Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
Characters Vocabulary-1-1-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
one イチ; イツ,ひと-; ひと.つ
two ニ; ジ,ふた; ふた.つ; ふたた.び
three サン; ゾウ,み; み.つ; みっ.つ
four シ,よ; よ.つ; よっ.つ; よん pent in; human legs
five ゴ,いつ; いつ.つ
six ロク; リク,む; む.つ; むっ.つ; むい top hat; animal legs
seven シチ,なな; なな.つ; なの diced
eight ハチ,や; や.つ; やっ.つ; よう
nine キュウ; ク,ここの; ここの.つ baseball
ten ジュウ; ジッ; ジュッ,とお; と needle
mouth コウ; ク,くち
day ニチ; ジツ,ひ; -び; -か sun
month ゲツ; ガツ,つき moon; flesh; part of the body
rice field デン,た brains
eye モク; ボク,め; -め; ま-
old コ,ふる.い; ふる-; -ふる.す tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
I ゴ,われ; わが-; あ- five; mouth
risk ボウ,おか.す sun; day; eye
companion ホウ,とも moon; month; flesh; part of the body
bright メイ; ミョウ; ミン,あ.かり; あか.るい; あか.るむ; あか.らむ; あき.らか; あ.ける; -あ.け; あ.く; あ.くる; あ.かす sun; da y; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
Characters Vocabulary-1-1-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
chant ショウ,とな.える mouth; prosperous; sun; day; tongue wagging
sparkle ショウ, day; sun
goods ヒン; ホン,しな mouth
spine ロ; リョ,せぼね mouth; drop
prosperous ショウ,さかん sun; day
early ソウ; サッ,はや.い; はや; はや-; はや.まる; はや.める; さ- sunflower; sun; day; ten; needle
rising sun キョク,あさひ nine; baseball; sun; day
generation セイ; セ; ソウ,よ; さんじゅう ten; twenty
stomach イ, ri ce field; brains; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
nightbreak タン; ダン,あき.らか; あきら; ただし; あさ; あした sun; one; floor
gall bladder タン,きも gallbladder; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor
span コウ; カン,わた.る; もと.める one; ceiling; sun; day; one; floor
concave オウ,くぼ.む; へこ.む; ぼこ
convex トツ,でこ
olden times キュウ,ふる.い; もと stick; sun; day
oneself ジ; シ,みずか.ら; おの.ずから; おの.ずと drop; eye
white ハク; ビャク,しろ; しら-; しろ.い drop; sun; day
hundred ヒャク; ビャク,もも one; ceiling; white; dove
in チュウ,なか; うち; あた.る stick; mouth
thousand セン,ち drop; ten; needle
Characters Vocabulary-1-1-3
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tongue ゼツ,した thousand; drop; ten; needle; mouth
measuring box ショウ,ます thousand; drop; ten; needle
rise up ショウ,のぼ.る sun; day; measuring box; thousand; drop; ten; needle
round ガン,まる; まる.める; まる.い drop; nine; baseball
measurement スン, glue; drop; ten with a hook
elbow チュウ,ひじ moon; month; flesh; part of the body; glue
specialty セン,もっぱ.ら ten; needle; rice field; brains; glue
Dr. ハク; バク, ten; needle; acupuncturist; specialty; drop; ten; needle; rice field; brains; glue
fortune-telling セン,し.める; うらな.う magic wand; augury; divining rod; mouth
above ジョウ; ショウ; シャン,うえ; -うえ; うわ-; かみ; あ.げる; -あ.げる; あ.がる; -あ.がる; あ.がり; -あ.がり; のぼ.る; のぼ.り; のぼ.せる; のぼ.す; よ.す magic wand; augury; divining rod; one; floor
below カ; ゲ,した; しも; もと; さ.げる; さ.がる; くだ.る; くだ.り; くだ.す; -くだ.す; くだ.さる; お.ろす; お.りる one; ceiling; magic wand; augury; divining rod
eminent タク, magic wand; augury; divinging rod; sunflower; sun; day; ten; needle
morning チョウ,あさ mist; ten; needle; early; sun; day; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
derision チョウ; トウ,あざけ.る mouth; morning; mist; ten; needle; early; sun; day; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
only シ,ただ mouth; animal legs; eight
shellfish バイ,かい clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
pop song バイ,うた; うた.う mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
upright テイ,さだ magic wand; augury; divining rod; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
employee イン, mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
post a bill テン; チョウ,は.る; つ.く shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; fortune-telling; magic wand; augury; mouth
Characters Vocabulary-1-1-4
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see ケン,み.る; み.える; み.せる eye; human legs
newborn babe ジ; ニ; ゲイ,こ; -こ; -っこ olden times; stick; sun; day; human legs
beginning ゲン; ガン,もと two; human legs
page ケツ,ぺえじ; おおがい; かしら one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
stubborn ガン,かたく beginning; two; human legs; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
mediocre ボン; ハン,およ.そ; おうよ.そ; すべ.て drop; wind
defeat フ,ま.ける; ま.かす; お.う bo und up; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
ten thousand マン; バン,よろず one; ceiling; bound up
phrase ク, bound up; mouth
texture キ,はだ moon; month; flesh; part of the body; wind
decameron ジュン; シュン, bound up; sun; day
ladle シャク, bound up; drop
bull's eye テキ,まと bull’s eye; white; dove; ladle; bound up; drop
neck シュ,くび horns; nose; one; ceiling; drop; eye
fish guts オツ; イツ,おと-; きのと fishguts; fishhook
riot ラン; ロン,みだ.れる; みだ.る; みだ.す; みだ; おさ.める; わた.る tongue; thousand; drop; ten; needle; mouth; fishhook
straightaway チョク; ジキ; ジカ,ただ.ちに; なお.す; -なお.す; なお.る; なお.き; す.ぐ ten; ne edle; eye; fishhook
tool グ,そな.える; つぶさ.に eye; one; animal legs; eight
true シン,ま; ま-; まこと ten; needle; eye; tool; one; anima l legs; eight
craft コウ; ク; グ, artificial
Characters Vocabulary-1-1-5
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left サ; シャ,ひだり by one’s side; craft
right ウ; ユウ,みぎ by one’s side; mouth
possess ユウ; ウ,あ.る by one’s side; moon; month; flesh; pa rt of the body
bribe ワイ,まかな.う shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; possess; by one’s side; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
tribute コウ; ク,みつ.ぐ craft; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
paragraph コウ,うなじ craft; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
sword トウ,かたな; そり dagger
blade ジン; ニン,は; やいば; き.る drop; sword; dagger
cut セツ; サイ,き.る; -き.る; き.り; -き.り; -ぎ.り; き.れる; -き.れる; き.れ; -き.れ; -ぎ.れ seven; diced; sword; dagger
seduce ショウ,め.す sword; dagger; mouth
shining ショウ, sun; day; seduce; summon; sword; dagger; mouth
rule ソク,のっと.る shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; sword; sabre; saber
vice- フク, wealth; one; ceiling; mouth; rice field; brains; sword; sabre; saber
separate ベツ,わか.れる; わ.ける mouth; bound up; sword; sabre; saber
street チョウ; テイ; チン; トウ; チ,ひのと nail; spike
village チョウ,まち rice field; brains; street; nail; spike
can カ; コク,-べ.き mouth; street; street; nail; spike
place on the head チョウ,いただ.く; いただき street; nail; spike; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
child シ; ス; ツ,こ; -こ; ね
cavity コウ,あな child; fishhook
Characters Vocabulary-1-2-1
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complete リョウ, child with arms wrapped up
woman ジョ; ニョ; ニョウ,おんな; め
fond コウ,この.む; す.く; よ.い; い.い woman; child
likeness ジョ; ニョ,ごと.し woman; mouth
mama ボ,はは; も mother; breasts
pierce カン,つらぬ.く; ぬ.く; ぬき mama; mother; breasts; oyster; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
elder brother ケイ; キョウ,あに teenager; mouth; human legs
curse ジュ; シュ; シュウ; ズ,まじな.う; のろ.い; まじな.い; のろ.う mouth; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
overcome コク,か.つ ten; needle; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
little ショウ,ちい.さい; こ-; お-; さ- small
few ショウ,すく.ない; すこ.し little; small; drop
large ダイ; タイ,おお-; おお.きい; -おお.いに St. Bernard
many タ,おお.い; まさ.に; まさ.る evening
evening セキ,ゆう
eventide セキ,しお; うしお; せい water; water droplets; water pistol; evening
outside ガイ; ゲ,そと; ほか; はず.す; はず.れる; と- evening; magic wand; augury
name メイ; ミョウ,な; -な evening; mouth
stone セキ; シャク; コク,いし cliff; mouth
resemblance ショウ,あやか.る spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
nitrate ショウ, stone; rock; resemblance; spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
Characters Vocabulary-1-2-2
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smash サイ,くだ.く; くだ.ける stone; rock; ninety; nine; baseball; ten; needle
sand サ; シャ,すな stone; rock; few
jealous ト; ツ,ねた.む; そね.む; つも.る; ふさ.ぐ woman; stone; rock
plane サク,けず.る; はつ.る; そ.ぐ resemblance; spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sword; sabre; saber
ray コウ,ひか.る; ひかり small; little; human legs
plump タイ; タ,ふと.い; ふと.る large; St. Bernard; drop
utensil キ,うつわ mouth; large; St. Bernard
stinking シュウ,くさ.い; -くさ.い; にお.う; にお.い nose; drop; eye; large; St. Bernard
sniff キュウ,か.ぐ
exquisite ミョウ; ビョウ,たえ woman; few
focus セイ; ショウ,かえり.みる; はぶ.く few; eye
thick コウ,あつ.い; あか cliff; sun; day; child
strange キ,く.しき; あや.しい; くし; めずら.しい large; St. Bernard; can; mouth; street; nail; spike
stream セン,かわ flood
state シュウ; ス,す stream; flood; drops
obey ジュン, stream; flood; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
water スイ,みず; みず-
icicle ヒョウ,こおり; ひ; こお.る drop; water
eternity エイ,なが.い drop; water
spring セン,いずみ white; dove; water
Characters Vocabulary-1-2-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
gland セン, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; spring; white; dove; water
meadow ゲン,はら cliff; spring; white; dove; small; little
petition ガン,ねが.う; -ねがい meadow; cliff; white; dove; small; little; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
swim エイ,およ.ぐ water; water droplets; water pistol; eternity
marsh ショウ,ぬま water; water droplets; water pistol; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth
open sea チュウ,おき; おきつ; ちゅう.する; わく water; water droplets; water pistol; in; stick; mouth
pan- ハン; ブ; フウ; ホウ; ホン,ただよ.う; ひろ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; mediocre; wind; drop
creek コウ,え wate r; water droplets; water pistol; craft
cleanse タ; タイ,おご.る; にご.る; よな.げる water; water droplets; water pistol; plump; large; St. Bernard; drop
soup ジュウ,しる; -しる; つゆ water; water droplets; water pistol; ten; needle
grains of sand サ; シャ,すな; よなげる water; water droplets; water pistol; few
tide チョウ,しお; うしお water; water droplets; water pistol; morning; mist; ten; needle; early; sun; day; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
source ゲン,みなもと water; water droplets; water pistol; meadow; cliff; sun; day; small; little
lively カツ,い.きる; い.かす; い.ける water; water droplets; water pi stol; tongue; drop; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
extinguish ショウ,き.える; け.す water; water droplets; water pistol; resemblance; spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
but of course キョウ,まし.て; いわ.んや; おもむき water; water droplets; water pistol; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
river カ,かわ water; water droplets; water pistol; can; street; nail; spike; mouth
overnight ハク,と.まる; と.める water; water droplets; water pistol; white; dove
lake コ,みずうみ water; water droplets; water pistol; uncivilized; zombie; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
fathom ソク,はか.る water; water droplets; water pistol; rule; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; sword; sabre; saber
Characters Vocabulary-1-2-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
soil ド; ト,つち dirt; ground
spit ト,は.く; つ.く mouth; soil; dirt; ground
pressure アツ; エン; オウ,お.す; へ.す; おさ.える; お.さえる cliff; so il; dirt; ground
cape キ,さき; さい; みさき soil; dirt; ground; strange; large; St. Bernard; street; nail; spike; mouth
hedge エン,かき soil; dirt; ground; span; one; ceiling; sun; day; one; floor; one
inlay ,
squared jewel ケイ; ケ, square jewel; ivy; soil; dirt; ground
seal フウ; ホウ, ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground; glue
horizon ガイ,はて water; water droplets; water pistol; cliff; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground
Buddhist temple ジ,てら buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
time ジ,とき; -どき sun; day; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
level キン,なら.す soil; dirt; ground; ladle; drop
fire カ,ひ; -び; ほ-
inflammation エン,ほのお fire
anxiety ハン; ボン,わずら.う; わずら.わす fire; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
thin タン,あわ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; inflammation; fire
lamp トウ,ひ; ほ-; ともしび; とも.す; あかり fire; street; nail; spike
farm ,はた; はたけ; -ばたけ fire; rice field; brains
disaster サイ,わざわ.い stream; flood; fire
ashes カイ,はい cliff; fire
Characters Vocabulary-1-2-5
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spot テン,つ.ける; つ.く; た.てる; さ.す; とぼ.す; とも.す; ぼち fortune-telling; magic wand; augury; mouth; oven-fire; barbecue
illuminate ショウ,て.る; て.らす; て.れる shining; sun; day; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth; oven-fire; barbecue
fish ギョ,うお; さかな; -ざかな bound up; rice field; brains; oven-fire; barbecue
fishing ギョ; リョウ,あさ.る water; water droplets; water pistol; fish; bound up; rice field; brains; oven-fire; barbecue
ri リ,さと computer; ri ce field; brains; soil; dirt; ground
black コク,くろ; くろ.ずむ; くろ.い computer; oven-fire; barbecue
black ink ボク,すみ black; computer; oven-fire; barbecue
carp リ,こい fish; bound up; rice field; brains; oven-fire; barbecue; computer
quantity リョウ,はか.る nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor; computer
rin リン, cliff; computer
bury マイ,う.める; う.まる; う.もれる; うず.める; うず.まる; い.ける soil; dirt; ground; computer
same ドウ,おな.じ monks; hood; one; mouth
den ドウ,ほら water; water droplets; water pistol; same; monks; hood; one; mouth
trunk ドウ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; same; monks; hood; one; mouth
yonder コウ,む.く; む.い; -む.き; む.ける; -む.け; む.かう; む.かい; む.こう; む.こう-; むこ; むか.い alien; drop; helmet; hood; mouth
esteem ショウ,なお small; little; alien; glass canopy; hood; mouth
character ジ,あざ; あざな; -な house; child
guard シュ; ス,まも.る; まも.り; もり; -もり; かみ house; glue
perfect カン, house; beginning; two; human legs
proclaim セン,のたま.う; のたま.わく house; span; one; ceiling; sun; day; one; floor; one
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wee hours ショウ,よい house; resemblance; spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
relax アン,やす.い; やす.まる; やす; やす.らか house; woman
banquet エン,うたげ relax; house; sun; day; tongue wagging; woman
draw near キ,よ.る; -よ.り; よ.せる house; strange; large; St. Bernard; can; street; nail; spike; mouth
wealth フ; フウ,と.む; とみ house; one; ceiling; mouth; rice field; brains
savings チョ,た.める; たくわ.える shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; house; street; nail; spike
tree ボク; モク,き; こ- wood
grove リン,はやし tree; wood
forest シン,もり tree; wood
Japanese Judas-tree ケイ,かつら Japanese Judas tree; tree; wood; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground
oak ハク; ヒャク; ビャク,かしわ tree; wood; white; dove
frame ,わく tree; wood; ninety; nine; baseball; ten; needle
treetops ショウ,こずえ; くすのき tree; wood; resemblance; spark; candle; small; little; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
shelf ホウ,たな; -だな tree; wood; companion; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; flesh
apricot キョウ; アン; コウ,あんず tree; wood; mouth
paulownia トウ; ドウ,きり tree; wood; same; monks; hood; one; mouth
plant ショク,う.える; う.わる tree; wood; straightaway; ten; needle; eye; fishhook
chair イ, tree; wood; strange; large; St. Bernard; street; nail; spike; mouth
wither コ,か.れる; か.らす tree; wood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
crude ボク,ほう; ほお; えのき tree; wood; magic wand; augury
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town ソン,むら tree; wood; measure; glue
inter- ソウ; ショウ,あい- tree; wood; eye
desk キ,つくえ tree; wood; wind
book ホン,もと tree; wood; one
tag サツ,ふだ tree; wood; fishhook
calendar レキ,こよみ; りゃく cliff; grove; tree; wood; sun; day
plan アン,つくえ relax; house; woman; tree; wood
parch ソウ,はしゃ.ぐ fire; furniture; wooden goods; mouth; tree; wood
not yet ミ; ビ,いま.だ; ま.だ; ひつじ tree; wood; one
extremity マツ; バツ,すえ tree; wood; one
obscure マイ; バイ,くら.い; むさぼ.る sun; not yet; one; tree; wood
splash マツ; バツ,あわ; しぶき; つばき water; water droplets; water pistol; extremity; one; tree; wood
flavor ミ,あじ; あじ.わう mouth; not yet; one; tree; wood
younger sister マイ,いもうと woman; not yet; one; tree; wood
vermilion シュ,あけ vermillion; drop; not yet; one; tree; wood
stocks シュ,かぶ tree; wood; vermillion; drop; not yet; one; tree; wood
young ジャク; ニャク; ニャ,わか.い; わか-; も.しくわ; も.し; も.しくは flowers; right; by one’s side; mouth
grass ソウ,くさ; くさ-; -ぐさ flowers; sunflower; early; sun; day; ten; needle
suffering ク,くる.しい; -ぐる.しい; くる.しむ; くる.しめる; にが.い; にが.る flowers; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
bullying カ,いじ.める; さいな.む; いらだ.つ; からい; こまかい flowers; can; mouth; street; street; nail; spike
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tolerant カン,くつろ.ぐ; ひろ.い; ゆる.やか house; flowers; look; see; telescope; eye; human legs
dilute ハク,うす.い; うす-; -うす; うす.める; うす.まる; うす.らぐ; うす.ら-; うす.れる; すすき flowers; water; water droplets; water pistol; acupuncturist; specialty; drop; ten; needle; rice field; brains; glue
leaf ヨウ,は flowers; Tarzan; generation; tree; wood
imitation モ; ボ, tree; wood; graveyard; flowers; sun; day; large; St. Bernard
vague バク, water; water droplets; water pistol; graveyard; flowers; sun; day; large; St. Bernard
grave ボ,はか graveyard; flowers; sun; day; large; St. Bernard; soil; dirt; ground
livelihood ボ,く.れる; く.らす graveyard; flowers; sun; day; large; St. Bernard
membrane マク, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; graveyard; flowers; sun; day; large; St. Bernard
seedling ビョウ; ミョウ,なえ; なわ- flowers; rice field; brains
portent チョウ,きざ.す; きざ.し turtle
peach tree トウ,もも tree; wood; portent; turtle
stare チョウ,なが.める eye; portent; turtle
dog ケン,いぬ; いぬ- large; St. Bernard; drop
status quo ジョウ, turtle; chihuahua; dog; large; drop
silence モク; ボク,だま.る; もだ.す black; computer; chihuahua; dog; large; drop; oven-fire; barbecue
sort of thing ゼン; ネン,しか; しか.り; しか.し; さ moon; crescent moon; month; flesh; part of the body; chihuahua; dog; large; drop; oven-fire; barbecue
reed テキ,おぎ flowers; pack of wild dogs; fire
hunt シュ,か.る; か.り; -が.り pack of wild dogs; guard; house; glue
cat ビョウ,ねこ pack of wild dogs; seedlings; flowers; rice field; brains
cow ギュウ,うし
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special トク, cow; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
revelation コク,つ.げる cow; mouth
before セン,さき; ま.ず cow; human legs
wash セン,あら.う water; water droplets; water pistol; before; cow; human legs
jammed in カイ, umbrella; stick; walking cane
world カイ, rice field; brains; jammed in; umbrella; stick; cane
tea チャ; サ, flowers; umbrella; wooden pole
spinal column セキ,せ; せい I Ching; Master Po; umbrella; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
fit ゴウ; ガッ; カッ,あ.う; -あ.う; あ.い; あい-; -あ.い; -あい; あ.わす; あ.わせる; -あ.わせる meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
pagoda トウ, soil; dirt; ground; flowers; fit; meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
king オウ; ノウ, jewel; ball
jewel ギョク,たま; たま-; -だま king; ball; earring; drop
treasure ホウ,たから house; king; jewel; ball; earring; drop
pearl シュ,たま king; jewel; ball; vermillion; drop; not yet; one; tree; wood
present ゲン,あらわ.れる; あらわ.す; うつつ; うつ.つ king; jewel; ball; see; telescope; eye; human legs
toy ガン,もちあそ.ぶ; もてあそ.ぶ king; jewel; ball; beginning; two; human legs
lunatic キョウ,くる.う; くる.おしい; くるお.しい pack of wild dogs; king; jewel; ball
effulgent オウ; キョウ; ゴウ,かがや.き; うつくし.い; さかん sun; day; king; jewel; ball
emperor コウ; オウ, white; dove; king; jewel; ball
display テイ, mouth; king; jewel; ball
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whole ゼン,まった.く; すべ.て umbrella; king; jewel; ball
plug セン, tree; wood; whole; umbrella; king; jewel; ball
logic リ,ことわり king; jewel; ball; computer
lord シュ; ス; シュウ,ぬし; おも; あるじ drop; king; jewel; ball
pour チュウ,そそ.ぐ; さ.す; つ.ぐ water; water droplets; water pistol; candlestick; lord; drop; king; jewel; ball
pillar チュウ,はしら tree; wood; candlestick; lord; drop; king; jewel; ball
gold キン; コン; ゴン,かね; かな-; -がね metal; umbrella; drop; kin g; jewel; ball
pig iron セン, pig-iron; metal; gold; before; cow; human legs
bowl ハチ; ハツ, metal; gold; origin; book; tree; wood; one
copper ドウ,あかがね metal; gold; same; monks; hood; one; mouth
angling チョウ,つ.る; つ.り; つ.り- metal; gold; ladle; bound up; drop
needle シン,はり metal; gold; ten
inscription メイ, metal; gold; name; evening; mouth
tranquillize チン,しず.める; しず.まる; おさえ tranquilize; metal; gold; true; truth; ten; needle; eye; tool; animal legs; eight
road-way ドウ; トウ,みち neck; horns; drop; eye; road
guidance ドウ,みちび.く neck; horns; drop; eye; road; glue
crossing ,つじ cross; ten; needle; road
swift ジン, fishhook; cross; ten; needle; road
create ゾウ,つく.る; つく.り; -づく.り revelation; cow; mouth; road
urge ハク,せま.る white; dove; road
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escape トウ,に.げる; に.がす; のが.す; のが.れる turtle; portent; road
environs ヘン,あた.り; ほと.り; -べ dagge r; sword; road
patrol ジュン,めぐ.る; めぐ.り deluge; stream; flood; road
car シャ,くるま sun; ten; needle
take along レン,つら.なる; つら.ねる; つ.れる; -づ.れ car; road
rut キ, car; nine; baseball
transport ユ; シュ, car; meeting of butchers; umbrella; one; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sword; sabre; saber
metaphor ,
in front ゼン,まえ; -まえ horns; butcher; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sword; sabre; saber
roast セン,せん.じる; い.る; に.る i n front; horns; butcher; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sword; sabre; saber; oven-fire; barbecue
each カク,おのおの walking legs; mouth
status カク; コウ; キャク; ゴウ, tree; wood; each; walking legs; mouth
graft ロ,まいな.い; まいな.う shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; each; walking legs; mouth
abbreviation リャク,ほぼ; おか.す; おさ.める; はかりごと; はか.る; はぶ.く; りゃく.す; りゃく.する rice field; brains; each; walking legs; mouth
guest キャク; カク, house; each; walking legs; mouth
forehead ガク,ひたい guest; house; each; walking legs; mouth; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
summer カ; ガ; ゲ,なつ one; ceiling; drop; eye; walking legs
dispose ショ,ところ; -こ; お.る walking legs; wind
twig ジョウ; チョウ; デキ,えだ; すじ walking legs; tree; wood
fall ラク,お.ちる; お.ち; お.とす flo wers; water; water droplets; water pistol; each; walking legs; mouth
Characters Vocabulary-1-4-2
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superfluous ジョウ, crown; weathercock; wind
Hades メイ; ミョウ,くら.い hades; crown; sun; day; six
army グン, chariot; crown; vehicle; car
radiance キ,かがや.く ray; small; little; human legs; army; chariot; crown; vehicle; car
carry ウン,はこ.ぶ army; chariot; crown; vehicle; car; road
crown カン,かんむり beginning; two; human legs; glue
dream ム; ボウ,ゆめ; ゆめ.みる; くら.い flowers; eye; cross-eyed; net; crown; evening
pit コウ, soil; dirt; ground; whirlwind; top hat; wind
tall コウ,たか.い; たか; -だか; たか.まる; たか.める top hat; mouth; alien; hood; mouth
receive キョウ; コウ,う.ける tall; top hat; mouth; children
cram school ジュク, receive; tall; top hat; mouth; child; children; round; nine; baseball; drop; soil; dirt; ground
