Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-15-4

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
The content vocabulary study items are displayed below.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
sire シン, thread; spiderman; monkey; sun; day; stick
promise ヤク, thread; spiderman; ladle
dainty サイ,ほそ.い; ほそ.る; こま.か; こま.かい thread; spiderman; rice field; brains
accumulate ルイ, rice field; brains; thread; spiderman
cord サク, bishop; cross; ten; needle; crown; thread; spiderman
general ソウ,す.べて; すべ.て; ふさ thread; spiderman; public; eight; elbows; heart
cotton 綿 メン,わた thread; spiderman; napkin; white; dove; towel
silk ケン,きぬ thread; spiderman; mouth; moon; month; flesh; part of the body
winding ソウ,く.る thread; spiderman; furniture; goods; mouth; tree; wood
inherit ケイ,つ.ぐ; まま- thread; spiderman; rice; fishhook
green リョク; ロク,みどり thread; spiderman; dustpan; broom; grains of rice
affinity エン; ネン,ふち; ふちど.る; ゆかり; よすが; へり; えにし thre ad; spiderman; broom; sow; pig
netting モウ,あみ thread; spiderman; glass jar; hood; horns; one; deceased; perish; top hat; fishhook
tense キン, loincloth; retainer; slave; crotch; thread; spiderman
purple シ,むらさき Prince; this here; stop; footprint; spoon; sitting on the ground; thread; spiderman
truss バク,しば.る thread; spiderman; acupuncturist; specialty; drop; ten; needle; rice field; brains; glue
straw rope ジョウ,なわ; ただ.す thread; spiderman; eels; sun; day
infancy ヨウ,おさな.い cocoon; power; muscle; arnold
behind ゴ; コウ,のち; うし.ろ; うしろ; あと; おく.れる Nelson; column; go ing; line; cocoon; walking legs
faint ユウ; ヨウ,ふか.い; かす.か; くら.い; しろ.い seclude; cocoon; mountain
20 items.
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