Studying Abroad - Sentences Vocabulary-1-3

Sentences vocabulary.
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Sentences Vocabulary-1-3-1
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
and I think there was a group for people who didn't speak any Japanese 日本語が全然話せないくらいのそれぐらい人もいた気がします nihongo ga zenzen hanasenai kurai no sore gurai hito mo ita ki ga shimasu
So I think if you just have determination you can do it なので熱情さえあればできるんじゃないかなと na no de netsujou sae areba dekiru n ja nai ka na to
information if you just ask at the embassy 詳しい情報などは、大使館で教えてくれるので聞いてみたいと思います kuwashī jouhou na do wa, taishikan de oshiete kureru no de kiite mitai to omoimasu
I think the rules are different depending on the country 国によって違うと思いますので kuni ni yotte chigau to omoimasu no de
But it makes me happy that everyone has a chance でもみんなチャンスがあるのは結構嬉しいんじゃないかな demo minna chansu ga aru no wa kekkou ureshī n ja nai ka na
So after taking the Japanese course for 1 year when you suddenly joined normal classes did you understand everything? 東京外大で1年勉強した後にいきなり普通の大学生の授業が始まったけどわかった?授業 toukyou gaidai de 1 nen benkyou shita ato ni ikinari futsū no daigakusei no jugyou ga hajimatta kedo wakatta? jugyou
Yeah, at first it was so difficult そうですね、それ最初本当に大変でした sou desu ne, sore saisho hontou ni taihen deshita
How many percent could you understand? 何パーセントぐらい理解できた? nan pāsento gurai rikai dekita?
Well it depended on the class but if it was a light one I could understand so so 理解は授業によって違いますけど軽い授業だったらまあまあできたりもしますけど rikai wa jugyou ni yotte chigaimasu kedo karui jugyou dattara māmā dekitari mo shimasu kedo
But literature class that was 文学の授業とかそういうのはもう bungaku no jugyou toka sou iu no wa mou
Sentences Vocabulary-1-3-2
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
hopeless 絶望でした zetsubou deshi ta
What about medicine? Studying medicine 医学はどう?医学の勉強 igaku wa dou? igaku no benkyou
Well the medical part was... it was really difficult 医学の方はそうですね、そっちもやっぱり難しいです igaku no hou wa sou desu ne, socchi mo yappari muzukashii desu
To be honest it's difficult even now それ実はまあ今も難しいです sore jitsu wa mā ima mo muzukashii desu
But is the one year enough progress to be able to go to classes? でもなんとか授業について来れるぐらいには成長するの?1年勉強した後 demo na n toka jugyou ni tsuite koreru gurai ni wa seichou suru no? 1 nen benkyou shita ato
Yeah definitely if you try and do it you do improve やっぱりやっていくと成長します yappari yatte iku to seichou shimasu
Even reading the textbooks, at first I was so slow but I improved 教科書を読んだりするのも最初はすごい遅いんですけど成長するし、そこも kyoukasho o yondari suru no mo saisho wa sugoi osoi n desu kedo seichou suru shi, soko mo
Also the teachers, many of them understand your circumstances またその先生の方々もやっぱりそういう事情をわかっている先生も多いので mata sono sensei no katakata mo yappari sou iu jijou o wakatte iru sensei mo ōi no de
so they kindly explain some difficult parts more for me 少しわかりにくいところは丁寧に教えてくれたりもするってことかな sukoshi wakari nikui tokoro wa teinei ni oshiete kuretari mo suru tte koto ka na
Do you ever talk to other exchange students you met in Tokyo? 他の留学生とお話したりするのが外大で知り合った他の留学生 hoka no ryūgakusei tō hanashitari suru no ga gaidai de shiri atta hoka no ryūgakusei
Sentences Vocabulary-1-3-3
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
Do you mean if we still keep in touch? 今も連絡が繋がってるかって話ですか? ima mo renraku ga tsunagatteru ka tte hanashi desu ka?
Actually after entering university I was so busy and it was hard やっぱり大学入ったらすごい忙しいし大変なので yappari daigaku ittara sugoi isogashī shi taihen na no de
So I didn't really have time to stay in touch but about a year ago そういう連絡をする暇はあんまりないんですけど1年前ぐらいに sou iu renraku o suru hima wa anmari nai n desu kedo 1 nen mai gurai ni
I got a message from a student I studied together with and I was so happy 一緒に勉強した留学生から連絡がきて、すごい嬉しかったこともあります issho ni benkyou shita ryūgakusei kara renraku ga kite, sugoi ureshikatta koto mo arimasu
Was it also hard for them? 他の留学生も大変だって言ってる? hoka no ryūgakusei mo taihen datte yūtteru?
