Kanji 1000 - Characters Vocabulary-7-3

1000 Kanji characters from https://www.thejapanesepage.com/node/kanji/dictionaryframe.htm
Characters vocabulary.
The content vocabulary study items are displayed below.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
draw - pull - in - hi ku - hikeru
sign - mark - しるし in - shirushi -
cause - - いん in - yoru -
feather - wing - u - ha - hane
universe - eaves - house u - -
first - beginning - begin はつ hatsu - sho - hajime
plant - to plant - set up ueru - uwaru - shoku
ask - visit - hear うかがい ukaga u - shi -
float - to float - come to mind u kabu - fu - uku
receive - popularity - receptacle じゅ ukaru - ju - ukeru
10 items.
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