mellow ジュク,う.れる receive; tall; top hat; mou th; child; children; round; nine; baseball; drop; oven-fire; barbecue
pavilion テイ; チン, tall; top hat; mouth; crown; street; nail; spike
capital キョウ; ケイ; キン,みやこ tall; top hat; mouth; small; little
refreshing リョウ,すず.しい; すず.む; すず.やか; うす.い; ひや.す; まことに water droplets; water pistol capital; tall; top hat; mouth; small; little
scenery ケイ, sun; day; capital; tall; top hat; mouth; small; little
whale ゲイ,くじら fish; bound up; rice field; brains; oven-fire; barbecue; capital; tall; top hat; mouth; small; little
cottage シャ; セキ,やど.る umbrella; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth
circumference シュウ,まわ.り glass hood; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth
week シュウ, circumference; running track; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; road
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gentleman シ, samurai
good luck キチ; キツ,よし samurai; mouth
robust ソウ,さかん turtle; samurai
villa ソウ; ショウ; チャン,ほうき; おごそ.か flowers; robust; turtle; samurai
sell バイ,う.る; う.れる samu rai; paper punch; Miss World; crown; human legs
study ガク,まな.ぶ schoolhouse; owl; crown; child
memorize カク,おぼ.える; さ.ます; さ.める; さと.る schoolhouse; owl; crown; see; telescope; eye; human legs
flourish エイ; ヨウ,さか.える; は.え; -ば.え; は.える; え schoolhouse; owl; crown; tree; wood
write ショ,か.く; -が.き; -がき brush; tongue wagging; sun; day
haven シン,つ water; water droplets; water pistol; brush
breed ボク,まき cow; taskmaster
aggression コウ,せ.める craft; taskmaster
failure ハイ,やぶ.れる shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; taskmaster
a sheet of マイ; バイ, sheet of…; tree; wood; taskmaster
happenstance コ,ゆえ; ふる.い; もと old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth; taskmaster
awe ケイ; キョウ,うやま.う flowers; phrase; bound up; mouth; taskmaster
say ゲン; ゴン,い.う; こと words; kei tai; mouth
admonish ケイ,いまし.める awe; flowers; phrase; bound up; mouth; taskmaster; say; words; keitai; mouth
plot ケイ,はか.る; はか.らう say; words; keitai; mouth; ten; needle
elucidate セン,せん.ずる; かい; あき.らか say; words; keitai; mouth; whole; umbrella; king; jewel; ball
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prison ゴク, pack of wild dogs; say; words; keitai; mouth; chihuahua; dog; large; drop
revise テイ, say; words; keitai; mouth; street; nail; spike
obituary フ,"しらせ "
chastise トウ,う.つ say; words; keitai; mou th; glue
instruction クン; キン,おし.える; よ.む; くん.ずる say; words; keitai; mouth; stream; flood
imperial edict ショウ,みことのり say; words; keitai; mouth; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth
packed キツ; キチ,つ.める; つ.め; -づ.め; つ.まる; つ.む say; words; keitai; mouth; aerosol; good luck; samurai; mouth
tale ワ,はな.す; はなし say; words; keitai; mouth; tongue; thousand; mouth
recitation エイ,よ.む; うた.う say; words; keitai; mouth; eternity; drop; water
poem シ,うた say; words; keitai; mouth; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
word ゴ,かた.る; かた.らう say; words; keitai; mouth; I; five; mouth
read ドク; トク; トウ,よ.む; -よ.み say; words; keitai; mouth; sell; sale; samurai; paper punch; Miss World; crown; human legs
tune 調 チョウ,しら.べる; しら.べ; ととの.う; ととの.える say; words; keitai; mouth; circumference; running track; soil; dirt; ground; mouth
discuss ダン, say; words; keitai; mouth; inflammation; fire
consent ダク, say; wo rds; keitai; mouth; young; flowers; by one’s side; mouth
rebuke ユ,さと.す say; words; keitai; mouth; meeting of butchers; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sword; sabre; saber
style シキ, arrow; craft
test シ,こころ.みる; ため.す say; words; keitai; mouth; style; arrow; craft
II (two) ニ; ジ,ふた.つ; そえ II; two; arrows; quiver
range イキ, soil; dirt; ground; pope; fiesta; mouth; one; floor
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burglar ゾク, shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; ten; needle; fiesta
plantation サイ, Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; tree; wood
load サイ,の.せる; の.る Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; car; vehicle
overgrown モ,しげ.る flowers; parade
relatives ソク; セキ,いた.む; うれ.える; みうち half-uncle; above; small; little; parade
turn into セイ; ジョウ,な.る; な.す; -な.す parade; sword; dagger
castle ジョウ,しろ soil; dirt; ground; turn into; parade; sword; dagger
sincerity セイ,まこと say; words; keitai; mouth; turn into; sword; dagger; parade
intimidate イ,おど.す; おど.し; おど.かす march; women; woman
destroy メツ,ほろ.びる; ほろ.ぶ; ほろ.ぼす water; water droplets; water pistol; march; fire
dwindle ゲン,へ.る; へ.らす water; water droplets; water pistol; march; mouth
revile ベツ,ないがしろ; なみ.する; くらい; さげす.む flowers; eye; cross-eyed; net; march
scaffold サン; セン,かけはし tree; wood; float; fiesta
coin セン; ゼン,ぜに; すき metal; gold; float; fiesta
shallow セン,あさ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; float; fiesta
stop シ,と.まる; -ど.まり; と.める; -と.める; -ど.め; とど.める; とど.め; とど.まる; や.める; や.む; -や.む; よ.す; -さ.す; -さ.し footprint
walk ホ; ブ; フ,ある.く; あゆ.む stop; footprint; few
ford ショウ,わた.る water; water droplets; water pistol; walk; stop; footprint; few
repeatedly ヒン,しき.りに walk; stop; footprint; few; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
agreement コウ,がえんじ.る stop; footprint; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
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undertake キ,くわだ.てる; たくら.む umbrella; stop; footprint
curriculum レキ; レッキ, cliff; grove; tree; wood; stop; footprint
warrior ブ; ム,たけ.し one; arrow; stop; footprint
levy フ; ブ, shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; warrior; one; stop; footprint; arrow
correct セイ; ショウ,ただ.しい; ただ.す; まさ; まさ.に one; ceiling; stop; footprint
evidence ショウ,あかし say; words; keitai; mouth; correct; one; ceiling; stop; footprint
politics セイ; ショウ,まつりごと; まん correct; one; ceiling; stop; footprint; taskmaster
determine テイ; ジョウ,さだ.める; さだ.まる; さだ.か house; mend
lock ジョウ, metal; gold; determine; determined; house; mend
run ソウ,はし.る soil; dirt; ground; mend
transcend チョウ,こ.える; こ.す run; soil; dirt; ground; mend; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth
proceed フ,おもむ.く run; soil; dirt; ground; mend; magic wand; augury
surpass エツ; オツ,こ.す; -こ.す; -ご.し; こ.える; -ご.え run; soil; dirt; ground; mend; parade
just so ゼ; シ,これ; この; ここ sun; day; mend
topic ダイ, just so; sun; day; mend; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
dike テイ,つつみ soil; dirt; ground; just so; sun; day; mend
build ケン; コン,た.てる; た.て; -だ.て; た.つ brush; stretch
key ケン,かぎ metal; gold; build; brush; stretch
prolong エン,の.びる; の.べる; の.べ; の.ばす drop; stop; footprint; stretch
nativity タン, say; words; keitai; mouth; prolonged; drop; stop; footprint; stretch
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cornerstone ソ,いしずえ stone; rock; grove; tree; wood; zoo; critters
bridegroom 婿 セイ,むこ woman; zoo; critters; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
garment イ; エ,ころも; きぬ; -ぎ top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothi ng
tailor サイ,た.つ; さば.く Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
attire ソウ; ショウ,よそお.う; よそお.い turtle; samurai; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
back リ,うら top hat; scarf; computer
demolition カイ; エ,こわ.す; こわ.れる; やぶ.る soil; dirt; ground; poltergeist; BernaE; ten; needle; eye; cross-eyed; net; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
pathetic アイ,あわ.れ; あわ.れむ; かな.しい top hat; scarf; mouth
distant エン; オン,とお.い earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; scarf; road
monkey エン,さる pack of wild dogs; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; scarf
first time ショ,はじ.め; はじ.めて; はつ; はつ-; うい-; -そ.める; -ぞ.め cloak; sword; dagger
towel キン; フク,おお.い; ちきり; きれ; はば
linen フ,ぬの by one’s side; towel
sail ハン,ほ towel; mediocre; drop; wind
hanging scroll フク,はば towel; wealth; one; ceiling; mouth; rice field; brains
cap ボウ; モウ,ずきん; おお.う towel; risk; sun; day; eye
curtain マク; バク,とばり graveyard; flowers; sun; day; large; St. Bernard; towel
canopy コウ,ほろ; とばり towel; limpid; sun; day; ray; small; little; human legs
brocade キン,にしき metal; gold; napkin; white; dove; towel
market シ,いち top hat; towel
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persimmon シ,かき; こけら tree; wood; market; top hat; towel
elder sister シ,あね; はは woman; market; top hat; towel
lungs ハイ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; market; top hat; towel
sash タイ,お.びる; おび buckle; apron; crown; towel
stagnate タイ; テイ,とどこお.る water; water droplets; water pistol; sash; buckle; apron; crown; towel
thorn シ,さ.す; さ.さる; さ.し; さし; とげ tree; wood; belt; sword; sa bre; saber
system セイ, cow; belt; sword; sabre; saber
made in... セイ, made in…; system; cow; belt; sword; sabre; saber; hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
revolve テン,ころ.がる; ころ.げる; ころ.がす; ころ.ぶ; まろ.ぶ; うたた; うつ.る; くる.めく car; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
technique ゲイ; ウン,う.える; のり; わざ flowers; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
rain ウ,あめ; あま-; -さめ weather
cloud ウン,くも; -ぐも rain; weather; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
cloudy weather ドン,くも.る sun; day; cloud; rain; weather; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
thunder ライ,かみなり rai n; weather; rice field; brains
frost ソウ,しも rain; weather; inter; Inter Milan; tree; wood; eye
winter トウ,ふゆ walking legs; ice
heavens テン,あまつ; あめ; あま- one; ceiling; large
bewitched ヨウ,あや.しい; なま.めく; わざわ.い woman; sapling
irrigate ヨウ; ヨク; オク,そそ.ぐ water; water droplets; water pistol; sapling
bridge キョウ,はし tree; wood; angel; heavens; mouth; hood; mouth
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attractive キョウ,なまめか.しい woman; angel; heavens; mouth; hood; mouth
stand up リツ; リュウ; リットル,た.つ; -た.つ; た.ち-; た.てる; -た.てる; た.て-; たて-; -た.て; -だ.て; -だ.てる vase
cry キュウ,な.く water; water droplets; water pistol; vase; stand up
badge ショウ, vase; stand up; sunflower; early; sun; day; ten; needle
vie キョウ; ケイ,きそ.う; せ.る vase; stand up; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
sovereign テイ,みかど vase; stand up; apron; crown; towel
renunciation テイ; タイ,あき.らめる; あきら.める; つまびらか; まこと say; words; keitai; mouth; sovereign; vase; stand up; apron; crown; towel
juvenile ドウ,わらべ vase; stand up; computer
pupil ドウ; トウ,ひとみ eye; juvenile; vase; stand up; computer
bell ショウ,かね metal; gold; juvenile; vase; stand up; computer
make a deal ショウ,あきな.う vase; stand up; alien; hood; human legs; mouth
legitimate wife チャク; テキ, woman; antique; vase; stand up; hood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
suitable テキ,かな.う antique; vase; stand up; hood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth; road
drip テキ,しずく; したた.る water; water droplets; water pistol; antique; vase; stand up; hood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
enemy テキ,かたき; あだ; かな.う antique; vase; stand up; hood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth; taskmaster
spoon ヒ,さじ; さじのひ sitting on the ground
scold シツ; シチ,しか.る mouth; diced; seven; spoon; sitting on the ground
aroma ,にお.う; にお.い; にお.わせる bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
about that time ケイ; キョウ,ころ; ごろ; しばら.く spoon; sitting on the ground; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
north ホク,きた spoon; sitting on the ground
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stature ハイ,せ; せい; そむ.く; そむ.ける north; spoon; sitting on the ground; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
compare ヒ,くら.べる spoon; sitting on the ground
descendants コン, sun; day; compare; spoon; sitting on the ground
all カイ,みな; みんな compare; spoon; sitting on the ground; white; dove
block letters カイ,
orderliness カイ,かな.う; やわ.らぐ
mix コン,ま.じる; -ま.じり; ま.ざる; ま.ぜる; こ.む water; water droplets; water pistol; descendants; sun; day; compare; spoon; sitting on the ground
thirst カツ,かわ.く water; water droplets; water pistol; mexican bandit; muchacho; siesta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
audience エツ, say; words; keitai; mouth; mexican bandit; muchacho; sies ta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
brown カツ, cloak; mexican bandit; muchacho; siesta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
hoarse カツ, mouth; mexican bandit; muchacho; siesta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
kudzu カツ; カチ,つづら; くず flowers; mexican bandit; muchacho; siesta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
delicious シ,むね; うま.い spoon; sitting on the ground; sun; day
fat シ,あぶら moon; month; flesh; part of the body; delicious; spoon; sun; day
visit a shrine ケイ; ゲイ,けい.する; まい.る; いた.る; もう.でる say; words; keitai; mouth; delicious; spoon; sitting on the ground; sun; day
I (one) イチ; イツ,ひとつ 1 (one); samurai; crown; spoon; sitting on the ground
every マイ,ごと; -ごと.に reclining; lying down; mother
cleverness ビン,さとい every; reclining; lying down; mother; breasts; taskmaster
plum バイ,うめ tree; wood; every; reclining; lying down; mother; breasts
sea カイ,うみ water; water droplets; water pistol; every; reclining; lying down; mother; breasts
Characters Vocabulary-1-6-1
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beg コツ; キツ; キ; キケ; コチ,こ.う reclining; lying down; fishhook
drought カン; ケン,かわ.く; かわ.かす; ほ.す; ひ.る; いぬい mist; ten; needle; early; sun; day; beg; reclining; lying down; fishho ok
abdomen フク,はら moon; month; flesh; part of the body; fold back; double back; reclining; lying down; sun; day; walking legs
duplicate フク, cloak; fold back; double back; reclining; lying down; sun; day; walking legs
lack ケツ; ケン,か.ける; か.く; あくび yawn
blow スイ,ふ.く mouth; lack; yawn
cook スイ,た.く; -だ.き fire; lack; yawn
song カ,うた; うた.う cancan; can; mouth; street; nail; spike; lack; yawn
soft ナン,やわ.らか; やわ.らかい car; lack; yawn
next ジ; シ,つ.ぐ; つぎ ice; lack; yawn
briar シ; ジ,いばら; かや; くさぶき flowers; next; ice; lack; yawn
assets シ, next; ice; lack; yawn; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
figure 姿 シ,すがた next; ice; lack; yawn; woman
consult with シ,はか.る say; words; keitai; mouth; next; ice; lack; yawn; mouth
compensation バイ, shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth
cultivate バイ,つちか.う soil; dirt; ground; muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth
divide ボウ, muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth; sword; sabre; saber
sound オン; イン; ノン,おと; ね vase; stand up; sun; day; ton gue wagging
darkness アン,くら.い; くら.む; くれ.る sun; day; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day
rhyme イン, sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; employee; mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
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discriminating シキ,し.る; しる.す say; words; keitai; mouth; kazoo; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; fiesta
mirror キョウ; ケイ,かがみ metal; gold; vase; stand up; sun; day; human legs
boundary キョウ; ケイ,さかい soil; dirt; ground; mirror; vase; stand up; sun; day; human legs
deceased ボウ; モウ,な.い; な.き-; ほろ.びる; ほろ.ぶ; ほろ.ぼす perish; top hat; fishhook
blind モウ,めくら deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook; eye
delusion モウ; ボウ,みだ.りに deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook; woman
laid waste コウ,あら.い; あら-; あ.れる; あ.らす; -あ.らし; すさ.む wreath; flowers; deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook; stream; flood
ambition ボウ; モウ,のぞ.む; もち deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; king; jewel; ball
direction ホウ,かた; -かた; -がた compass
disturb ボウ,さまた.げる compass; direction; woman
boy ボウ; ボッ, soil; dirt; ground; compass; direction
perfumed ホウ,かんば.しい perfume; flowers; compass; direction
obese ボウ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; compass; direction
call on ホウ,おとず.れる; たず.ねる; と.う say; words; keitai; mouth; compass; direction
set free ホウ,はな.す; -っぱな.し; はな.つ; はな.れる; こ.く; ほう.る compass; direction; taskma ster
violent ゲキ,はげ.しい water; water droplets; water pistol; white; dove; compass; direction; taskmaster
undress ダツ,ぬ.ぐ; ぬ.げる moon; month; flesh; part of the body; devil; horns; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
explanation セツ; ゼイ,と.く rumor; say; words; keitai; mouth; devil; horns; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
pointed エイ,するど.い metal; gold; devil; horns; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
formerly ソウ; ソ; ゾウ,かつ; かつて; すなわち increase; horns; rice field; brains; sun; day
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increase ゾウ,ま.す; ま.し; ふ.える; ふ.やす soil; dirt; ground; formerly; horns; rice field; brains; sun; day
presents ゾウ; ソウ,おく.る shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; increase; formerly; horns; rice field; brains; sun; day
east トウ,ひがし sun; day; tree; wood
ridgepole トウ,むね; むな- tree; wood; east; tree; wood; sun; day
frozen トウ,こお.る; こご.える; こご.る; い.てる; し.みる ice; east; tree; wood; sun; day
pregnancy ニン; ジン,はら.む; みごも.る woman; porter; drop; samurai
courts テイ, porter; drop; samurai; stretch
dye セン,そ.める; -ぞ.め; -ぞめ; そ.まる; し.みる; -じ.みる; し.み; -し.める water; water droplets; water pistol; nine; baseball; tree; wood
burn ネン,も.える; も.やす; も.す fire; sort of thing; mo on; crescent moon; month; flesh; part of the body; chihuahua; dog; large; drop; oven-fire; barbecue
V.I.P. ヒン, house; one; ceiling; few; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
year-end サイ; セイ,とし; とせ; よわい year end; stop; footprint; one; little; small; march
prefecture ケン,か.ける eye; fishhook; small; little
horse chestnut ,とち tree; wood; Wimbledon; cliff; ten thousand; one; bound up
ground チ; ジ, soil; dirt; scorpion
pond チ,いけ water; water droplets; water pistol; scorpion
insect チュウ; キ,むし in; stick; mouth
lightning bug ケイ,ほたる lightning-bug; schoolhouse; owl; crown; insect
snake ジャ; ダ; イ; ヤ,へび insect; wind chimes; house; spoon; sitting on the ground
rainbow コウ,にじ insect; craft
butterfly チョウ, insect; Tarzan; generation; tree; wood
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single ドク; トク,ひと.り pack of wild dogs; insect
silkworm サン; テン,かいこ; こ heavens; insect
wind フウ; フ,かぜ; かざ-; -かぜ gnats; drop; insect
self コ; キ,おのれ; つちのと; な sna ke
rouse キ,お.きる; お.こる; お.こす; おこ.す; た.つ run; soil; dirt; ground; mend; snake; self
queen ヒ,きさき woman; snake; self
reformation カイ,あらた.める; あらた.まる snake; self; taskmaster
scribe キ,しる.す say; words; keitai; mouth; snake; self
wrap ホウ,つつ.む; くる.む bound up; snake; self
placenta ホウ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; wrap; bound up; snake; self
cannon ホウ, stone; rock; wrap; bound up; snake; self
bubble ホウ,あわ water; water droplets; water pistol; wrap; bound up; snake; self
tortoise キ; キュウ; キン,かめ bound up; eels; sun; day
electricity デン, rain; weather; eel; sun; day
dragon リュウ; リョウ; ロウ,たつ; いせ vase; stand up; eel; sun; day
waterfall ロウ; ソウ,たき water; water droplets; water pistol; dragon; vase; stand up; eel; sun; day
pork トン,ぶた moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sow; pig
pursue チク, so w; pig; road
consummate スイ,と.げる; つい.に horns; sow; pig; road
house カ; ケ,いえ; や; うち sow; pig
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marry into カ,よめ; とつ.ぐ; い.く; ゆ.く woman; house; sow; pig
overpowering ゴウ,えら.い tall; top hat; mouth; crown; sow; pig
intestines チョウ,はらわた moon; month; flesh; part of the body; piggy bank; sun; day; piglets
location ジョウ; チョウ,ば soil; dirt; ground; piggy ba nk; sun; day; piglets
hot water トウ,ゆ water; water droplets; water pistol; piggy bank; sun; day; piglets
sheep ヨウ,ひつじ horns
beauty ビ; ミ,うつく.しい sheep; large; St. Bernard
ocean ヨウ, water; water droplets; water pistol; sheep
detailed ショウ,くわ.しい; つまび.らか say; words; keitai; mouth; sheep
fresh セン,あざ.やか fish; bound up; rice field; brains; oven-fire; barbecue; sheep
accomplished タツ; ダ,-たち soil; dirt; ground; sheep; road
envious セン; エン,うらや.む; あまり sheep; water; water droplets; water pistol; lack; yawn
distinction サ,さ.す; さ.し wool; sheep; craft
don チャク; ジャク,き.る; -ぎ; き.せる; -き.せ; つ.く; つ.ける wool; sheep; eye
solely ユイ; イ,ただ mouth; turkey
piled high タイ; ツイ,うずたか.い soil; dirt; ground; turkey
sweet oak ツイ; スイ,つち; う.つ tree; wood; turkey
who? スイ,だれ; たれ; た who; say; words; keita i; mouth; turkey
char ショウ,こ.げる; こ.がす; こ.がれる; あせ.る turkey; oven-fire; barbecue
reef ショウ, stone; rock; char; turkey; oven-fire; barbecue
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gather シュウ,あつ.まる; あつ.める; つど.う turkey; tree; wood
quasi- ジュン, ice; turkey
advance シン,すす.む; すす.める turkey; road
miscellaneous ザツ; ゾウ,まじ.える; まじ.る nine; baseball; tree; wood; turkey
female シ,め-; めす; めん Prince; this here; stop; footprint; spoon; sitting on the ground; turkey
semi- ジュン,じゅん.じる; じゅん.ずる; なぞら.える; のり; ひと.しい; みずもり water; water droplets; water pistol; turkey; ten; needle
stirred up フン,ふる.う large; St. Bernard; turkey; rice field; brains
rob ダツ,うば.う large; St. Bernard; turkey; glue
assurance カク; コウ,たし.か; たし.かめる stone; rock; turkeyhouse; house; turkey
noon ゴ,うま horse; pantomime horse; sign of the horse
permit キョ,ゆる.す; もと say; words; keitai; mouth; horse; pantomime horse; noon; sign of the horse
delight カン,よろこ.ぶ pegasus; horse; pantomime horse; noon; sign of the horse; turkey; lack; yawn
authority ケン; ゴン,おもり; かり; はか.る tree; wood; pegasus; horse; pantomime horse; noon; sign of the horse; turkey
outlook カン,み.る; しめ.す pegasus; horse; pantomi me horse; noon; sign of the horse; turkey; see; telescope; eye; human legs
feathers ウ,は; わ; はね wings
learn シュウ; ジュ,なら.う; なら.い feathers; wings; white; dove
the following ヨク, feathers; wings; vase; stand up
weekday ヨウ, sun; day; futon; feathers; wings; turkey
laundry タク,すす.ぐ; ゆす.ぐ water; water droplets; water pistol; futon; feathers; wings; turkey
sayeth エツ,いわ.く; のたま.う; のたま.わく; ここに; ひらび pent in; one
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quandary コン,こま.る pent in; tree; wood
harden コ,かた.める; かた.まる; かた.まり; かた.い pent in; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
weld コ,ふさ.ぐ
country コク,くに pent in; king; jewel; ball; earring; drop
group ダン; トン,かたまり; まる.い pent in; glue
cause イン,よ.る; ちな.む pent in; large; St. Bernard
matrimony イン, woman; cause; pent in; large; St. Bernard
windpipe イン; エン; エツ,むせ.ぶ; むせ.る; のど; の.む mouth; cause; pent in; large; St. Bernard
park エン,その pen t in; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; scarf
