Studying Abroad - Sentences Vocabulary-1-2

Sentences vocabulary.
Sentences Vocabulary-1-2-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
- So just English? - Just English. じゃ英語だけ?英語だけで ja eigo dake? eigo dake de
And you had no problem because of it それでも大丈夫だったんだ sore de mo daijoubu datta n da
Well, that was just the first step いや、それが初めてのステップです iya, sore ga hajimete no suteppu desu
Oh just the first step それが初めてのステップね sore ga hajimete no suteppu ne
Along with the documents you write an essay with your thoughts その時その書類と自分がどういうことを考えているかみたいなことをちょっと書いて sono toki sono shorui to jibun ga dou iu koto o kangaete iru ka mitai na koto o chotto kaite
and submit that too それ出しますけど sore dashimasu kedo
Could you write your thoughts in Korean? 自分が思っていることを書くのは韓国語でいいの? jibun ga omotte iru koto o kaku no wa kankokugo de ii no?
No, I actually did it in Japanese. I think it has to be in Japanese いえ、僕は日本語で出しました。たぶん日本語じゃなきゃいけないと思いますけど ie, boku wa nihongo de dashimashita. tabun nihongo ja nakya ikenai to omoimasu kedo
But I think it definitely depends on the country それ絶対国によって違うと思います sore zettai kuni ni yotte chigau to omoimasu
So in Korea you had to do it in Japanese 韓国では日本語で書いて提出しないといけてなかったんか kankoku de wa nihongo de kaite teishutsu shinai to ikete nakatta n ka
Sentences Vocabulary-1-2-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
So it means around that time you knew Japanese pretty well? じゃあその時は日本語はまあまあできたということ? jā sono toki wa nihongo wa māmā dekita to iu koto?
At that time I'd been studying Japanese for about 1.5 years その時は1年半ぐらい日本語を勉強しましたけど sono toki wa 1 nen han gurai nihongo o benkyou shimashita kedo
I guess around just passing the N1 test たぶんN1をやっとギリギリで受かるくらいだったと思います tabun N1 o yatto girigiri de ukaru kurai datta to omoimasu
So after studying for a year and a half you could write but how about speaking? 1年半勉強したから書くのは大丈夫だったかもしれないけど話すのはどうだった? 1 nen han benkyou shita kara kaku no wa daijoubu datta kamo shirenai kedo hanasu no wa dou datta?
I couldn't speak at all, like really nothing 話すのは全然できなくて、まじで全然出来なくて hanasu no wa zenzen dekinakute, majide zenzen dekinakute
So if the documents were alright there was a written exam? 書類出してok だったら筆記の試験がある? shorui dashite ok dattara hikki no shiken ga aru?
- And is there an interview? - Yeah, interview too あと面接もあるの?面接もあります ato mensetsu mo aru no? mensetsu mo arimasu
If you passed the written exam the next step was an interview 筆記が受かったら、次のステップで面接がありますけど hikki ga ukattara, tsugi no suteppu de mensetsu ga arimasu kedo
But before the interview you have around months to prepare その面接ために3ヶ月ぐらい暇がありますけど sono mensetsu tameni 3 kagetsu gurai hima ga arimasu kedo
And during those 3 months I was just practicing conversation all the time, really で、その3ヶ月の間めちゃくちゃ会話の練習を、そればっかりやりました、本当に de, sono 3 kagetsu no aida mechakucha kaiwa no renshū o, sore bakkari yarimashita, hontou ni
Sentences Vocabulary-1-2-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
So when you first applied you couldn't speak like we are now? 最初申し込むときは今の会話も全然できない? saisho moushikomu toki wa ima no kaiwa mo zenzen dekinai?
No way I could 絶対できないです zettai dekinai desu
How was the written exam? 筆記の試験はどういう試験があったの? hikki no shiken wa dou iu shiken ga atta no?
The written exam was first we all took math, English and Japanese together 筆記の試験まず数学と英語と日本語がみんな共通で受ける試験で hikki no shiken mazu suugaku to eigo to nihongo ga minna kyoutsū de ukeru shiken de
And next because I was applying for medicine I took a medical test and a biology test 次に僕は医学科を目指していたのでそれで科学と生物を受けました tsugini boku wa igakka o mezashite ita no de sore de kagaku to seibutsu o ukemashita
People apart from the medical department didn't take that? 医学科じゃない人は別にないのかな? igakuka ja nai hito wa betsuni nai no ka na?
