Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-20-3

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
The content vocabulary study items are displayed below.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
outburst ボウ; バク,あば.く; あば.れる sun; day; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; grains of rice
bomb バク,は.ぜる fire; outburst; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; grains of rice
respect キョウ,うやうや.しい strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; valentine
elect セン,えら.ぶ southe ast; snake; self; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; road
Mr. 殿 デン; テン,との; -どの Mr; flag; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; cruise missile; missile; wind; crotch
well セイ; ショウ,い
donburi トン; タン; ショウ; セイ,どんぶり well; drop
surround イ,かこ.む; かこ.う; かこ.い pent in; well
till コウ,たがや.す christmas tree; well
Asia ア; アシア,つ.ぐ roma n two; mouth
bad アク; オ,わる.い; わる-; あ.し; にく.い; -にく.い; ああ; いずくに; いずくんぞ; にく.む Asia; roman two; mouth; heart
circle エン,まる.い; まる; まど; まど.か; まろ.やか yen
angle カク,かど; つの bound up; glass canopy; hood; walking cane; stick; two
contact ショク,ふ.れる; さわ.る; さわ angle; bound up; glass canopy; hood; walking cane; stick; two; insect
unravel カイ; ゲ,と.く; と.かす; と.ける; ほど.く; ほど.ける; わか.る; さと.る angle; bound up; glass canopy; hood; walking cane; stick; two; sword; dagge r; cow
again サイ; サ,ふたた.び king; jewel; ball; belt
lecture コウ, say; words; keitai; mouth; funnel; cone; celery; again
subscription コウ, shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight; funnel; cone; celery; again
posture コウ,かま.える; かま.う tree; wood; funnel; cone; celery; again
gutter コウ,みぞ water; water droplets; water pistol; funnel; cone; celery; again
20 items.
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