Useful Phrases in Japanese Restaurants - Words Vocabulary-2
Words vocabulary.
The content vocabulary study items are displayed below.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
touch panel タッチパネル tatchi paneru
number of people 人数 ninzuu
location, place 場所 basho
choose, pick, select 選ぶ erabu
non-smoking 禁煙 kin'en
smoking 喫煙 kitsuen
suck, smoke, breathe 吸う suu
seat, seating seki
parlor, tatami room お座敷 ozashiki
shoes, footwear kutsu
take off (clothes, shoes) 脱ぐ nugu
wear, put on (shoes) 履く haku
desk tsukue
chair 椅子 isu
wall, barrier kabe
face, go towards 向かう mukau
non-, except, besides 以外 igai
occasionally, sometimes たまに tamani
luxury, high class 高級 koukyuu
confidence, relief, peace 安心 anshin
20 items.
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