Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-15-3

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
fiber イ, thread; spiderman; turkey
gauze ラ,うすもの eye; cross-eyed; net; fibre; thread; spiderman; turkey
practice レン,ね.る; ね.り thread; spiderman; east; tree; wood; sun; day
thong ショ; チョ,お; いとぐち thread; spiderman; so meone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day
continue ゾク; ショク; コウ; キョウ,つづ.く; つづ.ける; つぐ.ない thread; spiderman; sell; samurai; crown; human legs
picture カイ; エ, thre ad; spiderman; meeting; one; wall; umbrella; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
overall トウ,す.べる; ほび.る thread; spiderman; allot; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; human legs
strangle コウ,しぼ.る; し.める; し.まる thread; spiderman; mingle; top hat; father
salary キュウ,たま.う; たも.う; -たま.え thread; spiderman; fit; meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
entwine ラク,から.む; から.まる thread; spiderman; each; walking legs; mouth
tie ケツ; ケチ,むす.ぶ; ゆ.う; ゆ.わえる thread; spi derman; aerosol; samurai; mouth
end シュウ,お.わる; -お.わる; おわ.る; お.える; つい; つい.に thread; spiderman; winter; walking legs; ice; drop
class キュウ, thread; spiderman; reach out; outstretched hands
chronicle キ, thread; spiderman; snake; self
crimson コウ; ク,べに; くれない; あか.い thread; spiderman; craft
settlement ノウ; ナッ; ナ; ナン; トウ,おさ.める; -おさ.める; おさ.まる thread; spiderman; inside; person; belt
spinning ボウ,つむ.ぐ thread; spiderman; compass; direction
distract フン,まぎ.れる; -まぎ.れ; まぎ.らす; まぎ.らわす; まぎ.らわしい thread; spiderman; part; eight; sword; dagger
introduce ショウ, thread; spiderman; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth
sutra ケイ; キョウ,へ.る; た.つ; たていと; はか.る; のり thread; spiderman; spool; clod; toilet paper; crotch; soil; dirt; ground
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