-times カイ; エ,まわ.る; -まわ.る; -まわ.り; まわ.す; -まわ.す; まわ.し-; -まわ.し; もとお.る; か.える times; pent in; mouth
podium ダン; タン, soil; dirt; ground; Churchill; top hat; -times; pent in; mouth; nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor
store テン,みせ; たな cave; fortune-telling; magic wand; augury; mouth
warehouse コ; ク,くら cave; car
courtyard テイ,にわ cave; courts; porter; drop; samurai; stretch
government office チョウ; テイ,やくしょ cave; street; nail; spike
bed ショウ,とこ; ゆか cave; tree; wood
hemp マ; マア,あさ cave; gro ve; tree; wood
grind マ,みが.く; す.る hemp; cave; grove; tree; wood; stone; rock
heart シン,こころ; -ごころ; りっしんべん drops; fishhook
forget ボウ,わす.れる perish; deceased; top hat; fishhook; heart
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selfish シ,ほしいまま
endure ニン,しの.ぶ; しの.ばせる blade; sword; dagger; drop; heart
acknowledge ニン,みと.める; したた.める say; words; keitai; mouth; endure; blade; sword; dagger; drop; heart
mourning キ,い.む; い.み; い.まわしい snake; self; heart
intention シ; シリング,こころざ.す; こころざし samurai; heart
document シ, say; words; keitai; mouth; intention; samurai; heart
wick シン, flowers; heart
loyalty チュウ, in; stick; mouth; heart
shish kebab カン; ケン; セン,くし; つらぬ.く kebab; in; stick; mouth
afflicted カン,わずら.う kebab; in; stick; mouth; heart
think シ,おも.う; おもえら.く; おぼ.す rice field; brains; heart
grace オン, cause; pent in; large; St. Bernard; heart
apply オウ; ヨウ; ノウ,あた.る; まさに; こた.える cave; heart
idea イ, sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; heart
cowardice オク; ヨク,むね; おくする moon; month; flesh; part of the body; idea; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; heart
concept ソウ; ソ,おも.う inter milan; inter; tree; wood; eye; heart
breath ソク,いき nose; drop; eye; heart
recess ケイ,いこ.い; いこ.う tongue; thousand; mouth; nose; drop; eye; heart
favor ケイ; エ,めぐ.む; めぐ.み te n; needle; rice field; brains; heart
fear キョウ,おそ.れる; おそ.る; おそ.ろしい; こわ.い; こわ.がる barge; craft; mediocre; drop; wind; heart
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beguile ワク,まど.う a; pope; fiesta; mouth; one; floor; heart
emotion カン, march; mouth; heart
melancholy ユウ,うれ.える; うれ.い; う.い; う.き su mmer; head; page; crown; heart; walking legs
widow カ, house; head; page; animal legs; eight; sword; dagger
busy ボウ; モウ,いそが.しい; せわ.しい; おそ.れる; うれえるさま Freud; state of mind; deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook
ecstasy エツ,よろこ.ぶ; よろこ.ばす Freud; state of mind; devil; horns; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
constancy コウ,つね; つねに Freud; state of mind; span; one; ceiling; sun; day; one; floor; one
lament トウ,いた.む Freud; state of mind; eminent; magic wand; augury; sun; day; ten; needle
enlightenment ゴ,さと.る Freud; state of mind; I; five; mouth
dreadful フ; ホ,こわ.い; こわ.がる; お.じる; おそ.れる Freud; state of mind; linen; by one’s side; towel
disconcerted コウ,あわ.てる; あわ.ただしい Freud; state of mind; laid waste; wreath; flowers; deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook; stream; flood
repent カイ,く.いる; く.やむ; くや.しい Freud; state of mind; every; reclining; lying down; mother; breasts
hate ゾウ,にく.む; にく.い; にく.らしい; にく.しみ Freud; state of mind; increase; formerly; horns; rice field; brains; sun; day
accustomed カン,な.れる; な.らす Freud; state of mind; pierce; mother; breasts; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
pleasure ユ,たの.しい; たの.しむ Freud; state of mind; meeting; umbrella; butchers; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sword; sabre; saber
lazy ダ, Freud; state of mind; left-handed; left; by one’s side; craft; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
humility シン,つつし.む; つつし; つつし.み Freud; state of mind; true; truth; ten; needle; eye; tool; animal legs; eight
remorse カン,うら.む Freud; state of mind; emotion; march; mouth; heart
recollection オク, Freud; state of mind; idea; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; heart
disquieting ク,おそ.れる
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yearn ショウ; トウ; ドウ,あこが.れる Freud; state of mind; juvenile; vase; stand up; computer
hanker ケイ,あこが.れる
pining ボ,した.う graveyard; flowers; sun; day; large; St. Bernard; valentine
annexed テン,そ.える; そ.う; も.える; も.う water; water droplets; water pistol; heavens; valentine
invariably ヒツ,かなら.ず heart; stick; drop; fishhook
ooze ヒツ; ヒ, water; water droplets; water pistol; invariably; heart; stick; drop; fishhook
hand シュ; ズ,て; て-; -て; た-
watch over カン,み.る hand; eye
chafe マ,ま.する; さ.する; す.る hemp; cave; grove; tree; wood; hand
ego ガ,われ; わ; わ.が-; わが- ha nd; fiesta
righteousness ギ, sheep; ego; hand; fiesta
deliberation ギ, say; words; keitai; mouth; righteousness; sheep; ego; hand; fiesta
sacrifice ギ; キ,いけにえ cow; righteousness; sheep; ego; hand; fiesta
rub マツ, finger; fingers; extremity; one; tree; wood
wipe ショク; シキ,ぬぐ.う; ふ.く finger; fingers; style; arrow; craft
yank ラ; ラツ; ロウ,くだ.く; ひし.ぐ; らっ.する
embrace ホウ,だ.く; いだ.く; かか.える finger; fingers; wrap; bound up; snake; self
board トウ, finger; fingers; flowers; fit; meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
extract ショウ, finger; fingers; few
confront コウ, finger; fingers; whirlwind; top hat; wind
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criticism ヒ, finger; fingers; compare; spoon; sitting on the ground
beckon ショウ,まね.く finger; fingers; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth
clear the land タク,ひら.く finger; fingers; stone; rock
clap ハク; ヒョウ, finger; fingers; white; dove
strike ダ; ダアス,う.つ; う.ち-; ぶ.つ finger; fingers; street; nail; spike
arrest コウ,かか.わる finger; fingers; phrase; bound up; mouth
discard シャ,す.てる finger; fingers; cottage; little-thatch; umbrella; lidded crock; earthenware jar; soil; dirt; ground; mouth
kidnap カイ, finger; fingers; mouth; sword; dagger
pinch テキ,つ.む finger; fingers; antique; vase; stand up; hood; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
challenge チョウ,いど.む finger; fingers; turtle; portent
finger シ,ゆび; さ.す; -さ.し fingers; delicious; spoon; sitting on the ground; sun; day
hold ジ,も.つ; -も.ち; も.てる finger; fingers; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
imminent サツ,せま.る finger; fingers; stream; flood; evening
fasten カツ,くく.る finger; fingers; tongue; thousand; mouth
brandish キ,ふる.う finger; fingers; army; chariot; crown; car; vehicle
conjecture スイ,お.す finger; fingers; turkey
hoist ヨウ,あ.げる; -あ.げ; あ.がる finger; fingers; piggy bank; sun; day; piglets
propose テイ; チョウ; ダイ,さ.げる finger; fingers; just so; sun; day; mend
damage ソン,そこ.なう; そこな.う; -そこ.なう; そこ.ねる; -そこ.ねる finger; fingers; employee; mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
pick up シュウ; ジュウ,ひろ.う finger; fingers; fit; meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
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shouldering タン,かつ.ぐ; にな.う finger; fingers; nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor
foothold キョ; コ,よ.る finger; fingers; dispose; walking legs; wind
sketch ビョウ,えが.く; か.く finger; fingers; seedlings; flowers; rice field; brains
maneuver ソウ; サン,みさお; あやつ.る finger; fingers; wooden goods; furniture; goods; mouth; tree; wood
touch セツ; ショウ,つ.ぐ finger; fingers; concubine; vase; stand up; woman
put up a notice ケイ,かか.げる put up (a notice); finger; fingers; mexican bandit; muchacho; siesta; sun; day; aroma; bound up; spoon; sitting on the ground
hang カイ; ケイ,か.ける; -か.ける; か.け; -か.け; -が.け; か.かる; -か.かる; -が.かる; か.かり; -が.かり; かかり; -がかり finger; fingers; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground; magic wand; augury
make headway チョク; ホ,はかど.る finger; fingers; walk; stop; footprint; few
polish ケン,と.ぐ stone; rock; two hands
commandment カイ,いまし.める two hands; fiesta
tinker with ロウ; ル,いじく.る; ろう.する; いじ.る; ひねく.る; たわむ.れる; もてあそ.ぶ king; jewel; ball; two hands
contraption カイ,かせ tree; wood; commandments; two hands; fiesta
nose ビ,はな drop; eye; rice field; brains; two hands
punish ケイ, two hands; sword; sabre; saber
mould ケイ,かた; -がた punish; two hands; sword; sabre; saber; soil; dirt; ground
genius サイ, genie
property ザイ; サイ; ゾク,たから shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; genie
lumber ザイ, tree; wood; genie
suppose ソン; ゾン, genie; child
exist ザイ,あ.る genie; soil; dirt; ground
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from ナイ; ダイ; ノ; アイ,の; すなわ.ち; なんじ fist
portable ケイ,たずさ.える; たずさ.わる finger; fingers; turkey; fist; from
reach out キュウ,およ.ぶ; およ.び; および; およ.ぼす fist; from; drop
suck キュウ,す.う mouth; reach out
handle ソウ; キュウ,あつか.い; あつか.う; あつか.る; こ.く finger; fingers; reach out
length ジョウ,たけ; だけ stick; tucked under the arm
history シ, mouth; tucked under the arm
officer リ, history; length; stick; one; mouth; tucked under the arm
grow late コウ,さら; さら.に; ふ.ける; ふ.かす Ameratasu; one; ceiling; sun; tucked under the arm
stiff コウ,かた.い stone; rock; grow late; Ameratasu; one; ceiling; sun; tucked under the arm
spiny コウ; キョウ,ふさぐ; やまにれ; おおむね tree; wood; grow late; Ameratasu; one; ceiling; sun; tucked under the arm
or again ユウ,また; また-; また.の- crotch
pair ソウ,ふた; たぐい; ならぶ; ふたつ crotch
mulberry ソウ,くわ crotch; tree; wood
vessels セキ, turkey; crotch
safeguard ゴ,まも.る say; words; keitai; mouth; radio caroline; flowers; vessels; turkey; crotch
seize カク,え.る pack of wild dogs; radio caroline; flowers; vessels; turkey; crotch
guy ド,やつ; やっこ woman; crotch
angry ド; ヌ,いか.る; おこ.る guy; woman; crotch; heart
friend ユウ,とも by one’s side; crotch
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slip out バツ; ハツ; ハイ,ぬ.く; -ぬ.く; ぬ.き; ぬ.ける; ぬ.かす; ぬ.かる finger; fingers; friend; woman; crotch
throw トウ,な.げる; -な.げ finger; fingers; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
drown ボツ; モツ,おぼ.れる; しず.む; ない water; water droplets; water pi stol; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
thigh コ,また; もも moon; month; flesh; part of the body; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
establishment セツ,もう.ける say; words; keitai; mouth; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
beat ゲキ,う.つ tank; car; cru ise missile; missile; wind; crotch; hand
husk カク; コク; バイ,から; がら samurai; superfluous; crown; wind; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
branch シ,ささ.える; つか.える; か.う; しんよう; じゅうまた ten; needle; crotch
skill ギ,わざ finger; fingers; branch; ten; needle; crotch
bough シ,えだ tree; wood; branch; ten; needle; crotch
limb シ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; branch; ten; needle; crotch
stalk ケイ; キョウ,くき flowers; spool; clod; toilet paper; crotch; soil; dirt; ground
suspicious カイ; ケ,あや.しい; あや.しむ Freud; state of mind; spool; clod; toilet paper; crotch; soil; dirt; ground
lightly ケイ,かる.い; かろ.やか; かろ.んじる car; spool; clod; toilet paper; crotch; soil; dirt; ground
uncle シュク, above; small; little; crotch
coach トク, uncle; above; small; little; crotch; eye
loneliness ジャク; セキ,さび; さび.しい; さび.れる; さみ.しい house; uncle; above; small; little; crotch
graceful シュク,しと.やか water; water droplets; water pistol; uncle; above; small; little; crotch
anti- ハン; ホン; タン; ホ,そ.る; そ.らす; かえ.す; かえ.る; -かえ.る demonstation; cliff; crotch
slope ハン,さか soil; dirt; ground; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
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plank ハン; バン,いた tree; wood; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
return ヘン,かえ.す; -かえ.す; かえ.る; -かえ.る anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch; road
marketing ハン, shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
claw ソウ,つめ; つま- vulture
gentle ダ, claw; vulture; woman
milk ニュウ,ちち; ち fledgling; claw; vulture; chi ld; fishhook
floating フ,う.く; う.かれる; う.かぶ; む; う.かべる water; water droplets; water pistol; fledgling; claw; vu lture; child
lewd イン,ひた.す; ほしいまま; みだ.ら; みだ.れる; みだり water; water droplets; water pistol; claw; vulture; porter; drop; samurai
leader ショウ; ソウ,まさ.に; はた; まさ; ひきい.る; もって turtle; claw; vulture; glue
exhort ショウ; ソウ,すす.める leader; turtle; claw; vulture; glue; large; St. Bernard
grab サイ,と.る; いろどり claw; vulture; tree; wood
pick サイ,と.る finger; fingers; grab; claw; vulture; tree; wood
vegetable サイ,な flowers; grab; claw; vulture; tree; wood
accept ジュ,う.ける; -う.け; う.かる birdhouse; birdcage; claw; vulture; crown; crotch
impart ジュ,さず.ける; さず.かる finger; fingers; accept; birdhouse; birdcage; claw; vulture; crown; crotch
love アイ,いと.しい birdhou se; birdcage; claw; vulture; crown; love birds; heart; walking legs
unclear アイ,くら.い sun; love; birdhouse; birdcage; claw; vulture; crown; love birds; heart; walking legs
pay フツ; ヒツ; ホツ,はら.う; -はら.い; -ばら.い finger; fingers; elbow
wide コウ,ひろ.い; ひろ.まる; ひろ.める; ひろ.がる; ひろ.げる cave; elbow
hooked コウ; ク,かぎ; ま.がる bound up; elbow
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broaden カク; コウ,ひろ.がる; ひろ.げる; ひろ.める finger; fingers; wide; cave; elbow
mineral コウ,あらがね metal; gold; wide; cave; elbow
valve ベン; ヘン,わきま.える; わ.ける; はなびら; あらそ.う elbow; two hands
male ユウ,お-; おす; おん Yamano te; by one’s side; elbow; turkey
pedestal ダイ; タイ,うてな; われ; つかさ elbow; mouth
neglect タイ,おこた.る; なま.ける pedestal; elbow; mouth; heart
reign ジ; チ,おさ.める; おさ.まる; なお.る; なお.す water; water droplets; water pistol; pedestal; elbow; mouth
metallurgy ヤ,い.る ice; pedestal; elbow; mouth
commence シ,はじ.める; -はじ.める; はじ.まる woman; pedestal; elbow; mouth
womb タイ, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; pedestal; elbow; mouth
window ソウ; ス,まど; てんまど; けむだし hole; house; human legs; elbow; heart
gone キョ; コ,さ.る; -さ.る soi l; dirt; ground; elbow
method ホウ; ハッ; ホッ; フラン,のり water; water droplets; water pistol; gone; soil; dirt; ground; elbow
meeting カイ; エ,あ.う; あ.わせる; あつ.まる one; wall; umbrella; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
climax シ,いた.る wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground
room シツ,むろ house; climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground
arrival トウ,いた.る climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground; sword; sabre; saber
doth チ,いた.す climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground; taskmaster
mutually ゴ,たが.い; かたみ.に one; ceiling; one; floor
abandon キ,す.てる infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; buckle; tree; wood
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bring up イク,そだ.つ; そだ.ち; そだ.てる; はぐく.む infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
remove テツ, finger; fingers; borstal; bring up; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; taskmaster
allot ジュウ,あ.てる; み.たす infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; human legs
gun ジュウ,つつ metal; gold; allot; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; human legs
sulfur リュウ, sulphur; stone; rock; lifebelt; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; stream; flood
current リュウ; ル,なが.れる; なが.れ; なが.す; -なが.す water; water droplets; water pistol; lifebelt; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; stream; flood
license イン,じょう; まこと.に; ゆるす elbow; human legs
tempt サ,そそのか.す mouth; streetwalker; Ministry of silly walks; John Cleese; license; elbow; human legs; walking legs
exit シュツ; スイ,で.る; -で; だ.す; -だ.す; い.でる; い.だす
mountain サン; セン,やま
bungling セツ,つたな.い finger; fingers; exit
boulder ガン,いわ mountain; stone; rock
charcoal タン,すみ mountain; ashes; cliff; fire
branch off キ; ギ, mountain; branch; ten; needle; crotch
mountain pass ,とうげ mountain; above; below
crumble ホウ,くず.れる; -くず.れ; くず.す mountain; companion; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
secrecy ミツ,ひそ.か house; invariably; heart; mountain
honey ミツ; ビツ, house; invariably; heart; insect
storm ラン,あらし mountain; wind; gnats; drop; insect
promontory キ,さき; さい; みさき mountain; strange; large; St. Bernard; can; street; nail; spike; mouth
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bluffs ガイ; ゲ; ギ,がけ; きし; はて mountain; cliff; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground
enter ニュウ; ジュ,い.る; -い.る; -い.り; い.れる; -い.れ; はい.る
crowded ,こ.み; -こ.み; -こ.む; こ.む; こ.める enter; road
part ブン; フン; ブ,わ.ける; わ.け; わ.かれる; わ.かる; わ.かつ eight; sword; dagger
poverty ヒン; ビン,まず.しい part; eight; sword; dagger; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
partition ハン,わか.つ part; eight; sword; dagger; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
public コウ; ク,おおやけ eight; elbow
pine tree ショウ,まつ tree; wood; public; eight; elbows
venerable old man オウ,おきな public; eight; elbows; feathers; wings
sue ショウ, say; words; keitai; mouth; public; eight; elbows
valley コク,たに; きわ.まる eight; umbrella; mouth
bathe ヨク,あ.びる; あ.びせる water; water droplets; water pistol; valley; eight; umbrella; mouth
contain ヨウ,い.れる house; valley; eight; umbrella; mouth
melt ヨウ,と.ける; と.かす; と.く water; water droplets; water pisto l; contents; contain; house; valley; animal legs; eight; umbrella; mouth
longing ヨク,ほっ.する; ほ.しい valley; eight; umbrella; mouth; lack; yawn
abundant ユウ, cloak; valley; eight; umbrella; mouth
lead (metal) エン,なまり lead; metal; gold; gully; eight; mouth
run alongside 沿 エン,そ.う; -ぞ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; gully; eight; mouth
prize ショウ,ほ.める outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
party トウ,なかま; むら outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; human legs
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hall ドウ, outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; soil; dirt; ground
usual ジョウ,つね; とこ- outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; towel
skirt ショウ,も; もすそ outhouse; small; little; crown; mo uth; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
manipulate ショウ,てのひら; たなごころ outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; hand
pelt ヒ,かわ; けがわ branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
waves ハ,なみ water; water droplets; water pistol; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
old woman バ,ばば; ばあ wave; water; water droplets; water pistol; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook; woman
expose ヒ, finger; fingers; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
rend ハ,やぶ.る; やぶ.れる stone; rock; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
incur ヒ,こうむ.る; おお.う; かぶ.る; かぶ.せる cloak; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
remainder ザン; サン,のこ.る; のこ.す; そこな.う; のこ.り bones; one; ceiling; evening; float
martyrdom ジュン, bones; one; ceiling; evening; decameron; bound up; sun; day
particularly シュ,こと bones; one; ceiling; evening; vermilion; drop; not yet; one; tree; wood
augment ショク,ふ.える; ふ.やす bones; one; ceiling; evening; straightaway; ten; needle; eye; fishhook
file レツ; レ, bones; one; ceiling; evening; sword; sabre; saber
split レツ,さ.く; さ.ける; -ぎ.れ file; bones; one; ceiling; evening; sword; sa bre; saber; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
ardent レツ,はげ.しい file; bones; one; ceiling; evening; sword; sabre; saber; oven-fire; barbecue
death シ,し.ぬ; し.に- bones; one; ceiling; evening; spoon; sitting on the ground
interment ソウ,ほうむ.る flowers; death; bones; one; ceiling; evening; spoon; sitting on the ground; two hands
wink シュン,またた.く; まじろ.ぐ eye; Rose of Sharon; birdhouse; birdcage; claw; vulture; crown; sunglasses; dancing legs; ballerina; evening
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ear ジ,みみ
take シュ,と.る; と.り; と.り-; とり; -ど.り ear; crotch
gist シュ,おもむき; おもむ.く run; soil; dirt; ground; mend; take; ear; crotch
utmost サイ; シュ,もっと.も; つま sun; day; take; ear; crotch
snapshot サツ,と.る; つま.む; -ど.り finger; fingers; utmost; sun; day; take; ear; crotch
shame チ,は.じる; はじ; は.じらう; は.ずかしい ear; heart
post ショク; ソク, ear; kazoo; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; fiesta
holy セイ; ショウ,ひじり ear; mouth; king; jewel; ball
daring カン,あ.えて; あ.えない; あ.えず street; nail; spike; ear; taskmaster
listen チョウ; テイ,き.く; ゆる.す ear; stethoscope; camel; ten; needle; eye; cross-eyed; net; heart
pocket カイ; エ,ふところ; なつ.かしい; なつ.かしむ; なつ.く; なつ.ける; なず.ける; いだ.く; おも.う Freud; state of mind; poltergeist; BernaE; ten; needle; eye; cross-eyed; net; top hat; scarf; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
ridicule マン, Freud; state of mind; mandala; sun; day; eye; cross-eyed; net; crotch
loose マン,みがりに water; water droplets; water pistol; mandala; sun; day; eye; cross-eyed; net; crotch
buy バイ,か.う eye; cross-eyed; net; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
placement チ,お.く; -お.き eye; cro ss-eyed; net; straightaway; ten; needle; eye; fishhook
penalty バツ; バチ; ハツ,ばっ.する eye; cross-eyed; net; say; words; keitai; mouth; sword; sabre; saber
rather ネイ,むし.ろ house; heart; eye; cross-eyed; net; street; nail; spike
voiced ダク; ジョク,にご.る; にご.す water; water droplets; water pistol; spider; eye; cross-eyed; net; bound up; insect
ring カン,わ king; jewel; ball; trampoline; eye; cross-eyed; net; one; ceiling; mouth; scarf
send back カン,かえ.る trampoline; eye; cross-eyed; net; one; ceiling; mouth; scarf; road
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husband フ; フウ; ブ,おっと; そ.れ o ne; large
aid フ,たす.ける finger; fingers; husband
mountain stream ケイ,たに; たにがわ water; water droplets; water pistol; claw; vulture; husband
standard キ, husband; see; telescope; eye; human legs
exchange タイ,か.える; か.え-; か.わる husband; sun; day; tongue wagging
approve サン,たす.ける; たた.える husband; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
submerge セン,ひそ.む; もぐ.る; かく.れる; くぐ.る; ひそ.める water; water droplets; water pistol; exchange; husband; sun; day; tongue wagging
lose シツ,うしな.う; う.せる drop; hu sband
iron テツ,くろがね metal; gold; lose; drop; husband
alternate テツ, transfer; lose; drop; husband; road
retainer シン; ジン, slave
princess キ,ひめ; ひめ- woman; retainer; slave
storehouse ゾウ; ソウ,くら; おさ.める; かく.れる flowers; parade; retainer; slave
entrails ゾウ,はらわた moon; month; flesh; part of the body; storehouse; flowers; parade; retainer; slave
intelligent ケン,かしこ.い loincloth; retainer; slave; crotch; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
kidney ジン, loincloth; retainer; slave; crotch; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
strict ケン,かた.い; -がた.い loincloth; retainer; slave; crotch; soil; dirt; ground
look to リン,のぞ.む retainer; slave; reclining; lying down; goods; mouth
perusal ラン,み.る retainer; slave; reclining; lying down; one; floor; look; see; telescope; eye; human legs
gigantic キョ, Fafner
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repel キョ; ゴ,こば.む finger; fingers; gigantic; Fafner
power リョク; リキ; リイ,ちから muscle; arnold
