Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-11

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-11-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
lacquer シツ,うるし water; water droplets; water pistol; tree; wood; umbrella; grains of rice
knee シツ,ひざ moon; month; flesh; part of the body; tree; wood; umbrella; grains of rice
Esq. ヨウ; ショウ,さま; さん tree; wood; sheep; grains of rice
request キュウ; グ,もと.める arrow; grains of rice
ball キュウ,たま king; jewel; request; arrow; grains of rice
salvation キュウ,すく.う request; arrow; grains of rice; taskmaster
bamboo チク,たけ
laugh ショウ,わら.う; え.む bamboo; he avens
bamboo hat リュウ,かさ bamboo; vase; stand up
bamboo grass ,ささ bamboo; generation
stationery ,
muscle キン,すじ bamboo; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; power; arnold
box ソウ,はこ bamboo; inter; Inter Milan; tree; wood; eye
writing brush ヒツ,ふで bamboo; brush
cylinder トウ,つつ bamboo; same; monks; hood; one; mouth
etc. トウ,ひと.しい; など; -ら bamboo; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
calculate サン,そろ bamboo; eye; two hands
solution トウ,こた.える; こた.え bamboo; fit; meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
scheme サク, bamboo; tree; wood; belt
register 簿 ボ, bamboo; water; water droplets; water pistol; acupuncturist; specialty; drop; ten; needle; rice field; brains; glue
Characters Vocabulary-1-11-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
fabricate チク,きず.く bamboo; barge; craft; mediocre; wind; drop; tree; wood
basket ,
person ジン; ニン,ひと; -り; -と
assistant サ, person; left; by one’s side; craft
partner リョ; ロ,とも person; spine; mouth; drop; mouth
however タン,ただ.し person; nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor
dwell ジュウ; ヂュウ; チュウ,す.む; す.まう; -ず.まい person; candlestick; lord; drop; king; jewel; ball
rank イ,くらい; ぐらい person; vase; stand up
go-between チュウ,なか person; in; stick; mouth
body タイ; テイ,からだ; かたち person; origin; book; tree; wood; one
remote ユウ, permanence; person; stick; fred astaire; taskmaster; heart
affair ケン,くだん person; cow
attend シ; ジ,つか.える person; samurai
other タ,ほか person; scorpion
prostrated フク,ふ.せる; ふ.す person; chihuahua; dog; large; drop
transmit デン; テン,つた.わる; つた.える; つた.う; つだ.う; -づた.い; つて person; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
Buddha ブツ; フツ,ほとけ buddha; person; elbow
rest キュウ,やす.む; やす.まる; やす.める person; tree; wood
provisional カ; ケ,かり; かり- sham; person; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
performing artist ギ; キ,わざ; わざおぎ person; branch; ten; needle; crotch
Characters Vocabulary-1-11-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
chief ハク, person; white; dove
vulgar ゾク, person; valley; eight; umbrella; mouth
faith シン, person; say; words; keitai; mouth
excellent カ, person; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground
reliant イ; エ,よ.る person; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
example レイ,たと.える person; file; bones; one; ceiling; evening; sword; sabre; saber
individual コ; カ, person; harden; pent in; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
healthy ケン,すこ.やか person; build; brush; stretch
side ソク,かわ; がわ; そば person; rule; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; sword; sabre; saber
waiter ジ; シ,さむらい; はべ.る person; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
halt テイ,と.める; と.まる person; pavilion; tall; top hat; mouth; crown; street; nail; spike
price チ,ね; あたい person; straightaway; ten; ne edle; eye; fishhook
emulate ホウ,なら.う person; set free; compass; direction; taskmaster
arrogance ゴウ,あなど.る; おご.る
overthrow トウ,たお.れる; -だお.れ; たお.す person; arrival; climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground; sword; sabre; saber
