Japanese TV Shows - Words Vocabulary

Words vocabulary.
Samurai Gourmet
Samurai Gourmet - 1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
factions, war 戦乱 せんらん senran
phantom, illusive, illusion まぼろし maboroshi
precisely, welcome, is こそ こそ koso
appearance, figure, sight 姿 すがた sugata
washed away, swept away, swept 流す ながす nagasu
live 生きる いきる ikiru
aim, Aspire, aimed at 目指す めざす mezasu
bandits 野武士 のぶし nobushi
man, guy, dude おとこ otoko
weekday, midweek, every weekday 平日 へいじつ heijitsu
day, daytime, noon ひる hiru
retirement age, retire 定年 ていねん teinen
sight, visibility 視界 しかい shikai
open, pierced 開ける あける akeru
This こりゃー こりゃー koryaa
peculiarity, habit, Pakse クセ クセ kuse
seasoning; flavour; flavor; taste あんばい あんばい anbai
be pickled, be soaked 漬かる つかる tsukaru
adventure, adventurous 冒険 ぼうけん bouken
freedom, free, liberty 自由 じゆう jiyuu
face, facials, look かお kao
surpass, exceeds, cross over 越す こす kosu
title 肩書き かたがき katagaki
arms, forearms うで ude
world, society, public​; generations よ, せい yo, sei
migrant 渡り歩く わたりあるく watariaruku
China or Korea, man はん, かん, おとこ han, kan, otoko
modern, contemporary, Hyundai 現代 げんだい gendai
barely, scarcely, finally やっと やっと yatto
late riser 朝寝坊 あさねぼう asanebou
rejoice, pleased, delighted 喜ぶ よろこぶ yorokobu
retirement, retired, severance 退職 たいしょく taishoku
shield, plaque, escutcheon たて tate
company, firm, corporate 会社 かいしゃ kaisha
story, tale, narrative 物語 ものがたり monogatari
60th birthday 還暦 かんれき kanreki
borrow, owe, rent 借りる かりる kariru
meal, diet, dine 食事 しょくじ shokuji
Song おう歌 おううた ouka
gourmet, gastronomic, gastronomy グルメ グルメ gurume
fantasy ファンタジー ファンタジー fuantajii
classroom, Department, lessons 教室 きょうしつ kyoushitsu
evening, late afternoon 夕方 ゆうがた yuugata
lunch, daytime, noon お昼 おひる ohiru
applicable, suitable, decent 適当 てきとう tekitou
eat, overeat 食べる たべる taberu
garden, yard, grounds にわ niwa
flowers, floral, blossom はな hana
to be open (to traffic); to lead to; to communicate 通じる つうじる tsuujiru
station, Sta., stn えき eki
park, koen, parkland 公園 こうえん kouen
walk 歩く あるく aruku
habit, quirks, mannerisms くせ kuse
need, required, necessary 必要 ひつよう hitsuyou
commuter, commuting 通勤 つうきん tsuukin
consciousness, awareness, conscious 意識 いしき ishiki
set meal 定食 ていしょく teishoku
shop ya
be decided, be determined 決まる きまる kimaru
Showa era (1926.12.25-1989.1.7), Showa era 昭和 しょうわ shouwa
ish, like っぽい っぽい ppoi
nostalgic, timey, fond 懐かしい なつかしい natsukashii
seat, seating せき seki
cold water 冷や ひや hiya
office worker, salaried man, white-collar worker 勤め人 つとめにん tsutomenin
always, constantly ばっかり ばっかり bakkari
order, purchase order, orders placed 注文 ちゅうもん chuumon
peppers, green pepper, bell pepper ピーマン ピーマン piiman
pork, pork meat, charcuterie 豚肉 ぶたにく butaniku
Spicy soup 辛みそ からみそ karamiso
stir-fried, fried, sautéed 炒める いためる itameru
Clever かしこまる かしこまる kashikomaru
less 少なめ すくなめ sukuname
pickled, zuke, marinated 漬け づけ tsuke
Cucumber bran ゅうりのぬか ゅうりのぬか yuurinonuka
mapo tofu (spicy Sichuan dish of tofu and minced meat)​ マーボー マーボー maaboo
mercy, eggplant, aubergine なす なす nasu
to raise, fried, deep fried 揚げる あげる ageru
chill, chilly 冷える ひえる hieru
indeed, truly さすが さすが sasuga
daytime, daylight, diurnal 昼間 ひるま hiruma
rosacea, liquor, sake さけ sake
holiday 休日 きゅうじつ kyuujitsu
relationship, related, ties 関係 かんけい kankei
guilty (feeling, conscience, look, etc.); (feeling) uneasy 後ろめたい うしろめたい ushirometai
permeate, to be indelibly stained or ingrained; to be dyed in deeply 染みつく しみつく shimitsuku
willpower, guts, determination, grit, spirit 根性 こんじょう konjou
to come out; to fall out; to be omitted; to be missing; to escape; to come loose 抜ける ぬける nukeru
dignified manner, Regal, imposing 堂々 どうどう doudou
undeniably, fluke, chance, pure luck 紛れ まぐれ magire
heck, oneness, hell 一体 いちからだ ittai
come to ruin, be ruined, fall low 落ちぶれる おちぶれる ochibureru
hired, employed 雇う やとう yatou
samurai, warrior 武士 ぶし bushi
disrespect, rudeness, rude 無礼 ぶれい burei
person, those who, who もの mono
taunt, ridiculing, jibe 愚弄 ぐろう gurou
Can forgive 許せる ゆるせる yuruseru
fillet, fins ヒレ ヒレ hire
cutlet, Katsu カツ カツ katsu
Samurai Gourmet - 2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
Kasumi 香住 かおじゅう kasumi
sigh, exhale ため息 ためいき tameiki
importantly, critical, crucial 重大 じゅうだい juudai
to commit (e.g. crime), to perpetrate, to make (e.g. mistake) 犯す おかす okasu
rumbling, rumblings, purring ゴロゴロ ゴロゴロ gorogoro
hobby, taste, interests 趣味 しゅみ shumi
walking, hiking ウォーキング ウォーキング uookingu
exercise, movement, motion 運動 うんどう undou
lack, shortage, insufficient 不足 ふそく fusoku
cancellation, elimination 解消 かいしょう kaishou
losing, defeated, outdone 負ける まける makeru
be enthusiastic, be eager, be in high spirits 張り切る ばりきる harikiru
crowded 混む こむ komu
availabe 空く あく, すく aku, suku
negligence, carelessness, inattention, unpreparedness 油断 ゆだん yudan
turn toward, beyond 向こう むこう mukou
street, Avenue, rue 通り とおり toori
line, queue, procession 行列 ぎょうれつ gyouretsu
to line up 並ぶ ならぶ narabu
understand, understanding, comprehend 理解 りかい rikai
mood, feel, feeling 気分 きぶん kibun
orbit, orbital, trajectory 軌道 きどう kidou
amendment, correction, revision, modification, alteration, retouching, update, fix 修正 しゅうせい shuusei
Now 今さら いまさら imasara
Chinese 中華 ちゅうか chuuka
unexpectedly, surprisingly 案外 あんがい angai
presentiment, premonition, hunch 予感 よかん yokan
disgusting, disagreeable, litany いや iya
The bites キツ キツ kitsu
perfume, fragrances 香水 こうすい kousui
smell, odor, whiff 匂い におい nioi
makeup, cosmetics, vanity 化粧 けしょう keshou
deep, dark, concentrated 濃い こい koi
dingy 場末 ばすえ basue
snacks スナック スナック sunakku
dishes, cuisine, cooking 料理 りょうり ryouri
Madame マダム マダム madamu
customers, guests, patrons きゃく kyaku
regarding, in, to, towards, with regards to に対する にたいする nitaisuru
attitude, demeanor, manner 態度 たいど taido
be decided 決まる きまる kimaru
duh, commonplace, norm 当たり前 あたりぜん atarimae
gaudy; showy; garish; loud ケバケバ ケバケバ kebakeba
lamp, ramp, clamp ランプ ランプ ranpu
shade, shaded シェード シェード sheedo
sales, operating, business 営業 えいぎょう eigyou
income, revenue, proceeds 収入 しゅうにゅう shuunyuu
center, heart, central 中心 ちゅうしん chuushin
increasingly, becoming increasingly ますます ますます masumasu
steaming 湯気 ゆげ yuge
reduced, decreases, depleted 減る へる heru
stomach なか naka
hot, hotly, heated 熱い あつい atsui
eggs, roe たまご tamago
flaky パサパサ パサパサ pasapasa
seaweed ワカメ ワカメ wakame
roasted pork fillet チャーシュー チャーシュー chaashuu
more than, over, more 以上 いじょう ijou
now, forthcoming, upcoming 今度 こんど kondo
boring つまんない つまんない tsumannai
win 勝てる かてる kateru
way, method, means しかた しかた shikata
to like, click, groove 気に入る きにいる kiniiru
opponent, counterpart, partner 相手 あいて aite
pull, pluck, unplug 抜く ぬく nuku
go out of fashion, die out, go out of use 廃る すたる sutaru
accounting, fiscal, treasurer 会計 かいけい kaikei
smacking lips, clicking tongue, tut-tut 舌打ち したうち shitauchi
to leave behind 残す のこす nokosu
remorse, reflection, repented 反省 はんせい hansei
devil, demons, demonic 悪魔 あくま akuma
chest, breast, bosom むね mune
defeat, beating 敗北 はいぼく haiboku
character, letter, text 文字 もじ moji
hiding, hidden, tucked 隠れる かくれる kakureru
suck, smoke, breathe 吸う すう suu
strictly, persistently, only あくまで あくまで akumade
soy sauce, shoyu, soy しょうゆ しょうゆ shouyu
Samurai Gourmet - 3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
superfluous, extra, whistles 余計 よけい yokei
Bureau, station, office きょく tsubone
go (game) 囲碁 いご igo
Chiba 千葉 せんは chiba
fellow, companion, buddies 仲間 なかま nakama
visit 訪ねる たずねる tazuneru
long 長居 ながい nagai
lend, loaning, rental 貸す かす kasu
change (from a purchase) 釣り銭 つりせん tsurisen
intoxicated, drunk, inebriated 酔う よう you
bother, purposely, don't bother わざわざ わざわざ wazawaza
to deliver 届ける とどける todokeru
night dew, evening dew 夜露 よつゆ yotsuyu
surrender しのげる しのげる shinogeru
tto empty, o dawn 明ける あける akeru
tto turn towards 向く むく muku
lower back, waist, hips, loins こし koshi
rush, hurry, hastens 急ぐ いそぐ isogu
return 帰る かえる kaeru
mobile, portable, cellular 携帯 けいたい keitai
vibration, vibrating, oscillation 振動 しんどう shindou
stay, billeted, stay overnight 泊まる とまる tomaru
surprised, amazed, pleasantly surprised 驚く おどろく odoroku
grade school student 小学生 しょうがくせい shougakusei
pitch-dark, pitch-black, dark 真っ暗 まっくら makkura
noticed, unnoticed 気づく きづく kizuku
sides, edge, neighborhood へん atari
swimming, bathing, bathe 海水浴 かいすいよく kaisuiyoku
buzzing にぎわう にぎわう nigiwau
good feeling 気持ちいい きもちいい kimochiii
Go out お出かけ おでかけ odekake
walk, stroll, ramble 散歩 さんぽ sanpo
market, marketable 市場 いちば shijou
sidetracked, detour 寄り道 よりみち yorimichi
thud ばったり ばったり battari
Minshuku, gites, guesthouse 民宿 みんしゅく minshuku
stay overnight, an overnight stay, overnight 一泊 いちはく ichi
exaggerated, bombastic, overblown 大げさ おおげさ oogesa
unrestrained, indulgence, carefree 気まま きまま kimama
freedom, free, liberty 自由 じゆう jiyuu
Wander さすらう さすらう sasurau
dignified manner, Regal, imposing 堂々 どうどう doudou
chest, breast, bosom むね mune
put 張る はる haru
bath, bathwater, bathtub 風呂 ふろ furo
bask, bathed, bathe 浴びる あびる abiru
Morning bath 朝風呂 あさぶろ asaburo
Use つかう つかう tsuka
hungry ペコペコ ペコペコ pekopeko
prepare, getting ready 支度 したく shitaku
Brekky, breakfast 朝飯 あさめし asameshi
smell, odor, whiff 匂い におい nioi
smell かぐ かぐ kagu
horse mackerel, azide, subject アジ アジ aji
Be caught 捕れる とれる toreru
Take 採れる とれる toreru
really いかにも いかにも ikanimo
nose, nasal, snout はな hana
crumbles, exit 抜ける ぬける nukeru
compare 比べる くらべる kuraberu
seasoned, spiced, flavored 味付け あじつけ ajitsuke
fairly 随分 ずいぶん zuibun
firmly, securely, firm しっかり しっかり shikkari
dishes, cuisine, cooking 料理 りょうり ryouri
salty しょっぱい しょっぱい shoppai
natto 納豆 なっとう nattou
mix, stir, blend 混ぜる まぜる mazeru
life いのち inochi
spawned, cranking, produce 生み出す うみだす umidasu
earth, planet, global 地球 ちきゅう chikyuu
taste, flavor, tasting あじ aji
tide, Ushio, tidal しお shio
nurture, foster, cultivate 育む はぐくむ hagukumu
minerals ミネラル ミネラル mineraru
sun, solar, sunshine 太陽 たいよう taiyou
dried fish 干物 ほしもの hoshimono
Lady てんとう てんとう tentou
ocean 海原 うなばら unabara
swimming, swimmer, dip 泳ぐ およぐ oyogu
turn, around, rotate 回る まわる mawaru
creatures, critters, living creatures 生き物 いきもの ikimono
hate, dislike, haters 嫌い きらい kirai
weak 苦手 にがて nigate
awakening, awaken, wake up 目覚める めざめる mezameru
sure, surely, certainly 確か たしか tashika
senior high schooler 高校生 こうこうせい koukousei
free 放す はなす hokasu
High 1 高1 こういち kouichi
Zhong, relations, Nakagami なか naka
seaside, beachfront, seafront 海辺 うみべ umibe
adult, grown-ups, grown 大人 おとな otona
travel, trip, journey 旅行 りょこう ryokou
straight, straighten, upright まっすぐ まっすぐ massugu
clams アサリ アサリ asari
miso みそ みそ miso
juice, soup, decoction しる shiru
cucumber きゅうり きゅうり kyuuri
pickled dish 酢の物 すのもの sunomono
paste, glue, nori のり のり nori
umeboshi, pickled plum 梅干し うめぼし umeboshi
Shinko しんこ しんこ shinko
Wait まいる まいる mairu
Chew かみしめる かみしめる kamishimeru
umami うま味 うまみ umami
spread, widening, sprawling 広がる ひろがる hirogaru
destination 旅先 たびさき tabisaki
yado, lodging, accommodation 宿 やど yado
appetite, appetizing, anorexia 食欲 しょくよく shokuyoku
double 倍増 ばいぞう baizou
treat, treatment, handling 扱い あつかい atsukai
stead, instead, refills かわり かわり kawari
small, little, tiny 小さな ちいさな chiisana
side おかず おかず okazu
Scrape in かき込む かきこむ kakikomu
tablespoons, grail, cup さかずき hai
everyone, all 全員 ぜんいん zen'in
rice bowl, bowl, Don どんぶり donburi
twink, twinkling, blink 瞬く しばたたく mabataku
empty, sky, blank から sora
Pierce はちきれる はちきれる hachikireru
distant, far, far-off 遠い とおい tooi
memories, recollections, fond memories 思い出 おもいで omoide
memory, remember, memorize 記憶 きおく kioku
morning 今朝 けさ kesa
times, x, fold ばい bai
stomach, gastric, gastro i
rude, disrespectful, excuse me 失礼 しつれい shitsurei
Poor お粗末さま おそまつさま osomatsusama
The Many Faces of Ito
Ito 1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
earnest, sincere, acute, keen, fervent (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, noun (common)) 切実 せつじつ setsujitsu
Words Vocabulary 1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
to lose something or someone, eliminate, rid, misplacing なくす なくす nakusu
fate, destiny, doom 運命 うんめい unmei
billion, bn, billionth おく oku
incident, affair, case 事件 じけん jiken
culprit, criminal, perpetrators 犯人 はんにん hannin
getting caught 捕まる つかまる tsukamaru
lays, lay, give birth 産む うむ umu
shortly, soon, asap まもなく まもなく mamonaku
passed away, death 他界 たかい takai
in, at de
lonely 寂しい さびしい sabishii
realize, achieve, realization 実現 じつげん jitsugen
stand, avail 立つ たつ tatsu
approximately 目途 もくと mokuto
practical use, utility 実用 じつよう jitsuyou
results, consequences, outcome 結果 けっか kekka
momentum, vigor, impetus 勢い いきおい ikioi
writer, authors, artist 作家 さっか sakka
line, queue, matrix, procession 行列 ぎょうれつ gyouretsu
works, piece, creations 作品 さくひん sakuhin
planning, planned, organizes 企画 きかく kikaku
consultation, consult, counseling 相談 そうだん soudan
body proportions 等身 とうしん toushin
earnest, sincere, acute, keen, fervent 切実 せつじつ setsujitsu
romance, love, Renai 恋愛 れんあい ren'ai
long awaited, highly anticipated, awaited 待望 たいぼう taibou
new work, new production 新作 しんさく shinsaku
Oh, ah, Ahh ああ ああ aa
schedule, rescheduled, timeline スケジュール スケジュール sukejuuru
overwhelmed, overwhelm, overpower 圧倒 あっとう attou
most, least, best 最も もっとも mottomo
esoteric, abstruse, mind-boggling 難解 なんかい nankai
academic, academics, learning 学問 がくもん gakumon
this world, the present life, earthly, unearthly, world この世 このよ konoyo
intelligence, smarts 知性 ちせい chisei
sensitivity, emotion 感性 かんせい kansei
experience, exp 経験 けいけん keiken
featuring, outfitted with 備え そなえ sonae
mystery, riddle, mysterious なぞ nazo
easily, quite なかなか なかなか nakanaka
untie, be solved, thaw, melt 解ける とける tokeru
character, qualities, genius, the makings of 素質 そしつ soshitsu
just, tiny fraction, wee ほんの ほんの honno
serve かなう かなう kanau
talk, speak, narrate 語る かたる kataru
unconditional, unconditionally, unqualified 無条件 むじょうけん mujouken
nod うなずく うなずく unazuku
uninteresting, boring, numbing つまらない つまらない tsumaranai
compromise, step up 歩み寄る あゆみよる ayumiyoru
promise, commitment, appointment 約束 やくそく yakusoku
other words, i.e., word つまり つまり tsumari
men, male, masculine 男性 だんせい dansei
equal sign, equal, equate イコール イコール ikooru
Limit かぎる かぎる kagiru
as まるで まるで marude
silk wadding, floss-silk 真綿 まわた mawata
wrap, encase, wrapping 包む くるむ tsutsumu
opponent, counterpart, partner 相手 あいて aite
neck, fired, head くび kubi
slowly, slow, gently ゆっくり ゆっくり yukkuri
strangle, constrict 絞める しめる shimeru
variety, diverse, vary さまざま さまざま samazama
summary, roundup, summarized まとめる まとめる matomeru
Wei, patronising, wai 偉い えらい erai
participate, join, participation 参加 さんか sanka
special, specially, extraordinary 特別 とくべつ tokubetsu
field, place, spot ba
directly, direct, firsthand 直接 ちょくせつ chokusetsu
questionnaire, survey, poll アンケート アンケート ankeeto
paper, form, sheet 用紙 ようし youshi
contents, what, details 内容 ないよう naiyou