man ダン; ナン,おとこ; お rice field; brains; po wer; muscle; arnold
labor ロウ,ろう.する; いたわ.る; いた.ずき; ねぎら; つか.れる; ねぎら.う schoolhouse; owl; crown; power; muscle; arnold
recruit ボ,つの.る graveyard; flowers; sun; day; large; St. Bernard; power; muscle; arnold
inferiority レツ,おと.る few; power; muscle; arnold
achievement コウ; ク,いさお craft; powered; power; muscle; arnold
persuade カン; ケン,すす.める pegasus; horse; pantomime horse; noon; sign of the horse; turkey; power; muscle; arnold
toil ド,つと.める guy; woman; crotch; power; muscle; arnold
uprising ボツ; ホツ,おこ.る; にわかに bishop; cross; ten; needle; crown; child; power; muscle; arnold
encourage レイ,はげ.む; はげ.ます Wimbledon; cliff; ten thousand; power; muscle; arnold
add カ,くわ.える; くわ.わる power; muscle; arnold; mouth
congratulations ガ, add; power; muscle; arnold; mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
erect カ,か.ける; か.かる add; power; muscle; arnold; mouth; tree; wood
armpit キョウ,わき; わけ moon; month; flesh; part of the body; triceps; power; muscle; arnold
threaten キョウ,おびや.かす; おど.す; おど.かす triceps; power; muscle; arnold; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
co- キョウ, ten; needle; triceps; power; muscle; arnold
going コウ; ギョウ; アン,い.く; ゆ.く; -ゆ.き; -ゆき; -い.き; -いき; おこな.う; おこ.なう boulevard
rhythm リツ; リチ; レツ, Nelson; column; going; line; brush
restore フク,また Nelson; column; going; line; fold back; double back; reclining; lying down; sun; day; walking legs
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gain トク,え.る; う.る Ne lson; column; going; line; bill posters; nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor; glue
accompany ジュウ; ショウ; ジュ,したが.う; したが.える; より Nelson; column; going; line; horns; mend
junior ト,いたずら; あだ Nelson; column; going; line; run; soil; dirt; ground; mend
wait タイ,ま.つ; -ま.ち Nelson; column; going; line; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
journey オウ,い.く; いにしえ; さき.に; ゆ.く Nelson; column; goi ng; line; candlestick; lord; drop; king; jewel; ball
subjugate セイ, Nelson; column; going; line; correct; one; ceiling; stop; footprint
diameter ケイ,みち; こみち; さしわたし; ただちに Nelson; column; going; line; spool; clod; toilet paper; crotch; soil; dirt; ground
he ヒ,かれ; かの; か.の Nelson; column; going; line; pelt; bra nch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
duty ヤク; エキ, Nelson; column; going; line; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
benevolence トク, Nelson; column; going; line; stethoscope; camel; ten; needle; eye; cross-eyed; net; heart
penetrate テツ, Nelson; column; going; line; borstal; bring up; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; taskmaster
indications チョウ; チ,しるし sherpa; Nelson; column; going; line; mountain; king; jewel; ball; taskmaster
penal チョウ,こ.りる; こ.らす; こ.らしめる indications; sherpa; Nelson; column; going; line; mountain; king; jewel; ball; taskmaster; heart
delicate ビ,かす.か sherpa; Nelson; column; going; line; mountain; one; ceiling; human legs; taskmaster
boulevard ガイ; カイ,まち going; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground
girder コウ,けた tree; wood; going
equilibrium コウ, boulevard; going; bound up; rice field; brains; large; St. Bernard
draft 稿 コウ,わら; したがき wheat; cereal; tall; top hat; mouth; hood; mouth
earnings カ,かせ.ぐ wheat; cereal; house; sow; pig
extent テイ,ほど; -ほど wheat; cereal; display; mouth; king; jewel; ball
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tax ゼイ, wheat; cereal; devil; horns; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
immature チ; ジ,いとけない; おさない; おくて; おでる wheat; cereal; turkey
harmony ワ; オ; カ,やわ.らぐ; やわ.らげる; なご.む; なご.やか wheat; cereal; mouth
shift イ,うつ.る; うつ.す wheat; cereal; many; evening
second ビョウ, wheat; cereal; few
autumn シュウ,あき; とき wheat; cereal; fire
distress シュウ,うれ.える; うれ.い autumn; wheat; cereal; fire; heart
private シ,わたくし; わたし wheat; cereal; elbow
regularity チツ, wheat; cereal; lose; drop; husband
secret ヒ,ひ.める; ひそ.か; かく.す wheat; cereal; invariably; heart; drop
appellation ショウ,たた.える; とな.える; あ.げる; かな.う; はか.り; はか.る; ほめ.る wheat; cereal; hammock; reclining; lying down; small; little
profit リ,き.く wheat; cereal; sword; sabre; saber
pear tree リ,なし profit; wheat; cereal; sword; sabre; saber; tree; wood
harvest カク, wheat; cereal; radio caroline; flowers; vessels; turkey; crotch
ear of a plant スイ,ほ ear (of a plant); wheat; cereal; favour; favor; ten; needle; rice field; brains; heart
rice plant トウ; テ,いね; いな- wheat; cereal; claw; vulture; old days; olden times; stick; sun; day
incense コウ; キョウ,か; かお.り; かお.る wheat; cereal; sun; day
seasons キ, wheat; cereal; child
committee イ,ゆだ.ねる wheat; cereal; woman
excel シュウ,ひい.でる wheat; cereal; fist; from
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transparent トウ,す.く; す.かす; す.ける; とう.る; とう.す excel; wheat; cereal; fist; from; road
entice ユウ; イウ,さそ.う; いざな.う say; words; keitai; mouth; excel; wheat; cereal; fist; from
training ケイ,かんが.える; とど.める wheat; cereal; understandably; chihuahua with one human leg; delicious; spoon; sitting on the ground; sun; day
cereals コク, samurai; crown; wheat; cereal; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
germ キン, flowers; pent in; wheat; cereal
numb イ,な; しお.れる; しな.びる; しぼ.む; な.える flowers; committee; wheat; cereal; woman
rice ベイ; マイ; メエトル,こめ; よね
flour フン; デシメートル,こ; こな rice; part; eight; sword; dagger
sticky ネン,ねば.る rice; fortune-telling; magic wand; augury; mouth
grains リュウ,つぶ rice; vase; stand up
cosmetics ショウ, rice; shire; cave; soil; dirt; ground
astray メイ,まよ.う rice; road
chic スイ,いき rice; ninety; nine; baseball; ten; needle
riddle メイ; ベイ,なぞ say; words; keitai; mouth; astray; rice; road
provisions リョウ; ロウ,かて rice; quantity; nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor; computer
chrysanthemum キク, flowers; rice cooker; bound up; rice
core オウ; オク,おく.まる; くま drop; pent in; rice; large; St. Bernard
number スウ; ス; サク; ソク; シュ,かず; かぞ.える; しばしば; せ.める; わずらわ.しい rice; woman; taskmaster
watchtower ロウ,たかどの tree; wood; rice; woman
sort ルイ,たぐ.い rice; large; St. Bernard; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
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lacquer シツ,うるし water; water droplets; water pistol; tree; wood; umbrella; grains of rice
knee シツ,ひざ moon; month; flesh; part of the body; tree; wood; umbrella; grains of rice
Esq. ヨウ; ショウ,さま; さん tree; wood; sheep; grains of rice
request キュウ; グ,もと.める arrow; grains of rice
ball キュウ,たま king; jewel; request; arrow; grains of rice
salvation キュウ,すく.う request; arrow; grains of rice; taskmaster
bamboo チク,たけ
laugh ショウ,わら.う; え.む bamboo; he avens
bamboo hat リュウ,かさ bamboo; vase; stand up
bamboo grass ,ささ bamboo; generation
stationery ,
muscle キン,すじ bamboo; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; power; arnold
box ソウ,はこ bamboo; inter; Inter Milan; tree; wood; eye
writing brush ヒツ,ふで bamboo; brush
cylinder トウ,つつ bamboo; same; monks; hood; one; mouth
etc. トウ,ひと.しい; など; -ら bamboo; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
calculate サン,そろ bamboo; eye; two hands
solution トウ,こた.える; こた.え bamboo; fit; meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
scheme サク, bamboo; tree; wood; belt
register 簿 ボ, bamboo; water; water droplets; water pistol; acupuncturist; specialty; drop; ten; needle; rice field; brains; glue
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fabricate チク,きず.く bamboo; barge; craft; mediocre; wind; drop; tree; wood
basket ,
person ジン; ニン,ひと; -り; -と
assistant サ, person; left; by one’s side; craft
partner リョ; ロ,とも person; spine; mouth; drop; mouth
however タン,ただ.し person; nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor
dwell ジュウ; ヂュウ; チュウ,す.む; す.まう; -ず.まい person; candlestick; lord; drop; king; jewel; ball
rank イ,くらい; ぐらい person; vase; stand up
go-between チュウ,なか person; in; stick; mouth
body タイ; テイ,からだ; かたち person; origin; book; tree; wood; one
remote ユウ, permanence; person; stick; fred astaire; taskmaster; heart
affair ケン,くだん person; cow
attend シ; ジ,つか.える person; samurai
other タ,ほか person; scorpion
prostrated フク,ふ.せる; ふ.す person; chihuahua; dog; large; drop
transmit デン; テン,つた.わる; つた.える; つた.う; つだ.う; -づた.い; つて person; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
Buddha ブツ; フツ,ほとけ buddha; person; elbow
rest キュウ,やす.む; やす.まる; やす.める person; tree; wood
provisional カ; ケ,かり; かり- sham; person; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
performing artist ギ; キ,わざ; わざおぎ person; branch; ten; needle; crotch
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chief ハク, person; white; dove
vulgar ゾク, person; valley; eight; umbrella; mouth
faith シン, person; say; words; keitai; mouth
excellent カ, person; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground
reliant イ; エ,よ.る person; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment
example レイ,たと.える person; file; bones; one; ceiling; evening; sword; sabre; saber
individual コ; カ, person; harden; pent in; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
healthy ケン,すこ.やか person; build; brush; stretch
side ソク,かわ; がわ; そば person; rule; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; sword; sabre; saber
waiter ジ; シ,さむらい; はべ.る person; Buddhist temple; soil; dirt; ground; glue
halt テイ,と.める; と.まる person; pavilion; tall; top hat; mouth; crown; street; nail; spike
price チ,ね; あたい person; straightaway; ten; ne edle; eye; fishhook
emulate ホウ,なら.う person; set free; compass; direction; taskmaster
arrogance ゴウ,あなど.る; おご.る
overthrow トウ,たお.れる; -だお.れ; たお.す person; arrival; climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground; sword; sabre; saber
spy テイ, person; upright; magic wand; augury; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
Buddhist priest ソウ, buddhist priest; person; increase; formerly; horns; rice field; brains; sun; day
hundred million オク, person; idea; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; heart
ceremony ギ, person; righteousness; sheep; ego; hand; fiesta
reparation ショウ,つぐな.う person; prize; outhouse; small; little; crown; mouth; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
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hermit セン; セント, person; mountain
sponsor サイ,もよう.す; もよお.す person; mountain; turkey
humanity ジン; ニ; ニン, person; two
scorn ブ,あなど.る; あなず.る person; every; reclining; lying down; mother; breasts
use 使 シ,つか.う; つか.い; -つか.い; -づか.い person; history; length; stick; mouth; tucked under the arm
convenience 便 ベン; ビン,たよ.り person; grow late; Ameratasu; one; ceiling; sun; tucked under the arm
double バイ, person; muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth
tenderness ユウ; ウ,やさ.しい; すぐ.れる; まさ.る person; melancholy; summer; head; page; crown; heart; walking legs
fell バツ; ハツ; カ; ボチ,き.る; そむ.く; う.つ person; fiesta
inn 宿 シュク,やど; やど.る; やど.す house; person; hundred; one; ceiling; white; dove
wound ショウ,きず; いた.む; いた.める person; reclining; lying down; piggy bank; sun; day; piglets
protect ホ; ホウ,たも.つ person; dumbfounded; mo uth; tree; wood
praise ホウ,ほ.める top hat; protect; person; dumbfounded; mouth; tree; wood; scarf
greatness ケツ,すぐ.れる person; sunglasses; dancing legs; ballerina; evening; tree; wood
adhere フ,つ.ける; -つ.ける; -づ.ける; つ.け; つ.け-; -つ.け; -づ.け; -づけ; つ.く; -づ.く; つ.き; -つ.き; -つき; -づ.き; -づき person; glue
token フ, bamboo; adhere; sellotape; person; glue
municipality フ, borough; cave; adhere; sellotape; person; glue
responsibility ニン,まか.せる; まか.す person; porter; drop; samurai
fare チン, responsibility; person; porter; drop; samurai; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
substitute ダイ; タイ,か.わる; かわ.る; かわ.り; -がわ.り; か.える; よ; しろ person; arrow
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sack タイ; ダイ,ふくろ substitute; person; arrow; garment
lend タイ,か.す; か.し-; かし- substitute; person; arrow; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
change カ; ケ,ば.ける; ば.かす; ふ.ける; け.する person; spoon; sitting on the ground
flower カ; ケ,はな flowers; change; person; spoon; sitting on the ground
freight カ,たから change; person; spoon; sitting on the ground; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
lean ケイ,かたむ.く; かたむ.ける; かたぶ.く; かた.げる; かし.げる change; person; about that time; spoon; sitting on the ground; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
what カ,なに; なん; なに-; なん- person; can; mouth; street; nail; spike
baggage カ,に flowers; what; person; can; mouth; street; nail; spike
sagacious シュン, person; streetwalker; Ministry of silly walks; John Cleese; license; elbow; human legs; walking legs
bystander ボウ,かたわ.ら; わき; おか-; はた; そば person; traffic cop; fez; vase; stand up; crown; compass; direction
myself エン,おれ; われ person; dachshund; large; St. Bernard; eel; sun; day
long time キュウ; ク,ひさ.しい bound up; person; mummy
furrow ボウ; ホ; モ; ム,せ; うね top hat; rice field; brains; long time; mummy; bound up; person
captured シュウ,とら.われる pent in; person
inside ナイ; ダイ,うち person; belt
third class ヘイ,ひのえ one; ceiling; inside; person; belt
design ヘイ,がら; え; つか tre e; wood; third class; one; ceiling; inside; person; belt
meat ニク,しし person; inside; belt; person
rot フ,くさ.る; -くさ.る; くさ.れる; くさ.れ; くさ.らす; くさ.す borough; municipality; cave; adhere; sellotape; person; glue; meat; inside; belt; person
sit ザ,すわ.る squat; cave; shire; assembly line; person; soil; dirt; ground
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sprain ザ; サ,くじ.く; くじ.ける finger; fingers; sitting in meditation; assembly line; person; soil; dirt; ground
graduate ソツ; シュツ,そっ.する; お.える; お.わる; ついに; にわか top hat; assembly line; person; ten; needle
umbrella サン,かさ assembly line; person; ten; needle
monme ,もんめ; め bound up; tucked under the arm
by means of イ,もっ.て plow; drop; person
similar ジ,に.る; ひ.る becoming; person; by means of; plow; drop; person
join ヘイ,あわ.せる person; puzzle; horns; two hands
tile ガ,かわら; ぐらむ one; ceiling; cane; stick; drop; fishhook; ice
flower pot ビン,かめ puzzle; horns; two hands; tile; one; ceiling; cane; stick; drop; fishhook; ice
Shinto shrine キュウ; グウ; ク; クウ,みや shinto shrine; house; spine; mouth; drop
occupation エイ,いとな.む; いとな.み schoolhouse; owl; crown; spine; mouth; drop
virtuous ゼン,よ.い; い.い; よ.く; よし.とする sheep; horns; mouth
dining tray ゼン; セン,かしわ; すす.める; そな.える moon; month; flesh; part of the body; virtuous; sheep; horns; mouth
year ネン,とし sign of the horse; sunglasses
night ヤ,よ; よる top hat; person; walking legs; drop
fluid エキ, water; water droplets; water pistol; night; top hat; person; walking legs; drop
hillock チョウ,つか; -づか soil; dirt; ground; crown; pig; sow
cash ヘイ,ぬさ shredder; small; little; belt; taskmaster; towel
cover over ヘイ; ヘツ; フツ,おお.う; おお.い flowers; shredder; small; little; belt; taskmaster
abuse ヘイ, shredder; small; little; belt; taskmaster; two hands
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yell カン,わめ.く mouth; bound up; four; large; St. Bernard
interchange カン,か.える; -か.える; か.わる finger; fingers; bound up; four; large; St. Bernard
dissolve ユウ,と.ける; と.かす tripod; one; ceiling; mouth; hood; human legs; street; nail; spike; insect
alms シ; セ,ほどこ.す banner; direction; compass; direction; reclining; lying down; scorpion
rotation セン, banner; direction; compass; direction; reclining; lying down; zoo; critters
play ユウ; ユ,あそ.ぶ; あそ.ばす banner; direction; compass; direction; reclining; lying down; child; road
trip リョ,たび banner; direction; compass; direction; reclining; lying down; Carol in rags; person; rag
not モチ; ブツ; ボツ,なか.れ; なし knot; piglet’s tail
thing ブツ; モツ,もの; もの- cow; knot; piglet’s tail
easy エキ; イ,やさ.しい; やす.い sun; day; knot; pi glet’s tail
grant シ,たまわ.る; たま.う; たも.う shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; easy; sun; day; knot; piglet’s tail
urine 尿 ニョウ, flag; water
nun ニ,あま flag; spoon; sitting on the ground
buttocks コウ,しり flag; nine; baseball
mud デイ; ナイ; デ; ニ,どろ water; water droplets; water pistol; nun; flag; spoon; sitting on the ground
fence ヘイ; ベイ, soil; dirt; ground; folding screen; flag; puzzle; horns; two hands
footgear リ,は.く flag; restore; Nelson; column; going; line; fold back; double back; reclining; lying down; sun; day; walking legs
roof オク,や flag; climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground
grip アク,にぎ.る finger; fingers; roof; flag climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground
yield クツ,かが.む; かが.める flag; exit
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dig クツ,ほ.る finger; fingers; yield; flag; exit
ditch クツ,ほり moat; soil; dirt; ground; yield; flag; exit
reside キョ; コ,い.る; -い; お.る flag; o ld; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
set キョ,す.える; す.わる finger; fingers; reside; flag; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
hem キョ; コ,すそ cloak; reside; flag; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
stratum ソウ, flag; increase; formerly; horns; rice field; brains; sun; day
bureau キョク,つぼね flag; phrase; bound up; mouth
slow チ,おく.れる; おく.らす; おそ.い flag; sheep; road
leak ロウ,も.る; も.れる; も.らす water; water droplets; water pistol; flag; rain; weather
printing サツ,す.る; -ず.り; -ずり; は.く flag; towel; sword; sabre; saber
shaku シャク, flag; stick
exhaust ジン; サン,つ.くす; -つ.くす; -づ.くし; -つ.く; -づ.く; -ず.く; つ.きる; つ.かす; さかづき; ことごと.く; つか; つき shaku-hachi; flag; stick; ice
swamp タク,さわ; うるお.い; うるお.す; つや water; water droplets; water pistol; shaku-hachi; flag; stick
translate ヤク,わけ say; words; keitai; mouth; shaku-hachi; flag; stick
choose タク,えら.ぶ finge r; fingers; shaku-hachi; flag; stick
daytime チュウ,ひる shaku-hachi; flag; stick; nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor
door コ,と one; flag
shoulder ケン,かた door; one; ceiling; flag; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
tassel ボウ,ふさ door; one; ceiling; flag; compass; direction
fan セン,おうぎ door; one; ceiling; flag; feathers; wings
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hearth ロ,いろり hearth-fire; door; one; ceiling; flag
re- レイ,もど.す; もど.る door; one; ceiling; flag; large; St. Bernard
tears ルイ; レイ,なみだ water; water droplets; water pistol; re-; door; one; ceiling; flag; large; St. Bernard
employ コ,やと.う door; one; ceiling; flag; turkey
look back コ,かえり.みる employ; door; one; ceiling; flag; turkey; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
disclose ケイ,ひら.く; さと.す bouncer; door; one; ceiling; flag; taskmaster; mouth
show ジ; シ,しめ.す altar; two; small
salutation レイ; ライ, salute; altar; fishhook
auspicious ショウ,さいわ.い; きざ.し; よ.い; つまび.らか altar; sheep
celebrate シュク; シュウ,いわ.う altar; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
blessing フク, altar; wealth; one; ceiling; mouth; rice field; brains
welfare シ, altar; stop; footprint
company シャ,やしろ altar; soil; dirt; ground
inspection シ,み.る altar; see; telescope; eye; human legs
Nara ナ; ナイ; ダイ,いかん; からなし nara; large; St. Bernard; altar; show; two; small
military officer イ; ジョウ, flag; altar; show; two; small; glue
consolation イ,なぐさ.める; なぐさ.む military officer; flag; altar; show; two; small; glue; heart
goodwill カン, samurai; altar; show; two; small; lack; yawn
prohibition キン, grove; tree; wood; altar; show; two; small
collar キン,えり cloak; prohibition; grove; tree; wood; altar; show; two; small
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religion シュウ; ソウ,むね house; altar; show; two; small
adore スウ,あが.める mountain; religion; house; altar; show; two; small
ritual サイ,まつ.る; まつ.り; まつり moon; month; flesh; part of the body; crotch; altar; show; two; small
guess サツ, house; ritual; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; crotch; altar; show; two; small
grate サツ,す.る; す.れる; -ず.れ; こす.る; こす.れる finger; fingers; guess; house; ritual; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; crotch; altar; show; two; small
wherefore ユ; ユウ; ユイ,よし; よ.る sprout; shoot
pluck チュウ,ひき- finger; fingers; sprout; shoot
oil ユ; ユウ,あぶら water; water droplets; water pistol; sprout; shoot
sleeve シュウ,そで cloak; sprout; shoot
mid-air チュウ, house; sprout; shoot
deliver カイ,とど.ける; -とど.け; とど.く flag; sprout; shoot
flute テキ,ふえ bamboo; sprout; shoot
axis ジク, car; sprout; shoot
armor コウ; カン; カ,きのえ armour; roots
push オウ,お.す; お.し-; お.っ-; お.さえる; おさ.える finger; fingers; armo ur; armor; roots
headland コウ,みさき mountain; armour; armor; roots
insert ソウ,さ.す; はさ.む finger; fingers; thousa nd; armour; armor; roots
speaketh シン,もう.す; もう.し-; さる monkey; sun; day; stick
expand シン,の.びる; の.ばす; の.べる; の.す person; monkey; sun; day; stick
gods シン; ジン,かみ; かん-; こう- altar; monkey; sun; day; stick
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search ソウ; シュ; シュウ,さが.す finger; fingers; Buddha’s hand; monkey; sun; day; stick; crotch
fruit カ,は.たす; はた.す; -は.たす; は.てる; -は.てる; は.て rice field; brains; tree; wood
confectionary カ, flowers; fruit; rice field; brains; tree; wood
chapter カ, say; words; keitai; mouth; fruit; rice field; brains; tree; wood
naked ラ,はだか cloak; fruit; rice field; brains; tree; wood
ax キン,おの axe
chop セキ, tree; wood; axe
place ショ,ところ; -ところ; どころ; とこ door; one; ceiling; flag; axe
pray キ,いの.る altar; axe
near キン; コン,ちか.い axe; road
fold セツ,お.る; おり; お.り; -お.り; お.れる finger; fingers; axe
philosophy テツ,さとい; あき.らか; し.る; さば.く fold; finger; fingers; axe; mouth
departed セイ,ゆ.く; い.く fold; fi nger; fingers; axe; road
vow セイ,ちか.う fold; finger; fingers; axe; say; words; keitai; mouth
chop off ザン; サン; セン; ゼン,き.る executioner; car; axe
temporarily ザン,しばら.く executioner; chop off; car; axe; sun; day
steadily ゼン,やや water; water droplets; water pistol; executioner; chop off; car; axe
severance ダン,た.つ; ことわ.る; さだ.める fishhook; rice; axe
substance シツ; シチ; チ,たち; ただ.す; もと; わりふ axe; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
reject セキ,しりぞ.ける axe; drop
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accusation ソ,うった.える say; words; keitai; mouth; reject; axe; drop
yesterday サク, sun; day; saw
lie サ,いつわ.る say; words; keitai; mouth; saw
make サク; サ,つく.る; つく.り; -づく.り person; saw
snow セツ,ゆき rain; weather; broom
record ロク, metal; gold; dustpan; broom; grains of rice
peel off ,
inquire ジン,たず.ねる; ひろ broom; craft; mouth; glue
hurry キュウ,いそ.ぐ; いそ.ぎ bound up; broom; heart
calm オン,おだ.やか wheat; cereal; hideaway; claw; vulture; broom; heart
encroach シン,おか.す person; French maid; tickle; broom; crown; crotch
immersed シン,ひた.す; ひた.る water; water droplets; water pistol; French maid; tickle; broom; crown; crotch
