュウ,ただ.す thread; spiderman; cornucopia
income シュウ,おさ.める; おさ.まる cornucopia; crotch
lowly ヒ,いや.しい; いや.しむ; いや.しめる Wayne Slob; drop; rice field; brains; cornucopia; ten; needle
tombstone ヒ,いしぶみ stone; rock; lowly; Wayne Slob; drop; rice field; brains; cornucopia; ten; needle
land リク; ロク,おか pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; mini-tractor; rice seedlings; soil; dirt; ground; human legs
intimate ボク; モク,むつ.まじい; むつ.む; むつ.ぶ eye; mini-tractor; rice seedlings; soil; dirt; ground; human legs
forces セイ; ゼイ,いきお.い; はずみ mini-tractor; rice seedlings; soil; dirt; ground; human legs; fat man; musashimaru; round; nine; baseball; drop; power; muscle; arnold
heat ネツ,あつ.い mini-tractor; rice seedlings; soil; dirt; ground; human legs; fat man; musashimaru; round; nine; baseball; drop; oven-fire; barbecue
diamond リョウ,ひし flowers; Mao; soil; dirt; ground; human legs; walking legs
mausoleum リョウ,みささぎ pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; Mao; soil; dirt; ground; human legs; walking legs
sign of the hog ガイ; カイ,い acorn; top hat
nucleus カク, tree; wood; sign of the hog; acorn; top hat
engrave コク,きざ.む; きざ.み sign of the hog; acorn; top hat; sword; sabre; saber
above-stated ガイ, say; words; keitai; mouth; sign of the hog; acorn; top hat
Characters Vocabulary-1-17-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
remains ガイ; カイ,むくろ skeleton; joint; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sign of the hog; acorn; top hat
censure ガイ, sign of the hog; acorn; top hat; power; muscle; arnold
mention ジュツ,の.べる resin; pole; road
art ジュツ,すべ boulevard; going; resin; pole
cold カン,さむ.い Baba Yaga’s hut; house; celery; animal legs; ice
block up ソク; サイ,ふさ.ぐ; とりで; み.ちる Baba Yaga’s hut; house; celery; animal legs; soil; dirt; ground
brew ジョウ,かも.す whiskey bottle; grass skirt; top hat; eight; six; animal legs; celery; scarf
defer ジョウ,ゆず.る say; words; keitai; mouth; grass skirt; top hat; eight; six; animal legs; celery; scarf
lot ジョウ,つち soil; dirt; ground; grass skirt; top hat; eight; six; animal legs; celery; scarf
lass ジョウ,むすめ woman; grass skirt; top hat; eight; six; animal legs; celery; scarf
poison ドク, grow up; mother; breasts
elementary ソ; ス,もと grow up; thread; spiderman
barley バク,むぎ grow up; walking legs
blue セイ; ショウ,あお; あお-; あお.い grow up; moon; flesh
refined セイ; ショウ; シヤウ, rice; blue; grow up; moon; flesh
solicit セイ; シン; ショウ,こ.う; う.ける say; words; keitai; mouth; blue; grow up; moon; flesh
feelings ジョウ; セイ,なさ.け Freud; state of mind; blue; grow up; moon; flesh
clear up セイ,は.れる; は.れ; は.れ-; -ば.れ; は.らす sun; day; blue; grow up; moon; flesh
pure セイ; ショウ; シン,きよ.い; きよ.まる; きよ.める water; water droplets; water pistol; blue; grow up; moon; flesh
quiet セイ; ジョウ,しず-; しず.か; しず.まる; しず.める blue; grow up; moon; flesh; contend; bound up; rake
Characters Vocabulary-1-17-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
blame セキ,せ.める grow up; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
exploits セキ, thread; spiderman; blame; grow u p; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
volume セキ,つ.む; -づ.み; つ.もる; つ.もり wheat; cereal; blame; grow up; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
bond サイ, person; blame; grow up; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
pickling シ,つ.ける; つ.かる; -づ.け; -づけ water; water droplets; water pistol; blame; grow up; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
surface ヒョウ,おもて; -おもて; あらわ.す; あらわ.れる; あら.わす grow up; scarf
bag ヒョウ,たわら person; surface; grow up; scarf
undefiled ケツ,いさぎよ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; flick knife; grow up; sword; dagger; thread; spiderman
pledge ケイ,ちぎ.る flick knife; grow up; dagger; large; St. Bernard
consume キツ, mouth; pledge; flick knife; grow up; dagger; large; S t. Bernard
harm ガイ, mansion; house; grow up; mouth
control カツ,くさび car; harm; mansion; house; grow up; mouth
proportion カツ,わ.る; わり; わ.り; わ.れる; さ.く harm; mansion; house; grow up; mouth; sword; sa bre; saber
constitution ケン, mansion; house; grow up; eye; cross-eyed; net; heart
life セイ; ショウ,い.きる; い.かす; い.ける; う.まれる; う.まれ; うまれ; う.む; お.う; は.える; は.やす; き; なま; なま-; な.る; な.す; む.す; -う Thi s is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
star セイ; ショウ,ほし; -ぼし sun; day; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
awakening セイ,さ.ます; さ.める whiskey bottle; star; sun; day; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
surname セイ; ショウ, woman; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
sex セイ; ショウ,さが Freud; state of mind; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
animal sacrifice セイ, cow; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
Characters Vocabulary-1-17-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
products サン,う.む; う.まれる; うぶ-; む.す vase; stand u p; cliff; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
hump リュウ, pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; walking legs; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
summit ホウ,みね; ね mountain; Segway; Macbeth; walking legs; bushes
bee ホウ,はち insect; Segway; Macbeth; walking legs; bushes
sew ホウ,ぬ.う thread; spiderman; tryst; Segway; Macbeth; walking legs; bushes; road
worship ハイ,おが.む; おろが.む finger; fingers; one; ceiling; bushes
longevity 寿 ジュ; ス; シュウ,ことぶき; ことぶ.く; ことほ.ぐ bushes; glue
casting チュウ; イ; シュ; シュウ,い.る metal; gold; longevi ty; bushes; glue
enroll セキ, bamboo; christmas tree; wood; once upon a time; storyteller
springtime シュン,はる bonsai; sun; day
camellia 椿 チン; チュン,つばき tree; wood; springtime; bonsai; sun; day
peaceful タイ, bonsai; grains of rice
play music ソウ,かな.でる bonsai; heavens
reality ジツ; シツ,み; みの.る; まこと; まことに; みの; みち.る house; bonsai
dedicate ホウ; ブ,たてまつ.る; まつ.る; ほう.ずる observance; bonsai; cornstalk
stipend ホウ, person; observance; dedicate; bonsai; cornstalk
rod ボウ, tree; wood; observance; dedicate; bonsai; cornstalk
discreet キン,つつし.む say; words; keitai; mouth; cabbage; flowers; mouth; grow up
trifle キン; ゴン,わずか person; cabbage; flowers; mouth; grow up
diligence キン; ゴン,つと.める; -づと.め; つと.まる; いそ.しむ cabbage; flowers; mouth; grow up; power; muscle; arnold
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