fill, complete, write 記入 きにゅう kinyuu
exit, outlet, egress 出口 でぐち ideguchi
trashy, claptrap, silly くだらない くだらない kudaranai
I Will Be Your Bloom
I Will Be Your Bloom - E1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
no mu
accompaniment 伴奏 ばんそう bansou
cello チェロ チェロ chero
suite 組曲 くみきょく kumikyoku
Karuizawa 軽井沢 けいせいさわ karuizawa
Villa, vacation homes, cottage 別荘 べっそう bessou
old, former, formerly きゅう kyuu
grandfather 祖父 そふ sofu
belongings 持ち物 もちもの mochimono
superfluous 余計 よけい yokei
housework 家事 かじ kaji
trash, garbage, rubbish ゴミ ゴミ gomi
Tuesday, Tue, Tues 火曜 かよう kayou
Friday 金曜 きんよう kin'you
resources 資源 しげん shigen
Wednesday, Suiyo, Wed 水曜 すいよう suiyou
cardboard 段ボール だんボール danbooru
plastic プラスチック プラスチック purasuchikku
Thursday 木曜日 もくようび mokuyoubi
Mon 月曜日 げつようび getsuyoubi
payment, pay, payout 支払い しはらい shiharai
basic, base, fundamental 基本 きほん kihon
youth, adolescents, young man 青年 せいねん seinen
joint, co, collaborative 共同 きょうどう kyoudou
life, living, livelihood 生活 せいかつ seikatsu
absolute 絶対 ぜったい zettai
ban, prohibited, prohibition 禁止 きんし kinshi
relationship, related, ties 関係 かんけい kankei
instant 即刻 そっこく sokkoku
fired, dismissal, laid off 解雇 かいこ kaiko
teacher's cane, teacher's pointer 教べん きょうべん kyouben
take 執る とる toru
take care, caring, taking care 世話 せわ sewa
president 社長 しゃちょう shachou
expectation, anticipation, hope 期待 きたい kitai
essential 肝心 かんじん kanjin
forget 忘れる わすれる wasureru
live, dwell, expatriate 住む すむ sumu
update 更新 こうしん koushin
to hide 隠す かくす kakusu
newcomer, rookie, comer 新人 しんじん shinjin
able to sell, selling well 売れる うれる ureru
full, fully, entirely 完全 かんぜん kanzen
smoldering くすぶる くすぶる kusuburu
song, tune, inflection きょく kyoku
popular 人気 にんき ninki
secession, secede, withdrawal 脱退 だったい dattai
beating, rapidly, steadily, fast どんどん どんどん dondon
will (to do something); drive; motivation; enthusiasm; eagerness やる気 やるき yaruki
lose 失う うしなう ushinau
at once, at a breath 一気に いちきに ikkini
tour ツアー ツアー tsuaa
new song 新曲 しんきょく shinkyoku
situation, circumstances, status 状況 じょうきょう joukyou
practice 練習 れんしゅう renshuu
photography, filming 撮影 さつえい satsuei
video 動画 どうが douga
leading a meeting, presiding over a meeting 司会 しかい shikai
slowly, soon そろそろ そろそろ sorosoro
resume, restart, resumption 再開 さいかい saikai
seeing (or dropping) off, then later picking up or going to meet (the same person) 送り迎え おくりむかえ okurimukae
train 電車 でんしゃ densha
salary, paycheck, payday 給料 きゅうりょう kyuuryou
life, lifetime, bill, somethings, teen dai
bad luck, stingy, lowball ケチ ケチ kechi
walking, going on foot 徒歩 とほ toho
bento 弁当 べんとう bentou
Korean barbecue 焼き肉 やきにく yakiniku
annual, years, yearly 年間 ねんかん nenkan
office 事務所 じむしょ jimusho
guard, security, patrol 警備 けいび keibi
entrance 入り口 いりくち irikuchi
stop, unstoppable, retaining 止める とめる tomeru
flashiness; showiness; brilliance; splendor はな hana
half year, biannual 半年 はんとし hantoshi
negative ネガティブ ネガティブ negateibu
best, highest, supreme 最高 さいこう saikou
precisely, welcome, is こそ こそ koso
Nao 奈緒 奈お nao
loan, lending, charter 貸し切り かしきり kashikiri
long time 久々 ひさびさ hisabisa
approval, agreement 賛成 さんせい sansei
public baths, bathhouse 銭湯 せんとう sentou
bath 風呂 ふろ furo
order, turn, sequentially 順番 じゅんばん junban
fight ケンカ ケンカ kenka
singing voice 歌声 うたごえ utagoe
operation, management, handling 操作 そうさ sousa
maybe もしか もしか moshika
if ごう gou
in the first place, to begin with そもそも そもそも somosomo
side dish​ おかず おかず okazu
injury, injured, personal injury ケガ ケガ kega
remember 覚える おぼえる oboeru
taking in; bringing in; capturing, importing 取り込み どりこみ torikomi
to bring (someone into a place); to lead into 連れ込む つれこむ tsurekomu
dorm りょう ryou
trouble トラブル トラブル toraburu
breaking up (a meeting, gathering, etc.), dissolution (of a company, organization, etc.) 解散 かいさん kaisan
hear 聞く きく kiku
indebted, take care, taken care お世話 おせわ osewa
new 新しい あたらしい atarashii
matron 寮母 りょうぼ ryoubo
to change; to alter; to revise; to replace, to ammend 改める あらためる aratameru
Nakamachi 仲町 なかまち nakamachi
dry, outspoken, spicy 辛口 からくち karakuchi
tomato トマト トマト tomato
salad サラダ サラダ sarada
cone, corn, Cohn コーン コーン koon
onions 玉ねぎ たまねぎ tamanegi
with trouble, at great pains せっかく せっかく sekkaku
preparation; arrangements; provision; getting ready 用意 ようい youi
resurrection, revival, revived 復活 ふっかつ fukkatsu
to be saved, to be rescued 助かる たすかる tasukaru
basket, hamper, cage カゴ カゴ kago
hand washing 手洗い てあらい tearai
colored thing (clothing, fabric, paper, etc.) 色物 いろもの iromono
wash 洗い あらい arai
1. subject; theme; issue; matter​. 2. homework; assignment. 3. challenges, issues, problems. 課題 かだい kadai
changing clothes; change of clothes 着替え きがえ kigae
raw, uncooked, live なま nama
stained, soiling, dirty 汚れる よごれる yogoreru
Takumi takumi
naked, bare, nude はだか hadaka
1. to grant (request, wish); to answer (prayer)​. 2. to fulfill (conditions); to meet (requirements)​ かなえる かなえる kanaeru
overly familiar; overfamiliar; too friendly; too free; cheeky なれなれしい なれなれしい narenareshii
closed 閉まる しまる shimaru
bed, bedding とこ とこ toko
every day, daily, daily basis 毎日 まいにち mainichi
pieces ko
luggage, baggage, belongings 荷物 にもつ nimotsu
entrance, hallway, front door 玄関 げんかん genkan
box, bin, crate はこ hako
riddled with, ridden, littered with だらけ だらけ darake
to be troubled; to have difficulty 困る こまる komaru
today, this day 本日 ほんじつ honjitsu
to air, to dry 干す ほす hosu
hire, rent, wage chin
save, savings, conserve, economising 節約 せつやく setsuyaku
walk 歩く あるく aruku
prepare, preparation, readying 準備 じゅんび junbi
juice じる jiru
Poison 毒消し どくけし dokukeshi
shock, impact, jolt 衝撃 しょうげき shougeki
uniform 制服 せいふく seifuku
more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; tentatively 一応 いちおう ichiou
senior high schooler 高校生 こうこうせい koukousei
confluence, confluent, merge of 合流 ごうりゅう gouryuu
bus stop バス停 バスてい basutei
together 一緒 いちお issho
dashi だし だし dashi
frigate tuna ソウダガツオ ソウダガツオ soudagatsuo
mackerel サバ サバ saba
hire 雇う やとう yatou
try 頑張る がんばる ganbaru
seize つかめる つかめる tsukameru
boys ボーイズ ボーイズ booizu
to seize; to catch; to grasp; to grip; to grab つかむ つかむ tsukamu
know 知る しる shiru
fried foods, fried, deep fried 揚げ物 あげもの agemono
heart, Hart, hurt ハート ハート haato
weather 天気 てんき tenki
corner コーナー コーナー koonaa
insanely, messing, messed up めちゃくちゃ めちゃくちゃ mechakucha
attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool かっこいい かっこいい kakkoii
Pyon gain ぴょんがいんの ぴょんがいんの pyongainno
pledge 差し入れ さしいれ sashiire
industry 業界 ぎょうかい gyoukai
separately いちいち いちいち ichiichi
to bite (at); to snap at かみつく かみつく kamitsuku
idiot バーカ バーカ baaka
fact 事実 じじつ jijitsu
brief, nutshell, short 手短 てみじか temijika
half, semi はん han
contract, agreement, deal 契約 けいやく keiyaku
cancellation, lifted, unlock, unsubscribe 解除 かいじょ kaijo
spicy 辛い からい tsurai
underpowered 力不足 ちからぶそく chikarabusoku
sorry, I'm sorry, apologetic 申し訳 もうしわけ moushiwake
own, himself, themselves 自身 じしん jishin
limit, marginal, delimitation 限界 げんかい genkai
space, gap, interval, distance, between あいだ ma
schedule スケジュール スケジュール sukejuuru
unit 単位 たんい tan'i
minutes, min, mins ふん bun
resolution, resignation, readiness 覚悟 かくご kakugo
at 全然 ぜんぜん zenzen
more than, over, more 以上 いじょう ijou
completely すっかり すっかり sukkari
convince, unconvinced, convincingly 納得 なっとく nattoku
rumbling, rumblings, purring ゴロゴロ ゴロゴロ gorogoro
transmitted, handed down, travels 伝わる つたわる tsutawaru
droop, relax, sag たるむ たるむ tarumu
Dull ダラダラ ダラダラ daradara
see through 見透かす みすかす misukasu
decent まとも まとも matomo
fellow, companion, buddies 仲間 なかま nakama
evictions 追い出す おいだす oidasu
spatter, grumble, brawl ほざく ほざく hozaku
hunt 追い詰める おいつめる oitsumeru
anyway とりあえず とりあえず toriaezu
die 死ぬ しぬ shinu
work, job, task 仕事 しごと shigoto
busy 忙しい いそがしい isogashii
should はず はず hazu
sidelines, interval, meantime 合間 あいま aima
sew 縫う ぬう nuu
serve かなう かなう kanau
teacher 教師 きょうし kyoushi
quit 辞める やめる yameru
homeroom ホームルーム ホームルーム hoomuruumu
shape 体調 たいちょう taichou
bad, faulty, defective 不良 ふりょう furyou
rest, holiday, off 休み やすみ yasumi
irresponsible, irresponsibility, irresponsibly 無責任 むせきにん musekinin
unceremoniously あっさり あっさり assari
laugh 笑う わらう warau
as とおり とおり toori
human, man, human beings 人間 にんげん ningen
exactly, accurate, exact 正確 せいたしか seikaku
middle, en route, way 途中 とちゅう tochuu
Loose ほっぽり ほっぽり hoppori
fled, ran away, clearance 逃げる にげる nigeru
dimly, idly, blankly ぼんやり ぼんやり bon'yari
live 生きる いきる ikiru
Older sister 姉ちゃん ねえちゃん neechan
ya ya
help 手伝う てつだう tetsudau
shank すねる すねる suneru
gnawing, nibble, gnaw かじる かじる kajiru
tired, frazzled しんどい しんどい shindoi
hurdle ハードル ハードル haadoru
lowered, falls, down 下がる さがる sagaru
hobby 趣味 しゅみ shumi
music 音楽 おんがく ongaku
room, chamber, office しつ shitsu
back 背中 せなか senaka
to press 押す おす osu
song うた uta
impressed, impress, inspiring 感動 かんどう kandou
just, only, merely ただ ただ tada
back, return, revert 戻る もどる modoru
to advance 進める すすめる susumeru
chest, breast, bosom むね mune
put 張る はる haru
decided 決める きめる kimeru
homeroom 担任 たんにん tannin
original, former, ex もと moto
knock ノック ノック nokku
sure, surely, certainly 確か たしか tashika
rot 腐る くさる kusaru
distance 距離 きょり kyori
put 置く おく oku
performance パフォーマンス パフォーマンス pafuoomansu
last 最後 さいご saigo
maximize, utmost, maximum 最大限 さいだいげん saidaigen
inconstancy 心変わり こころがわり kokorogawari
frist day, opening day, premiere 初日 しょにち shonichi
weeks 週間 しゅうかん shuukan
production 本番 ほんばん honban
life 人生 じんせい jinsei
take, hang, cost 懸かる かかる kakaru
tightening, firming, contracted 引き締める ひきしめる hikishimeru
to raise 揚げる あげる ageru
day, daytime, noon ひる hiru
dinner 夕飯 ゆうはん yuuhan
carbohydrates, carb, carbs 炭水化物 たんすいかぶつ tansuikabutsu
festival 祭り まつり matsuri
spanning, range, extending 及ぶ およぶ oyobu
diet ダイエット ダイエット daietto
training 特訓 とっくん tokkun
soon, early, quickly 早い はやい hayai
Toy グッズ グッズ guzzu
office 売り場 うりば uriba
being average 人並 ひとなみ hitonami
live ライブ ライブ raibu
badge バッジ バッジ bajji
large amount, mass, massive amounts 大量 たいりょう tairyou
flagrant 余る あまる amaru
seems らしい らしい rashii
led 引率 いんそつ insotsu
elementary school 小学校 しょうがっこう shougakkou
excursion 遠足 えんそく ensoku
Clear appearance 晴れ姿 はれすがた haresugata
comments コメント コメント komento
coverage, legwork, interview 取材 しゅざい shuzai
documentary ドキュメンタリー ドキュメンタリー dokyumentarii
rehearsal リハーサル リハーサル rihaasaru
never, till doomsday 金輪際 こんりんざい konrinzai
refrain from 遠慮 えんりょ enryo
suddenly, sudden, abruptly 突然 とつぜん totsuzen
scene, site, on-site 現場 げんば genba
staff スタッフ スタッフ sutaffu
move 動く うごく ugoku
seriously, earnest, serious 本気 ほんき honki
work 働く はたらく hataraku
regarding に関して にかんして nikanshite
surely きっと きっと kitto
to like, to be pleased with, click, groove 気に入る きにいる kiniiru
iron てつ tetsu
glasses, eyeglasses, spectacles 眼鏡 めがね megane
disturbed, bother, distraction 邪魔 じゃま jama
pretension, affectation 付け焼き刃 つけやきは tsukeyakiba
silent 黙る だまる damaru
unusual, rare, uncommon 珍しい めずらしい mezurashii
correction, revision, ammendment 訂正 ていせい teisei
maru, round, circle まる maru
put つける つける tsukeru
salvation by faith 他力本願 たりきほんがん tarikihongan
treat おごり おごり ogori
everyone 全員 ぜんいん zen'in
fan ファン ファン fuan
filled, full, packed いっぱい いっぱい ippai
shape, form, type かたち katachi
chance チャンス チャンス chansu
over 巡る めぐる meguru
applicable, suitable, decent 適当 てきとう tekitou
extremely, a great deal ずいぶん ずいぶん zuibun
bigger, greatly, large 大きい おおきい ookii
anew, reiterate, again 改めて あらためて aratamete
Cubi クビ クビ kubi
dined 会食 かいしょく kaishoku
thoughts, impression, testimonial 感想 かんそう kansou
Eat 食らいつく くらいつく kuraitsuku
judge, judgment, determine 判断 はんだん handan
delivery, delivered, distribution 配信 はいしん haishin
ranking ランキング ランキング rankingu
rank, place, much, largest kurai
spirit, heart, disposition, morale 意気 いき iki
The bites キツ キツ kitsu
tune, tone, pitch 調子 ちょうし choushi
run swiftly 突っ走る つっぱしる tsuppashiru
The Full-Time Wife Escapist
The Full-Time Wife Escapist - Ep 1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
meeting materials, records, transactions (Noun - noun (common), computer terminology) 会議資料 かいぎしりょう kaigishiryou
totalization, totalisation, aggregation, tally (e.g. votes) (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 集計 しゅうけい shūkei
ask/asking 頼まれて 頼まれて tanomarete
attitude, way of thinking, attention, care, prudence, intention (Noun - noun (common)) 心がけ こころがけ kokorogake
accurate, correct, precise, exact (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, noun (common)) 正確 せいかく seikaku
quick, fast, rapid, swift, prompt, streamlined, expedited, expeditious (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, noun (common)) 迅速 じんそく jinsoku
hourly pay, hourly wage (Noun - noun (common)) 時給 じきゅう jikyū
maximum (Noun - noun (common), nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no') 最大限 さいだいげん saidaigen
psychology (Noun - noun (common)) 心理学 しんりがく, *** shinrigaku
temporary employee (esp. from an agency), temporary worker, agency temp (Noun - noun (common)) 派遣社員 はけんしゃいん hakenshain
office work, clerical work, administration, business, affairs (Noun - noun (common)) 事務 じむ jimu
graduate school (Noun - noun (common)) 大学院 だいがくいん daigakuin
state of mind, mentality, psychology (Noun - noun (common)) 心理 しんり shinri
clinical (e.g. pathology, physiology) (Adjective - nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no') 臨床 りんしょう rinshou
selection, choice, option (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 選択 せんたく sentaku
after graduation (Noun - adverbial noun, noun (temporal)) 卒業後 そつぎょうご sotsugyougo
clinical psychologist, clinical psychotherapist (Noun - noun (common)) 臨床心理士 りんしょうしんりし rinshoushinrishi
job hunting, job searching (Noun - noun (common)) 就職活動 しゅうしょくかつどう shūshokukatsudou
faced (a situation), dealt with (an issue) 臨んだ のぞんだ nozonda
was watching 見てました みてました mitemashita
by no means, never!, well, I never!, you don't say!, certainly (not) (interjection (kandoushi), word usually written using kana alone) まさか まさか masaka
humanities, social sciences, and fine arts, liberal arts (Noun - noun (common), nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no') 文系 ぶんけい bunkei
graduation, outgrowing, moving on (from) (Noun - noun (common), abbreviation) そつ sotsu
finding employment, getting a job (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 就職 しゅうしょく shūshoku
temporary staff recruitment agency, employment agency (Noun - noun (common)) 派遣会社 はけんがいしゃ, はけんかいしゃ hakengaisha, hakenkaisha
registration, accession, register, entry, record (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 登録 とうろく touroku
pretext, excuse, pretense (pretence), dupe, front man (Noun - noun (common), word usually written using kana alone), dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp) (Noun - noun (common), word usually written using kana alone) 出し だし dashi
skilfully; skillfully; well; aptly; cleverly, deliciously (Adverb - adverb, word usually written using kana alone) 甘く うまく umaku
