Japanese conversation with Ryoma san - Sentences Vocabulary-2-5-4

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0-Ow8ZMmPk
Sentences vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Romaji
Okay. はい。 hai.
Thank you very much. ありがとうございます。 arigatougozaimasu.
Thank you very much. Wow! ありがとうございます。すごい! arigatougozaimasu. sugoi!
The pronunciation is beautiful, after all. 発音きれいですね、やっぱり。 hatsuon kirei desu ne, ya ppa ri.
Thank you. ありがとうごさいます。 arigatou go sai masu.
It's not Japanese pronunciation, isn't it? 日本人の 発音じゃないですよね、もう。 nihonjin no hatsuon janaidesu yone, mou.
I think it's because of the music, really. 音楽のおかげだと 思います、ほんとに。 ongaku no okage dato omoimasu, hontoni.
I think this can be said for Japanese learners as well. これ 日本語の学習者にも、いえると思うんですけど。 kore nihongo no gakushūsha ni mo, ieru to omou ndesu kedo.
Okay. はい。 hai.
In my case, I listened to a lot of Spanish and English, listened to music, looked at the lyrics, 私の場合は、スペイン語も英語も、ほんとたくさん聞いて、音楽聞いて、歌詞を見て、 watakushinobāi wa, supeingo mo eigo mo, honto takusan kiite, ongaku kiite, kashi o mite,
10 items.
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