Kanji 1000 - Characters Vocabulary-14-5

1000 Kanji characters from https://www.thejapanesepage.com/node/kanji/dictionaryframe.htm
Characters vocabulary.
The content vocabulary study items are displayed below.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
pick up - - じゅう shuu - juu - hiro u
around - surrounding area - しゅう shuu - mawari -
boat - small boat - ふね shuu - fune - funa
soft - soft (to the touch) - じゅう juu - nyuu - yawara kai
stay - lodge - inn 宿 やど shuku - yado - yadoru
speak - state - jutsu - noberu -
art - - じゅつ jutsu - -
order - turn - obey じゅん jun - -
standard - rule - semi じゅん jun - -
pure - purity - じゅん jun - -
10 items.
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