surface, table, chart, face (Noun - noun (common)) おもて, ひょう omote, hyou
tabulate 表にして おもてにして omote nishite
upper right (Noun - noun (common), nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no') 右上 みぎうえ migiue
honest, frank, candid, straightforward (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, noun (common)) 正直 しょうじき shoujiki
contract, compact, agreement (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 契約 けいやく keiyaku
business, affairs, duties, work, procedure, task, action, function, operations, operational (Noun - noun (common), nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no') 業務 ぎょうむ gyoumu
outside of, not covered by (suffix) がい, そと, ほか, よそ, と gai, soto, hoka, yoso, to
trouble, bother (Noun - phonetic reading, noun (common), adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives) 面倒 めんどう mendou
quarrel モメる モメる momeru
one-by-one, separately (Adverb - adverb, noun (common), word usually written using kana alone) いちいち ichīchi
item, heading, clause (Noun - noun (common)) 項目 こうもく koumoku
increase (Noun - noun (common)) 増やし ふやし fuyashi
beginning, outset, first, onset (Adjective - nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no', adverbial noun, noun (temporal)) 最初 さいしょ saisho
confirmation, verification, validation, review, check, affirmation, identification (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 確認 かくにん kakunin
from the beginning, from scratch (Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)) 一から いちから ichikara
correct, mending, fix 直します なおします naoshimasu
that is (Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)) そりゃ そりゃ sorya
dissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent, complaints, unhappiness, disgruntled (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, noun (common)) 不満 ふまん fuman
rationality, reasonableness (Noun - noun (common)) 合理性 ごうりせい gourisei
to be insufficient, to be short, to be deficient, to be negligent toward. 2. to be lacking, to be missing. 3. to be chipped, to be damaged, to be broken (Verb - Ichidan (ru) verb, intransitive verb) 欠ける かける kakeru
1. only, merely, nothing but, no more than. 2. just (finished, etc.) 3. approximately, about. 4. always, constantly (particle, word usually written using kana alone) ばっかり ばっかり bakkari
function 機能 きのう kinou
enhancement, improvement, enrichment, upgrading (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru), fullness, completion, perfection, substantiality (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 充実 じゅうじつ jūjitsu
end, close, termination (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 終了 しゅうりょう shūryou
without an occupation, unemployed, jobless (Adjective - nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no', noun (common)) 無職 むしょく mushoku
to abate, to decrease, to diminish, to shorten (Verb - Godan verb with `su' ending, transitive verb) 減らす へらす herasu
policy, plan, course, principle, objective (Noun - noun (common)) 方針 ほうしん houshin
extension, elongation, prolongation, lengthening (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 延長 えんちょう enchou
speaking of choosing 選べって えらべって erabette
unintentionallty went, came 参っちゃった まいっちゃった maicchatta
superiority, excellence (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, noun (common)) 優秀 ゆうしゅう yūshū
air, atmosphere (Noun - noun (common)) 空気 くうき kūki
changed 変わっちゃって かわっちゃて kawacchate
temporary employee (esp. from an agency), temporary worker, agency temp (Noun - noun (common), abbreviation) 派遣 はけん haken
was cut 切られる きられる kirareru
regular employee, permanent employee, full-time employee (Noun - noun (common)) 正社員 せいしゃいん seishain
officially, openly, publicly, in public (Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)) 晴れて はれて harete
can't decide 決められないま ***, きめられないま kimerarenai ma
decide, choose, determine, resolve, settle, arrange, set, appoint, fix, always do, assume, dress up (Inflection - Ichidan (ru) verb, Potential Present Plain Negative) 決められない きめられない kimerarenai
slip out, sneak away, break free, get ahead (Inflection of (抜け出す - ぬけだす - nukedasu) - Godan verb with `su' ending, Potential Present Plain Negative) 抜け出せない ぬけだせない nukedasenai
job hunting, job searching (Noun - noun (common), abbreviation) 就活 しゅうかつ shūkatsu
phobia フォビア フォビア fobia
morbid fear, phobia (Noun - noun (common), noun, used as a suffix) 恐怖症 きょうふしょう kyoufushou
case (Noun - noun (common)) 症例 しょうれい shourei
arbitrarily, of its own accord, voluntarily, wilfully, willfully, as one pleases (Adverb - adverb) 勝手に かってに katteni
half-holiday, taking half of the day off (Noun - noun (common)) 半休 はんきゅう hankyū
give up, relinquish, serve up, let loose (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 返上 へんじょう henjou
flight (e.g. airline flight), trip (e.g. train trip), service (Noun - noun (common), noun, used as a suffix) 便 びん, よすが, よすか, べん bin, yosuga, yosuka, ben
by today, before the day is over (Adverb - adverb) 今日中に きょうじゅうに kyoujūni
receiving, receipt (Noun - noun (common)) 受け取 うけとり uketori
sending back, return to sender (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 返送 へんそう hensou
incidentally, taking the opportunity, while (you) are at it, on the occasion (Adverb - adverb, word usually written using kana alone) ついでに ついでに tsuideni
cleaning, sweeping, dusting, scrubbing (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 掃除 そうじ souji
niece (Noun - noun (common)) めい mei
this much, this amount (Noun - noun (common), adverb, word usually written using kana alone) これぐらい これぐらい koregurai
miserable, pitiable, shameful, deplorable, pathetic (Adjective - adjective) 情けない なさけない nasakenai
sharing with others what has been given to you, sharing a portion of the profit with others (Noun - noun (common)) すそわけ すそわけ susowake
one's post, place of work, workplace (Noun - noun (common)) 職場 しょくば shokuba
after all, in the end, ultimately, eventually (Adverb - adverb) 結局 けっきょく kekkyoku
wave (Noun - noun (common)) なみ, ぽ nami, po
advance on/advance, close in/close, march on/march, move towards/move, inundate, overwhelm, push aside/push (Inflection of (押し寄せる - おしよせる - oshiyoseru) - Ichidan (ru) verb, Participle Present) 押し寄せて おしよせて oshiyosete
religion, religious affiliation, belief, faith, creed (Noun - noun (common)) 宗教 しゅうきょう shūkyou
to cross over, to cross, to pass through, to pass over (out of), to go beyond, to go past (Verb - Ichidan (ru) verb, transitive verb) 超える こえる koeru
power (Noun - noun (common)) パワー パワー pawā
despised, made light of (Noun - noun (common)) bu
indicates spontaneous occurrence/indicates (Inflection of (れる - れる - reru) - Ichidan (ru) verb, Indicative Present Plain Negative) れない れない renai
freezing, cold storage, refrigeration (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 冷凍 れいとう reitou
order (Inflection of (取り寄せる - とりよせる - toriyoseru) - Ichidan (ru) verb, Infinitive) 取り寄せ とりよせ toriyose
elder sister, girl (Noun - noun (common)) 姉ちゃん ねえちゃん nēchan
keeping things tidy and in order (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 整理整頓 せいりせいとん seiriseiton
usual state of things (Noun - noun (common), nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no') つね, とわ, とこ, ただ tsune, towa, toko, tada
housework, domestic chores (Noun - noun (common)) 家事 かじ kaji
acting as agent, acting on (someone's) behalf, executing business for (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru, nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no') 代行 だいこう daikou
your house, your home, your family (Noun - noun (common), honorific or respectful language) お宅 おたく otaku
at once, immediately, without delay, promptly (Adverb - adverb) 早速 さっそく sassoku
this week (Noun - adverbial noun, noun (temporal)) 今週 こんしゅう konshū
rather, better, instead (Adverb - adverb, word usually written using kana alone) むしろ むしろ mushiro
visit (to a religious site, e.g. shrine, temple, grave) (Noun - noun, used as a suffix, noun (common)) まいり まいり mairi
contents, interior, substance, filling, blade (Noun - noun (common), nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no') 中身 なかみ, あてみ nakami, atemi
worry, concern, anxiety, uneasiness, fear (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru, adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives) 心配 しんぱい shinpai
aging, ageing (Noun - noun (common)) 老け ふけ fuke
within its capacity, within limitations (Adverb - adverb, word usually written using kana alone) それなり それなり sorenari
happiness, good fortune, luck, blessing (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, noun (common)) 幸せ しあわせ, しやわせ shiawase, shiyawase
envious (feeling, etc.), jealous (Adjective - adjective, word usually written using kana alone) 羨ましい うらやましい urayamashī
entrust (Inflection of (任す - まかす - makasu) - Godan verb with `su' ending, Passive Participle) 任されて まかされて makasarete
subordinate person (Noun - noun (common)) 部下 ぶか buka
education, schooling, training, instruction, teaching, upbringing (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 教育 きょういく kyouiku
insistence, emphasis, stress (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 力説 りきせつ rikisetsu
use, adoption, acceptance (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 採用 さいよう saiyou
simple, easy, uncomplicated (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, noun (common)) 簡単 かんたん kantan
washing, laundry (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 洗濯 せんたく sentaku
please (Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), humble language) お願いします おねがいします onegaishimasu
forecast, prediction (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 予報 よほう yohou
even I, even one (Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)) 自分でも じぶんでも jibundemo
unexpected, surprising (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, adverb taking the `to' particle, noun (common)) 意外 いがい igai
fit, get into/get, go into/go, satisfy (conditions)/satisfy, fall into/fall, plunge into/plunge, get stuck/get, get caught/get, be deceived/be (Inflection of (ハマる - ハマる - hamaru) - Godan verb with `ru' ending, Indicative Present Plain Positive) ハマる ハマる hamaru
underwear (Noun - noun (common)) 下着 したぎ shitagi
beforehand, in advance, previously (Adverb - adverb, noun or verb acting prenominally, word usually written using kana alone) あらかじめ あらかじめ arakajime
saving, conserving (Noun - noun, used as a prefix) しょう shou
omit, leave out, exclude, eliminate, curtail, save, cut down, economize, economise (Inflection of (省く - はぶく - habuku) - Godan verb with `ku' ending, Perfective) 省いた はぶいた habuita
employer (Noun - noun (common)) 雇用主 こようぬし koyounushi
younger, junior (Noun - noun (common), nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no') 年下 としした toshishita
ruler (Noun - noun (common), colloquialism) 線引き せんびき, せんひき senbiki, senhiki
somehow or other, for some reason or another, without knowing why (Adverb - adverb, word usually written using kana alone) 何となく なんとなく, なにとなく nantonaku, nanitonaku
excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you, greeting used when entering someone's home (Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)) お邪魔します おじゃまします ojamashimasu
window screen, insect screen, mosquito screen, screen, screen door (Noun - noun (common)) 網戸 あみど amido
run (in a stocking) (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 伝線 でんせん densen
temporary, provisional, interim (Adjective - nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no', noun (common)) 臨時 りんじ rinji
monthly income (Noun - noun (common)) 月収 げっしゅう gesshū
conversion (e.g. yen to dollars), change, exchange, translation (numerical) (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 換算 かんさん, かんざん kansan, kanzan
only, merely, little, small quantity (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, adverb, noun (common), word usually written using kana alone) わずか わずか wazuka
hope, wish, aspiration (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 希望 きぼう kibou
to come true (of a wish, prayer, etc.), to be realized, to be fulfilled (Verb - Godan verb with `u' ending) かなう かなう kanau
it does not mean that ..., I don't mean that ..., it is not the case that... (Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), word usually written using kana alone) わけではない わけではない wakedehanai
and yet, despite this, but even so, but even then, however, nevertheless, for all that, notwithstanding that (conjunction) なのに なのに nanoni
eager, earnest, strenuous, fervent, assiduous, with utmost effort (Adjective - adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives, noun (common)) 懸命 けんめい kenmei
to work, to labor, to labour (Verb - Godan verb with `ku' ending, intransitive verb) 働く はたらく hataraku
school (e.g. of poetry) (Noun - noun (common)) 流儀 りゅうぎ ryūgi
logical connection, chain of reasoning, coherence, context (Noun - noun (common)) 脈絡 みゃくらく myakuraku
old Japanese-style house (Noun - noun (common)) 古民家 こみんか kominka
price, cost, charge, payment, bill, fee (Noun - noun (common)) 代金 だいきん daikin
care, looking after, repair, maintenance, tending, trimming, grooming (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 手入れ ていれ teire
this month (Noun - adverbial noun, noun (temporal)) 今月 こんげつ kongetsu
vacate, move out/move (Inflection of (引き払う - ひきはらう - hikiharau) - Godan verb with `u' ending, Indicative Present Plain Positive) 引き払う ひきはらう hikiharau
veranda, porch, balcony, open corridor (Noun - noun (common)) 縁側 えんがわ engawa
repair, improvement (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 改修 かいしゅう kaishū
construction work (Noun - noun (common), noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) 工事 こうじ kouji
move (house)/move, change residence/change (Inflection of (引っ越す - ひっこす - hikkosu) - Godan verb with `su' ending, Indicative Present Plain Positive) 引っ越す ひっこす hikkosu
area of holiday homes, area of villas (Noun - noun (common)) 別荘地 べっそうち bessouchi
place of employment (Noun - noun (common)) 就職先 しゅうしょくさき shūshokusaki
outline, main point, gist (Noun - noun (common), word usually written using kana alone) 大体 だいたい daitai
very, much (prefix) とっ to~tsu
time, tempo, beat, rhythm (Noun - noun (common)) 拍子 ひょうし hyoushi
to have a limit, to go too far (e.g. joke) (Verb - Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with `ru' ending (irregular verb)) 程がある ほどがある hodogāru
First Love
First Love 1
Words Vocabulary -1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
someone, somebody 誰か だれか dareka
subject particle ga
did, done ta
life (i.e. conception to death) 人生 じんせい jinsei
topic particle wa
quite, entirely, completely, at all まるで marude
