Japanese Listening - How to Become Fluent - Words Vocabulary-2-6

From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7DyX53IM44
Words vocabulary-2-6.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
future (usually near), prospects 将来 しょうらい shourai
mark, target まと mato
all, entire, whole, altogether 全部 ぜんぶ zenbu
level, standard, amount, degree, grade, rank, class レベル レベル reberu
study of language, linguistics 語学 ごがく gogaku
motivation モチベーション モチベーション mochibēshon
maintenance, preservation, improvement 維持 いじ iji
simple, easy, uncomplicated 簡単 かんたん kantan
I don't want to let you させたくない させたくない sasetakunai
next, following, subsequent つぎ tsugi
think 考えて かんがえて kangaete
If not しなかったら しなかったら shinakattara
to persevere, to persist, to keep at it, to hang on, to hold out, to do one's best 頑張る がんばる ganbaru
13 items.
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