Maggie Sensei - Sentences Vocabulary

Sentences and vocabulary from Maggie Sensei's blog. See:
Sentences vocabulary.
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How to use ( ~shite) Ageru+Kureru+Morau
English Japanese Japanese-Romaji
“Hey, can you make me breakfast?” 「ねえ、朝ご飯作ってくれる?」 Nee asagohan tsukutte kureru?
“I made it for you yesterday, so it’s your turn today!” 「昨日作ってあげたから今日はマギーの番だよ!」 Kinou tsukutte ageta kara kyou wa Maggie no ban da yo!)
“Then can you bring me water?” 「じゃあお水持って来てくれる?」 Jaa omizu motte kite kureru?
“Have someone bring it to you!” 「誰かに持ってきてもらえば!」 Dare ka ni motte kite moraeba!
“I won’t do anything for you anymore!” 「もうあんたには何もしてあげない!」 Mou anta ni wa nanimo shite agenai!
“Ha! You have never done anything for me anyway!” 「フン!何もしてくれたことないくせに!」 Hun! Nanimo shite kureta koto nai kuse ni!
Someone gives you something (from the receiver’s point of view) (〜を)くれる (objects~wo) kureru
to give someone something (from the speaker’s point of view) (〜を)あげる (objects~wo) ageru
to receive something from someone (from the receiver’s point of view) ( 〜を) もらう (objects~wo) morau
Maggie gave me sweets. マギーが(私に)お菓子をくれた。 Maggie ga (watashi ni) okashi wo kureta.
Yamada-san gave my son sweets. 山田さんが息子にお菓子をくれた。 Yamada san ga musuko ni okashi wo kureta.
Can you give the sweets to my son? (1 = polite) そのお菓子を息子にくれますか? Sono okashi wo musuko ni kuremasu ka?
Can you give the sweets to my son? (2 - polite) そのお菓子を息子にもらえますか? Sono okashi wo musuko ni moraemasu ka?
Maggie, who gave you the sweets? マギー、そのお菓子(は)、誰がくれたの? Maggie, sono okashi (wa) dare ga kureta no?
Who did you get those sweets from? 誰からそのお菓子(を)もらったの? Dare kara sono okashi wo moratta no?
I gave Maggie sweets. 私は、マギーにお菓子をあげた。 Watashi wa Maggie ni o kashi wo ageta.
Yamada-san gave Kato-san sweets. 山田さんが加藤さんにお菓子をあげた。 Yamada san ga katou san ni okashi wo ageta.
I received sweets from Maggie. 私はマギーにお菓子をもらった。 Watashi wa Maggie ni o kashi wo moratta.
“Who did you receive these flowers from?” 「この花は誰からもらったの?」 Kono hana wa dare kara moratta no?
”I got (received) them from my boyfriend.” (polite) 「彼からもらいました。」 Kare kara moraimashita.
A person who wants the application form, please receive it at the office. 「申し込み用紙が欲しい人は事務所でもらって下さい。」 Moushikomi youshi ga hoshii hito wa jimusho de moratte kudasai.
someone does a favor for you (the receiver’s point of view) ~ (し)てくれる ~(shi)te kureru
to do something (nice) for someone else, to do someone a favor (the speaker’s point of view) ~(し)てあげる ~(shi)te ageru
to have someone to do a favor for you. ~(し)てもらう ~(shi)te morau
Mr. Suzuki treated me. 鈴木さんが私をおごった。 Suzuki san ga watashi wo ogotta.
I was treated by Mr.Suzuki 私は鈴木さんにおごられた。 Watashi wa Suzuki san ni ogorareta.
Mr.Suzuki treated me. (casual) 鈴木さんがおごってくれた。 Suzuki san ga ogotte kureta.
Mr.Suzuki treated me. (polite) 鈴木さんが御馳走してくれた。 Suzuki san ga gochisou shite kureta.
I was treated by Mr.Suzuki (= Mr.Suzuki treated me. (from my, the receiver’s, point of view)) (私は)鈴木さんにおごってもらった。 (Watashi wa) Suzuki san ni ogotte moratta.)
I was treated. (polite) 御馳走してもらった。 gochisou shite moratta.
I treated Maggie! マギーにおごってあげた。 Maggie ni ogotte ageta.
someone does a favor for you, ~ (し)てくれる ~ (shi)te kureru
“Can you write your name here?” ここに名前を書いてくれる? Koko ni namae wo kaite kureru?
Can you cook (for me)? 料理(を)つくってくれる? Ryouri (o) tsukutte kureru?
“Can you come tomorrow (for me)?” (polite) 明日来てくれますか? Ashita(or asu) kite kuremasu ka?
Can you wake me up in the morning at 6? 朝6時に起こしてくれる? Asa roku ji ni okoshite kureru?