jigsaw puzzle ジグソーパズル ジグソーパズル jigusoopazuru
be, is da
if, when to
ah!, oh!, alas! a あー
jigsaw puzzle
what, what kind of どんな どんな donna
glittering, sparkling, glistening, twinkling キラキラ キラキラ kirakira
don't na
memories, recollections, reminiscence 想い出 おもいで omoide
too, also, in addition, as well, either (in a negative sentence) mo
fate, destiny, lot 運命 うんめい unmei
indicates possessive no
goddess, female deity 女神 めがみ megami
object particle o
curse, spell, malediction 呪い のろい noroi
to cook (grains, e.g. rice) たく taku
to become なる なる naru
will, shall よう よう you
unreasonable, irrational, outrageous, absurd 理不尽 りふじん rifujin
treatment, behavior, behaviour, action, act 仕打ち しうち shiuchi
to resemble, to look like, to take after, to be similar (in status, condition, etc.)|to be similar, to be close, to be alike, to be like, to boil, to simmer, to stew, to seethe ni
handle, grip, knob とって totte
irreplaceable かけがえのない kakegaenonai
peace ピース ピース piisu
cover up 失くし しっぱいかくし ushinakushi
ticket 切符 きっぷ kippu
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moon つき tsuki
dress (wasei: one-piece) ワンピース ワンピース wanpiisu
blue, azure あお ao
time 時間 じかん jikan
to say, to utter, to declare いう iu
name, given name na
ink (dut: inkt) インク インク inku
stain, spot, smudge, blot, smear, blotch シミ シミ shimi
winter ふゆ fuyu
coast, beach 海岸 かいがん kaigan
intimacy, friendship 親密 しんみつ shinmitsu
myself, yourself, oneself, himself, herself 自分 じぶん jibun
placed on (something), given (someone) a ride, given a lift, picked up, helped on board, loaded (luggage), carryed, taken on board, sent out (on the airwaves, etc.), deceived, taken for a ride, toed (sing) along with (musical accompaniment), let (someone) take part, excited (someone), published (an article), run (an ad) 載せた のせた noseta
Mars lander, Mars rover, Mars probe 火星探査機 かせいたんさき kaseitansaki
the same age 同い年 おないどし onaidoshi
popstar ポップスター ポップスター poppusutaa
fulfilled 叶わ かなわ kanawa
dream ゆめ yume
did not bear fruit, did not ripen 実らなかった みのらなかった minoranakatta
being separated, being apart, being distant, leaving, going away, leaving (a job, etc.)|leaving, quiting, giving up, losing connection with, drifting away from 離れて はなれて hanarete
parched, fryed, fired, broiled, roasted, boiled down (in oil), been needed, been wanted いった itta
people 人たち ひとたち hitotachi
say, well, errr ... あの あの ano
day, Sunday にち, ひ nichi, hi
fault, error, indiscretion, faux pas 過ち あやまち ayamachi
I, me わたし watashi
picture, drawing, painting, sketch e
bury 埋めて うめて umete
to be (of animate objects), to exist いる iru
Yae (a name) 也英 やえ yae
everyone (formal) 皆様 みなさま minasama
good morning おはようございます ohayougozaimasu
this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker) この この kono
flight (e.g. airline flight), trip (e.g. train trip), service 便 びん bin
Reykjavik (Iceland) レイキャビク レイキャビク reikyabiku
the way there, outbound leg, outbound trip, departing leg 行き いき iki
Norn ノルン のるん norun
aviation, flying 航空 こうくう koukuu
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be, is でございます degozaimasu
guest room (at a hotel), guest cabin (on a boat), passenger cabin (on a plane) 客室 きゃくしつ kyakushitsu
being in charge (of an area of responsibility), being responsible (for a work role, etc.) 担当 たんとう tantou
woman, female 女性 じょせい josei
suffix for familiar person ちゃん ちゃん chan
good morning おはよう おはよう ohayou
have a good day, take care, see you いってらっしゃい itterasshai
I'm off, see you later いってきます ittekimasu
-- いたし ​いたし itashi
(present polite suffix) ます⸺ ます⸺ masu⸺
Noguchi (family name) 野口 のぐち noguchi
Noguchi (family name reading) のぐち のぐち noguchi
forecast, prediction 予報 よほう yohou
by means of|by means of|bys means of, due to|due to|dues to, because of|because of|becauses of, according to|according to|accordings to, resemble|resemble|resembles によります niyorimasu
on the way, en route 途中 とちゅう tochuu
weather 天候 てんこう tenkou
in general, generally, mostly, roughly, largely, mainly, on the whole, by and large 概ね おおむね oomune
good, fine, excellent, favorable, favourable, satisfactory 良好 りょうこう ryoukou
I'm told, I'm passing on a message, he was informed とのこと tonokoto
to be ...-ing, to have been ...-ing, to leave, to exit, to go out, to come out, to get out, to leave (on a journey)|to leave, to depart, to start out, to set out, to move forward, to come to, to get to, to lead to, to reach, to appear, to emerge, to surface, to come forth, to turn up, to be found, to be detected, to be discovered, to be exposed, to show, to be exhibited, to be on display, to appear (in print)|to appear, to be published, to be announced, to be issued, to be listed, to attend, to participate, to take part, to enter (an event)|to enter, to play in, to perform, to be stated, to be expressed, to come up, to be brought up, to be raised, to sell, to exceed, to go over, to stick out, to protrude, to break out, to occur, to start, to originate, to be produced, to come from, to be derived from, to be given, to get, to receive, to be offered, to be provided, to be presented, to be submitted, to be handed in, to be turned in, to be paid, to answer (phone, door, etc.)|to answer, to assume (an attitude)|to assume, to act, to behave, to pick up (speed, etc.)|to pick up, to gain, to flow (e.g. tears)|to flow, to run, to bleed, to graduate de
to be, to exist ございます gozaimasu
aviation, flight, flying 飛行 ひこう hikou
inside, in なか naka
abrupt, sudden, unexpected 突然 とつぜん totsuzen
atmospheric current, air current, airflow 気流 きりゅう kiryuu
change, variation, alteration, mutation, transition, transformation, transfiguration, metamorphosis 変化 へんか henka
to furnish with, to equip with, to provide, to install, to prepare for, to make preparations for, to make provision for, to possess (all that is needed)|to possess, to be endowed with, to be equipped with, to be born with, to have since birth 備え そなえ sonae
please まし まし mashi
honorific-polite-humble prefix o
seat 座席 ざせき zaseki
arrival 着き つき tsuki
in case of, at that time, at this time 際に さいに saini
always, constantly 常に つねに tsuneni
seat belt, seatbelt シートベルト シートベルト shiitoberuto
to tie, to fasten, to tighten, to wear (necktie, belt)|to wear, to put on, to total, to sum, to be strict with, to economize, to economise, to cut down on, to salt, to marinate, to pickle 締め しめ shime
please give me ください kudasai
radio (communication) 無線 むせん musen
voice こえ koe
Tanukikoji (alley/lane name?) 狸小路 たぬきこじ tanukikoji
tanuki (Nyctereutes procyonoides), raccoon dog たぬき tanuki
lane, alley (plus many other kanji versions) こうじ こうじ kouji
district of a town, city block (of irregular size) 丁目 ちょうめ choume
entrance, entry, gate, approach, mouth 入り口 いりぐち iriguchi
Okada (family name) オカダ オカダ okada
Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. さま sama
request, wish お願い おねがい onegai
do|do|does, do|carry out|carrys out, do|perform|performs, do|cause to become|causes to become, do|make|makes, do|turn|turns, do|serve as|serves as, do|act as|acts as, do|work as|works as, do|wear|wears, do|judge as being|judges as being, do|view as being|views as being, do|think of as|thinks of as, do|treat as|treats as, do|use as|uses as, do|decide on|decides on, do|choose|chooses, do|am sensed|are sensed|is sensed, do|am|are|is, do|am worth|are worth|is worth, do|cost|costs, do|pass|passs, do|elapse|elapses, do|transform A to B|transforms A to B, do|make A into B|makes A into B, do|exchange A for B|exchanges A for B, do|view A as B|views A as B, do|feel A about B|feels A about B, do|verbalizing suffix|verbalizings suffix, do|creates a humble verb|createss a humble verb, do|am just about to|are just about to|is just about to, do|am just starting to|are just starting to|is just starting to, do|try to|trys to, do|attempt to|attempts to します します shimasu
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comprehension, consent, understanding, agreement 了解 りょうかい ryoukai
if もしも moshimo
you (referring to someone of equal or lower status) あなた anata
to leave, to exit, to go out, to come out, to get out, to leave (on a journey)|to leave, to depart, to start out, to set out, to move forward, to come to, to get to, to lead to, to reach, to appear, to emerge, to surface, to come forth, to turn up, to be found, to be detected, to be discovered, to be exposed, to show, to be exhibited, to be on display, to appear (in print)|to appear, to be published, to be announced, to be issued, to be listed, to attend, to participate, to take part, to enter (an event)|to enter, to play in, to perform, to be stated, to be expressed, to come up, to be brought up, to be raised, to sell, to exceed, to go over, to stick out, to protrude, to break out, to occur, to start, to originate, to be produced, to come from, to be derived from, to be given, to get, to receive, to be offered, to be provided, to be presented, to be submitted, to be handed in, to be turned in, to be paid, to answer (phone, door, etc.)|to answer, to assume (an attitude)|to assume, to act, to behave, to pick up (speed, etc.)|to pick up, to gain, to flow (e.g. tears)|to flow, to run, to bleed, to graduate de
meet (fragment of full word) 会わ あわ awa
without doing ずに ずに zuni
if were to be (of animate objects)|would be, if were to exist|would exist, if were to stay|would stay, if were to be ...-ing|would be ...-ing, if were to have been ...-ing|would have been ...-ing, if were to shoot (arrow, bolt, dart)|would shoot, if were to calm down|would calm down, if were to cast|would cast, if were to mint|would mint, if were to coin|would coin いたら itara
now, the present time, just now, soon, immediately, more いま ima
be/am/are/is living, be/am/are/is existing, be/am/are/is making a living, be/am/are/is subsisting, be/am/are/is being in effect, be/am/are/is being in use, be/am/are/is functioning, be/am/are/is coming to life, be/am/are/is being enlivened, be/am/are/is being safe (in baseball, go, etc.) 生きてる いきてる ikiteru
seems, I think, I guess, I wonder, I hope だろう だろう darou
non- ノン ノン non
child ko
exclamation of surprised disappointment, disgust, or worry (yuck, ick, ack, eeew, crap!, blech, gross) げっ げっ getsu
Wakui (family name) 涌井 わくい wakui
Wakui (family name - phonetic) わくい わくい wakui
unofficial report, confidential report 内申 ないしん naishin
to resound, to be heard far away, to be reflected 響く ひびく hibiku
because, so (emphasis) からな からな kara na
such, this sort of, like this こういう kouiu
dangerous, risky ヤバい ヤバい yabai
naturally, smoothly, spontaneously 自然に しぜんに shizenni
let's go, on and after, as from, hereafter, thereafter, since いこう いこう ikou
hey, you yo
flute, fife, pipe, recorder, flageolet, shakuhachi, clarinet ふえ fue
sound, noise, report おん, おと on, oto
hey you! オラッ オラッ ora
there そこ そこ soko
year とし toshi
a little, a bit, slightly ちょっと chotto
this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker), this direction こっち kocchi
come!, imperative form of the verb "kuru" ("to come"), expressing a command or strong request 来い こい koi
been ...-ing, had been ...-ing, left, exited, gone out, come out, gotten out, left (on a journey), departed, started out, set out, moved forward, come to, gotten to, led to, reached, appeared, emerged, surfaced, come forth, turned up, been found, been detected, been discovered, been exposed, shown, been exhibited, been on display, appeared (in print), been published, been announced, been issued, been listed, attended, participated, taken part, entered (an event), played in, performed, been stated, been expressed, come up, been brought up, been raised, sold, exceeded, gone over, stuck out, protruded, broken out, occured, started, originated, been produced, come from, been derived from, been given, gotten, received, been offered, been provided, been presented, been submitted, been handed in, been turned in, been paid, answered (phone, door, etc.), assumed (an attitude), acted, behaved, picked up (speed, etc.), gained, flowed (e.g. tears), run, bled, graduated でた deta
serious, not joking, straight マジ マジ maji
yes?, no?, isn't it?, is it? ka
look!, look out!, hey!, look at me!, there you are! ほら ほら hora
early, soon 早く はやく hayaku
knee ひざ hiza
full view, plain sight, completely visible 丸見え まるみえ marumie
then, well, so, well then じゃ じゃ ja
indicates emphasis, agreement, request for confirmation, etc., is it so ねえ ねえ nee
yes, yeah, uh huh n
fix it! 直せよ なおせよ naoseyo
Harumichi (family name) 晴道 はるみち harumichi
Harumichi (family name phonetic) はるみち はるみち harumichi
mediocrity ぼん bon
2 ni
Bonji (name), reasonable thing, natural thing ぼんじ ぼんじ bonji
to move (something, someone) aside|to move aside どけ doke
precisely, exactly, plumb, totally, very much do
but, however, although けど けど kedo
to deceive, to falsify, to misrepresent, to cheat, to swindle, to tamper, to juggle, to manipulate ごまかす gomakasu
you said, he said, she said, they said って って tte
hey, cheers, used by young people when drinking or as a greeting ウェーイ ウェーイ weei
to age, to grow old おい oi
Klaxon, car horn クラクション クラクション kurakushon
hey! コラ コラ kora
roadside tree, row of trees 並木 なみき namiki
been saved, been rescued, survived, escaped harm, been spared damage, been helped, been saved trouble 助かった たすかった tasukatta
Thank you, Thanks ありがとう arigatou
Obuchi (family name) 小渕 おぶち obuchi
Obuchi (family name phonetic) おぶち おぶち obuchi
suffix for familiar person たん たん tan
not give|do not give|does not give, not let one have|do not let one have|does not let one have, not do for one|do not do for one|does not do for one くん kun
it is, isn't it?, I know, right?, innit? だよね だよね dayone
perhaps, possibly, maybe, by any chance, if I'm not mistaken もしかして moshikashite
somewhere, anywhere, in some respects どこか dokoka
particle indicating a command こと こと koto
been, existed, lived, had, been located, been equipped with, happened, come about あった atta
ah, oh あっ あっ atsu
understood, comprehended, grasped, seen, gotten, followed, become clear, been known, been discovered, been realized, been realised, been found out 分かった わかった wakatta
Words Vocabulary -2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
cola コーラ コーラ koora
waste-water container (tea ceremony) こぼし koboshi
opponent, rival, adversary てき teki
man, person ひと hito
why, oh いや いや iya
difference, distinction, discrepancy 違い ちがい chigai
used to indicate respect for the listener (or reader) ます ます masu
ah!, oh!, alas! あー a
shelf, shelves, ledge, rack たな tana
grow stiff, be absorbed in, be devoted to, be a fanatic, elaborate これ kore
one person 1人 いちにん ichinin
and, or, and the like, and so forth, and what not だの だの dano
to be possible to say, to be able to say, to recover, to be healed いえ ie
is that so? (generally rhetorical) そうか そうか souka