lie down シン,ね.る; ね.かす; い.ぬ; みたまや; や.める house; turtle; French mai d; tickle; broom; crown; crotch
lady フ,よめ woman; feather duster; broom; apron; crown; towel
sweep ソウ; シュ,は.く finger; fingers; feather duster; broom; apron; crown; towel
hit トウ,あ.たる; あ.たり; あ.てる; あ.て; まさ.に; まさ.にべし small; broom
glossary イ,はりねずみ broken broom; mutual; crown; frui t; rice field; brains; tree; wood; broom*
contend ソウ,あらそ.う; いか.でか bound up; rake
clean ジョウ; セイ,きよ.める; きよ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; contend; bound up; rake
matter ジ; ズ,こと; つか.う; つか.える one; ceiling; mouth; rake
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T'ang トウ,から T’ang; cave; rake; mouth
sugar トウ, rice; T’ang; cave; rake; mouth
sane コウ, ease; cave; sieve; rake; grains of rice
apprehend タイ, sieve; rake; grains of rice; road
Italy イ,かれ i taly; person; mop
old boy クン,きみ; -ぎみ mop; mouth
flock グン,む.れる; む.れ; むら; むら.がる old boy; mop; mouth; sheep
-proof タイ,た.える comb; glue
demand ジュ, rain; weather; comb
Confucian ジュ, confucian; person; demand; rain; weather; comb
edge タン,はし; は; はた; -ばた; はな vase; stan d up; pick-axe; mountain; comb
both リョウ,てる; ふたつ street; nail; spike; belt; shovel
full マン; バン,み.ちる; み.つ; み.たす water; water droplets; water pistol; flowers; both; street; nail; spike; belt; shovel
brush-stroke ガ; カク; エ; カイ,えが.く; かく.する; かぎ.る; はかりごと; はか.る one; ceiling; sprout; shoot; shovel
tooth シ,よわい; は; よわ.い; よわい.する stop; footprint; bag of rice; shovel
bend キョク,ま.がる; ま.げる rice field; brains; stick
cadet ソウ; ゾウ,つかさ; ともがら; へや one; bend; sun; day
encounter ソウ,あ.う; あ.わせる ca det; one; bend; sun; day; road
rowing ソウ,こ.ぐ; はこ.ぶ water; water droplets; water pistol; cadet; one; bend; sun; day
vat ソウ,ふね tree; wood; cadet; one; bend; sun; day
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Big Dipper ト; トウ, big dipper; measuring cup; big dipper; The Plough; drop; ten; needle
fee リョウ, rice; measuring cup; big dipper; The Plough; drop; ten; needle
department カ, wheat; cereal; measuring cup; big dipper; The Plough; drop; ten; needle
map ズ; ト,え; はか.る pent in; measuring cup; big dipper; The Plough; drop; ten; needle
utilize ヨウ,もち.いる moon; month; flesh; part of the body; walking stick
comfortable ヨウ, commonplace; cave; rake; screwdriver; utilise; utilize; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; walking stick
equip ビ,そな.える; そな.わる; つぶさ.に person; flowers; cliff; screwdriver; utilise; utilize; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; walking stick
once upon a time セキ; シャク,むかし salad; flowers; one; floor; sun; day
confused サク; シャク, metal; gold; once upon a time; storyteller; salad; sun; day
borrow シャク,か.りる person; once upon a time; storyteller; salad; sun; day
pity セキ,お.しい; お.しむ Freud; state of mind; once upon a time; storyteller; salad; sun; day
set aside ソ,お.く finger; fingers; o nce upon a time; storyteller; salad; sun; day
scatter サン,ち.る; ち.らす; -ち.らす; ち.らかす; ち.らかる; ばら salad; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; taskmaster
twenty 廿 ジュウ; ニュウ,にじゅう
commoner ショ, caverns; cave; twenty; oven-fire; barbecue
intercept シャ,さえぎ.る commoner; caverns; cave; twenty; oven-fire; barbecue; road
seat セキ,むしろ caverns; cave; twenty; towel
degrees ド; ト; タク,たび; -た.い caverns; cave; twenty; crotch
transit ト,わた.る; -わた.る; わた.す water; water droplets; water pistol; degrees; caverns; cave; twenty; crotch
bustle ホン,はし.る large; St. Bernard; haystack; ten; needle
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erupt フン,ふ.く mouth; pitchfork; haystack; ten; needle; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
tomb フン, soil; dirt; ground; pitchfork; haystack; ten; needle; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
aroused フン,いきどお.る Freud; state of mind; pitchfork; haystack; ten; needle; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
bake ショウ,や.く; や.き; や.き-; -や.き; や.ける hearth fire; lofty; strawman; wickerman; haystack; ten; needle; one; human legs
daybreak ギョウ; キョウ,あかつき; さと.る sun; lofty; strawman; wickerman; haystack; ten; needle; one; human legs
half ハン,なか.ば small; ten; needle
consort ハン; バン,ともな.う person; half
paddy ridge ハン,あぜ; くろ; ほとり paddy-ridge; rice field; brains; half
judgment ハン; バン,わか.る judgement; half; sword; sabre; saber
fist ケン; ゲン,こぶし quarter; hand
ticket ケン, quarter; sword; dagger
scroll カン; ケン,ま.く; まき; ま.き quarter; snake; self
sphere ケン,かこ.い pent in; scroll; quarter; snake; self
victory ショウ,か.つ; -が.ち; まさ.る; すぐ.れる; かつ edam; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; quarter; power; muscle; arnold
wisteria トウ; ドウ,ふじ flowers; edam; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; quarter; grains of rice
facsimilie トウ, mimeograph; facsimile; edam; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; quarter; say; words; keitai; mouth
one-sided ヘン,かた-; かた waiter with wine on tray
printing block ハン, one-sided; waiter with wine on tray; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
of シ,の; これ; おいて; ゆく; この Zorro; building blocks; zig-zag
destitution ボウ,とぼ.しい; とも.しい drop; of; Zorro; building blocks; zig-zag
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turf シ,しば flowers; of; Zorro; building blocks; zig-zag
negative フ; ブ, one; ceiling; person; drop
negate ヒ,いな; いや negative; mouth
cupfuls ハイ,さかずき tree; wood; negative
dart シ,や drop; heavens
rectify キョウ,た.める dart; drop; heavens; angel; heavens; mouth; hood; mouth
tribe ゾク, banner; direction; compass; direction; reclining; lying down; dart; drop; heavens
know チ,し.る; し.らせる dart; drop; heavens; mouth
wisdom チ, know; dart; drop; heavens; mouth; sun; day; tongue wagging
shove アイ,ひら.く finger; fingers; elbow; dart; drop; heavens
halberd ム; ボウ,ほこ beforehand
tender ジュウ; ニュウ,やわ.らか; やわ.らかい; やわ; やわ.ら halberd; beforehand; tree; wood
task ム,つと.める halberd; beforehand; taskmaster; power; muscle; arnold
fog ム; ボウ; ブ,きり rain; weather; task; halberd; beforehand; taskmaster; power; muscle; arnold
squad ハン, sword; spear; cutlass; king; jewel; ball
homecoming キ,かえ.る; かえ.す; おく.る; とつ.ぐ sword; spear; cutlass; feather duster; broom; apron; crown; towel
bow キュウ,ゆみ
pull イン,ひ.く; ひ.き; ひ.き-; -び.き; ひ.ける bow; stick
condolences チョウ,とむら.う; とぶら.う bow; walking stick
vast コウ; グ,ひろ.い bow; elbow
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strong キョウ; ゴウ,つよ.い; つよ.まる; つよ.める; し.いる; こわ.い bow; elbow; insect
more and more ミ; ビ,いや; や; あまねし; いよいよ; とおい; ひさし; ひさ.しい; わた.る bow; hammock; reclining; lying down; small; little
weak ジャク,よわ.い; よわ.る; よわ.まる; よわ.める bow; ice
drowning デキ; ジョウ; ニョウ,いばり; おぼ.れる water; water droplets; water pistol; weak; bow; ice
seethe フツ,わ.く; わ.かす wa ter; water droplets; water pistol; dollar; bow; stick
expense ヒ,つい.やす; つい.える dollar; bow; stick; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
No. ダイ; テイ, no.; bamboo; dollar; bow; stick
younger brother テイ; ダイ; デ,おとうと horns; dollar; bow; stick
adroit コウ,たく.み; たく.む; うま.い craft; snare
nickname ゴウ,さけ.ぶ; よびな mouth; snare
decay キュウ,く.ちる tree; wood; snare
boast コ,ほこ.る say; words; keitai; mouth; Batman; large; St. Bernard; chandelier; one; ceiling; snare
chin ガク,あご; あぎと mousetrap; mouth; one; ceiling; snare; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
dirty オ,けが.す; けが.れる; けが.らわしい; よご.す; よご.れる; きたな.い water; water droplets; water pistol; snare; one; spike; stick
bestow ヨ,あた.える; あずか.る; くみ.する; ともに slingshot; catapult; one
copy シャ; ジャ,うつ.す; うつ.る; うつ-; うつ.し crown; bestow; slingshot; catapult; one
somebody シン,み nose
shoot シャ,い.る; さ.す somebody; nose; glu e
apologize シャ,あやま.る say; words; keitai; mouth; shoot bang bang; somebody; nose; glue
old man ロウ,お.いる; ふ.ける soil; dirt; ground; spoon; sitting on the ground
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consider コウ,かんが.える; かんが.え old man; slingshot; catapult
filial piety コウ; キョウ, old man; child
teach キョウ,おし.える; おそ.わる filial piety; old man; child; taskmaster
torture ゴウ, finger; fingers; consider; old man; slingshot; catapult
someone シャ,もの puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day
boil シャ,に.る; -に; に.える; に.やす someone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day; oven-fire; barbecue
renowned チョ; チャク,あらわ.す; いちじる.しい flowers; someone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day
chopsticks チョ; チャク,はし bamboo; someone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day
signature ショ, eye; cross-eyed; net; someone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day
sultry ショ,あつ.い sun; day; someone; puppet; sooty; old man
various ショ,もろ say; words; keitai; mouth; someone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day
boar チョ,い; いのしし pack of wi ld dogs; someone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day
strand ショ,なぎさ water; water droplets; water pistol; someone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day
gamble ト,か.ける; かけ shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; someone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day
gorge キョウ; コウ,はざま mountain; scissors; husband; horns
cramped キョウ; コウ,せま.い; せば.める; せば.まる; さ pack of wild dogs; scissors; husband; horns
sandwiched キョウ; ショウ,はさ.む; はさ.まる; わきばさ.む; さしはさ.む finger; fingers; scissors; husband; horns
cheek ,
chase ツイ,お.う maestro; road
large hill フ; フウ, maestro; ten; needle
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expert シ; ス,もろもろ; なら.う maestro; noren; one; ceiling; towel
commander スイ, maestro; towel
bureaucrat カン, house; maestro without baton
coffin カン, tree; wood; bureaucrat; house; maestro without baton
pipe カン,くだ bamboo; bureaucrat; house; maestro without baton
father フ,ちち
cauldron フ,かま father; metal; gold
mingle コウ,まじ.わる; まじ.える; ま.じる; まじ.る; ま.ざる; ま.ぜる; -か.う; か.わす; かわ.す; こもごも top hat; father
merit コウ,き.く; ききめ; なら.う mingle; top hat; father; power; muscle; arnold
contrast カク; コウ,くら.べる car; mingle; top hat; father
exam コウ; キョウ, tree; wood; mingle; top hat; father
leg ソク,あし; た.りる; た.る; た.す mouth; mending; mend
stimulate ソク,うなが.す person; leg; mouth; mending; mend
nab ソク; サク,とら.える finger; fingers; leg; mouth; mend
long-distance キョ,へだ.たる; けづめ wooden leg; mouth; stop; footprint; giant
path ロ; ル,-じ; みち wooden leg; mouth; stop; footprint; each; walking legs; mouth
dew ロ; ロウ,つゆ rain; weather; path; wooden leg; mouth; stop; footprint; each; walking legs; mouth
hop チョウ,は.ねる; と.ぶ; -と.び wooden leg; mouth; sto p; footprint; portent; omen
leap ヤク,おど.る wooden leg; mouth; stop; footprint; futon; feathers; wings; turkey
tread セン,ふ.む wooden leg; mouth; stop; footprint; parade float
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step トウ,ふ.む; ふ.まえる wooden leg; mouth; stop; footprint; wednesday; boots; water; sun; day
trail ショウ; ソウ,あと
skeleton コツ,ほね joint; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
slippery カツ; コツ,すべ.る; なめ.らか water; water droplets; water pistol; skeleton; joint; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
marrow ズイ, skeleton; joint; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; highwayman; possess; by one’s side; road
calamity カ,わざわい altar; jawbone; joint; hood; mouth
whirlpool カ,うず water; water droplets; water pistol; jawbone; joint; hood; mouth
pot カ,なべ metal; gold; jawbone; joint; hood; mouth
overdo カ,す.ぎる; -す.ぎる; -す.ぎ; す.ごす; あやま.つ; あやま.ち; よ.ぎる jawbone; joint; hood; mouth; road
Heights ハン,さか heights; pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
Africa ア; オ,おもね.る africa; pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; can; mouth; street; nail; spike
occasion サイ,きわ; -ぎわ pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; ritual; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; crotch; altar; show; two; small
hinder ショウ,さわ.る pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; badge; vase; stand up; sunflower; early; sun; day; ten; needle
chink ゲキ; キャク; ケキ,すき; す.く; す.かす; ひま pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; small; little; sun; day; little
follow ズイ,まにまに; したが.う pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; highwayman; possess; by one’s side; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; road
auxiliary バイ, obeisance; pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth
sunshine ヨウ,ひ pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; piggy bank; sun; day; piglets
line up チン,ひ.ねる exhibit; pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; east; tree; wood; sun; day
ward off ボウ,ふせ.ぐ pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; compass; direction
affixed フ,つ.ける; つ.く pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; adhere; sellotape; person; glue
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Inst. イン, pin nacle; parthenon; acropolis; perfect; house; beginnings; two; human legs
camp ジン, pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; car
regiment タイ, pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; animal horns; sow; pig; wart hog; regimental mascot
crash ツイ,お.ちる; お.つ regiment; pinnacle; partheno n; acropolis; animal horns; sow; pig; wart hog; regimental mascot; soil; dirt; ground
descend コウ; ゴ,お.りる; お.ろす; ふ.る; ふ.り; くだ.る; くだ.す pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; walking legs; sunglasses with one lens missing; monocle
story カイ,きざはし storey; pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; all; compare; spoon; sitting on the ground; white; dove
highness ヘイ, pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; compare; spoon; sitting on the ground; soil; dirt; ground
neighboring リン,とな.る; となり neighbouring; pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; shoeshine; rice; sunglasses; dancing legs; ballerina; evening
isolate カク,へだ.てる; へだ.たる pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; tripod; one; ceiling; mouth; hood; human legs; street; nail; spike
conceal イン; オン,かく.す; かく.し; かく.れる; かか.す; よ.る pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; hideaway; claw; vulture; broom; heart
degenerate ダ,お.ちる; くず.す; くず.れる pinnacle; partheno n; acropolis; possess; by one’s side; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; ground; soil; dirt; ground
collapse カン,おちい.る; おとしい.れる pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; straight-jacket; bound up; olden times; old days; stick; sun; day
hole ケツ,あな house; eight
empty クウ,そら; あ.く; あ.き; あ.ける; から; す.く; す.かす; むな.しい hole; house; huma n legs; craft
withdraw コウ,ひか.える; ひか.え finger; fingers; empty; sky; hole; house; human legs; craft
stab トツ; カ,つ.く hole; house; human legs; large; St. Bernard
research キュウ; ク,きわ.める hole; house; human legs; nine; baseball
plug up チツ, hole; house; human legs; climax; wall; one; ceiling; elbow; soil; dirt; ground
stealth セツ,ぬす.む; ひそ.か hole; house; human legs; cut; seven; sword; dagger
cavern クツ; コツ,いわや; いはや; あな hole; house; human legs; yield; flag; exit
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depression ワ; ア,くぼ.む; くぼ.み; くぼ.まる; くぼ hole; house; human legs; water; water droplets; water pistol; ivy; square jewel; soil; dirt; ground
squeeze サク,しぼ.る finger; fingers; tight; hole; house; human legs; saw
kiln ヨウ,かま hole; house; human legs; sheep; oven-fire; barbecue
hard up キュウ; キョウ,きわ.める; きわ.まる; きわ.まり; きわ.み hole; house; human legs; somebody; nose; bow
grope タン,さぐ.る; さが.す finger; fingers; paper punch; Miss World; hole; house; human legs; tree; wood
deep シン,ふか.い; -ぶか.い; ふか.まる; ふか.める; み- water; water droplets; water pistol; paper punch; Mi ss World; hole; house; human legs; tree; wood
hill キュウ,おか axe; one; floor
Point ガク,たけ point; hill; axe; one; floor; mountain
soldier ヘイ; ヒョウ,つわもの hill; axe; one; floor; animal legs; eight
seacoast ヒン,はま water; water droplets; water pistol; soldier; hill; axe; one; floor; animal legs; eight
thread シ,いと spiderman
weave ショク; シキ,お.る; お.り; おり; -おり; -お.り thread; spiderman; kazo o; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; fiesta
darning ゼン,つくろ.う thread; spiderman; virtuous; sheep; horns; mouth
shrink シュク,ちぢ.む; ちぢ.まる; ちぢ.める; ちぢ.れる; ちぢ.らす thread; spiderman; inn; house; person; hundred; one; ceiling; white; dove
luxuriant ハン,しげ.る; しげ.く cleverness; reclining; lying down; mother; breasts; taskmaster; thread; spiderman
vertical ジュウ,たて thread; spiderman; accompany; Nelson; column; going; line; horns; mend
fine チ,こまか.い
line セン,すじ thread; spiderman; spring; white; dove; water
come apart at the seams タン,ほころ.びる thread; spiderman; determine; determined; house; mend
tighten テイ,し.まる; し.まり; し.める; -し.め; -じ.め thread; spiderman; sovereign; vase; stand up; apron; crown; towel
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fiber イ, thread; spiderman; turkey
gauze ラ,うすもの eye; cross-eyed; net; fibre; thread; spiderman; turkey
practice レン,ね.る; ね.り thread; spiderman; east; tree; wood; sun; day
thong ショ; チョ,お; いとぐち thread; spiderman; so meone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day
continue ゾク; ショク; コウ; キョウ,つづ.く; つづ.ける; つぐ.ない thread; spiderman; sell; samurai; crown; human legs
picture カイ; エ, thre ad; spiderman; meeting; one; wall; umbrella; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
overall トウ,す.べる; ほび.る thread; spiderman; allot; infant; toddler; top hat; elbow; human legs
strangle コウ,しぼ.る; し.める; し.まる thread; spiderman; mingle; top hat; father
salary キュウ,たま.う; たも.う; -たま.え thread; spiderman; fit; meeting; umbrella; one; mouth
entwine ラク,から.む; から.まる thread; spiderman; each; walking legs; mouth
tie ケツ; ケチ,むす.ぶ; ゆ.う; ゆ.わえる thread; spi derman; aerosol; samurai; mouth
end シュウ,お.わる; -お.わる; おわ.る; お.える; つい; つい.に thread; spiderman; winter; walking legs; ice; drop
class キュウ, thread; spiderman; reach out; outstretched hands
chronicle キ, thread; spiderman; snake; self
crimson コウ; ク,べに; くれない; あか.い thread; spiderman; craft
settlement ノウ; ナッ; ナ; ナン; トウ,おさ.める; -おさ.める; おさ.まる thread; spiderman; inside; person; belt
spinning ボウ,つむ.ぐ thread; spiderman; compass; direction
distract フン,まぎ.れる; -まぎ.れ; まぎ.らす; まぎ.らわす; まぎ.らわしい thread; spiderman; part; eight; sword; dagger
introduce ショウ, thread; spiderman; summon; seduce; sword; dagger; mouth
sutra ケイ; キョウ,へ.る; た.つ; たていと; はか.る; のり thread; spiderman; spool; clod; toilet paper; crotch; soil; dirt; ground
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sire シン, thread; spiderman; monkey; sun; day; stick
promise ヤク, thread; spiderman; ladle
dainty サイ,ほそ.い; ほそ.る; こま.か; こま.かい thread; spiderman; rice field; brains
accumulate ルイ, rice field; brains; thread; spiderman
cord サク, bishop; cross; ten; needle; crown; thread; spiderman
general ソウ,す.べて; すべ.て; ふさ thread; spiderman; public; eight; elbows; heart
cotton 綿 メン,わた thread; spiderman; napkin; white; dove; towel
silk ケン,きぬ thread; spiderman; mouth; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
winding ソウ,く.る thread; spiderman; furniture; goods; mouth; tree; wood
inherit ケイ,つ.ぐ; まま- thread; spiderman; rice; fishhook
green リョク; ロク,みどり thread; spiderman; dustpan; broom; grains of rice
affinity エン; ネン,ふち; ふちど.る; ゆかり; よすが; へり; えにし thre ad; spiderman; broom; sow; pig
netting モウ,あみ thread; spiderman; glass jar; hood; horns; one; deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook
tense キン, loincloth; retainer; slave; crotch; thread; spiderman
purple シ,むらさき Prince; this here; stop; footprint; spoon; sitting on the ground; thread; spiderman
truss バク,しば.る thread; spiderman; acupuncturist; specialty; drop; ten; needle; rice field; brains; glue
straw rope ジョウ,なわ; ただ.す thread; spiderman; eels; sun; day
infancy ヨウ,おさな.い cocoon; power; muscle; arnold
behind ゴ; コウ,のち; うし.ろ; うしろ; あと; おく.れる Nelson; column; go ing; line; cocoon; walking legs
faint ユウ; ヨウ,ふか.い; かす.か; くら.い; しろ.い seclude; cocoon; mountain
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how many キ,いく-; いく.つ; いく.ら cocoon; person; fiesta
mechanism キ,はた tree; wood; abacus; how many; cocoon; person; fiesta
capital suburbs キ,みやこ cocoon; rice field; brains; fiesta
mysterious ゲン, top hat; cocoon
livestock チク, mysterious; top hat; cocoon; rice field; brains
amass チク,たくわ.える flowers; livestock; mysterious; top hat; cocoon; rice field; brains
bowstring ゲン,つる bow; mysterious; top hat; cocoon
hug ヨウ, finger; fingers; mysterious; top hat; cocoon; turkey
nourishing ジ, water; water droplets; water pistol; double-mysterious; mothballs; horns; one; cocoon
mercy ジ,いつく.しむ double-mysterious; mothballs; horns; one; cocoon; heart
magnet ジ, stone; rock; double-mysterious; mothballs; horns; one; cocoon
lineage ケイ, stick; drop; thread; spiderman
person in charge ケイ,かか.る; かかり; -がかり; かか.わる person; lineage; drop; thread; spiderman
grandchild ソン,まご child; lineage; drop; thread; spiderman
suspend ケン; ケ,か.ける; か.かる prefecture; eye; fishhook; small; little; lineage; stick; drop; thread; spiderman; heart
modest ソン,したが.う; へりくだ.る; ゆず.る grandchild; child; lineage; drop; thread; spiderman; road
instead キャク,かえ.って; しりぞ.く; しりぞ.ける gone; soil; dirt; ground; elbow; stamp
shins キャク; キャ; カク,あし skids; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; instead; gone; soil; dirt; ground; elbow; stamp
wholesale シャ,おろ.す; おろし; おろ.し horseshoe; horse; pantomime horse; noon; sign of the horse; stop; footprint; stamp
honorable ギョ; ゴ,おん-; お-; み- Nelson; column; going; line; wholesale; horseshoe; pantomime horse; noon; sign of the horse; stop; footprint; stamp
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clothing フク, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; underpants; stamp; crotch
fate メイ; ミョウ,いのち fit; meeting; umbrella; one; mouth; stamp
orders レイ, meeting; chop-seal; hanko
zero レイ,ぜろ; こぼ.す; こぼ.れる rain; weather; orders; meeting; chop-seal; hanko
age レイ,よわ.い; とし teeth; tooth; stop; footprint; rice; shovel; orders; meeting; chop-seal; hanko
cool レイ,つめ.たい; ひ.える; ひ.や; ひ.ややか; ひ.やす; ひ.やかす; さ.める; さ.ます ice; orders; meeting; chop-seal; hanko
jurisdiction リョウ,えり orders; meeting; chop-seal; hanko; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
small bell レイ; リン,すず metal; gold; orders; meeting; chop-seal; hanko
courage ユウ,いさ.む chop-seal; hanko; male; rice field; brains; power; muscle; arnold
bubble up ユウ; ヨウ; ユ,わ.く wa ter; water droplets; water pistol; courageous; courage; chop-seal; hanko; male; rice field; brains; power; muscle; arnold
