Studying Abroad - Words Vocabulary-1

Words vocabulary.
The content vocabulary study items are displayed below.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
junior (person) 後輩 kouhai
Korea 韓国 kankoku
public, national 国立 kokuritsu
public university 国立大学 kokuritsu daigaku
medical science, medicine (field) 医学 igaku
medical faculty 医学部 igakubu
attending school 在学 zaigaku
short-term 短期 tanki
studying abroad 留学 ryuugaku
normal, ordinary, usual (adj) 普通 futsu
short, brief 短い mijikai
I (male casual) ore
we (male casual) 俺たち oretachi
in the first place (uk) somosomo
beginning 最初 saishou
language 言語 gengo
training 研修 kenshuu
university of foreign studies; university specializing in foreign languages​ (Abbrv of 外国語大学) 外大 gaidai
ability 能力 nouryoku
usual; normal; ordinary​ (noun or -ly adverb) 普段 fudan
quite 結構 kekkou
interest (in something); curiosity (about something) 興味 kyoumi
information 情報 jouhou
to touch, receive, encounter 接する sessuru
national expenditure; government spending; public funds 国費 kokuhi
government-sponsored study abroad, foreign scholorship 国費留学 kokuhi ryuugaku
system; institution; organization 制度 seido
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; MEXT 文部科学省 monbukagakushou
special; particular 特別 tokubetsu
to aim at (for, to do, to become) 目指す mezasu
reason; cause; meaning (uk) wake
anyhow; in any case; at any rate; after all; at all; no matter what どうせ douse
light (i.e. not heavy) 軽い karui
feeling; sensation; mood 気持 kimochi
private expense 私費 shihi
I have to put it out 出さなくちゃいけない dasanakucha ikenai
pattern パターン pataan
in detail; fully; minutely; at length 詳しく kuwashiku
what kind of thing/guy? どういうやつ? dou iu yatsu?
selection; choice 選抜 senbatsu
40 items.
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