Tokyo Veg Life Building A House - Sentences Vocabulary-8

Sentences vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Romaji
We both used to live abroad for many years so 旦那さんも私もすごく海外生活が長くて danna san mo watashi mosu goku kaigai seikatsu ga chou kute
we always had desire to live in a big house 広いところに住みたいっていうのがすごくあって hiroi tokoro ni sumitai tteiu nogasu goku atte
This land is roughly 2,000 square meters この土地が600坪くらいあるんですけど kono tochi ga 600 tsubo kurai aru n desu kedo
and we plan to build a pretty big house この土地に結構大きな家を建てる予定で kono tochi ni kekkou ōkina ie o tateru yotei de
If we try to build a house in Tokyo with the same budget ここに建てる予算でもし東京で家を koko ni tateru yosan demo shi toukyou de ke o
Well we can't get a house in the center of Tokyo まず戸建ては建たないんですよね mazu kodate wa tatanai n desu yo ne
If we buy a flat, maybe 都心では建たなくて、マンション買おうと思うと toshin de wa tatanakute, manshon kaou to omou to
we can get a one bedroom flat たぶんワンベッドルームマンションくらいしか買えないと tabun wan beddorūmu manshon kurai shi ka kaenai to
If we really want to build a house, we'll have to go suburbs 思うんですよね、で戸建てをもし建てたいと思ったら omou n desu yo ne, de kodate womo shi tatetai to omottara
and still it'll be like you open the window and there is the neighbor's house 結構郊外に行って、窓開けたらお隣さんみたいな kekkou kougai ni itte, mado hiraketara otonarisan mitai na
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