Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-7-2

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
The content vocabulary study items are displayed below.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
quandary コン,こま.る pent in; tree; wood
harden コ,かた.める; かた.まる; かた.まり; かた.い pent in; old; tombstone; gravestone; church; ten; needle; mouth
weld コ,ふさ.ぐ
country コク,くに pent in; king; jewel; ball; earring; drop
group ダン; トン,かたまり; まる.い pent in; glue
cause イン,よ.る; ちな.む pent in; large; St. Bernard
matrimony イン, woman; cause; pent in; large; St. Bernard
windpipe イン; エン; エツ,むせ.ぶ; むせ.る; のど; の.む mouth; cause; pent in; large; St. Bernard
park エン,その pen t in; earthenware jar; lidded crock; soil; dirt; ground; mouth; scarf
-times カイ; エ,まわ.る; -まわ.る; -まわ.り; まわ.す; -まわ.す; まわ.し-; -まわ.し; もとお.る; か.える times; pent in; mouth
podium ダン; タン, soil; dirt; ground; Churchill; top hat; -times; pent in; mouth; nightbreak; sun; day; one; floor
store テン,みせ; たな cave; fortune-telling; magic wand; augury; mouth
warehouse コ; ク,くら cave; car
courtyard テイ,にわ cave; courts; porter; drop; samurai; stretch
government office チョウ; テイ,やくしょ cave; street; nail; spike
bed ショウ,とこ; ゆか cave; tree; wood
hemp マ; マア,あさ cave; gro ve; tree; wood
grind マ,みが.く; す.る hemp; cave; grove; tree; wood; stone; rock
heart シン,こころ; -ごころ; りっしんべん drops; fishhook
forget ボウ,わす.れる perish; deceased; top hat; fishhook; heart
20 items.
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