“My mother made lunch for me.” 母がお弁当を作ってくれた。 Haha ga obentou wo tsukutte kureta.
“Miss Maggie taught me Japanese.” (polite) マギー先生が日本語を教えてくれました。 Maggie sensei ga nihongo wo oshiete kuremashita.
“I will write my name here (for you)!” ここに名前を書いてあげる Koko ni namae wo kaite ageru.
“I will cook for you!” (polite) 料理を作ってあげます Ryouri wo tsukutte agemasu
“I will come here tomorrow.” (for you!) 明日、来てあげる Ashita kite ageru
“I will (do you a favor and) wake you up tomorrow morning at 6. 朝6時に起こしてあげる Asa roku ji ni okoshite ageru.
I will (do him a favor and) make lunch for my son. (for his favor) 息子にお弁当を作ってあげる Musuko ni o bentou wo tsukutte ageru.
I will (do you a favor) and teach you Japanese. 日本語を教えてあげる Nihongo wo oshiete ageru.
to have someone write their name (for me). ここに名前を書いてもらう Koko ni namae wo kaite morau.
to have someone cook for me 料理を作ってもらう Ryouri wo tsukutte morau.
to have someone to come here tomorrow 明日、来てもらう Ashita (asu) kite morau.
to have someone to wake me up at 6:00 in the morning 朝6時に起こしてもらう Asa rokuji ni okoshite morau.
to have mother to make lunch for me. 母にお弁当を作ってもらう Haha ni o bentou wo tsukutte morau.
to have Miss Maggie to teach Japanese for me マギー先生に日本語を教えてもらう Maggie sensei ni nihongo wo oshiete morau.
Do you want me to do the laundry for you tomorrow? 明日、洗濯をしてあげようか? Ashita sentaku wo shite ageyou ka?
Will you do the laundry for me? 洗濯をしてくれるの? Sentaku wo shite kureru no?
I always have my mom do the laundry. いつも母に洗濯をしてもらっている。 Itsumo haha ni sentaku wo shite moratte iru.
to go shopping for you 買い物に行ってあげる。 kaimono ni itte ageru
I will go to town so I will do the shopping for you. 街に行くから買い物に行ってあげるよ。 Machi ni iku kara kaimono ni itte ageru yo
Someone goes shopping for me 買い物に行ってくれる。 Kai mono ni itte kureru
“Can you go shopping while you are out?” ついでに買い物に行ってくれる? Tsuide ni kai mono ni itte kureru?
to have someone go shopping for me 買い物に行ってもらう。 kai mono ni itte morau
I have Tanaka-san go mid-year gift shopping for me. (Tanaka san goes shopping for me.) 田中さんにお中元の買い物をしてもらう。 Tanaka -san ni o chuugen no kaimono wo shite morau.
“Nobody needs this? Then I will take it (for you)!” これ、誰もいらないの?ならもらってあげるよ。 Kore daremo iranai no? Nara moratte ageru yo.
“These clothes are too big for me. (So) Does anybody want to do me a favor and take this (for me)?” この服、大きいから誰かもらってくれる? Kono fuku ookii kara dareka moratte kureru?
If nobody wants this, I will have him take it. 誰もいらないのなら彼にもらってもらいます。 Dare mo iranai no nara kare ni moratte moraimasu.
“Your room is getting messier. Do you want me to clean it up for you? あなたの部屋、汚いから掃除をしてあげようか? Anata no heya kitanai kara souji wo shite ageyou ka?
“You are lucky to have someone who cleans up for you.” 掃除をしてくれる人がいていいね。 Souji wo shite kureru hito ga ite ii ne.
Since the room is getting dirty, let’s get him to clean it up. 部屋が汚くなってきたから彼に掃除をしてもらおう。 Hewa ga kitanaku natte kita kara kare ni souji wo shite moraou.
“I made it for you yesterday, so it’s your turn today!” 「昨日作ってあげたから今日はマギーの番だよ!」 Kinou tsukutte ageta kara kyou wa Maggie no ban da yo!
Is this my turn? 今度、私の番? Kondo watashi no ban?
“Ha! You have never done anything for me anyway!” 「フン!何もしてくれたことないくせに!」 Hun! Nanimo shite kureta koto nai kuse ni!
He can’t do anything, but he always complains. 彼は何もできないくせに文句ばかり言う。 Kare wa nanimo dekinai kuse ni monku bakari iu
I will give you a good score if you give me something for “White Day”! (polite) ホワイトデーに何かくれた人にはいい成績をあげます。 Howaito dei ni nanika kureta hito ni wa ii seiseki wo agemasu.
What? You didn’t get anything from me for Valentine’s Day? えっ?バレンタインに何ももらっていないって? Eh? Barentain ni nani mo moratte inai tte?
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