he, she, that guy あいつ aitsu
comparatively, quite, rather わりかし warikashi
good thing, strong point いいとこ いいとこ iitoko
be|am|are|is, exist|exist|exists, live|live|lives, have|have|has, be located|am located|are located|is located, be equipped with|am equipped with|are equipped with|is equipped with, happen|happen|happens, come about|come about|comes about あんの anno
teacher, master, doctor 先生 せんせい sensei
to be ...-ing, to have been ...-ing te
gotten dark, grown dark, ended (of a day, year, season, etc.), come to an end, closed, been sunk in (e.g. despair), been lost in (e.g. thought), been overcome with くれた kureta
not ない ない nai
be, is です です desu
ah, oh a
I, me おれ ore
what なに nani
teacher (classroom) 教師 きょうし kyoushi
A エー ee
B ビー bii
to be, to exist, to live ある ある aru
here ここ ここ koko
X エックス ekkusu
coordinate, coordinates 座標 ざひょう zahyou
each, respectively それぞれ sorezore
if we make ..., if we take ..., if we assume ... とすると とすると tosuruto
a move (in go, shogi, etc.) いって itte
from (e.g. time, place, numerical quantity), since から から kara
spelling つづり tsudzuri
spell|spell|spells, write|write|writes, compose|compose|composes, frame|frame|frames, bind (e.g. documents)|bind|binds, patch|patch|patchs, sew together|sew together|sews together, stitch together|stitch together|stitchs together つづる tsudzuru
yes, that is correct はい はい hai
examination, exam, test 試験 しけん shiken
ago, before (some event), previously, to (the hour) まえ mae
adds force or indicates command zo
diligently, seriously, earnestly, reliably, steadily, legitimately ちゃんと ちゃんと chanto
concentration, focusing, convergence, centralization, integration, gathering together 集中 しゅうちゅう shuuchuu
do, do|carry out, do|perform, do|cause to become, do|make, do|turn, do|serve as, do|act as, do|work as, do|wear, do|judge as being, do|view as being, do|think of as, do|treat as, do|use as, do|decide on, do|choose, do|be sensed, do|be, do|be worth, do|cost, do|pass, do|elapse, do|transform A to B, do|make A into B, do|exchange A for B, do|view A as B, do|feel A about B, do|verbalizing suffix, do|creates a humble verb, do|be just about to, do|be just starting to, do|try to, do|attempt to しろ しろ shiro
excuse me, pardon me, I'm sorry すみません sumimasen
yes, yeah, uh huh うん うん un
axis, shaft, axle じく jiku
vertical 垂直 すいちょく suichoku
line, stripe, stria せん sen
so, therefore だから だから dakara
the other day, lately, recently こないだ konaida
female, woman, female sex おんな onna
however だけど だけど dakedo
oil well 油井 ゆせい yusei
app, application アプリ アプリ apuri
nonsense すか すか suka
like that (used for something or someone distant from both speaker and listener), so ああ ああ aa
call center コールセンター コールセンター koorusentaa
to work, to labor, to labour 働く はたらく hataraku
28 28 28 28
week しゅう shuu
intently, single-mindedly, devotedly, solely, earnestly, with all one's heart ひたすら hitasura
guest, visitor きゃく kyaku
claim (for compensation), customer complaint seeking compensation クレーム クレーム kureemu
aizuchi, back-channeling, interjections indicating that one is paying attention 相槌 あいづち aidzuchi
house, home (one's own) うち uchi
I agree with you, it is as (someone) says おっしゃるとおり ossharutoori
to repeat, to do something over again 繰り返す くりかえす kurikaesu
dispatch, despatch, deployment 派遣 はけん haken
female office worker, office lady, OL ol オーエル ooeru
such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener), like that, that sort of そんな そんな sonna
second (unit of time) びょう byou
to drop, to lose, to let fall, to shed (light), to cast (one's gaze), to pour in (liquid), to leave behind 落とす おとす otosu
mirroring ミラーリング ミラーリング miraaringu
yes, that is correct, right ええ ええ ee
person who makes unreasonable complaints to a company (eng: claimer), incessant complainer, chronic complainer クレーマー クレーマー kureemaa
sympathy, empathy, response 共感 きょうかん kyoukan
be/am/are/is starving, be/am/are/is being famished, be/am/are/is being hungry, be/am/are/is being starved of (e.g. love), be/am/are/is being thirsty for (e.g. knowledge), be/am/are/is being hungry for 飢えてる うえてる ueteru
oh!, good heavens! おう おう ou
will be sufficient, will be enough, will be worth doing, will be worthy of, will deserve, will do (the job), will serve, will answer たろう tarou
somehow, how, in what way, why, what kind of どういう douiu
today, this day 今日 きょう kyou
disagreeable, detestable, unpleasant, reluctant いや iya
furthermore, still, yet, more, still more, in addition, greater, further なお nao
being hit, striking, touching, being in contact, being affixed, being equivalent to, being applicable, applying to, being selected (in a lottery, etc.)|being selected, winning, being successful, going well, being a hit, facing, confronting, lying (in the direction of)|liing, undertaking, being assigned, being stricken (by food poisoning, heat, etc.)|being stricken, being afflicted, being called on (e.g. by a teacher)|being called on, treating (esp. harshly)|treating, lashing out at, being unnecessary, being hitting well, feeling a bite, being bruised, spoiling, feeling (something) out|feeling out, probing into, checking (i.e. by comparison)|checking, shaving, standing in a relationship 当たって あたって atatte
was/were unintentionally getting tired, was/were unintentionally tiring, was/were unintentionally being worn out (e.g. of well used objects), was/were unintentionally starving 疲れちゃった つかれちゃった tsukarechatta
gotten tired, tired, been worn out (e.g. of well used objects), starved 疲れた つかれた tsukareta
...isn't that right? よね よね yone
wine ワイン ワイン wain
feeling, mood 気分 きぶん kibun
what the hell, oh, great!, son of a gun, holy mackerel, oh no!, holy cow!, damn! なんてこった nantekotta
I, me ぼく boku
marquis, lord, daimyo こう kou
without a moment's delay すかさず sukasazu
to drink, to gulp, to swallow, to take (medicine) 飲む のむ nomu
to agree 同じ どうじ douji
timing タイミング タイミング taimingu
glass (drinking vessel) グラス グラス gurasu
to put, to place 置く おく oku
companion, partner, company 相手 あいて aite
instinctive, instinctual 本能的 ほんのうてき honnouteki
peace (of mind), tranquility, tranquillity, serenity 安らぎ やすらぎ yasuragi
to feel, to sense, to experience 感じ かんじ kanji
30 30 30 30
minute (unit of time) ふん fun
behind, rear あと ato
you お前 おまえ omae
above, up, over, elder (e.g. daughter) うえ ue
be/am/are/is getting on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.), be/am/are/is getting in, be/am/are/is boarding, be/am/are/is taking, be/am/are/is embarking, be/am/are/is getting on (e.g. a footstool), be/am/are/is stepping on, be/am/are/is jumping on, be/am/are/is sitting on, be/am/are/is mounting, be/am/are/is reaching, be/am/are/is going over, be/am/are/is passing, be/am/are/is following, be/am/are/is staying (on track), be/am/are/is going with (the times, etc.), be/am/are/is taking part, be/am/are/is participating, be/am/are/is joining, be/am/are/is getting into the swing (and sing, dance, etc.), be/am/are/is being deceived, be/am/are/is being taken in, be/am/are/is being carried, be/am/are/is being spread, be/am/are/is being scattered, be/am/are/is sticking, be/am/are/is attaching, be/am/are/is going on, be/am/are/is riding 乗ってる のってる notteru
thanks (e.g. for coming, helping, etc.), glad you could make it お疲れ おつかれ otsukare
Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. さま sama
love, love-making, passion, emotion, affections 恋愛 れんあい renai
war, battle, campaign, fight いくさ ikusa
overcoat オーバー オーバー oobaa
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particularly, especially 特に とくに tokuni
to be effective, to show effect 効く きく kiku
seed (e.g. of a plant), pip, kind, variety, quality, tone たね tane
thank you, many thanks, much appreciated お疲れさま おつかれさま otsukaresama
rain あめ ame
now, soon, shortly, before long, presently もう もう mou
a little, a bit, slightly ちょい ちょい choi
to go, to move (in a direction or towards a specific location), to head (towards), to be transported (towards), to reach いく いく iku
but, however, though, nevertheless, still, yet, even so, also, as well でも でも demo
extra (charge, fare, etc.), premium, bonus, tenths increase 割増 わりまし warimashi
book, volume, script ほん hon
closed, been over, broken up (e.g. school), lost one's nerve, felt daunted 引けた ひけた hiketa
lucky ラッキー ラッキー rakki
pupil, disciple, adherent, follower, apprentice, young person, teacher's student-helper でし deshi
was だった だった datta
to lie down, to go to bed, to lie in bed, to sleep (lying down)|to sleep, to sleep (with someone, i.e. have intercourse)|to sleep, to lie idle, to sleep ne
please, please do for me ちょ ちょ cho
to get along (with someone) 気が合う きがあう kigaau
to turn away, to bear off, to veer away, to swerve from, to miss (e.g. a target)|to miss, to deviate (e.g. of a conversation)|to deviate, to digress, to to go astray, to wander それ sore
mirror ミラー ミラー miraa
something, something or other, so-and-so なんとか nantoka
Words Vocabulary -3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., -san さん さん san
hearing, audible sound 聞き きき kiki
right under, directly below ました mashita
easy, simple 安易 あんい ani
-ness sa
cooked rice ご飯 ごはん gohan
whoa (command used to stop a horse, etc.) どう どう dou
payday 給料日 きゅうりょうび kyuuryoubi
any, anything, whatever, whatever one likes, everything, all なんでも nandemo
feast, treating (someone) ご馳走 ごちそう gochisou
to do する する suru
Mt., Mount ざん zan
promise, agreement, arrangement, one's word, contract, pact, appointment, engagement, date 約束 やくそく yakusoku
and then, and so, and, so then んで んで nde
to differ (from), to vary 違う ちがう chigau
coincidence, chance, accident, fortuity 偶然 ぐうぜん guuzen
truth, reality, actuality, fact ホント ホント honto
really, truly ホントに ホントに hontoni
not be ...-ing|am not ...-ing|are not ...-ing|is not ...-ing, not have been ...-ing|do not have been ...-ing|does not have been ...-ing てない tenai
no!, no no!, no, not at all いやいや iyaiya
Here I am, I'm home! ただいま tadaima
return おかえり okaeri
announcer アナ アナ ana
after this これから korekara
holiday, day off, absence お休み おやすみ oyasumi
direction, way かた kata
to wake up, to awake, to awaken to (instinct, ability, perception, etc.)|to awaken to, to become aware of, to become conscious of, to realize, to come to one's senses 目覚め めざめ mezame
man, male 男性 だんせい dansei
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Saturday 土曜日 どようび doyoubi
morning, a.m. 午前 ごぜん gozen
time, hour, moment とき toki
or something, for instance ... (though there are other suitable options) なり なり nari
Sapporo (city) 札幌 さっぽろ sapporo
dark, gloomy, overcast, gray どんより どんより donyori
town, city, municipal, urban とし toshi
refreshingly, with a feeling of relief, pleasantly, off one's shoulder すっきり すっきり sukkiri
not do|do not do|does not do, not do|do not carry out|does not carry out, not do|do not perform|does not perform, not do|do not cause to become|does not cause to become, not do|do not make|does not make, not do|do not turn|does not turn, not do|do not serve as|does not serve as, not do|do not act as|does not act as, not do|do not work as|does not work as, not do|do not wear|does not wear, not do|do not judge as being|does not judge as being, not do|do not view as being|does not view as being, not do|do not think of as|does not think of as, not do|do not treat as|does not treat as, not do|do not use as|does not use as, not do|do not decide on|does not decide on, not do|do not choose|does not choose, not do|am not sensed|are not sensed|is not sensed, not do|am not|are not|is not, not do|am not worth|are not worth|is not worth, not do|do not cost|does not cost, not do|do not pass|does not pass, not do|do not elapse|does not elapse, not do|do not transform A to B|does not transform A to B, not do|do not make A into B|does not make A into B, not do|do not exchange A for B|does not exchange A for B, not do|do not view A as B|does not view A as B, not do|do not feel A about B|does not feel A about B, not do|do not verbalizing suffix|does not verbalizing suffix, not do|do not creates a humble verb|does not creates a humble verb, not do|am not just about to|are not just about to|is not just about to, not do|am not just starting to|are not just starting to|is not just starting to, not do|do not try to|does not try to, not do|do not attempt to|does not attempt to しない しない shinai
emptiness, vacuum, blank から kara
spreading (out)|spreading, extending, stretching, reaching to, getting around, filling (e.g. a space)|filling 広がって ひろがって hirogatte
that is so, that is right, it looks to me, that's my impression そうです そうです soudesu
number, amount かず kazu
atmospheric temperature 気温 きおん kion
lowering, bringing down 低く ひくく hikuku
Oh!, Oh my!, Dear me! やや やや yaya
feel|feel|feels, sense|sense|senses, experience|experience|experiences 感じます かんじます kanjimasu
well, now, then さて sate
one (esp. of two), the other, one way, the other way, one direction, the other direction, one side, the other side, one party, the other party 一方 いっぽう ippou
Peru ペルー peruu
then, well, so, well then では では deha
next week 来週 らいしゅう raishuu
South America 南米 なんべい nanbei
grand festival 大祭 たいさい taisai
quickly つと つと tsuto
doing, doing|carrying out, doing|performing, doing|causing to become, doing|making, doing|turning, doing|serving as, doing|acting as, doing|working as, doing|wearing, doing|judging as being, doing|viewing as being, doing|thinking of as, doing|treating as, doing|using as, doing|deciding on, doing|choosing, doing|being sensed, doing|being, doing|being worth, doing|costing, doing|passing, doing|elapsing, doing|transforming A to B, doing|making A into B, doing|exchanging A for B, doing|viewing A as B, doing|feeling A about B, doing|verbalizinging suffix, doing|createsing a humble verb, doing|being just about to, doing|being just starting to, doing|trying to, doing|attempting to して して shite
be known|am known|are known|is known 知られる しられる shirareru
holding (a conference, exhibition, etc.), opening, hosting (e.g. the Olympics) 開催 かいさい kaisai
be done (to someone)|am done|are done|is done, do|do|does, be doing|am doing|are doing|is doing されます saremasu
Incan Empire インカ帝国 インカていこく inkateikoku
capital, metropolis, seat of government みやこ miyako
Cusco's speculum クスコ クスコ kusuko
this month 今月 こんげつ kongetsu
24 24 24 24
be done|am done|are done|is done, be practiced|am practiced|are practiced|is practiced, be practised|am practised|are practised|is practised, take place|take place|takes place, be held|am held|are held|is held, be prevalent|am prevalent|are prevalent|is prevalent, be in fashion|am in fashion|are in fashion|is in fashion, be in vogue|am in vogue|are in vogue|is in vogue, be current|am current|are current|is current, come into use|come into use|comes into use 行われる おこなわれる okonawareru
