Language Reactor 12 - Words Vocabulary

Words vocabulary.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
cough, Cough, dry cough せき seki
Early, early, ahead of time 早め はやめ hayame
reservation, booking, appointment 予約 よやく yoyaku
X-ray, radiograph, Roentgen レントゲン レントゲン rentogen
information, intelligence, data 情報 じょうほう jouhou
question, inquiry, query 質問 しつもん shitsumon
return, go back, come back 帰る かえる kaeru
headache, Headache, Cephalalgia 頭痛 ずつう zutsuu
giddy, dizzy クラクラ クラクラ kurakura
unsteadily (e.g. on one's feet), shakily, staggering フラフラ フラフラ furafura
ceiling, top, roof 天井 てんじょう tenjou
dizziness, dizzy, vertigo めまい めまい memai
vomit, spit, breathe out 吐く はく, つく haku, tsuku
phlegm, Phlegm, Sputum たん tan
yellow 黄色い きいろい kiiroi
advanced level, advanced, senior 上級 じょうきゅう joukyuu
rest, take a break, have a day off 休む やすむ yasumu
society, public, community 社会 しゃかい shakai
case, situation, if 場合 ばあい baai
languid, sluggish, dull だるい だるい darui
type, typical, model 典型 てんけい tenkei
Customer, customer, client お客 おきゃく o kyaku
superior, senior, higher-up 目上 めうえ meue
quiet, calm, silent 静か しずか shizuka
No, reluctantly, unwillingly いやいや いやいや iyaiya
staff, personnel, employee 職員 しょくいん shokuin
room, chamber, cell しつ shitsu
office, workplace オフィス オフィス ofisu
hair, hair strands, hair locks 髪の毛 かみのけ kaminoke
salon, Salon, Lounge サロン サロン saron
bow, Bow, curtsey おじぎ おじぎ ojigi
curtain, book, Account book ちょう chou
luxury, extravagance, Luxury 贅沢 ぜいたく zeitaku
meteorite, falling star 隕石 いんせき inseki
collide, hit, crash ぶつかる ぶつかる butsukaru
schoolyard, campus grounds, campus 校庭 こうてい koutei
collapse, topple, fall down 倒れる たおれる taoreru
indiscretion, unscrupulous, Insensitive 不謹慎 ふきんしん fukinshin
guidance, coaching, leadership 指導 しどう shidou
target, object, subject 対象 たいしょう taishou
after school, after-school, afterschool 放課後 ほうかご houkago
remain, remaining, leftover 残る のこる nokoru
practice, training, Internship 実習 じっしゅう jisshuu
about, around, approximately ころ koro
troublesome, trouble, Troublesome 面倒 めんどう mendou
Idle, Idle spinning, Futile effort 空回り からまわり karamawari
graduation, Graduation, graduated from 卒業 そつぎょう sotsugyou
Part-time job, part-time, adjunct 非常勤 ひじょうきん hijoukin
lecturer, instructor, teacher 講師 こうし koushi
elementary school, Elementary school, primary school 小学校 しょうがっこう shougakkou
junior high school, middle school, Junior high school 中学校 ちゅうがっこう chuugakkou
Teaching, teaching, instruction 教べん きょうべん kyouben
take, taking charge, managing 執る とる toru
love, romance, love affair 恋愛 れんあい renai
road, way, path みち, どう michi, dou
pick, choose, select 選ぶ えらぶ erabu
long distance, long-range, ranged 遠距離 えんきょり enkyori
outback, hinterland, remote region 奥地 おくち okuchi
Kanagawa, divine river estuary, eng 神奈川 かながわ kanagawa
unmarried, single, unwed 未婚 みこん mikon
Get ready, All set, Ready そろう そろう sorou
homeroom teacher, homeroom, class teacher 担任 たんにん tannin
fighting spirit, scream, bellowing 気合い きあい kiai
cheers, toast, Cheers 乾杯 かんぱい kanpai
obscene, lascivious, lewd いやらしい いやらしい iyarashii
fuss, noisy, boisterous 騒ぐ さわぐ sawagu
immediately, at once, right away 早速 さっそく sassoku
always, constantly, continuously 常に つねに tsuneni
public, Municipal, Public 公立 こうりつ kouritsu
depopulation, depopulated, Depopulation 過疎 かそ kaso
Declining birthrate, declining birthrate, low birthrate 少子化 しょうしか shoushika
Elementary and junior high school, elementary and middle school, primary and junior high school 小中学校 しょうちゅうがっこう shouchuugakkou
Closed school, closed, closed school 廃校 はいこう haikou
full effort, with all one's might, to the best of one's ability 全力 ぜんりょく zenryoku
protect, defend, guard 守る まもる mamoru
login, log in, sign in ログイン ログイン roguin
school lunch, school meal, school feeding program 給食 きゅうしょく kyuushoku
order, request, reservation 注文 ちゅうもん chuumon
protection, conservation, Protection 保護 ほご hogo
person, people, one who; person suffix もの, しゃ mono, sha
exchange, Exchange, Interaction やりとり やりとり yaritori
essentially, originally, naturally 本来 ほんらい honrai
newly appointed, new, newbie 新任 しんにん shinnin
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