Studying Abroad - Sentences Vocabulary-1-5-3

Sentences vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
Probably this type of people are already interested in you guys たぶんそういう人たちはやっぱり皆さんに興味を持っていて tabun sou iu hito tachi wa yappari mina san ni kyoumi wo motte ite
and they have the feeling of wanting to understand また理解しようとする気持ちも持っているはずなので mata rikai shiyou to suru kimochi mo motte iru hazu na no de
and then you can become close very quickly すぐ仲良くなれるんじゃないかと思います sugu nakayoku nareru n janai ka to omoimasu
There are definitely Japanese people interested in overseas so you don't have to worry about it 海外に興味を持っている日本人も絶対いるからそこは心配しなくても大丈夫かね kaigai ni kyoumi wo motte iru nihon jin mo zettai iru kara soko wa shinpai shinakute mo daijoubu ka ne
What Japanese friends do you have? classmates or club members 日本人の友達はどういう人が多いのクラスメイトとか部活とか nihon jin no tomodachi wa dou iu hito ga ōi no kurasumeito toka bukatsu toka
I have more friends from club activity 僕は部活の方が多かったですね boku wa bukatsu no hou ga ōkatta desu ne
If you join a club you have a tighter circle... it's hard やっぱり部活をやるともうちょっと狭い関係の中で.....難しいですね yappari bukatsu o yaru to mou chotto semai kankei no naka de..... muzukashī desu ne
Yeah the clubs are tighter with stronger bonds 確かに部活って狭いけど関係も近いもんね tashikani bukatsu tte semai kedo kankei mo chikai mon ne
The relationships within the club are closer and deeper 関係も近いしもっと深くなれると思いますね kankei mo chikai shi motto fukaku nareru to omoimasu ne
With the club members you sometimes go to stay over somewhere どっか部活で他の場所に一緒に泊まりに行ったりとかそういう時があると dokka bukatsu de hoka no basho ni issho ni tomari ni ittari toka sou iu toki ga aru to
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