Japanese conversation with Ryoma san - Words Vocabulary

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0-Ow8ZMmPk
Words vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Romaji
poor, needy まずしい mazushii
state of affairs 状況 jyoukyou
stopped 止まった tomatta
moment, instant 瞬間 shunkan
lively 生き生き iki-iki
shock しょうげき shou geki
every time I go 行くたびに iku tabi ni
rising a little (little each rising) ちょっとずつ上がっていて chotto zutsu agatte ite
food stall 屋台 yatai
to break, destroy こわす kowasu
broken, destroyed こわして kowashite
constantly しょっちゅう shocchuu
food poisoning 食中毒 shouku chuu doku
connection つながり tsunagari
anyone, everyone 誰にでも dare ni de mo
wall, barrier かべ kabe
to touch 接する sessuru
light (not heavy) 軽い karui
intuition, instinct, insight 直感 chokkan
Everything will be okay なんとか なるんですよ nantoka naru n desu yo
Someone will help you for sure. 助けてくれるん ですよね、誰かが。 tasukete kureru n desu yo ne, dare ka ga.
rarely めったに mettani
involuntarily, of its own accord 勝手に katteni
can't afford it 余裕もない youyu mo nai
just barely ギリギリ giri giri
surplus よゆう yoyuu
this time 今回 konkai
education expenses 教育費 kyouikuhi
to give birth, bear children 産む umu
don't bear children 産まない umanai
choice, selection, option 選択 sentaku
declining birth rate 少子化 shoushika
evil, bad aku
cycle じゅんかん junkan
vicious cycle 悪じゅんかん aku junkan
suicide 自殺 jisatsu
rate ritsu
suicide rate 自殺率 jisatsu ritsu
if change/different point of view 見方を変えれば mikata wo kaereba
overdoing やりすぎ yarisugi
mechanical 機械的 kikaiteki
forcibly, against one's will 無理やり muriyari
thoughtfullness, consideration 思いやり omoiyari
absolutely, unconditionally 絶対 zettai
never (if neg verb) 絶対に zettaini
to bear, endure たまる(堪る) tamaru
passing through スルー suruu
protect; to abide by 守る mamoru
not abide by 守らない mamoranai
to haggle 値切る negiru
merchant 商人 shounin
comedy business お笑い o warai
dialect ben
Kansai (prefecture) 関西 Kansai
Kansai dialect 関西弁 Kansaiben
thus, in this way こうやって kou yatte
composition 作曲 sakkyoku
writing lyrics 作詞 sakushi
to travel 旅する tabisuru
most; best 最高 saikou
compatibility 相性 aishou
song lyrics 歌詞 kashi
62 items.
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