Katakana 5 (wa - gyo) - Characters Vocabulary

Katakana reading and writing practice for (wa - gyo).
Characters vocabulary.
The content vocabulary study items are displayed below.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
wa wa
wi wi
we we
wo wo
n n
(before geminate consonant) (before geminate consonant)
(after long vowel) (after long vowel)
(reduplicates and unvoices syllable) (reduplicates and unvoices syllable)
(reduplicates and voices syllable) (reduplicates and voices syllable)
ga ga
gi gi
gu gu
ge ge
go go
gya ギャ ギャ gya
gyu ギュ ギュ gyu
gyo ギョ ギョ gyo
17 items.
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