spy テイ, person; upright; magic wand; augury; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
Buddhist priest ソウ, buddhist priest; person; increase; formerly; horns; rice field; brains; sun; day
hundred million オク, person; idea; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; heart
ceremony ギ, person; righteousness; sheep; ego; hand; fiesta
reparation ショウ,つぐな.う person; prize; outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
Characters Vocabulary-1-11-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
hermit セン; セント, person; mountain
sponsor サイ,もよう.す; もよお.す person; mountain; turkey
humanity ジン; ニ; ニン, person; two
scorn ブ,あなど.る; あなず.る person; every; reclining; lying down; mother; breasts
use 使 シ,つか.う; つか.い; -つか.い; -づか.い person; history; length; stick; mouth; tucked under the arm
convenience 便 ベン; ビン,たよ.り person; grow late; Ameratasu; one; ceiling; sun; tucked under the arm
double バイ, person; muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth
tenderness ユウ; ウ,やさ.しい; すぐ.れる; まさ.る person; melancholy; summer; head; page; crown; heart; walking legs
fell バツ; ハツ; カ; ボチ,き.る; そむ.く; う.つ person; fiesta
inn 宿 シュク,やど; やど.る; やど.す house; person; hundred; one; ceiling; white; dove
wound ショウ,きず; いた.む; いた.める person; reclining; lying down; piggy bank; sun; day; piglets
protect ホ; ホウ,たも.つ person; dumbfounded; mo uth; tree; wood
praise ホウ,ほ.める top hat; protect; person; dumbfounded; mouth; tree; wood; scarf
greatness ケツ,すぐ.れる person; sunglasses; dancing legs; ballerina; evening; tree; wood
adhere フ,つ.ける; -つ.ける; -づ.ける; つ.け; つ.け-; -つ.け; -づ.け; -づけ; つ.く; -づ.く; つ.き; -つ.き; -つき; -づ.き; -づき person; glue
token フ, bamboo; adhere; sellotape; person; glue
municipality フ, borough; cave; adhere; sellotape; person; glue
responsibility ニン,まか.せる; まか.す person; porter; drop; samurai
fare チン, responsibility; person; porter; drop; samurai; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
substitute ダイ; タイ,か.わる; かわ.る; かわ.り; -がわ.り; か.える; よ; しろ person; arrow
Characters Vocabulary-1-11-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
sack タイ; ダイ,ふくろ substitute; person; arrow; garment
lend タイ,か.す; か.し-; かし- substitute; person; arrow; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
change カ; ケ,ば.ける; ば.かす; ふ.ける; け.する person; spoon; sitting on the ground
flower カ; ケ,はな flowers; change; person; spoon; sitting on the ground
freight カ,たから change; person; spoon; sitting on the ground; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
lean ケイ,かたむ.く; かたむ.ける; かたぶ.く; かた.げる; かし.げる change; person; about that time; spoon; sitting on the ground; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
what カ,なに; なん; なに-; なん- person; can; mouth; street; nail; spike
baggage カ,に flowers; what; person; can; mouth; street; nail; spike
sagacious シュン, person; streetwalker; Ministry of silly walks; John Cleese; license; elbow; human legs; walking legs
bystander ボウ,かたわ.ら; わき; おか-; はた; そば person; traffic cop; fez; vase; stand up; crown; compass; direction
myself エン,おれ; われ person; dachshund; large; St. Bernard; eel; sun; day
long time キュウ; ク,ひさ.しい bound up; person; mummy
furrow ボウ; ホ; モ; ム,せ; うね top hat; rice field; brains; long time; mummy; bound up; person
captured シュウ,とら.われる pent in; person
inside ナイ; ダイ,うち person; belt
third class ヘイ,ひのえ one; ceiling; inside; person; belt
design ヘイ,がら; え; つか tre e; wood; third class; one; ceiling; inside; person; belt
meat ニク,しし person; inside; belt; person
rot フ,くさ.る; -くさ.る; くさ.れる; くさ.れ; くさ.らす; くさ.す borough; municipality; cave; adhere; sellotape; person; glue; meat; inside; belt; person
sit ザ,すわ.る squat; cave; shire; assembly line; person; soil; dirt; ground
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