Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-14-2

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
strong キョウ; ゴウ,つよ.い; つよ.まる; つよ.める; し.いる; こわ.い bow; elbow; insect
more and more ミ; ビ,いや; や; あまねし; いよいよ; とおい; ひさし; ひさ.しい; わた.る bow; hammock; reclining; lying down; small; little
weak ジャク,よわ.い; よわ.る; よわ.まる; よわ.める bow; ice
drowning デキ; ジョウ; ニョウ,いばり; おぼ.れる water; water droplets; water pistol; weak; bow; ice
seethe フツ,わ.く; わ.かす wa ter; water droplets; water pistol; dollar; bow; stick
expense ヒ,つい.やす; つい.える dollar; bow; stick; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
No. ダイ; テイ, no.; bamboo; dollar; bow; stick
younger brother テイ; ダイ; デ,おとうと horns; dollar; bow; stick
adroit コウ,たく.み; たく.む; うま.い craft; snare
nickname ゴウ,さけ.ぶ; よびな mouth; snare
decay キュウ,く.ちる tree; wood; snare
boast コ,ほこ.る say; words; keitai; mouth; Batman; large; St. Bernard; chandelier; one; ceiling; snare
chin ガク,あご; あぎと mousetrap; mouth; one; ceiling; snare; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
dirty オ,けが.す; けが.れる; けが.らわしい; よご.す; よご.れる; きたな.い water; water droplets; water pistol; snare; one; spike; stick
bestow ヨ,あた.える; あずか.る; くみ.する; ともに slingshot; catapult; one
copy シャ; ジャ,うつ.す; うつ.る; うつ-; うつ.し crown; bestow; slingshot; catapult; one
somebody シン,み nose
shoot シャ,い.る; さ.す somebody; nose; glu e
apologize シャ,あやま.る say; words; keitai; mouth; shoot bang bang; somebody; nose; glue
old man ロウ,お.いる; ふ.ける soil; dirt; ground; spoon; sitting on the ground
20 items.
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