traffic ツウ; ツ,とお.る; とお.り; -とお.り; -どお.り; とお.す; とお.し; -どお.し; かよ.う pogo stick; chop-seal; hanko; utilise; utilize; road
jump ヨウ,おど.る wooden leg; mouth; stop; footprint; pogo stick; chop-seal; hanko; utilise; utilize
doubt ギ,うたが.う spoon; sitting on the ground; dart; drop; heavens; chop-seal; hanko; zoo; critters
mimic ギ,まが.い; もど.き finger; fingers; doubt; spoon; sitting on the ground; dart; drop; heavens; chop-seal; hanko; zoo; critters
congeal ギョウ,こ.る; こ.らす; こご.らす; こご.らせる; こご.る ice; doubt; spoon; sitting on the ground; dart; drop; heavens; chop-seal; hanko; zoo; critters
pattern ハン, bamboo; car; fingerprint
crime ハン; ボン,おか.す pack of wild dogs; fingerprint
widespread ハン,ひろ.がる water; water droplets; water pistol; fingerprint
unlucky ヤク, cliff; fingerprint
dangerous キ,あぶ.ない; あや.うい; あや.ぶむ bound up; unlucky; cliff; fingerprint
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address エン,あ.てる; -あて; -づつ; あたか.も house; mailbox; evening; fingerprint
arm ワン,うで moon; month; flesh; part of the body; address; house; mailbox; evening; fingerprint
garden エン; オン,その; う.つ flowers; mailbox; even ing; fingerprint
grudge エン; オン; ウン,うら.む; うらみ; うら.めしい mailbox; evening; fingerprint; heart
willow リュウ,やなぎ tree; wood; blown eggs; sign of the hare; receipt; stamp
egg ラン,たまご sign of the hare; receipt; stamp; drops
detain リュウ; ル,と.める; と.まる; とど.める; とど.まる; るうぶる receipt; sword; dagger; rice field; brains
marine blue ル; リュウ, king; jewel; ball; detain; receipt; dagger; sword; rice field; brains
trade 貿 ボウ, receipt; sword; dagger; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
stamp イン,しるし; -じるし; しる.す staples
mortar キュウ; グ,うす; うすづ.く back to back staples
break キ,こぼ.つ; こわ.す; こぼ.れる; こわ.れる; そし.る; やぶ.る mortar; soil; dirt; ground; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
entertain コウ; キョウ,おこ.る; おこ.す staples; same; monks; hood; one; mouth; tool; animal legs; eight
sign of the bird ユウ,とり whiskey bottle; west; one
sake シュ,さけ; さか- water; water droplets; water pistol; whiskey bottle
bartending シャク,く.む whiskey bottle; ladle
hooch チュウ; チュ,かも.す whiskey bottle; glue
fermentation コウ, whiskey bottle; filial piety; old man; child
cruel コク,ひど.い whiskey bottle; revelation; cow; mouth
repay シュウ; シュ; トウ,むく.いる whiskey bottle; state; stream; drop
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dairy products ラク, whiskey bottle; each; walking legs; mouth
vinegar サク,す whiskey bottle; saw
drunk スイ,よ.う; よ.い; よ whiskey bottle; ninety; nine; baseball; ten; needle
distribute ハイ,くば.る whiskey bottle; snake; self
acid サン,す.い whiskey bottle; streetwalker; Ministry of silly walks; John Cleese; license; elbow; human legs; walking legs
waver ユウ; ユ,なお furthermore; pack of wild dogs; chieftain; Molotov cocktail; animal horns; whiskey bottle
revered ソン,たっと.い; とうと.い; たっと.ぶ; とうと.ぶ chieftain; Molotov cocktail; animal horns; whiskey bottle; glue
beans トウ; ズ,まめ; まめ- table; one; mouth
head トウ; ズ; ト,あたま; かしら; -がしら; かぶり beans; table; one; mouth; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
short タン,みじか.い dart; drop; heavens; beans; table; one; mouth
bountiful ホウ; ブ,ゆた.か; とよ bend; beans; table; one; mouth
drum コ,つづみ samurai; beans; table; one; mouth; branch; ten; needle; crotch
rejoice キ,よろこ.ぶ; よろこ.ばす drum; samurai; beans; table; one; mouth; mouth
timber-trees ジュ,き tree; wood; drum; samurai; beans; table; one; mouth; glue
dish ベイ,さら
blood ケツ,ち drop; dish
basin ボン, part; eight; sword; dagger; dish
alliance メイ, bright; sun; day; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; dish
steal トウ,ぬす.む; ぬす.み next; ice; lack; yawn; dish
warm オン,あたた.か; あたた.かい; あたた.まる; あたた.める; ぬく water; water droplets; water pistol; sun; day; dish
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lid ガイ; カイ; コウ,ふた; けだ.し; おお.う; かさ; かこう flowers; gone; soil; dirt; ground; elbow; dish
oversee カン, retainer; slave; reclining; lying down; one; floor; dish
overflow ラン,みだ.りに; みだ.りがましい water; water droplets; water pistol; oversee; retainer; slave; reclining; lying down; one; floor; dish
specimen カン,かんが.みる; かがみ metal; gold; oversee; retainer; slave; reclining; lying down; one; floor; dish
indigo ラン,あい flowers; oversee; retai ner; slave; reclining; lying down; one; floor; dish
fierce モウ, pack of wild dogs; child; dish
boom セイ; ジョウ,も.る; さか.る; さか.ん turn into; dish
salt エン,しお soil; dirt; ground; reclining; lying down; mouth; dish
silver ギン,しろがね metal; gold
resentment コン,うら.む; うら.めしい regret; Freud; state of mind; silver
root コン,ね; -ね tree; wood; silver
instant ソク,つ.く; つ.ける; すなわ.ち silver; stamp
baron シャク, claw; vulture; net; eye; silver; glue
node セツ; セチ,ふし; -ぶし; のっと bamboo; instant; silver; stamp
retreat 退 タイ,しりぞ.く; しりぞ.ける; ひ.く; の.く; の.ける; ど.く road; silver
limit ゲン,かぎ.る; かぎ.り; -かぎ.り pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; silver
eyeball ガン; ゲン,まなこ; め eye; silver
good リョウ,よ.い; -よ.い; い.い; -い.い drop; silver
melodious ロウ,ほが.らか; あき.らか halo; drop; silver; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
wandering ロウ, water; water droplets; water pistol; halo; drop; silver
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daughter ジョウ,むすめ; こ woman; halo; drop; silver
eat ショク; ジキ,く.う; く.らう; た.べる; は.む food; umbrella; good; ha lo; drop; silver
meal ハン,めし eat; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver; anti-; demonstration; cliff; crotch
drink イン; オン,の.む; -の.み eat; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver; lack; yawn
hungry キ,う.える eat; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver; wind
starve ガ,う.える eat; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver; ego; hand; fiesta
decorate ショク,かざ.る; かざ.り eat; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver; reclining; lying down; towel
feed ジ; ニ,え; えば; えさ; もち e at; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver; ear
Bldg. カン,やかた; たて eat; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver; bureaucrat; house; maestro without baton
mochi ヘイ; ヒョウ,もち; もちい eat; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver; puzzle; horns; two hands
foster ヨウ; リョウ,やしな.う sheep; eat; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver
sated ホウ,あ.きる; あ.かす; あ.く ea t; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver; wrap; bound up; snake; self
previously キ,すで.に silver; waitress
outline ガイ,おうむ.ね roots; tree; wood; silver; waitress; previously
rue ガイ, regret; resentment; Freud; state of mind; silver; waitress; previously
even ヘイ; ビョウ; ヒョウ,たい.ら; -だいら; ひら; ひら- water-lily; lily pad
call コ,よ.ぶ mouth; even; water-lily; lily pad; question mark
two-mat area ヘイ,つぼ soil; dirt; ground; even; water-lily; lily pad
evaluate ヒョウ, say; words; keitai; mouth; even; water-lily; lily pad
reap ガイ; カイ,か.る sheaf; sword; sabre; saber
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moment セチ; セツ; サツ, sheaf; tree; wood; sword; sabre; saber
hope キ; ケ,まれ sheaf; linen; by one’s side; towel
villain キョウ, sheaf; shovel
bosom キョウ,むね; むな- moon; month; flesh; part of the body; bound up; villain; sheaf; shovel
detach リ,はな.れる; はな.す sheik; top hat; villain; sheaf; shovel; belt; elbow; turkey
crystal リ, king; jewel; ball; sheik; top hat; villain; sheaf; shovel; belt; elbow
kill サツ; サイ; セツ,ころ.す; -ごろ.し; そ.ぐ sheaf; tree; wood; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
bracing ソウ,あき.らか; さわ.やか; たがう large; St. Bernard; sheaf
genuine ジュン, thread; spiderman; earthworm; drop; shovel; fishhook
immediate トン; トツ,にわか.に; とん.と; つまず.く; とみ.に; ぬかずく earthworm; drop; shovel; fishhook; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
dull ドン,にぶ.い; にぶ.る; にぶ-; なま.る; なまく.ら metal; gold; earthworm; drop; shovel; fishhook
spicy シン,から.い; つら.い; -づら.い; かのと stand up; vase; ten; needle
resign ジ,や.める; いな.む tongue; thousand; mouth; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle
catalpa シ,あずさ tree; wood; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle
superintend サイ, house; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle
wall ヘキ,かべ ketchup; flag; mouth; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle; soil; dirt; ground
holed gem ヘキ,たま
evade ヒ,さ.ける; よ.ける ketchup; flag; mouth; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle; road
new シン,あたら.しい; あら.た; あら-; にい- red pepper; stand up; vase; tree; wood; axe
firewood シン,たきぎ; まき fuel; flowers; new; red pepper; stand up; vase; tree; wood; axe
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parent シン,おや; おや-; した.しい; した.しむ red pepper; stand up; vase; tree; wood; see; telescope; eye; human legs
happiness コウ,さいわ.い; さち; しあわ.せ ten; needle; stand up; vase; ten; needle
tenacious シツ; シュウ,と.る happiness; ten; needle; stand up; vase; fat man; musashimaru; nine; baseball; drop
clasp シ,いた.る
report ホウ,むく.いる happiness; ten; needle; stand up; vase; underpants; stamp; crotch
shout キョウ,さけ.ぶ mouth; cornucopia
twist キュウ,ただ.す thread; spiderman; cornucopia
income シュウ,おさ.める; おさ.まる cornucopia; crotch
lowly ヒ,いや.しい; いや.しむ; いや.しめる Wayne Slob; drop; rice field; brains; cornucopia; ten; needle
tombstone ヒ,いしぶみ stone; rock; lowly; Wayne Slob; drop; rice field; brains; cornucopia; ten; needle
land リク; ロク,おか pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; mini-tractor; rice seedlings; soil; dirt; ground; human legs
intimate ボク; モク,むつ.まじい; むつ.む; むつ.ぶ eye; mini-tractor; rice seedlings; soil; dirt; ground; human legs
forces セイ; ゼイ,いきお.い; はずみ mini-tractor; rice seedlings; soil; dirt; ground; human legs; fat man; musashimaru; round; nine; baseball; drop; power; muscle; arnold
heat ネツ,あつ.い mini-tractor; rice seedlings; soil; dirt; ground; human legs; fat man; musashimaru; round; nine; baseball; drop; oven-fire; barbecue
diamond リョウ,ひし flowers; Mao; soil; dirt; ground; human legs; walking legs
mausoleum リョウ,みささぎ pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; Mao; soil; dirt; ground; human legs; walking legs
sign of the hog ガイ; カイ,い acorn; top hat
nucleus カク, tree; wood; sign of the hog; acorn; top hat
engrave コク,きざ.む; きざ.み sign of the hog; acorn; top hat; sword; sabre; saber
above-stated ガイ, say; words; keitai; mouth; sign of the hog; acorn; top hat
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remains ガイ; カイ,むくろ skeleton; joint; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sign of the hog; acorn; top hat
censure ガイ, sign of the hog; acorn; top hat; power; muscle; arnold
mention ジュツ,の.べる resin; pole; road
art ジュツ,すべ boulevard; going; resin; pole
cold カン,さむ.い Baba Yaga’s hut; house; celery; animal legs; ice
block up ソク; サイ,ふさ.ぐ; とりで; み.ちる Baba Yaga’s hut; house; celery; animal legs; soil; dirt; ground
brew ジョウ,かも.す whiskey bottle; grass skirt; top hat; eight; six; animal legs; celery; scarf
defer ジョウ,ゆず.る say; words; keitai; mouth; grass skirt; top hat; eight; six; animal legs; celery; scarf
lot ジョウ,つち soil; dirt; ground; grass skirt; top hat; eight; six; animal legs; celery; scarf
lass ジョウ,むすめ woman; grass skirt; top hat; eight; six; animal legs; celery; scarf
poison ドク, grow up; mother; breasts
elementary ソ; ス,もと grow up; thread; spiderman
barley バク,むぎ grow up; walking legs
blue セイ; ショウ,あお; あお-; あお.い grow up; moon; flesh
refined セイ; ショウ; シヤウ, rice; blue; grow up; moon; flesh
solicit セイ; シン; ショウ,こ.う; う.ける say; words; keitai; mouth; blue; grow up; moon; flesh
feelings ジョウ; セイ,なさ.け Freud; state of mind; blue; grow up; moon; flesh
clear up セイ,は.れる; は.れ; は.れ-; -ば.れ; は.らす sun; day; blue; grow up; moon; flesh
pure セイ; ショウ; シン,きよ.い; きよ.まる; きよ.める water; water droplets; water pistol; blue; grow up; moon; flesh
quiet セイ; ジョウ,しず-; しず.か; しず.まる; しず.める blue; grow up; moon; flesh; contend; bound up; rake
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blame セキ,せ.める grow up; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
exploits セキ, thread; spiderman; blame; grow u p; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
volume セキ,つ.む; -づ.み; つ.もる; つ.もり wheat; cereal; blame; grow up; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
bond サイ, person; blame; grow up; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
pickling シ,つ.ける; つ.かる; -づ.け; -づけ water; water droplets; water pistol; blame; grow up; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
surface ヒョウ,おもて; -おもて; あらわ.す; あらわ.れる; あら.わす grow up; scarf
bag ヒョウ,たわら person; surface; grow up; scarf
undefiled ケツ,いさぎよ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; flick knife; grow up; sword; dagger; thread; spiderman
pledge ケイ,ちぎ.る flick knife; grow up; dagger; large; St. Bernard
consume キツ, mouth; pledge; flick knife; grow up; dagger; large; S t. Bernard
harm ガイ, mansion; house; grow up; mouth
control カツ,くさび car; harm; mansion; house; grow up; mouth
proportion カツ,わ.る; わり; わ.り; わ.れる; さ.く harm; mansion; house; grow up; mouth; sword; sa bre; saber
constitution ケン, mansion; house; grow up; eye; cross-eyed; net; heart
life セイ; ショウ,い.きる; い.かす; い.ける; う.まれる; う.まれ; うまれ; う.む; お.う; は.える; は.やす; き; なま; なま-; な.る; な.す; む.す; -う Thi s is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
star セイ; ショウ,ほし; -ぼし sun; day; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
awakening セイ,さ.ます; さ.める whiskey bottle; star; sun; day; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
surname セイ; ショウ, woman; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
sex セイ; ショウ,さが Freud; state of mind; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
animal sacrifice セイ, cow; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
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products サン,う.む; う.まれる; うぶ-; む.す vase; stand u p; cliff; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
hump リュウ, pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; walking legs; life; This is Your Life; cell; drop; grow up
summit ホウ,みね; ね mountain; Segway; Macbeth; walking legs; bushes
bee ホウ,はち insect; Segway; Macbeth; walking legs; bushes
sew ホウ,ぬ.う thread; spiderman; tryst; Segway; Macbeth; walking legs; bushes; road
worship ハイ,おが.む; おろが.む finger; fingers; one; ceiling; bushes
longevity 寿 ジュ; ス; シュウ,ことぶき; ことぶ.く; ことほ.ぐ bushes; glue
casting チュウ; イ; シュ; シュウ,い.る metal; gold; longevi ty; bushes; glue
enroll セキ, bamboo; christmas tree; wood; once upon a time; storyteller
springtime シュン,はる bonsai; sun; day
camellia 椿 チン; チュン,つばき tree; wood; springtime; bonsai; sun; day
peaceful タイ, bonsai; grains of rice
play music ソウ,かな.でる bonsai; heavens
reality ジツ; シツ,み; みの.る; まこと; まことに; みの; みち.る house; bonsai
dedicate ホウ; ブ,たてまつ.る; まつ.る; ほう.ずる observance; bonsai; cornstalk
stipend ホウ, person; observance; dedicate; bonsai; cornstalk
rod ボウ, tree; wood; observance; dedicate; bonsai; cornstalk
discreet キン,つつし.む say; words; keitai; mouth; cabbage; flowers; mouth; grow up
trifle キン; ゴン,わずか person; cabbage; flowers; mouth; grow up
diligence キン; ゴン,つと.める; -づと.め; つと.まる; いそ.しむ cabbage; flowers; mouth; grow up; power; muscle; arnold
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Sino- カン, sino; water; water droplets; water pistol; scarecrow; flowers; mouth; husband
sigh タン,なげ.く; なげ.かわしい mouth; scarecrow; flowers; mouth; husband
difficult ナン,かた.い; -がた.い; むずか.しい; むづか.しい; むつか.しい; -にく.い scarecrow; flowers; mouth; husband; turkey
splendor カ; ケ,はな flowers; silage; ten; needle
droop スイ,た.れる; た.らす; た.れ; -た.れ; なんなんと.す drop; silage; walking cane; stick; one; floor
saliva ダ; タ,つば; つばき mouth; droop; drop; silage; one; floor
drowsy スイ, eye; droop; drop; silage; walking cane; stick; one; floor
spindle スイ,つむ; おもり metal; gold; droop; drop; silage; walking cane; stick; one; floor
ride ジョウ; ショウ,の.る; -の.り; の.せる wheat; cereal; silage
surplus ジョウ,あまつさえ; あま.り; あま.る ride; wheat; cereal; silage; sword; sabre; saber
now コン; キン,いま meeting; umbrella; one
include ガン,ふく.む; ふく.める now; clock; mouth
covet タン; トン,むさぼ.る
versify ギン, mouth; now; clock
wish ネン, now; clock; heart
wrench ネン; ジョウ,ね.じる; ねじ.る; ひね.くる; ひね.る finger; fingers; wish; wishbone; now; clock; heart
harp キン,こと kin g; jewel; ball; now; clock
shade イン,かげ; かげ.る pin nacle; parthenon; acropolis; now; clock; rising cloud; two; elbow; wall
beforehand ヨ; シャ,あらかじ.め halberd with stroke missing
preface ジョ,つい.で; ついで cave; beforehand
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deposit ヨ,あず.ける; あず.かる beforehand; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
plains ヤ; ショ,の; の- computer; beforehand
concurrently ケン,か.ねる; -か.ねる animal horns; rake; stick
dislike ケン; ゲン,きら.う; きら.い; いや woman; concurrently; animal horns; rake
sickle レン; ケン,かま metal; gold; concurrently; animal horns; rake
self-effacing ケン, say; words; keitai; mouth; concurrently; animal horns; rake
bargain レン, cave; concurren tly; animal horns; rake
west 西 セイ; サイ; ス,にし one; four
value カ; ケ,あたい person; old west
need ヨウ,い.る old west; woman
loins ヨウ,こし moon; month; flesh; part of the body; need; old west; woman
ballot ヒョウ, old west; altar; show; two; small
drift ヒョウ,ただよ.う water; water droplets; water pistol; ballot; old west; altar; show; two; small
signpost ヒョウ,しるべ; しるし tree; wood; ballot; old west; altar; show; two; small
chestnut リツ; リ,くり; おののく old west; tree; wood
shudder リツ,おそ.れる; おのの.く; ふる.える
transition セン,うつ.る; うつ.す; みやこがえ old west; large; St. Bernard; snake; self; road
capsize フク,おお.う; くつがえ.す; くつがえ.る old west; restore; Nelson; column; going; line; fold back; double back; reclining; lying down; sun; day; walking legs
smoke エン,けむ.る; けむり; けむ.い hearth fire; old west; soil; dirt; ground
south ナン; ナ,みなみ ten; needle; belt; happiness; ten; needle; stand up; vase
Characters Vocabulary-1-18-3
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camphor tree ナン; ダン; ゼン; ネン,くす; くすのき tree; wood; south; ten; needle; belt; happiness; ten; needle; stand up; vase
offering ケン; コン,たてまつ.る south; ten; needle; belt; happiness; ten; needle; stand up; vase; chihuahua; dog; large; drop
gates モン,かど; と
question モン,と.う; と.い; とん gates; mouth
review エツ,けみ.する gates; devil; horns; elder brother; teenager; mouth; human legs
clique バツ, gates; fell; person; fiesta
interval カン; ケン,あいだ; ま; あい gates; sun; day
pitch dark アン; オン,やみ; くら.い gates; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day
simplicity カン, bamboo; interval; gates; sun; day
open カイ,ひら.く; ひら.き; -びら.き; ひら.ける; あ.く; あ.ける ga tes; two hands
closed ヘイ,と.じる; と.ざす; し.める; し.まる; た.てる gates; genie
tower カク, gates; each; walking legs; mouth
leisure カン, gates; tree; wood
hear ブン; モン,き.く; き.こえる gates; ear
wet ジュン,うるお.う; うるお.す; うる.む water; water droplets; water pistol; intercalate; gates; king; jewel; ball
column ラン,てすり tree; wood; gates; east; tree; wood; sun; day
fight トウ,たたか.う; あらそ.う gates; beans; table; one; mouth; glue
godown ソウ,くら meeting; single gate; umbrella; stable door; mouth
genesis ソウ; ショウ,つく.る; はじ.める; きず; けず.しける godown; meeting; single gate; umbrella; stable door; mouth; sword; sabre; saber
un- ヒ,あら.ず jail cell; prison bars
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haiku ハイ, person; un-; jail cell; prison bars
repudiate ハイ, finger; fingers; un-; jail cell; prison bars
sad ヒ,かな.しい; かな.しむ un-; jail cell; prison bars; heart
guilt ザイ,つみ eye; cross-eyed; net; un-; jail cell; prison bars
comrade ハイ,ともがら; -ばら; やかい; やから un-; jail cell; prison bars; car
front door ヒ,とびら door; one; ceiling; flag; un-; jail cell; prison bars
marquis コウ, person; key; dart; drop; heavens
throat コウ,のど mouth; marquis; person; key; dart; drop; heavens
climate コウ,そうろう marquis; person; stick; fred astaire; key; dart; drop; heavens
decide ケツ,き.める; -ぎ.め; き.まる; さ.く water; water droplets; water pistol; guillotine; key; St. Bernard
cheerful カイ,こころよ.い Freud; state of mind; guillotine; key; St. Bernard
admirable イ,えら.い person; locket; sti ck; key; mouth; monocle; sunglasses with one lens missing
difference イ,ちが.う; ちが.い; ちが.える; -ちが.える; たが.う; たが.える locket; stick; key; mouth; monocle; sunglasses with one lens missing; road
horizontal イ,よこいと; ぬき thread; spi derman; locket; stick; key; mouth; monocle; sunglasses with one lens missing
defense エイ; エ, defence; boulevard; going; locket; stick; key; mouth; monocle; sunglasses with one lens missing
Korea カン,から; いげた korea; mist; ten; needle; early; sun; day; locket; stick; key; mouth; monocle; sunglasses with one lens missing
dry カン,ほ.す; ほ.し-; -ぼ.し; ひ.る clothesline
liver カン,きも moon; month; flesh; part of the body; dry; clothesline
publish カン, dry; clothesline; sword; sabre; saber
sweat カン,あせ water; water droplets; water pistol; dry; clothesline
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flats ケン,のき car; dry; clothesline
beach ガン,きし mountain; cliff; dry; clothesline
tree trunk カン,みき mist; ten; needle; early; sun; day; umbrella; dry; clothesline
potato ウ,いも flowers
eaves ウ, hou se; potato
too much ヨ,あま.る; あま.り; あま.す; あんま.り umbrella; potato; small
exclude ジョ; ジ,のぞ.く; -よ.け pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; scales; too much; umbrella; potato; small
gradually ジョ,おもむ.ろに Nelson; column; going; line; scales; too much; umbrella; potato; small
confer ジョ,つい.ず; ついで scales; too much; umbrella; potato; small; crotch
route ト,みち scales; to o much; umbrella; potato; small; road
diagonal シャ,なな.め; はす scales; too much; umbrella; potato; small; mmeasuring cup; big dipper; The Plough; drop; ten; needle
paint ト,ぬ.る; ぬ.り; まみ.れる water; water droplets; water pistol; scales; too much; umbrella; potato; small; soil; dirt; ground
bundle ソク,たば; たば.ねる; つか; つか.ねる Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth
trust ライ,たの.む; たの.もしい; たよ.る bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
rapids ライ,せ water; water droplets; water pistol; trust; bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
imperial order チョク,いまし.める; みことのり bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth; power; muscle; arnold
alienate ソ; ショ,うと.い; うと.む; まば.ら zoo; critters; stop; footprint; bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth
bitter ラツ,から.い
quick ソク,はや.い; はや-; はや.める; すみ.やか bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth; road
organize セイ,ととの.える; ととの.う organise; bundle; Chaplin; tree; wood; mouth; taskmaster; correct; one; ceiling; stop; footprint