festival, feast, carnival お祭り おまつり omatsuri
ancient times 古代 こだい kodai
period, epoch, era, age 時代 じだい jidai
sun 太陽 たいよう taiyou
god, deity, divinity, spirit, kami かみ kami
extol|extol|extols, give praise|give praise|gives praise 讃える たたえる tataeru
most important, central, matters most, overriding, top 最も重要 もっともじゅうよう mottomojuuyou
ritual, religious service, festival 祭祀 さいし saishi
wife and children さいし saishi
...ing is considered to ... とされて tosarete
Quechua (language), Quechuan, Quichua, Quecha ケチュア語 ケチュアご kechuago
to deify, to enshrine, to pray, to worship 祭り まつり mat suri
meaning, significance, sense 意味 いみ imi
do and; doing and shi
Mother Nature 母なる自然 ははなるしぜん hahanarushizen
blessing, grace 恵み めぐみ megumi
for, in regard to, per 対して たいして taishite
thanks, gratitude 感謝 かんしゃ kansha
feelings, thoughts i
abundant (grain) crop, good harvest 豊穣 ほうじょう houjou
to desire, to wish, to hope 願う ねがう negau
event, function 行事 ぎょうじ gyouji
distant とお too
king, ruler, sovereign, monarch おう ou
people, populace, masses 民衆 みんしゅう minshuu
to make an appearance, to show up 姿を現す すがたをあらわす sugatawoarawasu
only, sole, unique 唯一 ゆいいつ yuiitsu
chance, opportunity 機会 きかい kikai
each, every, all かく kaku
district, region, area, locality 地方 ちほう chihou
in great numbers 数多く かずおおく kazuooku
tomorrow 明日 あした ashita
makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) send (a thing), makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) dispatch, makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) despatch, makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) transmit, makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) take or escort (a person somewhere), makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) see off (a person), makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) bid farewell (to the departed), makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) bury, makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) spend (time), makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) live one's life, makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) pass (down the line), makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) affix okurigana, makes/lets/will make/will let (someone) send 送らせる おくらせる okuraseru
kouta, traditional ballad accompanied by shamisen こうた kouta
seems, I think, I guess, I wonder, I hope でしょ でしょ desho
ferry (crossing), ferry(boat) 渡し わたし watashi
to do something in readiness for, to get something (needful) done とく とく toku
passer-by, traveler, traveller 行人 こうじん koujin
next (year, etc.) らい rai
practice (in the field), training (esp. practical and hands-on), practical exercise, drill 実習 じっしゅう jisshuu
busy, occupied, hectic 忙しい いそがしい isogashii
seeming ..., appearing ... らしい らしい rashii
new, novel, fresh, recent, latest, up-to-date, modern 新しい あたらしい atarashii
to get, to earn, to acquire, to procure, to gain, to secure, to attain, to obtain, to win, to understand, to comprehend, to receive something undesirable (e.g. a punishment)|to receive something undesirable, to get (ill)|to get e
did not be ...-ing|was not ...-ing|were not ...-ing, did not have been ...-ing てなかった tenakatta
midterm examination 中間試験 ちゅうかんしけん chuukanshiken
considerably, greatly, a lot だいぶ daibu
order, rank, position (e.g. in a race), precedence 順位 じゅんい juni
dropping, losing 落とし おとし otoshi
seeming very たらしい たらしい tarashii
this time, now 今度 こんど kondo
medical student 医学生 いがくせい igakusei
more, even more, longer, further もっと もっと motto
practical, pragmatic, hands-on, nuts and bolts 実践的 じっせんてき jissenteki
measure, provision, step, countermeasure, counterplan, countermove 対策 たいさく taisaku
be taught (by)|am taught|are taught|is taught, learn from|learn from|learns from 教わる おそわる osowaru
good, excellent, fine, nice, pleasant, agreeable いい いい ii
taking a breather, relaxation, vent hole 息抜き いきぬき ikinuki
playing 遊び あそび asobi
moderately, in moderation ほどほどに hodohodoni
do ... なさい nasai
frightening, terrifying こわ kowa
that is so, that is right, it looks to me, that's my impression そうだ そうだ souda
shape, form, figure, posture, pose カッコ カッコ kakko
well よく よく yoku
to understand, to comprehend, to grasp, to see, to get, to follow 分かる わかる wakaru
secret, private, surreptitious 密か ひそか hisoka
been ...-ing, had been ...-ing てた teta
yes, that is correct, right えー えー e
or rather (say), or better (say), or perhaps I should say, or, how should I put it,..., I mean てか てか teka
conical hat (East-Asian style), coolie hat かさ kasa
she, her 彼女 かのじょ kanojo
cutting (grass, hair, etc.)|cuting, mowwing|mowing, clipping|cliping, trimming|triming, pruning, shearing, reaping, harvesting かって katte
I wonder かな かな kana
oh!, oh?, my! おや おや oya
my goodness!, oh my!, oh dear! おやおや おやおや oyaoya
that (something or someone distant from the speaker, close to the listener; actions of the listener, or ideas expressed or understood by the listener), the その その sono
eye, eyeball me
it is assuredly that ..., can say with confidence that ... なんだ なんだ nanda
easy, trifling, harmless, of no concern, nothing なんでもない nandemonai
to cry, to weep, to sob, to howl なく naku
Words Vocabulary -4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
non- non ノン
counter for articles ko
schoolgirl, female student 女子生徒 じょしせいと joshiseito
attractive, good-looking, stylish, cool, smooth, neat, with-it, groovy カッコいい カッコいい kakkoii
pupil, student, schoolchild 生徒 せいと seito
pluralizing suffix たち たち tachi
safe, secure, sound, problem-free, without fear, all right, alright, OK, okay 大丈夫 だいじょうぶ daijoubu
things like ..., or something like that ... なんか なんか nanka
plans, arrangement, schedule, program, programme, expectation, estimate 予定 よてい yotei
did not be ...-ing|was not ...-ing|were not ...-ing, did not have been ...-ing てませんでした temasendeshita
if ... then, when ba
behind, rear あと ato
to request, to beg, to ask 頼む たのむ tanomu
1 いち ichi
leaf, blade (of grass), needle ha
please, kindly, I beg of you どうぞ どうぞ douzo
until (a time), till, to, up to まで made
obeyed respectfully, humbled oneself, sat straight (upright, respectfully, attentively)|sat straight かしこまりました kashikomarimashita
driver, chauffeur 運転手 うんてんしゅ untenshu
exchange, interchange, interaction, mingling, networking, intercourse 交流 こうりゅう kouryuu
be ...-ing|am ...-ing|are ...-ing|is ...-ing, have been ...-ing|have been ...-ing|has been ...-ing てます temasu
to go around mi
to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to materialise, to be expressed (e.g. emotions)|to be expressed, to become apparent (e.g. trends, effects)|to become apparent あらわ arawa
carp カープ カープ kaapu
spot, mark てん ten
lead, leading, taking the lead リード リード riido
to report to the Emperor そうす sousu
each house, every house, many houses いえいえ ieie
hence, from now, from the present moment, from this time forward 今から いまから imakara
cooked rice めし meshi
to eat 食う くう kuu
staunch, hardcore, dyed-in-the-wool 筋金入り すじがねいり sujiganeiri
one's father, old man, one's boss 親父 おやじ oyaji
three sons さんなん sannan
be, is su
I see, that's right, indeed なるほど naruhodo
mobile telephone, cellular telephone 携帯電話 けいたいでんわ keitaidenwa
vibe, vibration バイブ バイブ baibu
yeah, yeah, whatever, sure はいはい はいはい haihai
hello (e.g. on phone) もしもし もしもし moshimoshi
be/am/are/is understanding, be/am/are/is comprehending, be/am/are/is grasping, be/am/are/is seing, be/am/are/is getting, be/am/are/is following, be/am/are/is becoming clear, be/am/are/is being known, be/am/are/is being discovered, be/am/are/is being realized, be/am/are/is being realised, be/am/are/is being found out 分かってる わかってる wakatteru
to be ...-ing, to have been ...-ing てる てる teru
mother-in-law 義母 ぎぼ gibo
cawing (of a crow) かあ かあ kaa
little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) にお nio
present, souvenir 土産 みやげ miyage
your pardon, sorry, no thanks ごめん gomen
far away, distant, at a distance, distant place, by far 遠く とおく tooku
bad, poor, inferior 悪い わるい warui
later 後で あとで atode
crotch, crutch, groin, thigh また mata
end, conclusion 最後 さいご saigo
kiss キス キス kisu
too, also, likewise, either やっぱ やっぱ yappa
to raise, to elevate, to do up (one's hair)|to do up, to fly (a kite, etc.)|to fly, to launch (fireworks, etc.)|to launch, to surface (a submarine, etc.)|to surface, to land (a boat)|to land, to show someone (into a room)|to show someone, to send someone (away)|to send someone, to enrol (one's child in school)|to enrol, to enroll, to increase (price, quality, status, etc.)|to increase, to develop (talent, skill)|to develop, to improve, to make (a loud sound)|to make, to raise (one's voice)|to raise, to earn (something desirable)|to earn, to praise, to give (an example, etc.)|to give, to cite, to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.)|to summon up, to give, to bear (a child)|to bear, to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding)|to conduct, to come in, to vomit, to do for (the sake of someone else)|to do for, to complete ..., to humbly do ... 上げ あげ age
indicates concession or compromise てもいい てもいい temoii
tobacco (por: tabaco), cigarette, cigaret, cigar タバコ タバコ tabako
as if to say, as though がし がし gashi
volume (sound) 音量 おんりょう onryou
rise|rise|rises, go up|go up|gos up, come up|come up|comes up, ascend|ascend|ascends, be raised|am raised|are raised|is raised, enter (esp. from outdoors)|enter|enters, come in|come in|comes in, go in|go in|gos in, enter (a school)|enter|enters, get out (of water)|get out|gets out, come ashore|come ashore|comes ashore, increase|increase|increases, improve|improve|improves, make progress|make progress|makes progress, be promoted|am promoted|are promoted|is promoted, advance|advance|advances, be made (of profit, etc.)|am made|are made|is made, occur (esp. of a favourable result)|occur|occurs, be adequate (to cover expenses, etc.)|am adequate|are adequate|is adequate, be finished|am finished|are finished|is finished, be done|am done|are done|is done, be over|am over|are over|is over, stop|stop|stops, lift|lift|lifts, stop (working properly)|stop|stops, cut out|cut out|cuts out, give out|give out|gives out, die|die|dies, win (in a card game, etc.)|win|wins, be spoken loudly|am spoken loudly|are spoken loudly|is spoken loudly, get stage fright|get stage fright|gets stage fright, be offered (to the gods, etc.)|am offered|are offered|is offered, go|go|gos, visit|visit|visits, eat|eat|eats, drink|drink|drinks, be listed (as a candidate)|am listed|are listed|is listed, serve (in one's master's home)|serve|serves, go north|go north|gos north, be complete|am complete|are complete|is complete, finish|finish|finishs 上がる あがる agaru
painful, heartrending, trying せつない setsunai
to smell sweet, to be fragrant 香り かおり kaori
about this time 今頃 いまごろ imagoro
where, what place どこ doko
who だれ dare
someday いつか いつか itsuka
kanji "strike" radical at right (radical 66) とまた tomata
falling in love 恋に落ちて こいにおちて koiniochite
be able to receive|am able to receive|are able to receive|is able to receive, be able to take|am able to take|are able to take|is able to take, be able to accept|am able to accept|are able to accept|is able to accept, could you (give me)|could you|coulds you, would you|would you|woulds you, can you|can you|cans you もらえます moraemasu
get drunk|get drunk|gets drunk, become intoxicated|become intoxicated|becomes intoxicated, feel sick (e.g. in a vehicle)|feel sick|feels sick, become nauseated|become nauseated|becomes nauseated, be elated|am elated|are elated|is elated, be exalted|am exalted|are exalted|is exalted, be spellbound|am spellbound|are spellbound|is spellbound, be in raptures|am in raptures|are in raptures|is in raptures you よう
to be stormy, to be rough, to be ruined, to fall into ruin, to lose one's temper are あれ
word used at sentence-end (like a particle) to indicate speculation, volition or invitation be
ridge one おね
still まだ まだ mada
sad, sorrowful 悲しい かなしい kanashii
love song
no problem, it doesn't matter 構いません かまいません kamaimasen
song うた uta
water trickling from rocks 岩清水 いわしみず iwashimizu
call, invitation 呼び よび yobi
dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp) 出し だし dashi
swiftly, rapidly, quickly, immediately, hastily, hurriedly 急に きゅうに kyuuni
such (about something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or about ideas expressed by the speaker), like this こんな こんな konna
to be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened, to be astonished, to get startled, to jump びっくり bikkuri
entry to school or university, matriculation, enrolment (in university, etc.) (enrollment) 入学 にゅうがく nyuugaku
done した した shita
continuously in some state (for a long time, distance), throughout, all along, the whole time, all the way ずっと ずっと zutto
liked, well-liked, favourite, favorite 好き すき suki
I beg your pardon, excuse me ごめんなさい gomennasai
Words Vocabulary -5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
if you don't mind, if you like, if you feel up for it, if you're interested もしよかったら moshiyokattara
movie, film 映画 えいが eiga
whistle ホイッスル ホイッスル hois suru
schoolboy, male student 男子生徒 だんしせいと danshiseito
however, but しかし shikashi
afterbirth, placenta えな ena
outrageous, scandalous, inexcusable, disgraceful, shameful, rude けしからん keshikaran
soccer club サッカー部 サッカーぶ sakkabu
captain キャプテン キャプテン kyaputen
furnished with, including 付き つき tsuki
sentence-ending particle expressing doubt かよ かよ kayo
finally, at last ついに tsuini
student council 生徒会 せいとかい seitokai
fellow, guy, chap やつ yatsu
base hit, one-base hit, single たんだ tanda
oh!, good heavens! おお おお oo
somehow, how, in what way, why, what kind of どうした doushita
particularly, especially, specially 別に べつに betsuni
months (period of) ヶ月 かげつ kagetsu
week 週間 しゅうかん shuukan
enjoyment, pleasure, diversion, amusement, hobby 楽しみ たのしみ tanoshimi
10 10 10 10
every day 毎日 まいにち mainichi
Christmas クリスマス クリスマス kurisumasu
eve (esp. Christmas Eve), the night before イヴ イヴ ivu
going around is wanted, looking after (often medically) is wanted, taking care of is wanted, looking after is wanted, keeping an eye on is wanted, viewing (e.g. flowers, movie) is wanted, looking is wanted, seing is wanted, watching is wanted, viewing is wanted, observing is wanted, looking over is wanted, looking on is wanted, assessing is wanted, examining is wanted, judging is wanted みたい mitai
and in addition to that, even so それも それも soremo
soon, shortly, before long, nearly, almost もうすぐ mousugu
be/am/are/is unintentionally finishing, be/am/are/is unintentionally ending, be/am/are/is unintentionally closing 終わっちゃう おわっちゃう owacchau
to think, to consider, to believe, to reckon 思う おもう omou
