Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-13-1

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
search ソウ; シュ; シュウ,さが.す finger; fingers; Buddha’s hand; monkey; sun; day; stick; crotch
fruit カ,は.たす; はた.す; -は.たす; は.てる; -は.てる; は.て rice field; brains; tree; wood
confectionary カ, flowers; fruit; rice field; brains; tree; wood
chapter カ, say; words; keitai; mouth; fruit; rice field; brains; tree; wood
naked ラ,はだか cloak; fruit; rice field; brains; tree; wood
ax キン,おの axe
chop セキ, tree; wood; axe
place ショ,ところ; -ところ; どころ; とこ door; one; ceiling; flag; axe
pray キ,いの.る altar; axe
near キン; コン,ちか.い axe; road
fold セツ,お.る; おり; お.り; -お.り; お.れる finger; fingers; axe
philosophy テツ,さとい; あき.らか; し.る; さば.く fold; finger; fingers; axe; mouth
departed セイ,ゆ.く; い.く fold; fi nger; fingers; axe; road
vow セイ,ちか.う fold; finger; fingers; axe; say; words; keitai; mouth
chop off ザン; サン; セン; ゼン,き.る executioner; car; axe
temporarily ザン,しばら.く executioner; chop off; car; axe; sun; day
steadily ゼン,やや water; water droplets; water pistol; executioner; chop off; car; axe
severance ダン,た.つ; ことわ.る; さだ.める fishhook; rice; axe
substance シツ; シチ; チ,たち; ただ.す; もと; わりふ axe; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
reject セキ,しりぞ.ける axe; drop
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