Yeah all of them say it's pretty tough はいそうです、大変だってみんないってます hai sou desu, taihen datte minna ittemasu
But they're all alright, they somehow manage to carry on でもみんなちゃんと大丈夫で、なんとかやっていってます demo minna chanto daijoubu de, nan toka yatte itte masu
So you can deal with it, even though it's tough じゃあまあ何とかできるんだね、辛いけど jā mā nan toka dekiru n da ne, karai kedo
Recently because of covid we don't have regular classes just online ones 最近コロナのせいで対面授業じゃなくて録画オンライン授業になってますけど saikin korona no sei de taimen jugyou ja nakute rokuga onrain jugyou ni natte masu kedo
And so I was able to go back and see the recording again それでちょっとその授業が録画できてそれをまた見ることができて sore de chotto sono jugyou ga rokuga dekite sore o mata miru koto ga dekite
Sentences Vocabulary-1-3-4
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
Before I was doing well but recentlyI realized I've been missing some stuff 僕はずっと良かったんですけど最近僕すごい逃してたな内容を、と思いました boku wa zutto yokatta n desu kedo saikin boku sugoi nogashiteta na naiyou o, to omoimashita
Even though usually I thought I was listening まぁ普段聞くときは、俺まあまあ聞いたようなと思いましたけど maa fudan kiku toki wa, ore māmā kiita you na to omoimashita kedo
But to watch and not miss anything it takes me a really long time もう抜け目なくまともに見たら時間が凄いかかってしまって mou nukemenaku mato mo ni mitara jikan ga sugoi kakatte shimatte
So I think I still have a long way to go まあ俺まだまだ本当に足りないなって mā ore madamada hontou ni tarinai natte
So we feel the online classes are not very good じゃあオンライン授業があってまああんまり良くないって俺たちは感じてるけど jā onrain jugyou ga atte mā anmari yokunai tte ore tachi wa kanjiteru kedo
But you don't think they're too bad, Ji Won? ジウォンまあまあいいじゃんって感じかな? jiwon māmā ī jan tte kanji ka na?
For me I'm learning a lot 僕にとってはすごい勉強になってます boku ni totte wa sugoi benkyou ni natte masu
Is it the best? 最高? saikou?
- Yeah it's the best - Funny 最高です、おもしろ saikou desu, omoshro
Do you study the medical stuff in Korean too? 今医学の勉強は日本語以外の自分の国の韓国語でも勉強しているの? ima igaku no benkyou wa nihongo igai no jibun no kuni no kankokugo demo benkyou shite iru no?
Sentences Vocabulary-1-3-5
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
No I don't really have time for that そういう暇がないですね sou iu hima ga nai desu ne
Really I'm so busy it's hard enough to study in Japanese やっぱり忙しいので日本語で勉強するだけでも(辛い) yappari isogashī no de nihongo de benkyou suru dake demo (karai)
Do you plan on going back to Korea in the future? Or are you going to stay in Japan and study? ジウォンは将来韓国に帰るの?それとも日本に残って勉強するの? jiwon wa shourai kara kuni ni kaeru no? soretomo nihon ni nokotte benkyou suru no?
Firstly if I were to stay in Japan, well I have all the friends I've made while studying here まず日本に残るとしたら大学の生活の中で作った先輩とか後輩との関係とか mazu nihon ni nokoru to shitara daigaku no seikatsu no naka de tsukutta senpai toka kōhai to no kankei toka
And the relationship with the teachers here can help a lot too また教授の先生との関係とかそういうのはすごい役に立つんじゃないかと思いますけど mata kyōju no sensei to no kankei toka sō iu no wa sugoi yakunitatsu n janai ka to omoimasu kedo
On the other hand if I were to go back to Korea I have this experience また韓国に帰るとしたら日本で勉強したこういう経験 mata kankoku ni kaeru to shitara nihon de benkyou shita kou iu keiken
I have all this medical knowledge in Japanese 医療知識を日本語で知っていますので iryou chishiki o nihongo de shitte imasu no de
so I could take advantage of that too そういうことを活かせてやっていけるんじゃないかなと sou iu koto o ikasete yatte ikeru n ja nai ka na to
What I'm thinking now is the classes I'm taking in Japanese are really hard 今思ってるのは日本語の今受けている授業とかも難しいのでやっぱり ima omotteru no wa nihongo no ima ukete iru jugyou toka mo muzukashī no de yappari
so I have some doubts about whether I can make it as a doctor in Japan or not 医者として日本で生活できるのかなとちょっと疑問を抱えてしまうので isha to shite nihon de seikatsu dekiru no ka na to chotto gimon o kakaete shimau no de
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