lonely, lonesome, solitary, desolate 寂しい さびしい sabishii
at last, at length やっと やっと yatto
foolish, idiotic, stupid, ridiculous, absurd バカみたい バカみたい bakamitai
no, nay いいえ iie
not at all (with neg. verb) 全然 ぜんぜん zenzen
surely, undoubtedly, almost certainly, most likely (e.g. 90 percent) きっと kitto
if were to be born|would be born 産まれたら うまれたら umaretara
if you like よかったら yokattara
strange, odd, peculiar, weird, curious, queer, eccentric, funny, suspicious, fishy へん hen
testicles たまたま たまたま tamatama
guest, visitor お客様 おきゃくさま okyakusama
number one, first, first place 1番 いちばん ichiban
flower, blossom, bloom, petal はな hana
what なん nan
lilac (Syringa vulgaris) ライラック ライラック rairakku
after all 所詮 しょせん shosen
status ステータス ステータス suteetasu
man, male おとこ otoko
to choose, to select 選ぶ えらぶ erabu
bad, poor, inferior 不良 ふりょう furyou
living, being alive イキ イキ iki
can be ...-ing, can have been ...-ing てられんの terarenno
middle-school student 中坊 ちゅうぼう chuubou
senior high school, high school 高校 こうこう koukou
bright, intelligent 頭がいい あたまがいい atamagaii
be popular (esp. with the opposite sex)|am popular|are popular|is popular, be well liked|am well liked|are well liked|is well liked, be pampered (spoiled, doted upon, etc.)|am pampered|are pampered|is pampered, be welcomed|am welcomed|are welcomed|is welcomed モテる moteru
market price 相場 そうば souba
being decided, being settled, looking good in (clothes)|looking good in 決まって きまって kimatte
the expectation is that ..., the reason is that ..., the fact is that ..., it is that ... んだ んだ nda
indicates emotion or admiration wa
cheap, inexpensive 安い やすい yasui
workmanship, craftsmanship, execution, finish でき deki
word used at sentence-end (like a particle) to indicate speculation, volition or invitation be
quickly, at once, right away, hurriedly とっとと とっとと tottoto
body からだ karada
chicken チキン チキン chikin
so-so, passable まあまあ まあまあ maamaa
just (e.g. "just wait here"), come now, now, now まあ まあ maa
even though things may appear this way これでも これでも koredemo
seing|seeing, looking, watching, viewing, observing, looking over, looking on, assessing, examining, judging, looking after, keeping an eye on, taking care of, viewing (e.g. flowers, movie)|viewing 見て みて mite
lively, full of spirit, energetic, vigorous, vital, spirited 元気 げんき genki
selection セレクション セレクション serekushon
gold (first-place) prize 金賞 きんしょう kinshou
winning (a prize) 受賞 じゅしょう jushou
welcome (in shops, etc.) いらっしゃいませ いらっしゃいませ irasshaimase
counter for nights of a stay はく haku
resemble, look like, take after, be similar (in status, condition, etc.)|be similar, be close, be alike, be like, boil, simmer, stew, seethe になさい ninasai
to see, to look, to watch, to view, to observe 見る みる miru
love, affection, care あい ai
country, state くに kuni
cute, adorable, charming, lovely, pretty 可愛い かわいい kawaii
-years-old さい sai
child ko
to slash though something, to tear (off)|to tear ぶっちぎり bucchigiri
niece 姪っ子 めいっこ meikko
I wonder かなー かなー kana
yikes!, eek!, ouch!, blech キャー キャー kyaa
to say, to utter, to declare ゆう yuu
can be joining, can be being put together, can be combining, can be uniting, can be fitting, can be closing (e.g. of a wound) 合わされて あわされて awasarete
very, greatly, terribly, awfully 大変 たいへん taihen
Words Vocabulary -6
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
recently, lately, these days, nowadays, right now 最近 さいきん saikin
picture book 絵本 えほん ehon
to be due to, to be caused by, to depend on, to turn on, to be based on, to come from, to be based at (a location, an organization)|to be based at, to be headquartered at, to approach, to draw near, to come near, to be close to, to gather (in one place)|to gather, to come together, to meet, to stop by (while on one's way to another place)|to stop by, to drop by, to make a short visit, to grow old, to grow high (number, etc.)|to grow high, to grow (wrinkly)|to grow, to lean against, to recline on, to be swayed by (a person)|to be swayed by, to yield to, to choose, to select, to lean on, to rest against より yori
manicure マニキュア マニキュア manikyua
forelock, bangs 前髪 まえがみ maegami
slightly heavy, a little heavy 重め おもめ omome
youth, young man 男子 だんし danshi
absorbed in, immersed in, crazy about, obsessed with, devoted to 夢中 むちゅう muchuu
cabbage (Brassica oleracea) キャベツ キャベツ kyabetsu
guy, fellow, chap, buddy 野郎 やろう yarou
the surface reason がいいん gaiin
older brother お兄ちゃん おにいちゃん oniichan
as ever, as usual, the same, still 相変わらず あいかわらず aikawarazu
um, er, well うーん うーん un
what なあに なあに naani
to go, to move (in a direction or towards a specific location), to head (towards), to be transported (towards), to reach 行く いく iku
want to ... do something, would like to ... たい たい tai
bed, bedding とこ toko
if it's the case だったら だったら dattara
to pass, to elapse, to go by, to pass through, to go through, to experience, to undergo he
anywhere どこでも dokodemo
shop assistant, employee, clerk, salesperson 店員 てんいん tenin
centimeter, centimetre センチ センチ senchi
ant あり ari
to do alongside, to hesitate to do something (out of consideration for others)|to hesitate to do something, to think of the future (as well as the present)|to think of the future かね kane
if you please, if you don't mind, when you're ready, if you want, if that's alright with you よろしければ yoroshikereba
trial, test 試し ためし tameshi
present, gift 贈り物 おくりもの okurimono
been (of animate objects), existed, stayed, been ...-ing, had been ...-ing, shot (arrow, bolt, dart), calmed down, cast, minted, coined いた ita
hey!, oi!, ahoy! おーい おーい oi
shape, form, figure, posture, pose 格好 かっこう kakkou
particle indicating that the speaker is trying to recall some information っけ っけ kke
hair (on the head) かみ kami
stretched, extended, lengthened, grown (of hair, height, grass, etc.), straightened out, been flattened, become smooth, spread (of paint, cream, etc.), stretched out (e.g. of a hand), lost elasticity, become slack, become soggy (e.g. noodles), made progress, developed, expanded, increased, improved, been exhausted, been groggy, passed out, collapsed 伸びた のびた nobita
this area, around here この辺 このへん konohen
if were to cut|would cut, if were to cut through|would cut through, if were to perform (surgery)|would perform, if were to sever (connections, ties)|would sever, if were to turn off (e.g. the light)|would turn off, if were to terminate (e.g. a conversation)|would terminate, if were to hang up (the phone)|would hang up, if were to disconnect|would disconnect, if were to punch (a ticket)|would punch, if were to tear off (a stub)|would tear off, if were to open (something sealed)|would open, if were to start|would start, if were to set (a limit)|would set, if were to issue (stamps, vouchers, etc.)|would issue, if were to reduce|would reduce, if were to decrease|would decrease, if were to discount|would discount, if were to shake off (water, etc.)|would shake off, if were to let drip-dry|would let drip-dry, if were to let drain|would let drain, if were to cross|would cross, if were to traverse|would traverse, if were to criticize sharply|would criticize sharply, if were to act decisively|would act decisively, if were to do (something noticeable)|would do, if were to go first|would go first, if were to make (certain facial expressions, in kabuki)|would make, if were to turn (vehicle, steering wheel, etc.)|would turn, if were to curl (a ball)|would curl, if were to bend|would bend, if were to shuffle (cards)|would shuffle, if were to discard a tile|would discard a tile, if were to dismiss|would dismiss, if were to sack|would sack, if were to let go|would let go, if were to expulse|would expulse, if were to excommunicate|would excommunicate, if were to dig (a groove)|would dig, if were to cut (a stencil, on a mimeograph)|would cut, if were to trump|would trump, if were to cut (the connection between two groups) (in go)|would cut, if were to start a fire (with wood-wood friction or by striking a metal against stone)|would start a fire, if were to finish|would finish, if were to complete|would complete, if were to chop|would chop 切ったら きったら kittara
face, visage かお kao
be/am/are/is showwing, be/am/are/is displaying 見せてる みせてる miseteru
had better 方がいい ほうがいい hougaii
be/am/are/is memorizing, be/am/are/is memorising, be/am/are/is commiting to memory, be/am/are/is learning by heart, be/am/are/is bearing in mind, be/am/are/is rememberring, be/am/are/is learning, be/am/are/is picking up, be/am/are/is acquiring, be/am/are/is feeling, be/am/are/is thinking, be/am/are/is regarding 覚えてる おぼえてる oboeteru
favorite, favourite, pet (e.g. teacher's pet) お気に入り おきにいり okiniiri
shirt (underwear), undershirt, singlet シャツ シャツ shatsu
blue, azure 青い あおい aoi
border (pattern), stripes ボーダー ボーダー boodaa
to be stormy, to be rough, to be ruined, to fall into ruin, to lose one's temper あれ are
very, considerably, easily, readily, fairly, quite, highly, rather なかなか nakanaka
to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing)|to go out, to leave, to depart, to start, to set out, to be about to leave, to be just going out 出かけ でかけ dekake
to get dark, to grow dark, to end (of a day, year, season, etc.)|to end, to come to an end, to close, to be sunk in (e.g. despair)|to be sunk in, to be lost in (e.g. thought)|to be lost in, to be overcome with くれ kure
washing, laundry 洗濯 せんたく sentaku
huh?, what's up? えっ えっ etsu
evidence, proof 証拠 しょうこ shouko
after all, because だって だって datte
be/am/are/is remaining, be/am/are/is being left 残ってる のこってる nokotteru
video ビデオ ビデオ bideo
so, really, seeming そう そう sou
two persons, two people, pair, couple 2人 ににん ninin
expression of gratitude before meals いただきます itadakimasu
number one, first, first place 一番 いちばん ichiban
delicious, tasty, sweet おいしい oishii
to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing), to leave, to depart, to start, to set out 出かける でかける dekakeru
at times, occasionally 時には ときには tokiniha
return|return|returns, come home|come home|comes home, go home|go home|gos home, go back|go back|gos back, leave|leave|leaves, get home|get home|gets home, get to home plate|get to home plate|gets to home plate 帰る かえる kaeru
Words Vocabulary -7
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
by no means, never!, well, I never!, you don't say!, certainly (not) まさか masaka
indicates emotion, admiration, emphasis, etc. たの たの tano
belly, abdomen, stomach お腹 おなか onaka
impossible, unlikely, improbable ありえない arienai
not be aware of|am not aware of|are not aware of|is not aware of, not know|do not know|does not know, not be conscious of|am not conscious of|are not conscious of|is not conscious of, not cognize|do not cognize|does not cognize, not cognise|do not cognise|does not cognise, not notice|do not notice|does not notice, not feel|do not feel|does not feel, not understand|do not understand|does not understand, not comprehend|do not comprehend|does not comprehend, not grasp|do not grasp|does not grasp, not remember|do not remember|does not remember, not be acquainted with (a procedure)|am not acquainted with|are not acquainted with|is not acquainted with, not experience|do not experience|does not experience, not go through|do not go through|does not go through, not learn|do not learn|does not learn, not be acquainted with (a person)|am not acquainted with|are not acquainted with|is not acquainted with, not get to know|do not get to know|does not get to know, not concern|do not concern|does not concern 知らない しらない shiranai
can be throwwing away, can be casting away, can be dumping, can be discarding, can be abandonning, can be deserting, can be leaving, can be giving up, can be resigning 捨てられて すてられて suterarete
understanding, comprehending, grasping, seing|seeing, getting, following, becoming clear, being known, being discovered, being realized, being realised, being found out 分かって わかって wakatte
camera shutter シャッター シャッター shatta
number, series of digits 番号 ばんごう bangou
privacy プライバシー プライバシー puraibashii
infringement, violation, invasion, encroachment, trespass 侵害 しんがい shingai
birthday 誕生日 たんじょうび tanjoubi
deep 深い ふかい fukai
even if, even though ても ても temo
not leak out (a secret)|do not leak out|does not leak out, not be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc.) (behavior)|am not exposed|are not exposed|is not exposed, not get away (fish)|do not get away|does not get away バレない barenai
only, just, merely, simply, no more than, nothing but, alone だけ dake
oh, yes?, really? へぇー へぇー he'e
skillful, skilful, clever, expert, wise, successful うまい umai
food 食べ物 たべもの tabemono
too, also, likewise, either やっぱり yappari
finished doing, did completely ちゃった ちゃった chatta
to be aware of, to know, to be conscious of, to cognize, to cognise, to notice, to feel, to understand, to comprehend, to grasp, to remember, to be acquainted with (a procedure)|to be acquainted with, to experience, to go through, to learn, to be acquainted with (a person)|to be acquainted with, to get to know, to concern 知り しり shiri
means, is, as for ってのは ってのは ttenoha
you, buddy, pal きみ kimi
seems, I think, I guess, I wonder, I hope だろ だろ daro
then, well, so, well then じゃあ じゃあ jaa
Naporitan (fre: napolitain), Napolitan, Japanese spaghetti dish made with ketchup ナポリタン ナポリタン naporitan
is that so? (generally rhetorical) そっか そっか sokka
good-bye, see you later またね またね matane
confession, acknowledgement, acknowledgment 告白 こくはく kokuhaku
fool, idiot バカ バカ baka
context 文脈 ぶんみゃく bunmyaku
understand|understand|understands, comprehend|comprehend|comprehends, grasp|grasp|grasps, see|see|sees, get|get|gets, follow|follow|follows, become clear|become clear|becomes clear, be known|am known|are known|is known, be discovered|am discovered|are discovered|is discovered, be realized|am realized|are realized|is realized, be realised|am realised|are realised|is realised, be found out|am found out|are found out|is found out 分かります わかります wakarimasu
department (in an organization), division, bureau bu
to go around, to look after (often medically)|to look after, to take care of, to look after, to keep an eye on, to view (e.g. flowers, movie)|to view, to look, to see, to watch, to view, to observe, to look over, to look on, to assess, to examine, to judge mi
to give, to let one have, to do for one ku
oyster, oyster shell かき kaki
buying, shopping 買い かい kai
as (i.e. in the role of), for (i.e. from the viewpoint of) として として toshite
fruit store, fruit dealer, fruit seller, fruiterer, fruiteress 果物屋 くだものや kudamonoya
oh, ah, I'll be darned, expression of surprise ありゃ ありゃ arya
oyster, oyster shell 牡蠣 かき kaki
kaki, Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki) かき kaki
Words Vocabulary -8
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
