Unit 28 - Words Vocabulary

Words vocabulary.
English Arabic MSA Arabic-Vowelled Arabic-Romanization
what's the matter le, fi e
you work (m) b'tishtalal
195 meya hamsa we tesain
you leave (m) temshi
now you can leave (m) dilwa'ati momken temshi
what does this mean yani e da
word kelme
the word e'kelme
this/that (f) di
is this an Arabic word? di kelme aarabi
are you American (pl) entom ameriken
we are American (pl) eHna ameriken
since min
since a few days min kem yom
we have been here since a few days eHna hena min kem yom
since when min enta
you will spend (m) hatadi
two days yomin
a lot of time wa'at kitir
I'm here with my wife ana hena ma mirati
I'd like to go aheb b'arorH
habor said (a place) habor said
I don't know what it means ma araf sh yani e
but I don't have enough time lakin ma andi sh wa'at k'feya
too bad hosara
25 items.
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