Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-20-2

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
help ジョ,たす.ける; たす.かる; す.ける; すけ shelf; my bookshelves; power; muscle; arnold
best regards ギ,よろ.しい; よろ.しく house; shelf; my bookshelves
tatami mat ジョウ; チョウ,たた.む; たたみ; かさ.なる rice field; brains; crown; shelf; my bookshelves
row ヘイ; ホウ,な.み; なら.べる; なら.ぶ; なら.びに
universal フ,あまね.く; あまねし row; sun; day
musical score フ, say; words; keitai; mouth; universal; row; sun; day
damp 湿 シツ; シュウ,しめ.る; しめ.す; うるお.う; うるお.す water; water droplets; water pistol; sun; day; row
appear ケン,あきらか; あらわ.れる sun; day; row; head; page; one; ceiling; drop; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
slender セン, thread; spiderman; Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; row
spirits レイ; リョウ,たま rain; weather; two; row
profession ギョウ; ゴウ,わざ business; upside down in a row; not yet; tree; wood
slap ボク, finger; fingers; upside down in a row; husband
me ボク,しもべ person; upside down in a row; husband
together キョウ,とも; とも.に; -ども salad; animal legs; eight
submit キョウ; ク; クウ; グ,そな.える; とも; -ども person; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
uncommon イ,こと; こと.なる; け ri ce field; brains; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
wing ヨク,つばさ feathers; wings; uncommon; rice field; brains; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
accept humbly タイ,いただ.く Thanksgiving; harvest festival; ten; needle; fiesta; uncommon; rice field; brains; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
deluge コウ, water; water droplets; water pistol; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight
harbor コウ,みなと deluge; water; water droplets; water pistol; scene; strung together; salad; animal legs; eight; snake; self
20 items.
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