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saber ケン,つるぎ sabre; awl; fit; meeting; umbrella; mouth; person; sword; sabre
precipitous ケン,けわ.しい pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; awl; fit; meeting; umbrella; mouth; person
examination ケン,しら.べる tree; wood; awl; fit; meeting; umbrella; mouth; person
frugal ケン,つま.しい; つづまやか person; awl; fit; meeting; umbrella; mouth; person
heavy ジュウ; チョウ,え; おも.い; おも.り; おも.なう; かさ.ねる; かさ.なる; おも thousand; compute r; rice field; brains; soil; dirt; ground
move ドウ,うご.く; うご.かす heavy; thousand; ri; computer; power; muscle; arnold
tumor シュ; ショウ,は.れる; は.れ; は.らす; く.む; はれもの tumour; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; heavy; thousand; ri; computer
meritorious deed クン,いさお move; heavy; thousand; ri; computer; power; muscle; arnold; oven-fire; barbecue
work ドウ; リュク; リキ; ロク; リョク,はたら.く person; move; heavy; thousand; ri; computer; power; muscle; arnold
species シュ,たね; -ぐさ wheat; cereal; heavy; thousand; ri; computer
collide ショウ,つ.く boulevard; going; heavy; thousand; ri; computer
fragrant クン,かお.る flowers; heavy; thousand; ri; computer; oven-fire; barbecue
ill ビョウ; ヘイ,や.む; -や.み; やまい sickness; hospital; third class; one; ceiling; inside
stupid チ,し.れる; おろか sickness; hospital; know; dart; drop; heavens; mouth
pox トウ, sickness; hospital; beans; table; one; mouth
symptoms ショウ, sickness; hospital; correct; one; ceiling; stop; footprint
carbuncle ヨウ,かさ
lose weight ソウ; チュウ; シュウ; シュ,や.せる sickness; hospital; Buddha’s hand; monkey; sun; day; stick; crotch
rapidly シツ,はや.い sickness; hospital; dart; drop; heavens
envy シツ,そね.む; ねた.む; にく.む woman; rapidly; sickness; hospital; dart; drop; heavens
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diarrhea リ, sickness; hospital; profit; wheat; cereal; sword; sabre; saber
scar コン,あと sickness; hospital; silver
tired ヒ,つか.れる; -づか.れ; つか.らす exhausted; sickness; hospital; pelt; branch; ten; needle; crotch; hook
epidemic エキ; ヤク, sickness; hospital; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
pain ツウ,いた.い; いた.む; いた.ましい; いた.める sickness; hospita l; pogo stick; chop-seal; hanko; utilise; utilize
mannerism ヘキ,くせ; くせ.に sickness; hospital; ketchup; flag; mouth; spicy; stand up; vase; ten; needle
hide トク,かくま.う box; young; flowers; right; by one’s side; mouth
artisan ショウ,たくみ box; axe
doctor イ,い.やす; い.する; くすし box; dart; drop; heavens
equal ヒツ,ひき box; human legs
ward ク; オウ; コウ, box; sheaf
hinge スウ; シュ,とぼそ; からくり tree; wood; ward; box; sheaf
assault オウ,なぐ.る ward; box; sheaf; missile; cruise missile; wind; crotch
Europe オウ,うた.う; は.く europe; ward; box; sheaf; lack; yawn
repress ヨク,おさ.える finger; fingers; stamp album; box; stamps
faceup ギョウ; コウ,あお.ぐ; おお.せ; お.っしゃる; おっしゃ.る face up; person; stamp album; box; stamps
welcome ゲイ,むか.える stamp album; box; stamps; road
ascend トウ; ト; ドウ; ショウ; チョウ,のぼ.る; あ.がる teepee; wigwam; beans; table; one; mouth
lucidity チョウ,す.む; す.ます; -す.ます water; water droplets; water pistol; ascend; teepee; wigwam; beans; table; one; mouth
discharge ハツ; ホツ,た.つ; あば.く; おこ.る; つか.わす; はな.つ teepee; wigwam; two; human legs
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abolish ハイ,すた.れる; すた.る cave; dicharge; teepee; wigwam; two; human legs
colleague リョウ, person; pup tent; large; St. Bernard; sun; day; small; little
obvious リョウ,あきらか eye; pup tent; large; St. Bernard; sun; day; small; little
dormitory リョウ, house; pup tent; large; St. Bernard; sun; day; small; little
heal リョウ, sickness; hospital; pup tent; large; St. Bernard; sun; day; small; little
carve チョウ,ほ.る; -ぼ.り circumference; running track; glass ho od; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; shape
shape ケイ; ギョウ,かた; -がた; かたち; なり two hands
shadow エイ,かげ scenery; sun; day; capital; tall; top hat; mouth; small; little; shape
cedar サン,すぎ tree; wood; shape
coloring サイ,いろど.る claw; vulture; grab; tree; wood; shape
patent ショウ, badge; vase; stand up; sunflower; early; sun; day; ten; needle; shape
lad ゲン,ひこ vase; stand up; cliff; shape
face ガン,かお lad; vase; stand up; cliff; shape; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
ought ス; シュ,すべから.く; すべし; ひげ; まつ; もち.いる; もと.める shape; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
swell ボウ,ふく.らむ; ふく.れる moon; month; flesh; part of the body; drum; samurai; beans; table; one; mouth; shape
visit サン; シン,まい.る; まい-; まじわる; みつ nonplussed; elbow; large; St. Bernard; shape
wretched サン; ザン,みじ.め; いた.む; むご.い Freud; state of mind; nonplussed; visit; elbow; large; St. Bernard; shape
discipline シュウ; シュ,おさ.める; おさ.まる person; stick; fred astaire; taskmaster; shape
rare チン,めずら.しい; たから king; jewel; ball; parasol; umbrella; shape
checkup シン,み.る check up; say; words; keitai; mouth; parasol; umbrella; shape
Characters Vocabulary-1-19-4
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sentence ブン; モン,ふみ; あや plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly
vis-a-vis タイ; ツイ,あいて; こた.える; そろ.い; つれあ.い; なら.ぶ; むか.う sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly; glue
family crest モン, thread; spiderman; sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly
mosquito ブン,か insect; sentence; sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly
speckled ハン,ふ; まだら king; jewel; ball; sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly
adjusted セイ; サイ,そろ.う; ひと.しい; ひと.しく; あたる; はやい sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly; two; fenceposts; cabers
dose ザイ; スイ; セイ,かる; けず.る adjust; adjusted; sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly; two; fenceposts; cabers; sword; sabre; saber
finish サイ; セイ,す.む; -ず.み; -ずみ; す.まない; す.ます; -す.ます; すく.う; な.す; わたし; わた.る water; water droplets; water pistol; adjust; adjusted; sentence; plaid; kilt; Billy Connolly; two; fenceposts; cabers
purification サイ,とき; つつし.む; ものいみ; い.む; いわ.う; いつ.く sentence; plai d; kilt; Billy Connolly; fenceposts; cabers; altar; show; two; small
solemn シュク; スク,つつし.む rake; fenceposts; cabers; rice
bases ルイ; ライ; スイ,とりで rice field; brains; sparkler; soil; dirt; ground
music ガク; ラク; ゴウ,たの.しい; たの.しむ; この.む white; dove; sparkler; tree; wood
medicine ヤク,くすり flowers; music; white; dove; sparkler; tree; wood
ratio ソツ; リツ; シュツ,ひき.いる mysterious; question mark; top hat; cocoon; sparkler; ten; needle
astringent ジュウ; シュウ,しぶ; しぶ.い; しぶ.る water; water droplets; water pistol; stop; footprint; sparkler
vicarious セツ; ショウ,おさ.める; かね.る; と.る finger; fingers; ear; sparkler
center オウ, large; St. Bernard; box body
England エイ,はなぶさ flowers; centre; center; large; St. Bernard
reflect エイ,うつ.る; うつ.す; は.える; -ば.え sun; day; centre; center; large; St. Bernard
red セキ; シャク,あか; あか-; あか.い; あか.らむ; あか.らめる soil; dirt; ground; sword; dagger; small
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pardon シャ, red; taskmaster
unusual ヘン,か.わる; か.わり; か.える apple; walking legs
tracks セキ,あと wooden leg; mouth; stop; footprint; apple
barbarian バン,えびす apple; insect
romance レン,こ.う; こい; こい.しい apple; heart
gulf ワン,いりえ water; water droplets; water pistol; apple; bow
yellow コウ; オウ,き; こ- salad; sprout; shoot; animal legs; eight
sideways オウ,よこ tree; wood; yellow; salad; sprout; shoot; animal legs; eight
grasp ハ; ワ, finger; fingers; mosaic
color ショク; シキ,いろ bound up; mosaic
discontinue ゼツ,た.える; た.やす; た.つ thread; spiderman; colour; color; bound up; mosaic
glossy エン,つや; なま.めかしい; あで.やか; つや.めく; なま.めく bountiful; ben d; beans; table; one; mouth; colour; color; bound up; mosaic
fertilizer ヒ,こ.える; こえ; こ.やす; こ.やし; ふと.る moon; month; flesh; part of the body; mosaic
sweet カン,あま.い; あま.える; あま.やかす; うま.い wicker basket; picnic basket
navy blue コン, thread; spiderman; sweet; wicker basket; picnic basket
so-and-so ボウ,それがし; なにがし sweet; wicker basket; picnic basket; tree; wood
conspire ボウ; ム,はか.る; たばか.る; はかりごと say; words; keitai; mouth; so-and-so; sweet; wicker basket; picnic basket; tree; wood
mediator バイ,なこうど woman; so-and-so; sweet; wicker basket; picnic basket; tree; wood
deceit ギ,あざむ.く bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight; lack; yawn
chess piece キ,ご tree; wood; bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight
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national flag キ,はた banner; compass; direction reclining; lying down; bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight
period キ; ゴ, bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
Go ゴ, go; bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight; stone; rock
fundamentals キ,もと; もとい bushel basket; hamper; animal legs; eight; soil; dirt; ground
tremendously ジン,はなは.だ; はなは.だしい bushel basket; hamper; equal; human legs
intuition カン, tremendously; bushel basket; hamper; equal; human legs; power; muscle; arnold
withstand カン; タン,た.える; たま.る; こ.らえる; こた.える soil; dirt; ground; tremendously; bushel basket; hamper; equal; human legs
precious キ,たっと.い; とうと.い; たっと.ぶ; とうと.ぶ Takanohana; purse; in; one; floor; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
bequeath イ; ユイ,のこ.す precious; Takanohana; purse; in; one; floor; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; road
dispatch ケン,つか.う; -つか.い; -づか.い; つか.わす; や.る purse; in; one; floor; maestro without baton; road
defile カイ; エ,つぶ.す; つぶ.れる; つい.える water; water droplets; water pistol; precious; Takanohana; purse; in; one; floor; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
dance ブ,ま.う; -ま.う; まい reclining; lying down; tub; sunglasses; dancing legs; ballerina; evening
nothingness ム; ブ,な.い reclining; lying down; tub; oven-fire; barbecue
association ソ,く.む; くみ; -ぐみ thread; spiderman; shelf; my bookshelves
coarse ソ,あら.い; あら- rice; shelf; my bookshelves
tariff ソ, wheat; cereal; shelf; my bookshelves
aim at ソ; ショ,ねら.う; ねら.い pack of wild dogs; shelf; my bookshelves
ancestor ソ, altar; shelf; my bookshelves
thwart ソ,はば.む pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; shelf; my bookshelves
investigate サ, tree; wood; shelf; my bookshelves
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help ジョ,たす.ける; たす.かる; す.ける; すけ shelf; my bookshelves; power; muscle; arnold
best regards ギ,よろ.しい; よろ.しく house; shelf; my bookshelves
tatami mat ジョウ; チョウ,たた.む; たたみ; かさ.なる rice field; brains; crown; shelf; my bookshelves
row ヘイ; ホウ,な.み; なら.べる; なら.ぶ; なら.びに
universal フ,あまね.く; あまねし row; sun; day
musical score フ, say; words; keitai; mouth; universal; row; sun; day
damp 湿 シツ; シュウ,しめ.る; しめ.す; うるお.う; うるお.す water; water droplets; water pistol; sun; day; row
appear ケン,あきらか; あらわ.れる sun; day; row; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
slender セン, thread; spiderman; Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; row
spirits レイ; リョウ,たま rain; weather; two; row
profession ギョウ; ゴウ,わざ business; upside down in a row; not yet; tree; wood
slap ボク, finger; fingers; upside down in a row; husband
me ボク,しもべ person; upside down in a row; husband
together キョウ,とも; とも.に; -ども salad; animal legs; eight
submit キョウ; ク; クウ; グ,そな.える; とも; -ども person; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
uncommon イ,こと; こと.なる; け ri ce field; brains; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
wing ヨク,つばさ feathers; wings; uncommon; rice field; brains; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
accept humbly タイ,いただ.く Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; uncommon; rice field; brains; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
deluge コウ, water; water droplets; water pistol; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
harbor コウ,みなと deluge; water; water droplets; water pistol; scene; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; snake; self
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outburst ボウ; バク,あば.く; あば.れる sun; day; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; grains of rice
bomb バク,は.ぜる fire; outburst; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; grains of rice
respect キョウ,うやうや.しい strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; valentine
elect セン,えら.ぶ southe ast; snake; self; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; road
Mr. 殿 デン; テン,との; -どの Mr; flag; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
well セイ; ショウ,い
donburi トン; タン; ショウ; セイ,どんぶり well; drop
surround イ,かこ.む; かこ.う; かこ.い pent in; well
till コウ,たがや.す christmas tree; well
Asia ア; アシア,つ.ぐ roma n two; mouth
bad アク; オ,わる.い; わる-; あ.し; にく.い; -にく.い; ああ; いずくに; いずくんぞ; にく.む Asia; roman two; mouth; heart
circle エン,まる.い; まる; まど; まど.か; まろ.やか yen
angle カク,かど; つの bound up; glass canopy; hood; walking cane; stick; two
contact ショク,ふ.れる; さわ.る; さわ angle; bound up; glass canopy; hood; walking cane; stick; two; insect
unravel カイ; ゲ,と.く; と.かす; と.ける; ほど.く; ほど.ける; わか.る; さと.る angle; bound up; glass canopy; hood; walking cane; stick; two; sword; dagge r; cow
again サイ; サ,ふたた.び king; jewel; ball; belt
lecture コウ, say; words; keitai; mouth; funnel; cone; celery; again
subscription コウ, shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; funnel; cone; celery; again
posture コウ,かま.える; かま.う tree; wood; funnel; cone; celery; again
gutter コウ,みぞ water; water droplets; water pistol; funnel; cone; celery; again
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argument ロン, say; words; keitai; mouth; post-it note; meeting; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers
ethics リン, person; post-it note; meeting; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers
wheel リン,わ car; post-it note; meeting; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers
partial ヘン,かたよ.る person; fishfinger; door; one; ceiling; flag; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers
everywhere ヘン,あまね.く fishfinger; door; one; ceiling; flag; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers; road
compilation ヘン,あ.む; -あ.み threa d; spiderman; fishfinger; door; one; ceiling; flag; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers
tome サツ; サク,ふみ
palisade サク; サン,しがら.む; しがらみ; とりで; やらい tree; wood; tome
code テン; デン, bend; tool
family name シ,うじ; -うじ drop; fishhook
paper シ,かみ thread; spiderman; family name
marriage コン, woman; dusk; family name; day
lower テイ,ひく.い; ひく.める; ひく.まる person; calling card; family name; one; floor
resist テイ, finger; fingers; calling card; family name; one; floor
bottom テイ,そこ cave; calling card; family name; one; floor
people ミン,たみ mouth; family name
sleep ミン,ねむ.る; ねむ.い eye; people; mouth; family name
catch ホ,と.らえる; と.らわれる; と.る; とら.える; とら.われる; つか.まえる; つか.まる finger; fingers; dog-tag; arrowhead; screwdriver; utilize; utilise
suckle ホ,はぐく.む; ふく.む
bay ホ,うら water; water droplets; water pistol; dog-tag; arrowhead; screwdriver; utilize; utilise
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bullrush ホ; ボ; フ; ブ,がま; かば; かま bulrush; flowers; bay; water; water droplets; water pistol; dog-tag; arrowhead; screwdriver; utilize; utilise
shop ホ, cottage; little-thatch; umbrella; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; dog-tag; arrowhead; screwdriver; utilize; utilise
supplement ホ,おぎな.う cloak; dog-tag; arrowhead; screwdriver; utilize; utilise
residence テイ,やしき calling card; family name; one; floor; city walls
enclosure カク,くるわ receive; tall; top hat; mouth; child; children; city walls
county グン,こうり old boy; mop; mouth; city walls
outskirts コウ, mingle; top hat; father; city walls
section ブ,-べ muzzle; vase; stand up; mouth; city walls
metropolis ト; ツ,みやこ someone; puppet; sooty; old man; sun; day; city walls
mail ユウ, droop; silage; city walls
home country ホウ,くに bushes; city walls
interrogative ナ; ダ,なに; なんぞ; いかん sword; dagger; two; city walls
hometown キョウ; ゴウ,さと home town; cocoon; silver; city walls
echo キョウ,ひび.く home town; cocoon; silver; city walls; sound; vase; stand up; sun; day; tongue wagging
son ロウ; リョウ,おとこ halo; good; drop; silver; city walls
corridor ロウ, cave; son; halo; good; drop; silver; city walls
shield ジュン,たて drag; ten; needle; eye
sequential ジュン, Nelson; column; going; line; shield; drag; ten; needle; eye
faction ハ, wa ter; water droplets; water pistol; caveman; drag; person; rag
vein ミャク,すじ moon; month; flesh; part of the body; caveman; drag; person; rag
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masses シュウ; シュ,おお.い blood; drop; dish; Carol in rags person; rag
parcel post テイ,かわ.る; たがいに drag; cornstalk; belt; road
grade ダン; タン, staple gun; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
forge タン,きた.える metal; gold; grade; staple gun; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
empress コウ; ゴ,きさき drag; one; ceiling; mouth
phantasm ゲン,まぼろし cocoon; clothes hanger; coat hanger
director シ,つかさど.る clothes hanger; coat hanger; one; mouth
pay respects シ,うかが.う person; director; Ken Russel; clothes hanger; coat hanger; one; mouth
parts of speech シ, part of speech; say; words; keitai; mouth; director; Ken Russel; clothes hanger; coat hanger; one; mouth
domesticate シ,か.う eat; food; umbrella; good; halo; drop; silver; director; Ken Russel; clothes hanger; coat hanger; one; mouth
heir シ, mouth; scrapbook; glass canopy; hood; flowers; director; Ken Russel; clothes hanger; coat hanger; one; mouth
boat シュウ,ふね; ふな-; -ぶね
liner ハク, boat; white; dove
navigate コウ, boat; whirlwind; top hat; wind
gunwale ゲン,ふなべい; ふなばた boat; mysterious; top hat; cocoon
carrier ハン, boat; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
tray バン, carrier; boat; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch; dish
conveyor ハン, finger; fingers; carrier; boat; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
ship セン,ふね; ふな- boat; gully; eight; mouth
warship カン, boat; oversee; retainer; slave; reclining; lying down; one; floor; dish
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rowboat テイ, boat; courts; porter; drop; samurai; stretch
melon カ; ケ,うり claw; vulture; elbow
arc コ, bow; melon; claw; vulture; elbow
orphan コ, child; melon; claw; vulture; elbow
cocoon ケン,まゆ; きぬ flowers; hood; stick; thread; spiderman; insect
benefit エキ; ヤク,ま.す animal horns; one; floor; animal legs; eight; dish
spare time カ,ひま; いとま sun; day; hobby; staples; mouth; box; crotch
spread フ,し.く; -し.き arrowhead; rice field; brains; compass; direction; taskmaster
come ライ; タイ,く.る; きた.る; きた.す; き.たす; き.たる; き; こ not yet; animal horns
spirit キ; ケ,いき landed fish; reclining; lying down; one; floor; fishhook; sheaf
vapor キ, water; water droplets; water pistol; landed fish; reclining; lying down; one; floor; fishhook
fly ヒ,と.ぶ; と.ばす; -と.ばす hook; propeller; measuring box; thousand; needles
sink チン; ジン,しず.む; しず.める water; water droplets; water pistol; garter; crown; human legs
pillow チン; シン,まくら tree; wood; garter; crown; human legs
wife サイ,つま ten; needle; rake; woman
nifty セイ; サイ,さむ.い; すご.い; すさ.まじい ice; wife; ten; needle; rake; woman
decline スイ,おとろ.える pathetic; stick; top hat; scarf; mouth
inmost チュウ, ten; needle; mouth; scarf
mask メン; ベン,おも; おもて; つら hundred; one; ceiling; drop; pent in; eye
noodles メン; ベン,むぎこ barley; grow up; walking legs; mask; hundred; one; ceiling; drop; pent in; eye
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leather カク,かわ flowers; car; mouth; ten; needle
shoes カ,くつ leather; flowers; car; mouth; ten; needle; change; person; spoon; sitting on the ground
hegemony ハ; ハク,はたがしら old west; leather; flowers; car; mouth; ten; needle; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
voice セイ; ショウ,こえ; こわ- samurai; flag; stick
eyebrow ビ; ミ,まゆ flag; stick; eye
give ゴ,く.れる; くれ mouth; chair; tool; animal legs
recreation ゴ, woman; give; mouth; chair; tool; animal legs
mistake ゴ,あやま.る; -あやま.る say; words; keitai; mouth; give; mouth; chair; tool; animal legs
steam ジョウ; セイ,む.す; む.れる; む.らす flowers; helping hand; complete; water; one; floor; oven-fire; barbecue
acquiesce ショウ; ジョウ,うけたまわ.る; う.ける; ささ.げる; とど.める; たす.ける; こ.らす; つい.で; すく.う water; complete; three
bin カン,はこ; い.れる snare; sparkler; shovel
poles キョク; ゴク,きわ.める; きわ.まる; きわ.まり; きわ.み; き.める; -ぎ.め; き.まる decay; tree; wood; snare; mouth; crotch; one; floor
tusk ガ; ゲ,きば; は; きばへん
bud ガ,め flowers; tusk
wicked ジャ,よこし.ま tusk; city walls
gracious ガ,みや.び tusk; turkey
interpretation シャク; セキ,とく; す.てる; ゆる.す animal tracks; drop; rice; shaku-hachi; flag; stick
turn バン,つが.い dice; animal tracks; drop; rice; rice field; brains
hearing シン,つまび.らか; つぶさ.に house; dice; animal tracks; drop; rice; rice field; brains
flip ホン; ハン,ひるがえ.る; ひるがえ.す dice; animal tracks; drop; rice; rice field; brains; feathers; wings
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clan ハン, flowers; water; water droplets; water pistol; dice; animal tracks; drop; rice; rice field; brains
fur モウ,け
decrease モウ; コウ; カウ, christmas tree; fur
tail ビ,お flag; fur
home タク, house; lock of hair
consign タク,かこつ.ける; かこ.つ; かこ.つける say; words; keitai; mouth; lock of hair
do イ,ため; な.る; な.す; す.る; たり; つく.る; なり so; strange building; tail feathers
falsehood ギ; カ,いつわ.る; にせ; いつわ.り person; do; so; strange building; tail feathers
apprehensive イ,おそ.れる; かしこ.まる; かしこ; かしこ.し rice field; brains; hairpin; safety-pin
long チョウ,なが.い; おさ hair; hairpin; safety-pin
lengthen チョウ,は.る; -は.り; -ば.り bow; long
notebook チョウ,とばり towel; long
dilate チョウ,は.れる; ふく.らむ; ふく.れる moon; month; flesh; part of the body; long
hair of the head ハツ,かみ hairstyle; hair; shape; friend
unfold テン, flag; salad; hairpin; safety-pin
miss ソウ,も soil; dirt; ground; mo uth; hairpin; safety-pin
nest ソウ,す; す.くう owl; fruit; rice field; brains; tree; wood
simple タン,ひとえ owl; rice field; brains; ten; needle
war セン,いくさ; たたか.う; おのの.く; そよぐ; わなな.く simple; owl; rice field; brains; ten; needle; fiesta
Zen ゼン; セン,しずか; ゆず.る zen; altar; simple; owl; rice field; brains; ten; needle
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bullet ダン; タン,ひ.く; -ひ.き; はず.む; たま; はじ.く; はじ.ける; ただ.す; はじ.きゆみ bow; simple; owl; rice field; brains; ten; needle
cherry tree オウ; ヨウ,さくら tree; wood; owl; woman
animal ジュウ,けもの; けだもの owl; rice field; brains; one; mouth; chihuahua; dog; large; drop
brain ノウ; ドウ,のうずる moon; month; flesh; part of the body; owl; villain; sheaf; shovel
trouble ノウ,なや.む; なや.ます; なや.ましい; なやみ Freud; state of mind; owl; villain; sheaf; shovel
stern ゲン; ゴン,おごそ.か; きび.しい; いか.めしい; いつくし owl; cliff; daring; spike; ear; taskmaster
chain サ,くさり; とざ.す metal; gold; small; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