The people from liberal arts only took math, English and Japanese 文系の人だったら数学と英語と日本語で bunkei no jin dattara suugaku to eigo to nihongo de
What did they ask you during the interview? で、日本語の面接はどういうこと聞かれたの? de, nihongo no mensetsu wa dou iu koto kikareta no?
It was so long ago I don't really remember ちょっとすごい昔なのであんまり覚えてないですけど chotto sugoi mukashi na no de anmari oboete nai desu kedo
The main question was "Why do you want to go to Japan?" and "What university do you want to go to?" 一番メインな質問は、何で日本に行きたいの?大学のはどこに行きたいの? ichi ban mein na shitsumon wa, nan de nihon ni ikitai no? daigaku no wa doko ni ikitai no?
Sentences Vocabulary-1-2-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
"What do you think you will learn in this university and how do you see your future?" その大学からどういうことを学んで、それからの 進路をどういうふうに考えてるの? みたいな sono daigaku kara do ui koto o manande, sore kara no shinro o dou iu fū ni kangaeteru no? mitai na
I see, this kind of stuff なるほどね、そういうことね naru hodo ne, sou iu koto ne
That's what they asked me そういうことを聞かれました sou iu koto o kikaremashita
Well I guess these are the basic questions ま、基本の質問だよね ma, kihon no shitsumon da yo ne
Yeah those were the most basic ones, another one was "What if you want to return to your country?" そうですねそれが一番基本で、それから国に帰りたかったらどうするの?みたいな sou desu ne sore ga ichi ban kihon de, sore kara kuni ni kaeritakattara dou suru no? mitai na
You mean it was like, when you're in the middle of your studies and get homesick won't it be hard? それって勉強してる途中に国に帰りたくなっっちゃたら辛いよって? sore tte benkyou shiteru tochū ni kuni ni kaeritakunachattara tsurai yotte?
Like checking if you can really stay 6 years in Japan 6年間も日本大丈夫?っていうことか 6 nenkan mo nihon daijoubu? tte iu koto ka
Where there exchange students from other countries when you came to Japan? 他の国の留学生で日本に留学した人とかも一緒にいた? hoka no kuni no ryūgakusei de nihon ni ryūgaku shita hito toka mo issho ni ita?
Yeah, after I got the MEXT scholarship そうですね、国費留学受かったら sou desu ne, kokuhi ryūgaku ukattara
it was compulsory to take a one year language course in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 東京外大で1年間日本語の研修をもらうのが必須なんですけど toukyou gaidai de 1 nenkan nihongo no kenshū wo morau no ga hissu nan desu kedo
Sentences Vocabulary-1-2-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
And so all the exchange students who passed were grouped together to study Japanese それでその年選抜された留学生がみんな集まって勉強するんですよ、日本語の勉強 sore de sono toshi senbatsu sareta ryūgakusei ga minna atsumatte benkyou suru n desu yo, nihongo no benkyou
There came people from all kinds of different countries その時本当にいろんな国から留学生が来て sono toki hontou ni ironna kuni kara ryūgakusei ga kite
There are many groups but in my group there were people from Bulgaria, Russia いろんな班がありますけど僕は一緒に勉強していった班はブルガリアとかロシアとかあロシアとか ironna han ga arimasu kedo boku wa issho ni benkyou shite itta han wa burugaria toka roshia toka aroshia toka
and Azerbaijan アゼルバイジャンとか azerubaijan toka
Are there also people from faraway places like Brazil? ブラジルとかそういう遠いところもいる? burajiru toka sou iu tōi tokoro mo iru?
There are. There are people from Argentina and also Brazil います。アルゼンチンもいるし、ブラジルもいるし imasu. aruzenchin mo iru shi, burajiru mo iru shi
So really there were people from all the different countries じゃあもう本当にいろんな国から、いろんな国の人がいたんだ jā mou hontou ni ironna kuni kara, ironna kuni no hito ga itan da
So I'm sure all of you guys also have a chance じゃあみんなにもチャンスあるね絶対 jā minna ni mo chansu aru ne zettai
For sure 絶対あると思います zettai aru to omoimasu
I said there were many groups そのときいろんな班があると言いましたけど sono toki ironna han ga aru to yū i mashi ta kedo
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