Unit 29 - Words Vocabulary

Words vocabulary.
English Arabic MSA Arabic-Vowelled Arabic-Romanization
exchange asrifa
I have to exchange money yezubu an asrifa nakud
the bank is at the airport al masrif fil matar
meal service takadim ta'am
plane ta'ira
there is meal service on the plane hunak takadim ta'am fi ta'ira
I didn't (eat) breakfast this morning ma aftartu al yom sabaHan
I will eat on the plane sa ekul fi ta'ira
your ticket (m) tathkaratuk
I forgot nasaitu
I forgot my ticket nasaitu tathkarati
tourist (m) sa'iH
tourist (f) sa'iHa
I'm not a tourist ana lestu sa'iHa
class (level) darazha
first ula
first class darazha al ula
I'm traveling in first class usafiru b'darazha al ula
always there is meal service da'iman hunak takadim ta'am
economy siahia
I'm traveling in economy class usafiru b'darazha a siahia
on time, on schedule fi mawaidiha
the plane is late al ta'ira muta aHira
my flight is not on time also reHlati leset fi mawaidiha aithon
currency in UAE dirham
books kutub
I will buy these books sa asteri hathihi kutub
27 items.
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