First Date - Sentences Vocabulary-4

Sentences vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
It's conversation それは会話です
Maybe you think that's too obvious いや当たり前だろうと思っているあなた
Wouldn’t you go to an aquarium on your first date? 初めてのデートで水族館に行ってないですか?
And there it’s not the penguins that are cute あそこのペンギン可愛いねじゃないんだよ
It's your girl that's cute! 可愛いのは女の子だよ
Is that penguin your soulmate? 君の運命の相手はペンギン?
Mine is a dog though まあ僕は犬だけど
Or maybe you're thinking of going to the cinema? もしくは、映画館に行こうとしてないですか?
It's not "That film was so good right?" 今日の映画が良かったねじゃないんだよ
What was so good was the girl next to you smiling よかったのは隣の女の子の笑った顔だよ
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