First Date - Sentences Vocabulary-3

Sentences vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
But well at that time I still had a good heart so I asked her what was wrong まぁまだその時は心が綺麗だったのでどうしたのって言ったら
She said she forgot her wallet so I lent her some money お財布忘れちゃったって言われたのでお金を貸しました
And eventually me and that girl became a couple で、結局その人と僕は付き合うことになりました
So you too might fall in love with a Japanese person some day ですので皆さんもいつどこで日本人と恋に落ちるか分からないし
And that person might be the one その人があなたの運命の人かもしれませんよ
And when it happens you'll definitely want to succeed on the first date じゃあそうなった時、最初のデートを成功させたいですよね
Leave it to me もう任せてください
I'm going to tell you some date spots I came up with 皆さんの運命を絶対離さないように....
so that you don't let go of your destiny 僕が考えた最強デートスポットを教えます
So first, what do you think is the most important thing? まず初めてのデートで一番大切なのは何だと思いますか?
10 items.
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