being aware of is wanted, knowwing is wanted, being conscious of is wanted, cognizing is wanted, cognising is wanted, noticing is wanted, feeling is wanted, understanding is wanted, comprehending is wanted, grasping is wanted, rememberring is wanted, being acquainted with (a procedure) is wanted, experiencing is wanted, going through is wanted, learning is wanted, being acquainted with (a person) is wanted, getting to know is wanted, concerning is wanted 知りたい しりたい shiritai
you おめえ omee
question, inquiry, enquiry 質問 しつもん shitsumon
loss, damage, harm, unprofitable そん son
approximately, about, around, or so くらい くらい kurai
junior high school graduate, middle school graduate 中卒 ちゅうそつ chuusotsu
slow, time-consuming, sluggish 遅い おそい osoi
five go
no!, don't!, tsk!, used to scold small children and pets me
repetition mark in katakana 'a
end-of-year 年末 ねんまつ nenmatsu
starfish, sea star, asteroid, any echinoderm of the class Asteroidea 人手 ひとで hitode
not be sufficient|am not sufficient|are not sufficient|is not sufficient, not be enough|am not enough|are not enough|is not enough, not be worth doing|am not worth doing|are not worth doing|is not worth doing, not be worthy of|am not worthy of|are not worthy of|is not worthy of, not deserve|do not deserve|does not deserve, not do (the job)|do not do|does not do, not serve|do not serve|does not serve, not answer|do not answer|does not answer 足んない たんない tannai
indicates reason or excuse もん もん mon
deer ディア ディア dia
congratulations!, an auspicious occasion! おめでとう omedetou
anyhow, in any case, at any rate, after all, at all, no matter what どうせ どうせ douse
factory, plant, mill, workshop 工場 こうじょう koujou
so much (something) as to (e.g. so moved as to cry), overwhelmed, carried away, because of too much の余り のあまり noamari
discourtesy, impoliteness 失礼 しつれい shitsurei
first-class ファーストクラス ファーストクラス faasutokurasu
the expectation is that ..., the reason is that ..., the fact is that ..., it is that ... のだ のだ noda
eaten, lived on (e.g. a salary), lived off, subsisted on 食べた たべた tabeta
perhaps, probably 多分 たぶん tabun
sweet-tasting, sweet, sugary, sugared 甘い あまい amai
ha ha ha, hee hee hee フフフ フフフ fufufu
DJ, disc jockey dj ディージェー diije
come, come now, come along, go on, hurry up さあ さあ saa
next, following, subsequent つぎ tsugi
composition, piece of music, song, track (on a record) きょく kyoku
some, few, a number of, a little (bit) 若干 じゃっかん jakkan
15 15 15 15
only, just because にして にして nishite
debut (fre:) デビュー デビュー debyuu
big, large おお oo
notice, attention, observation 注目 ちゅうもく chuumoku
singer-songwriter シンガーソングライター シンガーソングライター shingaasonguraitaa
not a chance, not likely, no way, no やだ やだ yada
considerable, great, important, significant, a big deal 大した たいした taishita
automatic オートマチック オートマチック ootomachikku
automatic action, automation operation, self-motion 自動 じどう jidou
speaking of いえば ieba
vending machine 自販機 じはんき jihanki
price advance, increase in value 値上がり ねあがり neagari
how much いくら いくら ikura
consumption tax (incl. sales tax, VAT, excise duty, etc.) 消費税 しょうひぜい shouhizei
par パー パー paa
even so, all the same, nevertheless, yes, but ... だからって だからって dakaratte
100 100 100 100
yen, Japanese monetary unit えん en
coffee コーヒー コーヒー koohii
abruptly, suddenly, all of a sudden, without warning いきなり ikinari
120 120 120 120
Don (Spanish honorific) (spa:) ドン ドン don
whirling, revolving, spinning, going round and round クルクル クルクル kurukuru
to turn, to revolve 回る まわる mawaru
loan, lending 貸し かし kashi
hand, arm te
generations, ages, years いくよ ikuyo
round and round, in circles グルグル グルグル guruguru
together (with), at the same time, in a lump 一緒に いっしょに isshoni
to freeze, to be frozen over, to congeal いて ite
facing, opposite, across the street, other side 向い むかい mukai
big, large, great 大きい おおきい ookii
big, large, great 大きな おおきな ookina
indicates reason or excuse もの もの mono
to overdo, to go too far, to go to excess やりすぎ yarisugi
what? (emphatic) なんじゃ nanja
national highway 国道 こくどう kokudou
direction, district, area 方面 ほうめん houmen
television, TV tv ティー・ブイ tii·bui
tower, steeple, spire とう tou
number, edition, make, model, issue, part of that group ごう gou
north side, north bank 北側 きたがわ kitagawa
seen, looked, watched, viewed, observed, looked over, looked on, assessed, examined, judged, looked after, kept an eye on, taken care of, viewed (e.g. flowers, movie) 見た みた mita
U-turn uターン ユーターン yuutaan
Words Vocabulary -9
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
highway (esp. one existing from the Edo period), main road 街道 かいどう kaidou
closure (of a road), suspension of traffic 通行止め つうこうどめ tsuukoudome
why?, what for? なんで nande
east ひがし higashi
connoisseur, authority つう tsuu
proceeding south 南進 なんしん nanshin
north きた kita
passage, paragraph くだり kudari
business district, office complex オフィス街 オフィスがい ofisugai
yes, indeed, well はあ はあ haa
perception, intuition, the sixth sense かん kan
arbitrarily, of its own accord, voluntarily, wilfully, willfully, as one pleases 勝手に かってに katteni
friend, companion 友達 ともだち tomodachi
Instagram インスタグラム インスタグラム insutaguramu
saw, looked, watched, viewed, observed, looked over, looked on, assessed, examined, judged, looked after, kept an eye on, took care of, viewed (e.g. flowers, movie)|viewed 見ました みました mimashita
opposite side, other side, opposite direction 向こう むこう mukou
that's good, that's nice いいね いいね iine
to come (spatially or temporally), to approach, to arrive くる くる kuru
follower フォロワー フォロワー forowaa
individually, separately ここに kokoni
if come 来れば くれば kureba
lovely, wonderful, nice, great, fantastic, superb, cool すてき suteki
not forget|do not forget|does not forget, not leave carelessly|do not leave carelessly|does not leave carelessly, not be forgetful of|am not forgetful of|are not forgetful of|is not forgetful of, not forget about|do not forget about|does not forget about, not forget (an article)|do not forget|does not forget 忘れない わすれない wasurenai
jettisoned cargo うちに uchini
indicates supposition, if ... then, when, after たら たら tara
Happy Birthday お誕生日おめでとう おたんじょうびおめでとう otanjoubiomedetou
Thank you ありがと ありがと arigato
to hear 聴く きく kiku
clean きれい きれい kirei
that girl, that kid あの子 あのこ anoko
image, impression, mental image, picture, view イメージ イメージ imeeji
made, produced, manufactured, built, constructed, prepared (food), brewed (alcohol), raised, grown, cultivated, trained, tilled, drawn up (a document), made out, prepared, written, created (an artistic work, etc.), composed, coined (a phrase), organized, organised, established, founded, had (a child), made up (one's face, etc.), fabricated (an excuse, etc.), given a (false) appearance, feigned (a smile, etc.), formed (a line, etc.), set (a record), commited (a sin, etc.), created 作った つくった tsukutta
terrible, dreadful すごい sugoi
this much, this amount このくらい konokurai
anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, whoever 誰でも だれでも daredemo
can make, can produce, can manufacture, can build, can construct, can prepare (food), can brew (alcohol), can raise, can grow, can cultivate, can train, can till, can draw up (a document), can make out, can prepare, can write, can create (an artistic work, etc.), can compose, can coin (a phrase), can organize, can organise, can establish, can found, can have (a child), can make up (one's face, etc.), can fabricate (an excuse, etc.), can give a (false) appearance, can feign (a smile, etc.), can form (a line, etc.), can set (a record), can commit (a sin, etc.), can create 作れる つくれる tsukureru
can not make, can not produce, can not manufacture, can not build, can not construct, can not prepare (food), can not brew (alcohol), can not raise, can not grow, can not cultivate, can not train, can not till, can not draw up (a document), can not make out, can not prepare, can not write, can not create (an artistic work, etc.), can not compose, can not coin (a phrase), can not organize, can not organise, can not establish, can not found, can not have (a child), can not make up (one's face, etc.), can not fabricate (an excuse, etc.), can not give a (false) appearance, can not feign (a smile, etc.), can not form (a line, etc.), can not set (a record), can not commit (a sin, etc.), can not create 作れない つくれない tsukurenai
sea シー シー shii
genius, prodigy, natural gift 天才 てんさい tensai
isn't it じゃん じゃん jan
mama, mamma, mom, mommy, mum, mummy, mother ママ ママ mama
this year 今年 ことし kotoshi
rank, place (e.g. first place) i
laughter 笑い声 わらいごえ waraigoe
request リクエスト リクエスト rikuesuto
you (plural), all of you, you all 君たち きみたち kimitachi
lottery, raffle, drawing (of lots) 抽選 ちゅうせん chuusen
program (e.g. TV), programme 番組 ばんぐみ bangumi
special make, deluxe 特製 とくせい tokusei
sticker ステッカー ステッカー sutekka
present, gift プレゼント プレゼント purezento
yesterday 昨日 きのう kinou
started, begun, commenced, initiated, originated, started up (a business, society, etc.), opened (e.g. a store), established 始めた はじめた hajimeta
planning, project, plan, design 企画 きかく kikaku
big hit, big prize, bumper crop, striking it rich, right on the mark, bonanza, bull's eye, bullseye 大当たり おおあたり ooatari
stopping|stoping, staying (e.g. the night)|staying, ceasing, putting an end to, containing, keeping (in position, in place)|keeping, limiting, recording (e.g. a fact)|recording, retaining 停めて とどめて todomete
dropping, unloading, removing 降ろし おろし oroshi
be ...-ing|am ...-ing|are ...-ing|is ...-ing, have been ...-ing|have been ...-ing|has been ...-ing てんの tenno
no good, not serving its purpose, useless, broken ダメ ダメ dame
what's the matter?, what's wrong? どうしたの どうしたの doushitano
common cold, cold, influenza, flu, ague 風邪 かぜ kaze
one ひい hii
to do completely ちゃう ちゃう chau
prawn, shrimp, lobster, crayfish エビ エビ ebi
for the first time 初めて はじめて hajimete
Words Vocabulary -10
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
come|come|comes, come|approach|approachs, come|arrive|arrives, come|come from|comes from, come|am caused by|are caused by|is caused by, come|derive from|derives from, come|come to|comes to, come|come back|comes back, come|come to be|comes to be, come|become|becomes, come|get|gets, come|grow|grows, come|continue|continues くんの くんの kunno
loveable, very likeable, like very much 大好き だいすき daisuki
bullshit, shit, damn クソ クソ kuso
Buddhist priest, bonze 坊主 ぼうず bouzu
to smoke, to breathe in, to inhale 吸う すう suu
if, in case, if it is the case that, if it is true that なら なら nara
then それから それから sorekara
you あんた anta
so many (few), so much (little) これだけ koredake
to promise 約束する やくそくする yakusoku suru
date, dating 日付 ひづけ hidzuke
change|change|changes, be transformed|am transformed|are transformed|is transformed, be altered|am altered|are altered|is altered, vary|vary|varys, move to|move to|moves to, be different|am different|are different|is different, be uncommon|am uncommon|are uncommon|is uncommon, be unusual|am unusual|are unusual|is unusual 変わる かわる kawaru
being, existing, living, having, being located, being equipped with, happening, coming about あって atte
always, without exception, necessarily, certainly, without fail, positively, invariably 必ず かならず kanarazu
to send (someone) back, to send (someone) home 帰す かえす kaesu
conception, pregnancy 妊娠 にんしん ninshin
so, really, seeming se
to kill 殺す ころす korosu
ha ha ha, hee hee hee フフ フフ fufu
door (Western-style) ドア ドア doa
be shut|am shut|are shut|is shut, close|close|closes, be closed|am closed|are closed|is closed, be locked|am locked|are locked|is locked, tighten|tighten|tightens, be tightened|am tightened|are tightened|is tightened, become sober|become sober|becomes sober, become tense|become tense|becomes tense 閉まる しまる shimaru
stop|stop|stops, halt|halt|halts, stand still|stand still|stands still 立ち止まる たちどまる tachidomaru
movement, move, motion 動き うごき ugoki
forgetting is not wanted, leaving carelessly is not wanted, being forgetful of is not wanted, forgetting about is not wanted, forgetting (an article) is not wanted 忘れたくない わすれたくない wasuretakunai
only, merely, nothing but, no more than ばかり bakari
succeed|succeed|succeeds, relieve|relieve|relieves, replace|replace|replaces, take the place of|take the place of|takes the place of, substitute for|substitute for|substitutes for, take over for|take over for|takes over for, represent|represent|represents, hand over (telephone)|hand over|hands over, be exchanged|am exchanged|are exchanged|is exchanged, change (places with)|change|changes, switch|switch|switchs 代わります かわります kawarimasu
well, properly, suitably よろしく yoroshiku
always いつも いつも itsumo
place, location, spot, position 場所 ばしょ basho
island in a pond or river 中島 なかじま nakajima
island in a pond or river なかじま nakajima
park 公園 こうえん kouen
to be (of animate objects)|to be, to exist, to stay, to be ...-ing, to have been ...-ing, to shoot (arrow, bolt, dart)|to shoot, to calm down, to cast, to mint, to coin i
not be (of animate objects)|am not|are not|is not, not exist|do not exist|does not exist, not stay|do not stay|does not stay, not be ...-ing|am not ...-ing|are not ...-ing|is not ...-ing, not have been ...-ing|do not have been ...-ing|does not have been ...-ing, not shoot (arrow, bolt, dart)|do not shoot|does not shoot, not calm down|do not calm down|does not calm down, not cast|do not cast|does not cast, not mint|do not mint|does not mint, not coin|do not coin|does not coin in いん
toe too トー
bending, curving, warping, winding, twisting, turning, being awry, being askew, being crooked 曲がって まがって magatte
taxi タクシー タクシー takushii
later on, shortly, presently, afterwards, in due course, by and by 追って おって otte
if, when to
guest, visitor お客さん おきゃくさん okyakusan
sudden, abrupt, unexpected きゅう kyuu
still more, to say nothing of, not to mention まして mashite
Zhou (dynasty of China), Chou しゅう shuu
turn|turn|turns, revolve|revolve|revolves, visit several places|visit several places|visits several places, function well|function well|functions well, pass a certain time|pass a certain time|passs a certain time 回ります まわります mawarimasu
incident, affair, happening, event 出来事 できごと dekigoto
indicates possessive no
excuse me! (when calling out to someone) もし もし moshi
important, necessary, indispensable 大切 たいせつ taisetsu
if were to be shut|would be shut, if were to close|would close, if were to be closed|would be closed, if were to be firm (of a body, face, etc.)|would be firm, if were to be well-knit|would be well-knit, if were to be locked|would be locked, if were to tighten|would tighten, if were to be tightened|would be tightened, if were to become sober|would become sober, if were to become tense|would become tense しまったら shimattara
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