raise キョ,あ.げる; あ.がる; こぞ.る owl; tool; hand
reputation ヨ,ほま.れ; ほ.める owl; tool; say; words; keitai; mouth
game hunting リョウ; レフ,かり; か.る pack of wild dogs; anemometer; owl; wind; cornstalk
bird チョウ,とり white; dove; one; tail feathers
chirp メイ,な.く; な.る; な.らす mouth; bird
crane カク,つる turkey house; bird
crow ウ; オ,からす; いずくんぞ; なんぞ drop; mouth; one; tail feathers
vine チョウ,つた flowers; bird
pigeon キュウ; ク,はと; あつ.める nine; baseball; bird
chicken ケイ,にわとり; とり claw; vulture; husband; bird
island トウ,しま bird; mountain
warmth ダン; ノン,あたた.か; あたた.かい; あたた.まる; あたた.める sun; day; migrating ducks; claw; vulture; one; friend
beautiful woman エン,ひめ woman; migrating ducks; claw; vulture; one; friend
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abet エン, finger; fingers; migrating ducks; claw; vulture; one; friend
slacken カン,ゆる.い; ゆる.やか; ゆる.む; ゆる.める thread; spiderman; migrating ducks; claw; vulture; one; friend
belong ゾク; ショク,さかん; つく; やから flag; gnats; drop; insect; belt
entrust ショク,しょく.する; たの.む mouth; belong; flag; gnats; drop; insect; belt
accidentally グウ,たま person; talking cricket; brains; insect; belt
interview グウ,あ.う ta lking cricket; brains; insect; belt; road
foolish グ,おろ.か talking cricket; brains; insect; belt; heart
corner グウ,すみ pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; talking cricket; brains; insect; belt
inverted ギャク; ゲキ,さか; さか.さ; さか.らう mountain goat; horns; mountain; road
model ソ,でく first day of the month; mountain goat; horns; mountain; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; soil; dirt; ground
go upstream ソ; サク,さかのぼ.る first day of the month; mountain goat; horns; mountain; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; road
Mount コウ,おか mount; glass canopy; hood; mountain goat; horns; mountain
steel コウ,はがね metal; gold; mount
hawser コウ,つな thread; spiderman; mount
sturdy ゴウ, mount; sword; sabre; saber
tin can カン,かま noon; sign of the horse; shovel
pottery トウ, pinnacle; parthenon; acropolis; bound up; tin can; noon; sign of the horse; shovel
swing ヨウ,ゆ.れる; ゆ.る; ゆ.らぐ; ゆ.るぐ; ゆ.する; ゆ.さぶる; ゆ.すぶる; うご.く finger; fingers; condor; claw; vulture; king; mountain
Noh chanting ヨウ,うた.い; うた.う noh chanting; say; words; keitai; mouth; condor; claw; vulture; king; mountain
gloom ウツ,うっ.する; しげ.る; ふさ.ぐ
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concerning シュウ; ジュ,つ.く; つ.ける capital; tall; top hat; mouth; small; little; understandably; chihuahua with one human leg
kick シュク; シュウ,け.る wooden leg; mouth; stop; footprint; concerning; capital; tall; top hat; mouth; small; little; understandably; chihuahua with one human leg
sociable コン,ねんご.ろ skunk; silver; heart
groundbreaking コン, skunk; silver; soil; dirt; ground
countenance ボウ; バク,かたち; かたどる skunk; badger; white; dove; human legs
excuse メン,まぬか.れる; まぬが.れる village stocks; rabbit; bound up; human legs
elude イツ,そ.れる; そ.らす; はぐ.れる deviate; village stocks; rabbit; bound up; human legs; road
nightfall バン, sun; day; village stocks; rabbit; bound up; human legs
exertion ベン,つと.める village stocks; rabbit; bound up; human legs; power; muscle; arnold
elephant ショウ; ゾウ,かたど.る colour; color; bound up; sow; pig
statue ゾウ, person; elephant; colour; color; bound up; sow; pig
horse バ,うま; うま-; ま team of horses
pony ク,こま team of horses; phrase; bound up; mouth
verification ケン; ゲン,あかし; しるし; ため.す; ためし team of horses; awl; fit; meeting; umbrella; mouth; person
equestrian キ, team of horses; strange; large; St. Bernard; street; nail; spike; mouth
parking チュウ, stop-over; team of horses; candlestick; lord; drop; king; jewel; ball
drive ク,か.ける; か.る team of horses; ward; box; sheaf
station エキ, team of horses; shaku-hachi; flag; stick
boisterous ソウ,さわ.ぐ; うれい; さわ.がしい team of horses; crotch; insect
burdensome ダ; タ, team of horses; plump; large; St. Bernard; drop
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wonder キョウ,おどろ.く; おどろ.かす awe; flowers; phrase; bound up; mouth; taskmaster; team of horses
fervent トク,あつ.い bamboo; team of horses
insult バ,ののし.る eye; cross-eyed; net; team of horses
inflation トウ, edam; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; quarter; team of horses
tiger コ,とら magic wand; augury; cliff; hook; diced; seven; human legs
captive リョ; ロ,とりこ; とりく tiger; male; rice field; brains; power; muscle; arnold
skin フ,はだ tiger; stomach; rice field; brains; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
void キョ; コ,むな.しい; うつ.ろ tiger; row
frolic ギ; ゲ,たわむ.れる; ざ.れる; じゃ.れる void; tiger; row; fiesta
uneasiness グ,おそれ; おもんぱか.る; はか.る; うれ.える; あざむ.く; あやま.る; のぞ.む; たの.しむ tiger; give; mouth; chair; tool
prudence リョ,おもんぱく.る; おもんぱか.る tiger; think; rice field; brains; heart
drama ゲキ, tiger; sow; pig; sword; sabre; saber
tyrannize ギャク,しいた.げる tiger; one; box
deer 鹿 ロク,しか; か cave; antlers; compare; spoon; sitting on the ground
foot of a mountain ロク,ふもと grove; tree; wood; deer; cave; antlers; compare; spoon; sitting on the ground
recommend セン,すす.める flowers; deer; cave; antlers; slingshot; catapult; tail feathers
jubilation ケイ,よろこ.び deer; cave; antlers; crown; heart; walking legs
lovely レイ,うるわ.しい; うら.らか one; ceiling; mediocre; deer; cave; antlers; compare
bear ユウ,くま ability; elbow; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; spoon; sitting on the ground; oven-fire; barbecue
ability ノウ,よ.く elbow; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; spoon; sitting on the ground
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attitude タイ,わざ.と ability; elbow; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; spoon; sitting on the ground; heart
sign of the tiger イン,とら house; caterpillar; one; ceiling; sprout; shoot; animal legs; eight
performance エン, water; water droplets; water pistol; sign of the tiger; house; caterpillar; one; ceiling; sprout; shoot; animal legs; eight
sign of the dragon シン; ジン,たつ cliff; two; hairpin; safety-pin
embarrass ジョク,はずかし.める sign of the dragon; cliff; two; hairpin; safety-pin; glue
quake シン,ふる.う; ふる.える rain; weather; sign of the dragon; cliff; two; hairpin; safety-pin
shake シン,ふ.る; ぶ.る; ふ.り; -ぶ.り; ふ.るう finger; fingers; sign of the dragon; cliff; two; hairpin; safety-pin
with child シン, woman; sign of the dragon; cliff; two; hairpin; safety-pin
lips シン,くちびる sign of the dragon; cliff; two; hairpin; safety-pin; mouth
agriculture ノウ, bend; sign of the dragon; cliff; two; hairpin; safety-pin
concentrated ノウ,こ.い water; water droplets; water pistol; agriculture; bend; sign of the dragon; cliff; two; hairpin; safety-pin
send off ソウ,おく.る escort; golden calf; horns; heavens; road
connection カン,せき; -ぜき; かか.わる; からくり; かんぬき gates; golden calf; horns; heavens
blossom ショウ,さ.く; -ざき mouth; golden calf; horns; heavens
ghost キ,おに; おに- oni; drop; brains; rice field; human legs; elbow
ugly シュウ,みにく.い; しこ whiskey bottle; ghost; oni; drop; brains; rice field; human legs; elbow
soul コン,たましい; たま rising cloud; two; elbow; wall; ghost; oni; drop; brains; rice field; human legs; elbow
witch マ, hemp; cliff; grove; tree; wood; ghost; oni; drop; brains; rice field; huma n legs; elbow
fascination ミ, ghost; oni; drop; brains; rice field; human legs; elbow; not yet; one; tree; wood
clod カイ; ケ,かたまり; つちくれ soil; dirt; ground; ghost; oni; drop; brains; rice field; human legs; elbow
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attack シュウ,おそ.う; かさ.ね old dragon; vase; stand up; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; slingshot; catapult; snake; self; three; cloth; clothes; clothing; garment; dragon*
upbraid カク,おど.かす menacing; mouth; incandescent; red
majestic plural チン, moon; month; flesh; part of the body; golden calf; horns; heavens
atmosphere フン, rain; weather; part
item カ; コ, bamboo; harden; pent in; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
tempering レン,ね.る metal; gold; east; tree; wood; sun; day
abide by ジュン, revered; Mother Teresa; chieftain; Molotov cocktail; animal horns; whiskey bottle; glue; road
quit ヒ,まか.り-; や.める eye; cross-eyed; net; ability; elbow; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; spoon; sitting on the ground
barracks トン, earthworm; drop; shovel; fishhook
moreover ショ; ソ; ショウ,か.つ shelf; my bookshelves
seaweed ソウ,も flowers; water; water droplets; water pistol; furniture; goods; mo uth; tree; wood
slave レイ,したが.う; しもべ samurai; altar; show; two; small; sieve; rake; grains of rice
healing ユ,い.える; いや.す si ckness; hospital; in the nick of time; meeting of butchers; moon; month; flesh; part of the body; sword; sabre; saber; heart
imperial seal ジ, let it be; noren; one; ceiling; eight; towel; stitching; patchwork quilt; jewel; earring
lagoon セキ,かた; -がた water; water droplets; water pistol; mortar; tail feathers
cinnabar タン,に rust colored; ship´s funnel
sign of the cow チュウ,うし dagger; two
humiliate シュウ,すすめ.る; はじ.る; は.ずかしい
sign of the hare ボウ; モウ,う blown eggs
sign of the snake シ,み mosaic with bit mi ssing
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this here ,
brushwood ,
whit ,
fort ,
beard ,
fowl ,
apple ,
sympathize with ,
phosphorus ,
camelopard ,
scaled ,
encompassing ,
hermitage ,
shrouded ,
make amends ,
steed 駿 ,
steep ,
complete a job ,
rhinoceros ,
lunar month ,
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rice-field footpath ,
mend ,
suit of armor ,
triumph ,
quaff ,
leek ,
lottery ,
penitential ,
hay ,
chick ,
scurry ,
understandably ,
immense ,
a (a certain) ,
rabbit ,
est ,
comma-design ,
critters ,
violet ,
mandala ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-23-3
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quote ,
shalt ,
and then ,
Yamato ,
chivalry ,
fed up ,
abrupt ,
work a field ,
animal offspring ,
foe ,
look after ,
make a profit ,
emigrant ,
mate ,
forthright ,
memorial ,
as is ,
dried meat ,
my son ,
make do ,
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sharp ,
wilt ,
pull through ,
stately ,
kite ,
lull ,
earlybird ,
phoenix ,
menace ,
slaughter ,
shave ,
despondent ,
wild goose ,
counterfeit ,
kitchen ,
insinuate ,
scout ,
reprehend ,
whisper ,
chatter ,
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quarrel ,
gossip ,
cough ,
clamor ,
bash ,
fib ,
peck at ,
barking ,
dangle ,
chew ,
within my ability ,
sides of the mouth ,
stammer ,
spin a tale ,
miso ,
city walls ,
dumbfounded ,
ingest ,
clay ,
authochthonous ,
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dugout ,
blemish ,
flat ,
wharf ,
dam ,
railing ,
suckling infant ,
violate ,
handmaiden ,
well finished ,
harlot ,
courtesan ,
fair ,
niece ,
mistress ,
aged woman ,
mother-in-law ,
young miss ,
overjoyed ,
expecting ,
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assiduous ,
soothe ,
imply ,
extensive ,
jail ,
Sung dynasty ,
venison ,
butchering ,
fart ,
rubbish ,
frequently ,
corpse ,
folding screen ,
high-reaching ,
rugged mountains ,
mountaintop ,
fit into ,
quire ,
banner ,
pennant ,
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cleaver ,
licensed quarters ,
overhang ,
hawk ,
shire ,
tomb sanctuary ,
strengthen ,
loosen ,
rice gruel ,
lathe ,
bump into ,
disguise ,
fabrication ,
clutch ,
impress ,
scratch ,
assortment ,
muster ,
deal with ,
press down on ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-24-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
disseminate ,
collect ,
receptacle ,
devote ,
twirl ,
counter for tools ,
commotion ,
petting ,
sprinkle ,
outstanding ,
rubbing ,
spoils ,
gouge out ,
wince ,
ponder ,
infatuation ,
quickwitted ,
considerate ,
as if ,
enlarge ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-24-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
respect for elders ,
canal ,
glistening ,
bounding main ,
gargle ,
continent ,
swirling waters ,
seep ,
rinse ,
douse ,
teardrops ,
gushing ,
blaspheme ,
roofbeam ,
sediment ,
old Kyoto ,
thou ,
filter ,
on the verge of ,
moat ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-25-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
spray ,
port ,
solitude ,
abounding ,
water’s edge ,
large goose ,
souse ,
brimming ,
inundate ,
immaculate ,
moisten ,
rough seas ,
draw water ,
river pool ,
cumulation ,
abyss ,
chaos ,
strainer ,
drench ,
eddy ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-25-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
black soil ,
hatchet ,
grandpa ,
sly ,
indecent ,
cunning ,
racoon dog ,
wolf ,
flustered ,
pup ,
fox ,
a-un ,
lion ,
baboon ,
tobacco ,
jasmine ,
hawthorn ,
strawberry ,
bush clover ,
technique (old) ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-25-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
trim ,
straw raincoat ,
moss ,
prodigal ,
tendril ,
lotus ,
lotus flower ,
lotus blossom ,
orchid ,
hollow reed ,
yam ,
iris ,
banana ,
buckwheat ,
butterbur ,
eggplant ,
behind the scenes ,
wormwood ,
mustard ,
germinate ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-25-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
grape ,
grape vine ,
resurrect ,
grow wild ,
cocklebur ,
rush mat ,
darken ,
grassy reed ,
plantain ,
mow ,
onion ,
hollyhock ,
shingling ,
stamen ,
mushroom ,
sowing ,
parsley ,
thatching ,
pale blue ,
straw ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-25-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
turnip ,
sweet potato ,
quack ,
garlic ,
bracken ,
grow plentiful ,
madder red ,
candle rush ,
collector ,
sedge ,
ditch reed ,
Way ,
track down 辿 ,
crawl ,
detour ,
shirk ,
tryst ,
far off ,
faraway ,
pressing ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-26-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
until ,
standstill ,
courtesy ,
falling ,
nook ,
possessed ,
attract ,
without exception ,
instantaneously ,
firstborn son ,
in the nick of time ,
sensitive ,
overarching ,
progress ,
aglow ,
halo ,
glitter ,
dry weather ,
clear skies ,
morrow ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-26-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
bleaching ,
limpid ,
air out ,
dawn ,
elevate ,
dusk ,
last day of the month ,
pus ,
viscera ,
bladder ,
embryo ,
anus ,
fragile ,
rib ,
body cavity ,
armrest ,
uncivilized ,
maple tree ,
purple willow ,
Oriental elm ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-26-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
hazel ,
comb ,
wooden hammer ,
mallet ,
ladder ,
citrus tree ,
picket ,
holly ,
citron ,
wooden bowl ,
hemlock ,
spindle tree ,
sacred tree ,
evergreen oak ,
black pine ,
Japanese oak ,
mandarin orange ,
Japanese cypress ,
roost ,
nestle ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-26-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
bellflower ,
temple grove ,
grain rake ,
oar ,
wooden pestle ,
cane ,
barrel ,
turret ,
sturdy oak 橿 ,
wooden ladle ,
damson ,
raw cotton ,
escutcheon ,
hackberry ,
birch ,
lance ,
wild mulberry ,
bale ,
loquat ,
downspout ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-26-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
sled ,
enjoyment ,
bookmark ,
coconut tree ,
sandalwood ,
sumac ,
zelkova ,
cryptomeria ,
copious ,
bucket ,
ellipse ,
star-anise ,
furball ,
twinkle ,
watchfire ,
torch ,
kindle ,
moxa ,
fanning ,
soot ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-27-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
firing ,
dazzling ,
refulgent ,
branding ,
flames ,
stew ,
tug ,
female animal ,
male animal ,
chime ,
lapis lazuli ,
burnish ,
hone ,
coral ,
coral reef ,
fortunate ,
jet ,
crystal stone ,
tinkling ,
lastly ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-27-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
paddy-field ridge ,
itch ,
phlegm ,
measles ,
hemorrhoids ,
cancer ,
paralysis ,
apple of the eye ,
dizzy ,
pheasant ,
carpenter’s square ,
crag ,
grapnel ,
blue-green ,
inkstone ,
grindstone ,
teacup ,
obstacle ,
illustrious ,
rocky beach ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-27-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
whetstone ,
mill ,
fend off ,
beseech ,
ancestral tablet ,
local god ,
ancestral shrine ,
salarium ,
felicitation ,
balancing scales ,
millet ,
bald 禿 ,
bear fruit ,
crabgrass ,
bumper crop ,
imperial authority ,
sparse ,
obeisant ,
peep ,
tight ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-27-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
drill 穿 ,
kitchen stove ,
longness ,
rustling ,
outpost ,
repose ,
concubine ,
lapel ,
lined kimono ,
pleated skirt ,
sliding door ,
Chinese panpipe ,
raft ,
bamboo blinds ,
rattan box ,
pole 竿 ,
spatula ,
foil ,
wardrobe ,
arrow shaft ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-27-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
ancient harp ,
slender bamboo ,
redaction ,
bamboo cane ,
winnowing fan ,
backpack ,
livraison ,
should ,
winnow ,
settlings ,
lees ,
paste ,
unhulled rice ,
rice bran ,
excrement ,
foxtail millet ,
link up ,
twine ,
carpet yarn ,
ties ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-28-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
scarlet ,
synthesis ,
string ,
chinstrap ,
summarize ,
gorgeous ,
embroidery ,
pongee ,
ornate ,
damask ,
catgut ,
stripe ,
gimp ,
gossamer ,
rudder ,
strung together ,
attentive ,
summons ,
addiction ,
exclamation ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-28-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
flea ,
crab ,
protein ,
hibernation ,
housefly ,
ant ,
wax ,
shrimp ,
octopus ,
screw ,
cicada ,
frog ,
moth ,
clam ,
leech ,
oyster ,
ruled lines ,
stole ,
monk’s sash ,
incision ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-28-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
I wonder ,
counsel ,
polite ,
vendetta ,
remonstrate ,
verify ,
compliment ,
query ,
split up ,
beg another’s pardon ,
familiarity ,
fallible ,
wary ,
proverb ,
slander ,
so-called ,
secret agent ,
footnote ,
parable ,
rumble ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-28-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
reinforce ,
spoke ,
assemble ,
panther ,
despicable ,
get ,
bustling ,
expiate ,
stumble ,
hoof ,
vestiges ,
straddle ,
kneel ,
soy sauce ,
whey ,
ghee ,
strong sake ,
malt ,
button ,
keg ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-28-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
plow ,
hand saw ,
awl ,
hoe ,
rivet ,
tin ,
anchor ,
nail ,
javelin ,
sword’s point ,
hammer ,
carillion ,
rust ,
cluster ,
scissors ,
flash ,
agony ,
side gate ,
trickle ,
haze ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-29-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
quill ,
auspices ,
saddle ,
whip ,
saddle straps ,
briefcase ,
pliable ,
terminate ,
overturn ,
brush tip ,
exceedingly ,
accolade ,
neck and throat ,
repast ,
feast ,
eclipse ,
sweets ,
stretcher ,
piebald ,
rush ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-29-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
cheat ,
tame ,
rebuttal ,
gallop ,
donkey ,
eel ,
sea bream ,
sardine ,
trout ,
salmon ,
tuna ,
sweet smelt ,
horse mackerel ,
cod ,
mackerel ,
shark ,
bonito ,
bullhead ,
alligator ,
crucian carp ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-29-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
sushi ,
fish fin ,
seagull ,
roc ,
parakeet ,
parrot ,
cormorant ,
heron ,
eagle ,
wild duck ,
black kite ,
owl ,
dust ,
giraffe ,
father-in-law ,
mouse ,
bore ,
small craft ,
close the eyes ,
murky ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-29-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
sitting in meditation ,
first day of the month ,
tow ,
dribble out ,
comet ,
astute ,
let it be ,
applaud ,
evil ,
helmet ,
mist ,
kalpa ,
bemoan ,
palanquin 輿 ,
warped ,
jade green ,
blue-black ,
tripod ,
rocksalt ,
lye ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-29-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
reserved ,
swallow ,
lick ,
almost ,
mahjong tiles ,
peek ,
disagree ,
discord ,
Manchu dynasty ,
sparrow ,
peregrine falcon ,
shimmering 耀 ,
ebisu ,
cyst ,
carefree ,
circling ,
elation ,
stalwart ,
this ,
wooden spoon ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-30-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
set straight ,
founding ,
Utamaro 麿 ,
conglomerate ,
entreat ,
symmetrically patterned ,
magistrate ,
fiddle with ,
within ,
hackneyed ,
rebellion ,
sharp point ,
crock ,
sapience ,
chieftain ,
nightingale ,
incandescent ,
supinate ,
nephew ,
gourd ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-30-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
biwa ,
lute ,
forked ,
disobey ,
dry field ,
vegetable patch ,
helping hand ,
translucent ,
blood relative ,
transcription ,
ointment ,
pioneer ,
ambrosial ,
label ,
glimpse ,
testicle ,
sorceress ,
empathetic ,
Andromeda ,
soar ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-30-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
beaming ,
tenebrous ,
bold ,
stop short ,
thornbush ,
haunt ,
resuscitate ,
pruning ,
upbringing ,
plentiful ,
snore ,
steeply inclined ,
kilometer ,
centimeter ,
millimeter ,
ton ,
mile ,
nautical mile ,
inch ,
foot ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-30-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
brahman ,
bodhisattva ,
bo tree ,
babble ,
moo ,
Sanskrit ka ,
jeweled hairpin ,
beaded hairpin ,
Japanese cypress (old) ,
tinkling bell ,
abyss (old) ,
V ,
X ,
ten thousand (old) ,
pass through ,
candlelight ,
tough ,
lamp (old) ,
back (old) ,
park (alternate) ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-30-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
shop (alternate) ,
island (alternate) ,
summit (alternate) ,
plains (old) ,
dragon (old) ,
patronage ,
deafness ,
longing (old) ,
Point (old) ,
country (old) ,
shin ,
formidable ,
enshrine ,
exorcism ,
dither ,
longevity (old) ,
hesitate ,
bean jam ,
retch ,
snapping turtle ,
Characters Vocabulary-1-31-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
Characters Vocabulary-1-31-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
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